Imperfect Love

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Imperfect Love Page 3

by Isabella White

  They started off talking about their professions and where they worked. Holly was easy to chat to and she was quite clued up on a range of topics. Conversing was one of her favorite things and if Bernie were here, poor Steward wouldn't get a chance to say anything.

  “Could we go someplace else?” she asked, after one of the drunks near them refused to stop staring at her.

  “Where do you have in mind?” he asked with a sly smile on his face.

  She knew he was thinking about his home, or worse… his bed, but she smiled politely and mentioned the mall. It was more her scene and she hoped that Brandon would still be on his honeymoon. If she ran into him tonight with Steward by her side, Donna would surely love the fact that she had won the prize.

  “Sure. You aren’t going to dump my sorry ass now, are you?” he joked, which made her giggle.

  “No, I just don't want to be here.” She gestured to the crowded bar, pointing out the fact that they had to scream to hear the other talk.

  “Fine. Madley’s?” he queried, to which she nodded.

  She hoped her ex wouldn’t make an appearance, seeing as it was five minutes from his house, but the mall was big enough for both her and Brandon, so there wasn’t much of a chance she’d bump into him. Besides, she knew Brandon would rather take Donna to a casino, or someplace fancier than Madley’s.

  The drive to the mall felt long and she couldn’t shake the gloom that settled over her. She felt like crying, because she quickly realized that this date was not going to be a short one. Mentally shaking herself, she knew she might as well make the best of it and forced a smile onto her frozen face.

  Over coffee, Steward talked about his parents who lived three thousand miles away. She felt sorry for him and could sympathize with how he felt.

  Her mother was not the type of woman who wanted people around her, either. She’d started drinking after her dad left them and when Jamie, her twin, was diagnosed with cancer which took her at the age of fifteen, Jane completely fell off the wagon. She quickly forgot about Holly and that was when Bernie’s parents stepped in and raised her right up until Holly graduated. Her childhood hadn’t been easy by a long shot.

  After her second cup of coffee, she looked at her watch and doing a quick calculation, figured that if they ran they could make the last show at the movie theater in the nick of time.

  “Would you like to watch a movie?” she asked quickly and lucky for her, Steward didn't seem to care what they did.

  They ended up watching a soppy love story where the girl got her guy in the end. Holly was smart enough to know that life didn’t work that way. She even briefly considered what it would be like to marry Steward, which was positively stupid because he seemed like a safe choice.

  Shaking the troubling thought from her mind, she knew deep down that there had to be more than that. She couldn’t live a boring life where everything was the same, day in and day out. She needed adventure, passion, and a Prince Charming who fulfilled her every wish and dream, and who would be more than happy to just be with her. Why couldn’t life be like that? Why was it that the hot guy who was also the good guy only happened in books and the silver screen?

  In real life, the hot dude was everyone's dude. She had learned that with Brandon. Hell, if she could just get an eraser and rub out the last two years of her life with him, she would. She didn’t want to feel this emptiness inside. Maybe she’d made a huge mistake leaving Brandon.

  Well, it was too late now.

  When the movie ended and the lights in the theater came on, Steward dutifully walked her to her car. She turned to say goodbye with a friendly handshake and thank him for the fun evening, when he suddenly kissed her fiercely. Locked lip to lip, she had no idea what to do and decided to wait it out until he was done. Holly could never tell a nice guy like Steward that this wasn’t what she wanted, that she didn’t feel the same way he did. Not yet, anyway, as they’d just met.

  He finally broke away and looked into her eyes. “Do you want to come home with me?”

  “Umm…” She didn't know how to answer that question politely. She closed her eyes and thought quickly. Not knowing Steward that well, or at all seeing as this was their first date, and she wondered how well Leonard did. “I’m really tired, Steward, but thank you for the offer. Can I take a rain check on that? It’s been one hell of a week. I hope you understand.”


  “No problem. If you’d like, we could do this again. Tonight was actually fun.” He smiled.

