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Imperfect Love

Page 14

by Isabella White

  Holly had been watching Jake’s face so intently that when she heard something hit the floor with a dull thud, only then did she realize he’d swept her clothes clear off the bed. Her eyes bulged wider when Jake lifted himself off her and sat back on his haunches, because the only item of clothing that still remained on his body were his boxers.

  How the heck? The thought bounced into her mind.

  When he saw her looking at him in question, he bent forward and kissed her again. This time, though, it didn’t start off gently. Their tongues performed some sort of tango, one that made her breathing escalate feverishly fast. She felt as if she was drowning, hating that she was weak in his presence.

  Jake’s hands found their way to her breasts, rubbing in circles, not hard but not gently, either. It was perfect, so much so it only served to make Holly ache for more. A jolt of heat and hunger rose in the pit of her stomach, moving down to her core as his warm tongue sucked gently on one nipple again.

  Jake groaned softly, too, and the vibration of his voice against her skin wanted to make her tear out of her body. His hands slid down the side of her breasts, past her ribs, and then over her panty line.

  She felt the lace fabric being pulled down by his expert hands, at the same time his tongue drew circles on her stomach and licked its way down toward her navel again. This time, though, it didn’t stop at her navel, but went lower and lower until her toes curled and her back arched as his tongue found her swollen clit.

  By now, Holly was panting. That unexplainable itchy, out of this world feeling erupted from inside her and moved up toward her belly. Her teeth bit hard on her lower lip as she tried to hide her level of pleasure.

  She’d never reached an orgasm this fast in her life. Sadly, it had usually taken hours of foreplay and hard sex afterward, for at least half an hour, before she could reach one. Jake hadn’t even started and she was already feeling like she wanted to explode.

  She let out a squeal, grabbed Jake by the shoulders and pulled him up toward her. And just like that, she convulsed beneath him uncontrollably, every muscle within her pulling and releasing. Holly had the good grace to blush when she saw the look on his face.

  Thankfully, Jake chuckled. “Why are you taking all the pleasure away from me?”

  “I’m not. How the hell did you do that?”

  He smiled, his eyes traveling up and down the length of her body.

  She laughed at his facial expression.

  Jake became serious for a second. “I need to tell you something.”

  She swallowed hard, hoping it wasn’t bad news. “What is it?”

  He cocked his head slightly to the left with a lopsided smile. “I struggle to orgasm. So… this could turn into an all-night thing. Don’t feel bad if I don’t get there. It’s normal.”

  Holly felt sad for him. “You don’t get orgasms?”

  “I do, but not through sex. I seem to have no problem all by myself for some reason.” He chuckled and looked away.

  “Don’t. This is something we’ll have to work on. It’s not fair I experience one and you don’t.”

  “Bee Puke?”

  Holly laughed.

  “Don’t, you are going to drop dead, and what am I going to do then?” he joked.

  “Shut up,” she said, reaching for him again.

  The fact that he’d told her meant the world to her. He was that someone who deserved to have an orgasm. She couldn’t understand how in the world Jake wasn’t able to reach that pinnacle. What was worse was how any girl would be okay with that. Holly was nothing if not determined, and she wasn’t going to give up until Jake reached that same kind of ecstasy.

  What followed happened pretty quickly. As soon as Holly kissed him it turned feverish again, and this time Jake pulled his boxers down with one hand, kicking them off the rest of the way with his feet. Nudging her legs apart with his knee, he guided his shaft into her wetness. Holly moaned and whimpered loudly, while Jake grunted and groaned as he thrust inside her.

  It was the most amazing sex she had ever had. Jake just happened to be of the size most guys dreamed of, and she seemed to be turning into one of those girls who scratched the guy’s back and bit their necks when they wanted more.

  Jake didn’t complain, though. In fact, he groaned every time she did that. But it wasn’t a disapproving growl by a long shot; more of a guttural I’m going to fuck you even harder because of it groan.

