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The Roommate Switch: An Insta-love Standalone Romance

Page 3

by Penny Wylder

  “You're going to break your ankle.”

  “No, I won't. I'm like a gazelle on my feet.”

  “I've never seen a gazelle do what you're about to do in heels like that.”

  “Just you watch.” I have one leg over the wall. Looking down, the wall is a lot higher than I thought.

  I bite my lip as my brain tries to decipher this little problem. I know if I actually jump, the spikes of my heels will either spear the ground or my foot will roll unnaturally, and I'll keel over in pain. Plus, my dress will fly up, possibly over my head, exposing far too much of my goods.

  Or. . .

  I swing my leg back over and climb on top of the wall on my knees. I carefully sit down and let my legs fall over the edge. I pull off my heels and pinch the end of my dress to hold it in place.

  And then I jump.

  Dash is right there, his arms out just in case I need him. But I land on flat feet in the grass. I fix my hair and give him a little smile. “Like a gazelle,” I say, slipping my heels back on my feet.

  He laughs and shakes his head. “Looks like you showed me.”

  “I told you.”

  “No, it looks like you're showing me your panties.” He jerks his head at my backside and wags his brows.

  I throw a hand behind my back, only to realize that my dress, while I had held down the front, folded and tucked itself against my hip. Half my ass is showing, and he's enjoying every second of the view.

  Quickly, I pull it free and fix the edges. “That wasn't part of my plan.”

  “See, you can't control everything in life no matter how much you want to.” He holds his hand out and flips his fingers. “At least let me help you down to the pavement so you don't give me another show.”

  I reluctantly agree and take his hand. “Fine, but don't think this means you win.”

  “I always win, Anna. You'll learn that soon enough.”

  He braids his fingers with mine, and we walk slowly down the sloping hill to the path below. “Where are we?” I ask.

  “A place I think you're going to really like. Maybe you can teach me a thing or two.”

  “I don't understand.”

  “You will. It's right over here.” We follow the path around a sharp bend, and as the thin layer of trees begins to open up, I see a giant carousel. “Ta da,” he sings softly.

  It's beautiful. The carousel has a white and blue pie top, with gold hawks and mirrors alternating around the outside edge. There's an oak floor with several different Bradley and Kaye horses and a chariot secured in place. It was built in nineteen-forty-seven and I feel like I’m walking back in time. I can see the old-fashioned craftsmanship that went into this. It's not just a carousel, it's a piece of art.

  “Well, think you can show me how to ride one of these bad boys?” he asks.

  “I think I can do that.”

  Dash pays for both of us, and we walk around the carousel until I spot a gorgeous white horse wearing a necklace of roses.

  “This one. This is the one I'm going to ride.”

  “All right, I'll take this one.” Dash pats the horse next to mine. “You need my help to get on?”

  “I thought you wanted a lesson from me?”

  “I'd love a lesson from you on how to ride.” He winks as he nibbles his bottom lip.

  “You're bad,” I say as I slip my leg over the horse, being extra cautious that the back of my dress stays down.

  “I know. What can I say? I'm a sucker for a pretty girl.” He climbs on his horse, his hands gliding up the golden pole.

  “Your sister did warn me about you.”

  “I'm sure she did, but she's got it all wrong, I can tell you that. She doesn't know what she's talking about.”

  “Sure she doesn't.” The carousel starts to move, my horse beginning to lift and lower slowly. “Here's my tip for you: hold on tight and hope it doesn't throw you off.”

  “That's it?”

  “On one of these horses, yes. On a real one it's a totally different story.”

  “Maybe you can show me sometime. I've never been on a real horse before.”

  “Maybe I can, but you'll have to listen to what I say. And. . .”

  “And what?” he asks.

  “And hope you can keep up.”

  The carousel starts to move faster. Both our horses are rising and falling, and the wind is blowing through my hair. This is the most fun I've had in a long time. I'm laughing and smiling.

  “So, tell me, Anna,” Dash says as we step off the ride, “is there anything you've always wanted to do, and couldn't back in Kentucky?”