  Holly couldn’t help but smile back, telling herself to be polite. “Yeah, sure. I will let you know when,” she replied, hurriedly jumping into her car. “Please start,” she begged under her breath. It would just be her darned luck if he decided to wait for her until her car left the parking lot. She looked up. Yep, he was still there. Lucky for her, the little engine roared to life and she reversed out quickly, keeping her foot on the gas. She silently wished she could drive to nowhere and run away from everything that kept haunting her.

  Once home, she walked up the driveway and noticed that the lounge light was still on. Oh, she so hoped Bernie was still awake, only so that she could scold her over what an idiot Steward was. Her thoughts ran rampant.

  How could he have kissed me without even knowing if I wanted it? Seriously, if I wanted to spend more time with him, I would have asked for another cup of coffee, or even accepted his invitation to go home with him. Even though that would have been slutty.

  Snapping out of her thoughts, she made her way inside, stopping only when she plopped herself down onto the sofa’s soft cushion and rested her head on the edge of the seat with an exasperated look on her face. She was sick and tired of guys like Steward and Brandon, who apparently lived for the second she fell in love with them and then started treating her like dirt.

  “And how was your date?” Bernie’s head popped around the corner of her entrance.

  Holly gave her the look.

  “That bad?”

  “The guy freaking kissed me!” Holly’s hands gesticulated around her head as she talked, showing Bernie how disgusted she really was with what had happened. In a flash, she noticed Leo’s huge figure and bald head appearing behind Bernie’s. “I didn't even want a kiss from him. Why do you men always think that women want a kiss on the first date?” she yelled, looking pointedly at Leonard.

  He made his way over to the opposite sofa, while Bernie sat down next to Holly. “So sorry, Holls. I told him to take it easy. Maybe Steward was not such a great idea.” Leonard looked at Bernie with a sad expression on his face.

  “You think?” Bernie shot back sarcastically.

  “I beg of you, don’t do that again.” Holly looked at Bernie, pleading with her eyes. “All he ended up doing was make me think that Brandon was the best I could do.”

  Bernie's eyes became huge at this last statement. “No more Stewards. Got it,” she replied in a serious tone.

  “No more, period.” Holly took a deep breath, but didn’t take her gaze from Bernie.

  “Fine, no more. But—”

  “No buts. I will find my own guy when the time is right,” Holly interrupted, quickly saying goodnight before they could push the topic any further. She was still having trouble believing what an idiot Steward had been. Where does Leonard meet these guys? She knew he was a work colleague, but really she was one of their best friends and therefore he should’ve done his homework better.

  As she got ready for bed, she was surprised at how glad she was that she didn't have a cell phone any more. She’d thrown hers against the wall after hanging up on Brandon the last time she spoke to him. Deep down she really did miss him, but knew that he was finally with the woman he deserved.

  Crawling into bed and pulling the satin sheet over her head, she cried herself to sleep that night.

  She hoped that someday her tears for Brandon would finally dry up.

  EIGHT WEEKS WENT BY SINCE HER DATE WITH THE infamous Steward, and Holly’s thoughts about men
had changed drastically—for the worst. She flat out hated them now. Whenever a guy attempted to even talk to her, whether it was one of the guests at work or in the mall while picking up groceries with Bernie, she would give them a scolding eye until they backed off. Bernie seriously had had enough of it, and basically forced Holly to go on a weekend trip with her and Leo.

  Holly hated being the third wheel every time she spent a weekend’s vacation at Bernie’s or Leo’s parents, but Bernie had been adamant. Holly needed the fresh air, and Bernie hoped that the time away would change Holly’s attitude toward men. She needed to show Holly that not all were like Brandon or Collin.

  Holly was still of a different opinion about the whole matter.

  They were going to some Bands of the World Bash. She’d never gone to one before, because it hadn’t been Brandon’s scene. The drive felt long, even though Leo said it was only a half an hour out of the city.

