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Page 13

by Piper Frost

  She spins to face me, but I'm not done coming and I can't stop while it hits her legs, her fucking black converse, and her dress. She gasps and when I look into her face, her eyes are wide.

  "Jo?" my dad's voice calls like he's running for the barn.

  Fuck! I panic and I know she's standing there with my come on her but I can't fuckin' let my dad find me here! I bolt to the backside of the hay bales, hiding and putting my goddamned dick away, praying she's somehow hiding the mess on her legs.

  "Jolene?" My dad blurts and throws the doors open, sending light everywhere so I crouch down as much as I can. "Are you okay? I heard you hollering."

  She stammers and I don't know what she's doing, but she's not able to talk.

  "Aw, Jo," my dad says then starts to laugh. "Did the cow get ya?"

  I snort out a laugh and try to muffle it. The fuckin' cow? Fuck, my dad's staring at my come on her legs thinkin’ it’s cow milk. This is so fucked up... But way too good to slow down now.

  "Yes! It's fine. Oh god," she blurts. "I'm fine." Her voice is retreating like she just hightailed it out of here and I hear my dad humph.

  "Damn youth gets weirder and weirder as the years pass," he goes on muttering, leaving the barn.

  I wait until the doors are closed to come out of hiding. That was close, but that was hot as hell. Rounding the bales, I see her panties on the floor and my eyes go wide as I stare at them. Shit, he coulda seen these and we'd have been fucked. Or she would have, 'cause technically she was alone.

  I grab the dark red lace and shove them into my pocket before trying to finish my day without thinking about the panties in my pocket, but it's no use. She's on my mind and I can't get her off it. And I don't want to.

  On my way out of the barn for the night, my dad stops me.

  "Hey, dad," I say, shoving my hands into my pockets and my eyes go wide when my fingers delve into the soft fabric. Nice one, Brandt. Your step sister's panties are in your fist while you attempt to have a conversation with your father. Perfect.

  "Judith is going to give birth any day now, son." He puts his hand on my shoulder, talking about the heifer that'll be delivering her first calf soon. "You think Jo could help you out when it comes time for the delivery?"

  "Ah, uh... Yeah, I don't know about that. I heard she's lookin' for jobs." I shake my head and try to stamp down the jealousy and anger that she's not going to be spending all that time with me. Add into the equation the fact my fucking brother's stalking her and asking her out and I'm a mess of nerves. Something's gonna happen to her when I'm not there to keep her safe.

  "What happened to her helpin' out 'round here, Brandt?" The disappointment in his tone is like it's my fault she won't. "If we can keep her busy, keep her mind off the drugs and the...God knows whatever else, maybe she can get her act together. Clean up her life. She's a mess right now."

  I start walking and shake my head slightly. "The girl's not a mess, dad. And she's not a drug addict either. Not anymore. She's trying to get her life on track by getting a job. I'll keep workin' on keeping her here, but we can't force her to be here if this isn't where she wants to be. Plus, I'm not sure if you've noticed, but she's not a big animal person."

  He laughs and rubs his chin. "I don't know what the hell she was doin' in the barn earlier, but I think she was trying to milk the cows." He shakes his head and laughs again. "She was covered in milk."

  I internally groan and force out a chuckle, but I honestly feel like dying.

  "I'll show her how to do it next time so she's not so careless." I can see my back door, and soon he's gotta head into his house, but the walk feels like it's taking ten times as long as it should and it's all because of the situation. Jo's right, this isn't gonna be easy, but easy isn't always the best way out.

  "You two getting along? What was that bickering about earlier?"

  "She's just a typical city girl," I lie, rolling my eyes for emphasis. She's not typical at all, and that's what I like about her. "She knows what buttons to push, that's for sure."

  "I believe that. She's probably just like her mom used to be. Know how to rub you, get you hot and make you blow your top. Women do that for attention sometimes, son."

  "Ha!" I bark then take a deep breath. You could fuckin' say that again. "Yeah, she's definitely somethin'." I nod, fisting her panties in my hand as I shake my head.

  "Maybe you should see if you can get her out of the house. I know she just spent the week with Donna, but let her make some friends. Just work on her getting straight. It'd be nice if she sat down for a family breakfast at least once. Donna's been talkin' about a new family portrait for the...grand room." He shakes his head. "But I don't see Jo being willing for that."