  Holly’s core pulsed and she could feel she was becoming wetter as Jake moved inside her, if that was even possible. She couldn’t keep her voice at bay and moaned louder, begging for more. And then when her climax reached it’s peak she screamed, which turned into a funny type of sex laugh, the kind where you are out of breath. Her body shivered when Jake rolled off. “Holy crap, that was amazing!”

  Jake chuckled and shook his head slightly.

  Holly’s hand moved across his chest and rested on his shoulder.

  He bent and looked at her, and then kissed her softly on the tip of her nose.

  She was tired, but didn’t want to break her promise. Jake was going to have an orgasm, even if it was the last thing she did. “Again,” she begged, pushing Jake over and onto his back.

  When Jake’s eyes questioned what she was doing, she threw a leg over his hips and sat back, slowly rubbing herself back and forth on his shaft.


  “Shush,” she whispered, and then kissed him.

  It turned into another wrestling match where she ended up getting another orgasm. By the fourth one, all sorts of Kama Sutra positions jumped into her head.

  She’d always wanted to try them, but had never felt the trust she needed with any other guy to carry them out. However, this time was different. She was sure she could do most of them; her body was made for it, and with four years of yoga under her belt, she could practically contort into any position.

  This time, she turned around, with her back to him, and guided his shaft inside her. Jake filled her up like no one else ever had, which made the hairs on her body stand on end. She let out another groan, wondering if there would ever be a time she’d tire of having sex with him.

  She arched her pelvis forward, bending his shaft against his erection. Jake groan deeply, and when she began to move the groans became louder and more frequent.

  When he grabbed her hips and his movements escalated and thrusts became deeper, she knew she was onto something. She hoped it was stimulating his shaft at just the right spot, which would in turn drive him as insane as he was driving her. That still remained to be seen, but Holly was hopeful.

  With Jake’s help, the movement became fairly easy. She started to voice her moans again and couldn’t stop them, and no matter how hard she bit her lip they just poured out her mouth.

  He was fucking her brains out, and all she wanted was more. Holly was on the verge of hyperventilating as she reached yet another orgasm. But this time, Jake didn’t stop.

  “Holy fuck,” he growled, lifting her higher and plunging her down harder, faster, and deeper onto him.

  In the next instant, Jake pushed her forward and onto her belly, falling on top of her. He growled as warm liquid squirted over her back.

  Holly, relieved, giggled softly.

  Breathing hard and fast, Jake chuckled in awe. He pulled away from her back as they were in an awkward position and rolled onto his, taking her with him.

  Holly slumped to the side, breathing just as hard.

  “How the fuck did you do that?”

  Smiling, she lifted her head and grabbed his chin with one hand. “Now that would be giving my secrets away,” she said softly. She was beyond tired, but it was the fantastic kind of tired. Holly winked, leaned forward and placed a kiss on his chin, and then his lips, right before she got up to take a quick shower.

  It was no-brainer that he joined her and had one last session in the shower.

  Holly felt as if she was barely going to make it to the bed, but to her surprise she did. The cold sh
ower and the warmth of the linen felt amazing on her body, and when she placed her head gently on Jake’s chest and his arms tucked around her, she closed her eyes.

  She felt his lips brush the tip of her nose softly, and then she passed out.

  “WAKE UP, SLEEPING BEAUTY,” JAKE’S VOICE SANG softly in her ear the next morning.

  Holly’s eyes seemed to burn when she forced them open, the light making it worse. Grabbing the pillow, she pulled it over her head. She could hear him chuckle and when she moved her legs, pain stabbed the inside of her thighs. Memories of the night before filled her mind. She couldn’t help but grin, pretty chuffed with herself for having given him an orgasm on their first sexual experience.

  Jake peeked beneath her pillow. “We need to get going, it’s already nine-thirty.”

  “You’re kidding! Why didn’t you say so before?” she yelped, jumping up and out of bed, not giving a damn if she ached all over. Grabbing the duvet, she hightailed it to the bathroom and into the shower, but right before she turned the taps on, she heard Jake laughing in the background.

