Imperfect Love

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Imperfect Love Page 4

by Isabella White

  Bernie had a funny look on her face, as if Josie had just handed her a present.

  “She’s all yours!” Josie laughed.

  “Stay for a drink,” Bernie offered, holding a cold cooler.

  “Can’t, sorry. Everyone is back there, but I will see you soon. Promise.” She kissed Holly on the cheek, and then looked around skeptically.

  “Stop it.” Holly slapped her playfully.

  “What! I can look.” Josie grinned.

  “What’s this about?” Bernie wanted to know.

  “Is hottie here?”

  “Oh, for heaven’s sake!” Holly sighed, throwing her hands in the air in exasperation.

  Bernie laughed. “Yes, he’s in the RV. You want me to call him?”

  “No, it’s fine. I have an image of him imprinted on my mind; it would be a shame to shatter the illusion.”

  Holly shook her head as Josie winked and then turned to walk away.

  “Enjoy the distraction, Holls!” she sang.

  Holly scolded her with a facial expression that made Josie and Bernie laugh. “Who the hell is Jake?”

  “Someone we’ve tried to get over for a BBQ for the past three months, and one of Leo’s childhood friends. I can—”

  “Oh, hell no,” Holly scolded Bernie as they made themselves comfortable on camp chairs, which had been placed right next to the RV.

  Bernie laughed. “You’re going to beg me.”

  “I’m not that cheap.”

  “We’ll talk later.”

  “No, we won’t.”

  Leonard walked out of the camper first with a beer in his hand, followed by a tall guy in a baseball cap. They were both laughing about something, to which Leo shook his head at whatever the mystery guy had said.

  Holly felt a thousand pins and needles wash over her body as the stranger looked up. So that’s Jake, the one everyone is freaking out about. She looked away immediately to avoid staring, but caught Steward smiling and winking at her instead.

  “Ugh.” Holly looked at Bernie. “You really had to invite him, didn’t you?”

  Bernie rolled her eyes.

  “Sorry, Holls. I promise, he won’t bother you,” Leo answered with a huge grin, and Holly caught the smile on Jake’s face.

  He was so her type. So much in fact that she was seriously considering begging Bernie to ask him if he would go on a date with her, but she knew it was wrong. The poor guy was human like everyone else, and Holly was sure that he’d had his fair share of female Stewards.

  “Well, it’s too late now. I can see how this weekend is going to turn out. I’m going to break something before it’s over.”

  “Break something?” Bernie looked at her quizzically.

  “Yes, on his face.”

  Bernie, Leo, and even Jake laughed at her comment.

  “Seriously, Holly, you need to find your happy place again. This anger phase? It’s too much, babe,” Bernie said through a huge grin.

  “What do you mean? I’ve hardly started.” Holly giggled.

  “Not all men are Brandon. You always choose the worst ones out there.”

  “Second you on that, angel face.” Leo lifted his beer in silent salute.

  “Oh, and your choice was so much better?”

  “Damn it, how many times must I apologize for that?” Leo had a playful tone to his protest.

  “I thought I was considered a really good friend, Leo.”

  “Don’t start.” Leo smiled, while Holly laughed.

  Suddenly, Steward made himself comfortable on the chair next to hers.

  “How do you get to Bee Puke?” he asked, clearly stoned.

  Bernie and Leo laughed.

  “Don’t ever call Holly honey; it comes out of a bee’s front… you know, same way it went in.”

  Steward laughed, while Holly gave Bernie the look. She hated stoned or drunk men.

  “Take a hike, Steward,” Jake said out of nowhere, which shocked Holly.

  “Jake. Holly and I go way back.”

  “Dude, take a hike.” Again, Jake spoke up.


  “You want me to help you?” Leo asked.

  “C’mon, I’m just talking to Holly.”

  “Not sure about the others, but I’m not in the mood for your stoned, pick-up lines, so go sleep it off,” Jake advised.

  Holly sighed with longing. He had the most beautiful light green eyes she wanted to get lost in, and she knew his manly, model features would make her drool for days to come. He was a head taller than Leo, with arms and shoulders that looked like they could hug ten kids at the same time.