  I laugh a real laugh, because he's damn right she won't. "Dad, one thing at a time." I don't like him talking like she doesn't have her life straight. I mean no, she's not there yet, but she's a hell of a lot better than day one. A hell of a lot better, because now she’s mine.

  The minute I walk in the back door, Jo skids around the corner and I know what to expect. Those big eyes glare at me and the panic on her face is kinda cute.

  "Your fucking dad saw your come on me!" she quietly shrieks and covers her face with her hand. "And Lucky watched us fuck!"

  I chuckle and wrap my arms around her. "You worry too much, city girl. And Lucky don't know no better. I'm gonna get you on him one day."

  "Like to ride?" She's looking at me like it ain't gonna happen.

  "One day. We'll just have to get you your own horse."

  "Donna did ask if I wanted a car. Maybe I can just ask for a horse instead. Become a real cowgirl." Her eyes roll and I grin, pressing my lips to hers.

  “Goddamn, city girl, the thought of you actin’ like a cowgirl does bad things to me.” I bite at her neck and she giggles.

  “I want to do bad things to you.” She pulls away and takes my hand, pulling me toward her bedroom. “Were you going out tonight?” Her lashes flutter and the best part is she didn’t even mean to do it intentionally.

  “No.” I’m shedding my dirty clothes while I let her guide me to her bedroom. “I’m stayin’ home with my girlfriend.”

  Spinning to walk backward, she bites her lips but it doesn’t hide her grin. “I’m your girlfriend.”

  “Yeah you are.” I scoop her up and kick her bedroom doors closed behind us.

  I toss a rock into the water and take another swig of my beer as I watch the creek ripple by. I should be back at home, but Donna’s tryin’ to teach Jo how to iron, or some dumb shit that I’m sure is gonna just piss Jo off, so I’m stayin’ away from that mess until it settles down. It’s been a couple weeks since Jo and I’ve been official and it’s the hardest damn thing to keep quiet about. I’m sitting here, listening to Chase brag about his latest conquest, and all I want to do is brag about Jo. But I fuckin’ can’t. Because that’d fuck shit up even more than it already is. It’s hard enough sitting at breakfast with Donna and my dad, listening to them talk about us as siblings. How Donna should find Jo someone to date to maybe take her mind off things. How I should take her out more often. Help her see the town as a positive place instead of a burden. The woman’s not going to be happy until Jo fits into her own definition of ‘normal’, and I have a hard time biting my tongue when it comes to telling them how I feel about her.

  “You comin’ up to the fair tonight?” Chase stands and walks over to a tree to take a piss.

  “Nah.” I check my phone when he’s got his back turned, my lips turning up into a smile. I fucking love the selfies Jo sends, especially when they don’t involve clothes.

  City girl: House is empty ; )

  “Bo’s ridin’ tonight.” I hear him zip then he walks back over and sits down at the riverside. “You sure you want to miss that?”

  “I’m sure. I have plans.” I feel bad for missing Bo’s ride, but I know there’s one scheduled for next weekend too, so I’m not gonna be missing much. I type out a reply to Jo that I’ll be hom
e shortly and slide my phone back into my pocket.

  “Hot girl type of plans?” Chase nudges me and I hold back a laugh, rubbing my jaw and sighing.

  “Yeah.” I laugh. “Your sister.” I wiggle my eyebrows at him and he punches my arm pretty damn hard.

  “Fuck you. You fuck my sister and I fuck your face up.”

  I almost make a remark about how he’s currently got a list a mile wide of faces he needs to fuck up and I’m already on it, but I hold back. No need to piss him off tonight. Instead, I shake my head and fall silent.

  “What about your sister?” he says, finally breaking the silence. I take a long swig of my beer and my nostrils flare briefly before I mask the rage simmering.

  Chase Haring setting his eyes on Jo is the last thing I need. Not only is he one of the better looking assholes in our group of friends, but honestly the two of them look like they belong together. Tattoos, attitude, the whole nine. Jo and me are complete opposites when it comes to that type of stuff.

  “Same rules apply. You fuck my sister, I shoot you in the face.”