  “Actually, there is. I've always wanted to see a movie on one those big screens in the theater. The closest place to my house was over an hour away. And with all the work we had to do for the horses, we never had the time to go.” I stop and pick up my foot to rub it. “I shouldn’t have worn these heels.”

  “Your feet hurt?” he asks.

  “Yeah, they're killing me.”

  Dash drops down and taps his back. “Hop on.”

  “Hop on?”

  “Yeah, hop on. I'll give you a ride home.”

  “Are you sure?”

  He glances back at me and smacks his shoulder again. I pull my heels off and wrap myself around him. Dash stands up, curling his arms around my legs. He starts walking, so I wrap my arms around his neck and hold on tight.

  “Just so you know, I charge by the hour, but you never have to worry about me throwing you off.”

  “That's good, but, what if I'm broke? I don't start my job until tomorrow.”

  “I think we can work something out then.”

  “Dishes?” I ask giggling.

  “Not exactly what I was thinking, but we can start there.” Dash chuckles as his feet hit the pavement hard, making my body bounce and grind against his back.

  His cologne swirls up, causing me to lean closer. The more the wind blows his scent in my face, the more I want to breathe him in. It's like a drug for my body. My nipples are hard, my stomach is in knots, and I can feel myself falling.

  Falling closer. Falling into his muscles on purpose. Falling for a man I barely know.

  My pussy starts to throb as my clit swells. Every step he takes makes my hips shift up and down. It's turning me on. My sensitive button pulses harder and faster. I push my hips back, trying to stop myself from coming from a damn piggyback ride.

  “Are you comfortable?” he asks, pausing for a second and hoisting me a little higher.

  “Yeah, I'm good.” I can feel the pitch in my voice change. “Are you comfortable? I can walk if I'm getting too heavy for you.”

  “Heavy? You're not heavy. I could climb a mountain with you on my back.”

  “I doubt that.”

  “Want to try?”

  Laughing, I say, “No, I'm good. I don't want to fall to my death because you need to prove yourself.”

  “I'd never drop you.” He looks back at me, his eyes serious. “Not even on a mountain.” He licks his lips, his lids lowering to half-mast. “I might not be perfect, but I do what's right.”

  “I can tell you try at least.”

  “I'll take that. My father always said that people can judge you for anything. So, if you're going to be judged, be judged for what you do right, not what you do wrong.”

  “That's good advice. My father always said a horse only shits one way, but people find ways to shit all over everything.”

  “Your dad's a wise man. He's right, people can just be shitty.”

  I tighten my arms around him and rest my chin in the crook of his neck. “Thank you for this,” I say. “Not just for carrying me, but for taking me around the city too.”

  “No problem. We can do this again if you want. I'd love to take you to Quincy Market, but I have to work tomorrow for a few hours. I'm free this weekend though.”

  “I might take you up on that.”

  “Here we are, back home,” he says.

  He starts to set me down, but I
grip him harder. “We're still outside, you aren't putting me down just yet, are you?”

  His fingers slip up my calves and he smiles at the challenge. “Not a chance in hell.”

  I reach out and pull the door open for us. Dash starts for the elevator, and I kick him with my heel.

  “I see a mountain. Don't you?”

  He smiles back at me, giving me another good hoist up on his back, and secures his hands around my legs. “Hold on tight.”

  My hands clasp together, arms as tight as I can get around him. Dash starts up the stairs. I'm laughing as he grunts and groans like he's struggling with each step. As he reaches the second-floor landing, he roars like a lion and takes off in a sprint.

  We reach our floor, and he's breathing heavy. “Got the key?” he asks.

  “No, Betty was supposed to have it for me.”

  “Get mine. It's in my front right pocket.”

  I stretch my arm down and into his pocket. He's watching me through the corner of his eye with a slight smirk on his face. My fingers dig deeper, feeling way down into the bottom corner. The key pokes my finger, and as I grab it, I feel something else bump against my fingertips.