  She smiled as she thought about a possibility: What if Leo and Bernie did hook her up with him on a blind date? The guy sure seemed like the type that would do anything for his best friend, even if it meant taking out a girl to make her forget her stupid fiancé. She had to stop herself from giggling out loud as the images of this ‘possible date’ flashed through her mind. She wouldn’t even know what to do with herself if this hypothetical date actually took place. Not to mention how she’d react if the object of her interest was lying next to her.

  “It’s not like you never got stoned.”

  “A thousand years ago, yes. I grew up.”

  Holly liked that reply.

  “Go sleep it off. I mean it.”

  Steward growled and mumbled something that sounded like he was swearing.

  “Thank you, I could kiss you right about now.” The words just slipped out of Holly’s mouth, but fortunately she knew how to handle herself after that little confession.

  “She’s over her anger phase,” both Leo and Jake sang.

  “No, I’m not. I said could, not would. There’s a difference.”

  They all laughed. Leo just sulked.

  Holly glanced over at Jake again. He had the most beautiful face, not to mention how it lit up when he laughed. Josie was right, he would surely be a distraction, and one she wouldn’t mind watching the entire day.

  AT AROUND SIX, WHILE THEY RELAXED AROUN THE fire, a beautiful brunette arrived and sat down next to Jake, whispering into his ear. Guys like Jake always had a girlfriend lingering in the shadows, and just as girls like Holly began to daydream about possibilities, they’d emerge, crushing all their hopes and dreams.

  Of course he’s got a girlfriend, Holly thought. She was really stunning, though, with model legs peeking out from a skimpy, short skirt. Holly could just imagine what that girl looked like in a swimsuit.

  She watched how the mystery girl showed off her beautiful, straight long hair, something Holly wished she had. Sadly, she’d been cursed with curls upon curls of strawberry blond hair. Two near perfect rows of pearly whites shone as she smiled at one of Jake’s replies, right before she slapped him playfully on the shoulder. She took a sip of her light beer, making even that look sexy.

  Holly sighed again. Girls like her had no choice but to date guys like Steward. She should’ve forgiven Brandon this once, and maybe she wouldn’t be sitting with a horrible empty feeling in the pit of her stomach. She thought about the feelings she would’ve been stuck with if she had stayed in order to counteract her treacherous thoughts. Then again, it would have probably not been a good idea, because the situation could’ve been that much worse.

  Sinking deeper into the bean bag she had borrowed from the camper, she felt her emotions going numb. She sat there drinking one whiskey after another, feeling the tears begin to build up behind her eyelids as she thought about Brandon.

  Guess Jake isn’t a good distraction after all.

  Night came quickly, and at around nine o’clock she could feel her energy waning. She wanted so badly to go to bed, but Bernie wouldn’t let her.

  This was the one thing she couldn’t stand about Bernie. Even Leo had asked her a couple of times if she was okay. She’d just nodded. Holly would have even welcomed Steward with his stoned conversation just to forget about Brandon and what could have been. Maybe she had been too harsh on poor, old Steward

  She got up slowly and began walking to the bathroom, which was located near their campsite, gesturing to Bernie that she was fine. As she walked away, she heard Bernie laughing at something one of the other girls at the party must have said, whose name Holly had by now forgotten.

  Holly knew she shouldn’t have gone with them, especially as she was being morose, boring, and didn’t really want to be there at all.

  On her way out of the cubicle, she stopped in front of the large mirror that hung above the hand basin. She barely recognized the miserable figure staring back at her. Reaching out, she turned the faucet on and splashed some cold water on her face in an attempt to try and wash away some of the pain lining her eyes. When she exited, Steward was waiting for her at the entrance. The thought she’d had a few moments ago about welcoming Steward’s conversation was instantly gone at the sight of him. An unpleasant feeling began to form in her stomach as Steward opened his mouth.

  “Holly, I’m sorry about earlier.”

  At least he’s started politely.

  “It’s okay, Steward. I’m sorry, too.”

  “So, does this mean I’m forgiven?” He had a grin on his face.