  Dropping the duvet on the floor, she stepped into the glass shower stall. The lukewarm water felt heavenly on her muscles. Relaxing with her hands flat on the wall in front of her, she tilted her head backward, letting the water run down her face and hair.

  Flashbacks of the previous night started playing through her mind; his lips, the way his green eyes burned right through her skin and directly into her soul. Damn! Jake is so hot and beautiful. But that ever present fear of losing him emerged in the pit of her stomach again. She’d promised herself that she would not be so insecure, but it always found a way to creep into her mind.

  Holly really didn’t want to think about that any more, but apart from the sex, what else was there for her to offer him? She just hoped that Cosmopolitan was right about men and how important sex was for ninety-nine percent of them. She prayed that Jake wouldn’t fall into that one percent.

  A soft knock on the door made her jump. She shied away, shimming up against the wall, scared that he might see her buck naked in the shower, but then giggled inwardly. She’d just spent an entire night squealing like a pig, scratching him like a cat, purring like a lioness, and pretending to be the queen of Kama Sutra, as well as share a shower with him through all of it. Yet she was feeling insecure over what Jake would think of her naked body still.

  “Yes?” she shouted, over the water’s noise.

  The door opened and Jake stepped in. She could feel his eyes on her, but he uttered not one word. When Jake’s eyes finally met hers, he was grinning lustfully. His eyes gave nothing away besides the evident longing. He dumped her bag on the floor. “This was dropped off earlier. Thought you might need it in here.”

  Shyly, she mumbled, “Thank you.”

  When Jake left, closing the door behind him, she was blushing over the way he’d looked at her.

  Holly wondered if she was really that beautiful to him. Nobody had ever looked at her that way, until the gorgeous hooligan of her dreams had walked into her life. He was so the last man she’d thought would ever look her way, not to mention looking at her the way he so blatantly had a few seconds ago.

  Coming back down to earth, she turned the taps off, stepped out, grabbed the towel she’d also unceremoniously left on the floor outside the shower door, and draped it over her body.

  The bag Jake had thoughtfully brought in contained her toothbrush and toothpaste, which she usually took with her on the days she worked double shift, as well as the clothes she’d worn yesterday during the day shift.

  She pulled on a tank top that clung to her body like latex, thinking that it felt good to not wear a bra. Over that, she wore her lace top with a beautiful ribbon that weaved through the fabric underneath her breasts. This was followed by pulling on a pair of black shorts over her naked body. As for shoes, she stepped into her wedges, fastening them around her ankles with laces.

  Holly applied a small amount of makeup with the sole purpose of trying to mask her puffy eyes in order to make them appear normal. And finally, she tucked her long, curly hair into a bun, fastening it with a clip. She had to admit that she looked good, good enough to face him, at least. A smile played over her lips.

  When she opened the door and walked out, Jake’s eyes rolled over her like a scanner.

  “You look beautiful. Is this how you look every day?”

  “Thank you, Jake,” she said, shyly. “But, yes, I have to. I constantly deal with guests, so I need to look pretty and well put together at all times.”

  “Lucky guests.”

  She snorted as she picked up the clothes that had been discarded the night before, chucking them into her bag. When she straightened, Jake’s arms wrapped around her, and his lips kissed hers gently.

  “Thank you so much for last night, Holly. Who would’ve thought?” It wasn’t really a question, at least one where an answer was expected.

  Holly just smiled and kissed him softly. “We should really be going,” she advised against his lips.

  Jake grunted in return.

  Once they’d made sure they had all their possessions, they walked out hand in hand toward his BMW. It was a gorgeous morning and the air was pleasantly cool.

  They drove down to the front office, where Holly dropped the key off with Petra―the weekend girl, while Jake waited in the car for her. She was in such a hurry, she simply waved at Petra without any form of greeting and rushed back out.

  “Where to?” he asked, when she’d gotten in.