  Dash chuckles. “Don't worry, I won't bite.” He veers his stare and bites his bottom lip. “Unless you ask me to.”

  My cheeks blush and I bury my face in his shoulder. “You're terrible.”

  “I'm sorry, I can't help it. There's a beautiful woman wrapped around me.”

  He turns slightly so I can unlock the door. I push it open, and he carries me inside. The door closes behind us, sealing me inside with this god of a man. He sets me down and turns around to face me.

  We're almost nose to nose as he looks down at me. His hands are still on my hips, fingers softly pressing in deeper. He swirls his thumbs in small circles, and just looks at me. There's something about the way he's looking at me that makes my heart gallop in my chest.

  It's his eyes. The depth, the color, the lure of attraction. Everything inside me is screaming with desire.

  He licks his lips, lowering his face a hair closer to mine. I want to kiss him. The temptation is so strong I lick my lips reflexively, anticipating what's coming next. I suck my bottom lip into my mouth and chew the inside of my cheek.

  His eyes dance between mine like a flame in the wind. His pupils grow so wide I can see myself inside them. Dash lowers his face a little more. I hold my breath.

  He exhales, his warm breath cascading across my cheeks and down over my neck. The light stubble on his jaw casts a shadow over his face, making his cheekbones pop and his eyes darken.

  Our lips are almost touching. He's right here. Oh my god, he's too close! No, Anna! No!

  It's like my brain snapped its thumbs to wake me up from this trance he's putting me in. “Okay,” I say quickly, taking a long step to the side to put space between us. “Good night.” I swivel on my heels, and speed walk to my room.

  I leave him standing in the living room. Alone. His head still hanging forward. Lips still primed and ready. Probably warm and wet and delicious, but I can't do this.

  My bed catches me as I fall forward, and I bury my head under the pillow, pressing my face into the sheet. Groaning to myself, I hide in my own ridiculous lust for a man I know is a playboy.

  I feel stupid for almost kissing him. I feel dumb for even thinking about it. This isn't just some guy, this is my roommate, and my friend's older brother. It's the ultimate betrayal.

  And he's a player.

  She gave me the stern warning. Who am I to doubt her? Betty knows her brother. She's saving me from not only the heartache of a man who can't settle down and probably doesn't want to, but also from the awkwardness of what that would feel like for her.

  I don't want to be just another notch in his belt, and I don't want to ruin a good friendship.

  Keep a clear head, Anna!

  He's not worth the trouble.



  I place my hands on my chest and lay back on the bed. I'm looking up at the ceiling, but my eyes keep shifting to the door. She's right there. Right across the hall. Two steps are basically all that separate us.

  I should have just gone for it. Why the hell didn't I?

  There was a split second where I thought she was going to come to me, but she didn't. She shied away and retreated her bedroom. . . Her bedroom that's right there. Her room that she's laying in, maybe in some cute nightie with naked legs and a bra-less chest.

  My dick thickens as I picture her in tiny little shorts that her ass hangs out of, and a tank-top with no bra. Beaded nipples poking against the fabric as she runs a single finger up between her tits to her mouth to nibble on her nail.

  I grip my dick and adjust the hard muscle. I fucking want her. I want her so damn bad, but I know shouldn't. Betty would be so pissed if she found out we slept together. I know this like I know the sky is blue. She'd hate me.

  Even with that knowledge it doesn't really make me want Anna any less. There's an attraction between us, it's not just me. I can see it in her eyes. I can hear it in her voice. I could feel it as her pussy massaged my back, and her lips grazed the outside of my ear as she nuzzled her head against my shoulder.

  I know it's wrong. I know if I fuck this up for my sister, she'll never forgive me. This is Betty's place, and Betty's roommate. I'm just the placeholder until my sister can be here. The last thing she needs is me scaring away the only roommate she feels confident about.

  But fuck, this girl makes me hard.

  Her lips are plump, thick, and so fucking juicy. I want to see them wrapped my cock. I want to feel them as they glide down my length. I want to stuff my cock down her throat and hear her struggle for air.