  She looked at him for a beat and then nodded, smiling softly.

  “What about a second date, then?”

  Holly’s temper rose slightly at his cheek. Why can’t he just let it go? She didn’t want another stupid date with him, but for the love of idiocy he just couldn’t take a hint.

  “Steward, I’ve told you no. I don’t want another date. Please, just let it go.” She turned to walk away, when he suddenly grabbed her arm and pulled her back. “What are you doing?”

  “I just want a date. Don’t be such a bitch, Holly.”

  Bitch! Did he just call me a bitch? Without thinking, her mind went into autopilot and the next thing she felt was his face connecting with her fist. Something cracked and she didn’t know if it came from her hand, or from his nose. Blood spilled everywhere, and a jolt of pain ran through her hand.

  “Holly, you fucking bitch!” Steward cried, while Holly cussed loudly. “You broke my fucking nose!”

  “You deserved it, you asshole. Be glad that’s all I broke.”

  In a flash, as if drawn to the conflict, Bernie was at Holly’s side. “What happened? You hit him?” A small laugh escaped Bernie’s lips.

  “It’s not funny. I think I broke something!”

  Leo and Jake followed quickly, along with Sonic—the beautiful brunette with legs that went on for days—right behind them. Holly had finally learned her name when Leo had walked over to refill her drink earlier.

  “You go, girl!” Sonic cried out, upon seeing Steward holding his nose with cupped hands and Holly cradling her injured hand.

  “Let me see,” Bernie asked, looking toward Holly’s hand.

  “It hurts, don’t touch it.”

  “I just want to look at it.” She held Holly’s hand gently in hers, and then called for Leonard.

  “Is it broken, Jake?” Steward asked Jake for the verdict.

  “Does it hurt?” Jake queried.

  “Like hell.”

  “Then it’s broken,” Jake said, in a manner that formed sexy lines down his cheeks.

  Holly groaned, lustfully, but it somehow fit with the pain she was in, so Bernie was none the wiser.

  Leo pulled one side of his mouth slightly upward and had a concerned expression on his face.

  “Is it broken?” Holly asked, almost in tears. The pain in her hand sure made it feel like it.

  “I don’t know.” He inspected her hand carefully.

  “I’ll go get ice,” Bernie said, and ran off toward the RV.

  Steward swore as the small bones in his nose were yanked back into position.

  “I hope you learned your lesson; never mess with an angry woman,” Jake said with a smirk.

  Holly sucked her bottom lip in, trying hard to suppress the smile forming. When she looked at Leo, it was evident that he, too, was fighting the grin on his face.

  He called Jake over for a second opinion at the same time Bernie returned with the ice pack.

  “I think you should go home, Steward.” Bernie didn’t sound happy, not one bit.

  “If you are going to yank back any broken bones in my hand like you did with Steward’s nose, you best stay away,” Holly warned him.

  The corners of Jake’s mouth twitched slightly upward. He took Holly’s hand in his warm ones, as gently as he could, and lifted it to the light to see better.

  “Put the ice pack on it for a while. It should alleviate some of the pain for now. But it bruised pretty quickly, and it’s swollen. To be on the safe side, I think you should go to the hospital.”

  “Damn it, Steward!” Holly cussed again, moving her hand, which was still lying gently in Jake’s. Pain shot through it and up her arm again and she ground her teeth. She couldn’t go to hospital. She didn’t have any insurance and paying for this would set her back in her plan to pay off her mom.

  Damn it, Brandon!

  Bernie led her back to the tent. “You know when you said you saw how this weekend was going to end? I didn’t think for one minute you meant it, Holls.”

  Despite the pain, Holly burst out laughing at the same time a tear rolled down her cheek.

  “That does looks bad,” Bernie concurred.

  “No shit. I don’t have any insurance, Bernie. Paying for this means that my mom won’t get her money for who knows how long.”

  “She’ll understand. Do you have any with you now?”

  Holly nodded. “But I don’t have enough if it’s going to mean surgery of some kind.”

  “We’ll think of something.”

  “I don’t want to go to hospital.”