  He barks out a boisterous laugh. “You wouldn’t fuckin’ shoot me, Kenshaw.” He shoves me to the side. “She’s hot though.”

  “She’s different, that’s for sure,” I say, almost under my breath. That’s gotta sound like I’m not interested.

  Different isn’t really a word to describe Jo, even though she is different from me. She is hot. Hot as sin. Sexy as hell. The body, face, tattoos, hair. I clench my jaw trying not to think about it, but I’m a glutton for punishment because now her personality comes to mind. I love everything about Jo. She’s fierce but sweet, to me at least. God, I’ve never wanted something as much as I want Jo.

  “She’s hot. That’s all that matters.” Chase shrugs and this time I push him over.

  “Asshole,” I grumble, laughing as he lies back on the grass.

  I know he’d never touch her, but I also know he’d try. The minute her attitude ripped into him though, he’d turn it off real quick. Chase is a lady killer, so to say, but he knows when to call off the pursuit.

  “Frog.” Chase launches one at my head and I catch the thing, tossing it toward the water. “That coulda been your prince charming, Kenshaw.” He laughs at me.

  “Dumbass.” I snort and pick at the grass deep in thought about all the girls that have passed through this town. No one’s been able to hold my attention like Jo.

  This place has been our stomping ground since we were in Kindergarten. Chase, Bo, and I have a friendship that just kind of…stuck. We’ve changed throughout the years, and those two seem to drift apart at times, but we’ve tried to stay close. With a small town like ours we were pretty much bound to be friends. There were only about twenty guys in our graduating class but only the three of us had been together since the beginning.

  “Hey, guys!” I hear Kinlee’s voice before I see her and inwardly groan.

  I love the girl, but she’s got the worst timing sometimes. I was just about to tell Chase I was heading out, because that picture Jo sent is making my mind wander to places it shouldn’t be when I’m out here with him.

  “Hey, Kinlee.” I stand and walk over to her, giving her a hug. “Thought you worked today.”

  “I got off early. Wanted to come down for a swim. I didn’t know y’all were gonna be here though.” She pulls off her tank, tossing it into the back of her car before shimmying out of her shorts.

  Kinlee’s been with us since sixth grade, but she fits right in like she’s been one of the gang since the early years. She’s more of a sister than anything to me, so watching her pull off her clothes to reveal the two piece swimming suit she’s wearin’ is nothing like watching Jo strip her layers off.

  Fuck, I gotta get home.

  “Yeah! That’s what I’m talkin’ about,” Chase says, giving her a crooked smile.

  She scoffs and shakes her head. “Don’t be a jerk, Chase. It’s hot as hell and I worked outside all damn day. I’m ready for a cool off.” She giggles and runs toward Chase, knocking him upside the head and laughing as she splashes him with water

  “Aw hell,” Chase grumbles.

  “Come on in! Water’s awesome!”

  “I’m actually headin’ home. I think Jo made dinner.” I point toward my truck and Kinlee’s eyebrows shoot up.

  “She cooks?” She pauses then shakes her head. “Sorry, that was rude. But, like…she cooks?”

  Chase laughs and I shove my hands in my pockets, shrugging my shoulder.

  “Apparently. Prolly peanut butter toast, but I’ll take it if it means I don’t have to sit through dinner with Donna and my dad, listening to them whine that Jo’s not there.”

  “I hear ya. I was picking up some eggs the other day and all Donna did was complain Jo doesn’t seem to like it here. You guys get along though, don’t ya?”

  “Uh…yeah.” I rub the back of my neck. “I’m heading out. Y’all have fun swimming. Maybe I’ll bring Jo out later after dinner.”

  “Oh yay! Do that!” Kinlee giggles when Chase pulls off his shirt, pretending to be annoyed that he ‘has’ to go swimming with her.

  I nod at them and hop in my truck, pulling out and heading back home. If I know Jo, there’s no way she’s going to want to leave the house tonight, but I’m one hundred percent okay with that. If I could spend every minute of the day with her, I would. I already have to force myself to leave the girl alone sometimes.