  My hand slips inside my shorts and palms my hard dick. I've been bordering on the verge of a full-blown hard-on all day with her. I have to ease this tension in my balls. If she would have kissed me, I know I'd be fucking her right now.

  I'd be feeling her wet pussy. The tightness of her entrance and her nipples against my tongue. Closing my eyes, I can feel all of her as I picture her in my head. My hand starts to move slow as I squeeze the tip and stroke down.

  Images of her bouncing on my cock the same way as she was bouncing against my back earlier are vivid in my mind. Her tits were pressed against me, now my mouth aches to suck them.

  I stroke up and down, faster and faster, living inside the movie in my head. I jerk up to the tip and squeeze harder, then move back to the base. It's a fluid motion, making my toes curl as my balls draw up and my stomach clenches tight.

  The orgasm heats me to the core as it explodes from deep inside my cock. Hot cum spews over my knuckles, my muscles filling with tingles as my eyes roll back in my head.

  I wipe my hand with a sock from my drawer and toss it in the laundry basket. I feel relaxed, but I'd feel a whole lot better if that were her pussy and not my own hand.

  But you can't. Think of how much trouble that will cause!

  I know the angel on my shoulder is trying to do the right thing, but sometimes listening to the voice of reason is harder than listening to the devil pulling you the other way. Tugging my clothes off, I crawl under the blankets in my boxers, and fall asleep.

  My alarm goes off before the sun comes up. I'm out the door long before Anna gets up, so I don't get a chance to see her. I hop on the bus and take it to the other side of the city. I'm lucky to have this job, even though I kind of hate it.

  Early mornings, the constant arguing with the shippers about the freight we're supposed to get, it’s all so repetitive and annoying. But it's a check I can use right now. I've got enough saved up that this money takes care of my sister's portion of the rent until she's back on her feet.

  Jed walks through the office dragging a pallet of pack-aways all wrapped in plastic. “Hey man, you look like shit,” he says.

  “Yeah, I didn't get much sleep last night.”

  “Another late night?” he asks, flashing me a half smirk and bouncing hi
s eyebrows.

  “Not like you're thinking. I just couldn't sleep.”

  “Sure.” Jed draws out the word and nods as if we're sharing some secret code.

  “I'm serious. Do I look like I spent all night fucking?”

  He shrugs his shoulder, giving the jack handle a hefty pull. “You could have fooled me. You have that just got laid glow.”

  I ball up a piece of paper and throw it at him. “Glow. I don't glow.”

  Jed laughs as he slaps the paper away. “You grabbing breakfast from the food truck at break?”

  “I don't know. Maybe.” I go back to reading the clipboard in my hand. “I might head home instead today.”

  “Maybe you should bring whatever girl is on your mind breakfast.”

  “What?” I ask, looking up at him from my clipboard.

  “You know what. Who is she? What's her name?”

  “I don't know what you're talking about.”

  “Bullshit you don't. Who is she?”

  “There is no she, asshole. Why don't you go bring that to the warehouse before they start calling me looking for it.”

  He grins as if he's caught me in a lie, and tugs the pallet of boxes down the hall. Am I that easy to read? How the hell can he know that I'm thinking about Anna?

  I shake my head and try to focus on work. It's hard as hell to do anything without Anna popping into my head. I still have over an hour before break time. I'm not sure what time she's working today, but I really want to see her.

  I remember that Betty gave me Anna's number just in case I needed it for anything. I take my phone out of my back pocket and send her a text.

  Morning. How did you sleep?

  Who is this? Anna shoots back instantly.

  It's Dash. My sister gave me your number.

  Ohhh, okay. Sorry, I didn't recognize the number. I slept okay.

  Good. I didn't. I kept thinking about how we almost kissed. My thumb hovers over the send button for a second. I'm not sure if I should send it, it might be too forward for her.

  Fuck it, I think and send it anyway.

  There's a long pause. She isn't texting back. I let out a heavy breath and hang my head. I should have listened to myself. What the fuck was I thinking?


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