  “Bernie’s, please. I need to get underwear. I don’t know how some people find it freeing not wearing any at all.”

  Jake’s entire body froze. It looked as if he was in some kind of pain, making her wonder if she’d somehow hurt him last night.

  “Are you okay?”

  Jake cleared his throat. “I’ll be fine,” he said, his voice sounding hoarse.

  “You don’t sound fine. Tell me what’s wrong”

  He gave her a sideways look when he stopped at the red light. “You not wearing underwear, is imprinted right here.” He tapped the left side of his temple. “You just over-stimulate my left anterior cingulate cortex. If we were not in this car right now, missy...” He grunted, which made her laugh out loud. “And now you are laughing.”

  “Sorry, I didn’t mean to,” she said, through obvious snorts.

  “You should count yourself lucky we are on the road and not in my room,” he mumbled, but leaned her way anyway to give her another juicy kiss.

  Someone blew their horn, breaking their little intimate moment. When Jake took a peek in his rearview mirror, the driver behind him was waving his hands in the air and mouthing what were obviously swear words.

  Holly tried very hard, not really succeeding, to suppress her laughter.

  Jake rolled his eyes but stepped on the gas pedal, mumbling something while looking in his rearview mirror.

  “See, what did I tell you? You BMW drivers think you own the road.”

  Jake roared with laughter. “You are so lucky for another reason, smart mouth. If it weren’t for other drivers on this road, I would’ve shown you what BMW drivers are really like.”

  Holly laughed but not out loud. It was evident in the shaking of her shoulders.

  The drive to Bernie’s was relatively short. She left Jake to explain where they had been the night before, while she snuck away to put on some underwear, exchange her wedges for flip flops, and her black shorts for a pair of jean shorts. The beautiful lace tank top was replaced by a bright, yellow summer top adorned with sparkly stars on one side.

  Bernie gave her the eye when Holly joined them in the living room.

  “What? I’m old enough to take care of myself, thank you, mom.”

  “I didn’t say a single thing,” Bernie retorted.

  “Oh, you didn’t have to. Those eyes of yours speak a language all their own.”

  Harrumphing, Bernie ignored her comment and asked, “Well, what are we doing
today? Sam is at his grandparents, so we’ve got the whole Saturday to ourselves.” Bernie clapped her hands excitedly.

  “Do we want them with us?” Holly asked Jake.

  Affronted, Bernie gasped.

  “I’m joking, Berns. You’re so sensitive sometimes.”

  “Sure you were, Holls,” Bernie replied sarcastically.

  Holly could see her friend biting her lip to stop herself from saying what she really wanted to. Eventually, Holly and Jake chuckled; they knew her that well.

  Bernie just smiled askew, knowing exactly what they’d been thinking.

  “That’s right, keep it to yourself,” Holly warned her playfully.

  “I’m just teasing you. I’m glad you have started living again.” Bernie leaned on Holly’s shoulder.

  Leo joined them not a short time later.

  Jake caught him up on current events, and then they started discussing the day’s possibilities.

  “I’m starving. Shall we go have something to eat?” Jake asked.

  Agreeing to start with breakfast, it was decided they’d eat at the same diner Holly and Jake had had lunch at a few days back. Holly ended up ordering a farm breakfast of bacon and sausages—not that she hadn’t had enough sausage to last her a good couple of weeks the night before—accompanied by hash browns, jam and toast, grilled tomato, and mushrooms on the side.

  “Shit, Holls, how do you stay so thin?”

  “I work out,” she snapped back at Bernie.

  “When, apart from last night, have you been to a gym these past three months?”

  Holly gasped. “Bernie!”

  Jake and Leo both pulled their lips in tightly in an effort to not laugh. They must have been making one hell of an effort with their teeth, because both looked like they were in pain.

  “I’m just saying.” Bernie shrugged.

  Blushing, Holly couldn’t stop herself from giggling. And she couldn’t hide behind a menu, either, as the waitress had literally taken them away not five seconds before.


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