  When he turned off the main road onto a dusty lane, Holly could hear the music equipment being tested in the background. There were tents and RVs stacked up here and there, and a feeling of fun suddenly rose in Holly.

  Maybe Bernie is right. This might be the one thing I really need.

  As she scanned the passing crowd, she suddenly spotted a familiar face. “Josie!” Holly yelled out the car’s window.

  The SUV stopped with a thud, and both Bernie and Leo turned around to stare at Holly who was already making her way out of the car.

  “Where are you going?” Bernie yelled.

  Holly didn’t reply, and when she finally reached Josie’s tent, the two friends hugged like they hadn’t seen each other for years. Josie was, unfortunately, related to Brandon, who just happened to be her cousin. Still, she was one of Holly’s good friends.

  “What are you doing here, woman?” Josie asked, still hugging the shit out of Holly.

  “Bernie.” It was enough for Josie. They burst into laughter.

  “George, come see who’s here,” Josie yelled into the tent, and a couple of seconds later a skinny, toothpick of a man emerged.

  “Holly, you beaut!” Reaching toward her, he pulled her into a death grip.

  “I never thought I would see you again.” Holly heard Bernie’s voice coming up behind her, and when she turned to look she found Bernie’s arms wrapped around Josie’s neck. They greeted one another, no one saying a word about Brandon or the wedding. When Josie asked if she could get them something to drink, Leo and Bernie declined.

  “Make mine a double,” Holly said excitedly.

  “Holls, we need to set up camp.”

  “Then go, Bernie. I can meet you there.”

  “You don’t know where it is.” Bernie’s voice rose slightly.

  “I can take her back. I know where you guys set up camp every year. It’s not the first time we come to Bands of the World Bash.” Josie lifted Bernie’s worry slightly, or at least Leo’s.

  “Thanks, Josie,” Leo answered on behalf of Bernie, who just stood there looking at Holly.

  “Go,” Holly mouthed.

  “Don’t stay too long, please,” Bernie urged, using her motherly tone with Holly.

  Leo pulled Bernie by the wrist toward the SUV. “Stay as long as you like, Holls,” he said, whispering something softly to Bernie as he steered her away. Bernie clearly wanted to protest but he showed her the zip it sign, closing his fingers over his thumb.

  Bernie laughed right along with the others who’d witnessed their exchange. “Fine. Stay as long as you like.”

  When the SUV pulled away, Holly dropped her backside into a camping chair. George handed her a double whiskey with water, and the two girls started chatting away.

  “So, how are you doing?” Josie asked, giving Holly the softest look her chocolate-brown eyes could muster.

  “Bernie said that I’m going through the anger phase,” Holly answered truthfully.

  “Good, because that means you’re making some progress,” Josie teased.

  Holly laughed. “I don’t know if I’m ever getting out of this. Apart from the men I know, I hate the rest.”

  “Sweets, I can understand where you’re coming from. I would hate men, too, if my fiancé pulled a heartbreaking stunt as yours did a week before my wedding.”

  “So... how was the wedding?” Holly couldn’t help but ask.

  Josie stared at her with huge eyes. “You know about that?”

  “Bridge called me.”

  “Oh, Holly. She’s a bitch. She was never your friend,” Josie said with anger in her eyes. “She’s become really good friends with Donna now. The two are inseparable.”

  “Have you seen him lately?”

  “No, there is no need for me to hang out there anymore.”

  Holly grabbed Josie around the neck. “I’ve missed you guys so much.”

  “Me, too. I was really looking forward to becoming your cousin, but I’m glad you ditched his ass, Holls. Bernie was right. He would have only fucked you and your life up.”

  All Holly could muster was a sad look.

  “You don’t still feel something for him, do you?”

  “I don’t know what I feel. A part of me feels as if I’m never going to trust anyone else, or fall in love again.”

  “Holls, you are one gorgeous girl. I’m sure Mr. Right is just around the corner.”