  Bernie smiled patiently. “You starting to sound like a kid, Holly. Hospitals help people who are in pain. You need to go check that hand out.”

  Holly snorted, pulling her mouth slightly upward. “Stupid, Steward.”

  “What happened?”

  “He called me a bitch because I didn’t want to go on a second date with him.”

  Bernie shook her head. “I should’ve never said it was okay for Leo to encourage him to take you out. I’m so sorry, Holls. In any case, I’m sure he’s got the message now.”

  “I fucking hope so.” Holly didn’t even care anymore whether she cussed freely or not. Her hand throbbed with pain and made her feel as if she was going to pass out. Once they’d reached the tent, Bernie went to get a new ice pack for Holly’s hand. The excitement outside had quietened down. Holly couldn’t help but feel a little bad when she heard that Steward had left.

  But why did he have to go and be so pushy?

  When Bernie returned with the second ice pack, Leo and Jake followed her into the tent.

  “How did it feel?” Leo wanted to know. He had a huge grin on his face, and his eyes seemed to twinkle with humor.

  “At that moment, really good, but if I knew this was going to happen I would have thought twice.”

  “Are you planning on breaking any more noses?” Jake crouched in front of her, gesturing for her hand again.

  “No, why?”

  “Just thought that maybe I should show you how to throw a punch first.”

  Holly laughed softly, shaking her head. “There is no need. My hooligan days are over.”

  Leo laughed the hardest at that remark, since Holly used to tease him about his cage fighting days, calling it his ‘hooligan phase’.

  “Seriously, though, you need to go to the emergency room. This doesn’t look good.”

  “Is it broken?” Holly asked, sounding like a broken record.

  “Do I look like Superman?” Jake asked.

  She caught his little joke, fast, but rolled her eyes. “Well, you seem like the expert around here. What do you think?”

  “I think you should go to the emergency room.”

  More laughter erupted.

  Jake gave her a chin lift, which made her stomach
flip, got up and left their tent.

  “I don’t want to go to the emergency room.”

  “Holly it doesn’t cost that much. And it won’t kill you,” Bernie remarked.

  A remark that Holly didn’t appreciate much. It wasn’t what she wanted to hear. Hot tears welled up in her eyes and she swallowed hard. “Do you have a pain killer?”

  “I do, but let me find out if you can have one, okay?”

  “It’s a pain killer, Bernie.”

  “I don’t know what they’re going to do to your hand at the emergency room, Holls. Some pain killers might interact with some other drug they want to give you. Just let me check.”

  Bernie scurried away but came back a couple of seconds later, followed by Jake once again who was now sporting a jacket. “Let’s go, hooligan.”

  Holly’s eyes felt as if they were going to pop out of their sockets. She was going to the ER with Jake and Sonic. She really wasn’t up to this.

  Bernie left her no room to protest as she shoved Holly’s purse into her other hand, and then helped her into her jacket. It wasn’t like it was cold or anything but who knew how long they would be at the ER.

  Jake jumped into Leonard’s SUV, while Holly opened the rear door and hopped up onto the back seat.

  Jake turned around, giving her a funny look. “So now I look like a cab driver, too? I’m on a roll.”

  Holly felt a grin spread across her face.

  “Come, sit up in front with me.”

  “Isn’t Sonic coming with us?”

  “Sonic isn’t in pain, you are,” he replied.

  As that made perfect sense, she jumped out onto the grass and gingerly climbed in front with Jake.

  “See you later. If it’s serious, I’ll phone,” Jake told Leonard, who was leaning into the car on the driver’s side window.

  “Take care, Holls.”

  “Thanks,” she mumbled, and Jake hit the gas.

  “Why did you ask if Sonic was coming with?”

  “You know.” Holly felt this conversation was about to turn a bit awkward.

  “No, I don’t. That’s why I’m asking you.”

  “Usually, girls don’t let their guys go with girls they don’t know to the ER.”

  Jake laughed. “Sonic isn’t my girl. She’s just a friend.”

  “Oh, really?” She sounded a bit sarcastic as it wasn’t the message she got earlier from their constant flirting with one another.


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