  It’s been a long day. I only saw Jo at five this morning when I was leaving her bed. Her and Donna went to the city all day and I miss her. Things are going great between us. Most nights I fall asleep next to her then wake up next to her. We steal kisses during the days if she’s around, and she even helps me do the run to Rural King to drop the chicks every week without complaining. The drive into town gives us alone time that we aren’t hidden in our house. We can actually be out in the daylight and touch the short ride in. It’s only getting harder hiding this, but if it’s the only option, it’s the option I’m choosing. I'm one hundred and ten percent on board with being everything Jo needs, and then some, but the whole being open about us to the public may be a slower transition.

  "Tomorrow’s your birthday. Maybe Jo will bake you a cake." My dad smirks and I let out a chuckle as we close up the barn for the night. "Don't forget you don't gotta wake up early in the morning. Donna wouldn't let you on the ranch if you tried. And don't forget family dinner tomorrow. Jo will be joining us whether she likes it or not."

  I huff and grit my teeth, hating the threatening tone. "I got birthday plans tonight, dad. Gotta go get ready for 'em."

  "If you're havin' friends over, just keep the noise to a minimum."

  "Yes, sir. Night." I nod and jog off, needing to see Jo.

  What I really have planned for tonight isn't something I intend on letting my dad find out about anytime soon.

  "Honey! I'm home!" I holler, grinning like an idiot to myself. That's sure to annoy her, and as much as I have feelings for the girl, I also like to drive her nuts.

  "Brandt!" she barks, rounding the kitchen corner with a jar of peanut butter in her hand. "Shut up! What's wrong with you?" She's looking around at every window, making sure they’re closed.

  Letting out a low growl, I lick her lips. "I like the taste of peanut butter on you." I take a step back, pulling off my boots and stripping my shirt. "I gotta take a shower. You?" Grabbing the peanut butter jar out of her hands, I scoop out a heaping spoonful and put it in my mouth.

  "Me? Shower? With you upstairs?" she asks, her eyes dropping to my lips.

  She’s got this thing with going upstairs. We’ve never spent time together in my room because she says if our parents show up, there’s no excuse we could use why she was up there. Down here we have more places to hide, or pretend we weren’t spending time with ‘each other’, we just so happened to be on the same level of the house. I almost see her point, but it doesn’t make it suck any less.

  I unbuckle my belt and unzip my pan
ts. "You haven’t seen my shower up there yet." I raise my eyebrows as I drop my jeans to the floor with a clank of the buckle hitting the tile. Pushing down my boxers, her eyes dart to my dick. "So...shower?"

  "I showered." Her eyes keep flicking to my dick and I know she doesn't want to say no.

  "Oh." I nod.

  "If they come over here..."

  I'm tired of having the worry of my parents stopping me from what I want.

  " know where to find me." I wink and head up the stairs, butt ass naked, and kind of butt hurt that she's not up here with me.

  Halfway through my shower I figure she'd join me, but no such luck. I speed through, cleaning the important parts, and tossing on a pair of boxer briefs before heading back downstairs. I find her on the couch, still eating that damn peanut butter.

  "Plans tonight?" I drop next to her and take her legs on my lap.

  "Oh, yeah. Big, big plans." She swipes her finger into the jar, sticking it into her mouth while staring at the TV. “Hey, saw Cash when me and Donna stopped into town.” She glances at me and I grit my teeth.

  He hasn’t been around much, but then again, Jo hasn’t left the house much.

  “You talk to him?” I ask more aggressively than I meant.

  “No. We made eye contact and he flashed his knife.” She rolls her eyes.

  “Fuck,” I huff and her hand rubs my chest.

  “Shh, hey, don’t let thoughts of your brother ruin our night. I just wanted you to know.” That means drop it and though she was calm when she said it, I know it’s a firm demand.

  Grabbing her hand, I kiss her knuckles. When I let go, I watch her finger swipe into the peanut butter jar again and before she can reach her finger to her mouth I snatch her hand and bring it to my lips, sucking the peanut butter off her finger. Grinning, I press my lips to hers.

  "Tastes better off you," I say across her mouth.

  I'm in no mood for plans tonight, not right now at least. Right now, I want her under me and I want her legs shaking like they did in the barn. I slide her shirt off and groan in approval when I realize she's not wearing a bra. I pinch a nipple between my fingers and she arches into my touch. She's so responsive to me it makes me so goddamned hard just watching her come unraveled. Her shorts are next and I'm happy to see there's no underwear, which reminds me...


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