  “You know something I don’t?” Holly asked. Josie sounded so sure of herself.

  “No, but I’ve got to warn you. If Bernie’s regular gang is up here, you will meet a distraction soon.”

  George shook his head. “Are you talking about Jake again?”

  “You’re darn right I am.” They both laughed as she made a face.

  “Who’s Jake?” Holly asked with a huge grin on her face now, all thanks to Josie and George.

  “Every girl’s dream, and every guy’s worst nightmare,” George bantered jokingly.

  “He’s not that bad.” Josie looked at her husband with narrowed eyes.

  “And how can you not remember him, Holls?”

  “I don’t know anyone named Jake.”

  “He was at Bernie’s birthday party. You didn’t see the heart-throb there?”

  Holly rolled her eyes. “No.”

  “I’m sure he even spoke to you.”

  “I would remember if a heart-throb spoke to me, trust me. I didn’t see him.”

  “He definitely spoke to you. You even said something back to him over your shoulder. This is a perfect example of one of the reasons why I’m glad my cousin fucked up, Holls. You never saw the beauty in this world when you were with him.”

  “I wasn’t like that.”

  George opened his eyes wide and let out a small huff.

  “You agree with her?” Holly laughed.

  “You did speak to him, Holls,” George insisted, “I saw it, too.”

  “I honestly don’t remember.”

  “My point exactly. Not to worry, you will see him today.” Josie had a twinkle in her eyes.

  Holly just laughed. “Save his poor soul. My aunt always said that a beautiful man is everyone’s man.”

  “There are exceptions,” Josie disagreed.

  “I’m still waiting to meet one of those,” Holly spoke softly, but Josie heard.

  She put her hand on Holly’s knee. “You’re going to meet someone again, Holls, we always do.”

  “Hey, what’s that supposed to mean?”

  “Drink your martini and shut up, George.”

  The girls laughed, while George grumbled something undistinguishable under his breath.

  Holly visited with the happy couple until about five o’clock. When their friends, with whom Holly wasn’t familiar, started to pull up in their twin cabs and RVs, Holly decided that it was time to go back to Bernie’s campsite.

  With each step Holly took, her heart thumped faster. She was nervous to meet the heart-throb Josie and George had spoken of. Both were beautiful people, inside and out, and in all the time Holly had known Josie, she’d never he
ard the words heart-throb exit her mouth.

  They used to play ‘hot or not’ on Saturday’s when Josie, Bernie, and Bridge went with Holly for coffee at Madley’s. Holly hated that game; she’d always felt like she was cheating on Brandon by participating. Bernie always ended up with about forty hot guys, while Bridge and Josie made fun of her choices. Josie would end up with one and he would always be jaw-dropping gorgeous. So, yes, she was really weary to finally meet this heart-throb she had apparently already met.

  As per Josie’s offer to walk Holly back to Bernie’s site so she wouldn’t have to make the trek alone, they walked past the showers while Josie yapped away about the past three months, and what she had been up to since the wedding. Holly listened with one ear, while trying to calm her beating heart.

  “Hello, honey.”

  Holly heard the familiar voice as they approached, which sent a shiver through her body at the memories it dredged up.

  “Steward!” Bernie shouted, somewhere in the background.

  Josie just looked at Steward, who was clearly smoked, and then back at Holly.

  “I’m not a bee’s puke,” Holly said with no emotion in her voice, as Josie cackled with laughter.

  They started to make their way around Steward, who happened to be blocking Holly’s path.

  Josie bumped Holly softly, hooking their arms together. “Bernie sure wasn’t kidding about that hate phase.” The two girls laughed as they brushed past him.

  “Steward was a blind date that went horribly wrong.”

  Josie looked back at Steward. “Seriously, if you want blind dates, Holly, I have some pretty awesome friends.”

  “I know you do.”

  “You’ll have to tell me about him later,” Josie said as she walked up to Bernie, nudging Holly toward her.


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