Book Read Free

Word Play

Page 3

by S. L. Carpenter

  Madison smirked, “You know what? Fuck them. Write what you want.

  If they don’t like it, too bad. You are at a point in your career where other places would take anything you write. You have thirty books out there making money for them, they owe you some freedom. Remember that scene in your book, where the couple was in the glass elevator? She dropped to her knees and sucked him off between floors. That was hot. I mean his ass pressed against the glass wall, that was really sexy. It was off the wall and spontaneous. People love that shit and it seemed you did writing it.”

  “Actually I did like that scene. I have favorites that are mostly fantasies I wished I could act out. That’s the joy of writing.”

  - - -

  They both enjoyed each other’s company and the afternoon turned to evening. “So, what do you think? You want some dinner? We can eat in the hotel restaurant downstairs.”

  “Well, I usually am a little slower moving with men. But, you seem safe. I mean you are Angela Jollie. It’s just some dinner.” She smiled and began to laugh.

  They picked up their belongings and Eugene was a perfect gentleman, carrying her small bag of miscellaneous crap. He also wanted to walk behind her to get a better look at her ass. He loved watching a woman’s ass, he was a typical horny guy.

  They parted at the hotel entrance. They needed to change and get ready for dinner.

  “Seven?” Eugene asked.

  Madison smiled back, “Perfect,” and walked to the elevator.

  Eugene did his best to act cool. He stood, chest puffed out, stoic and all macho. As the doors closed to the elevator he burst. “Ya baby, hoop, hoop, hoop, you da man, da man.” The fist pumping and hollering display caught the attention of everyone in the lobby. Eugene quickly composed himself and started toward the elevator on the opposite side.

  As he walked by the bellboy Eugene held his hand in typical hi-five fashion. The slap echoed in the lobby as the elevator doors closed.

  Eugene hadn’t been on a date in a while. Most of his female companions were picked up in a bar or…a club. Something about Madison stood out. She was different. She was sexy, very funny and much to his admiration, she was intelligent. Anything put together that well needed some special care.

  He went to his room and rustled through the hotel’s free shampoo, soap and body wash. He let the shower run for a bit, steaming up the bathroom while he grabbed his briefs and stripped. Hmmm, must be cold out, he thought.

  Looking around he glanced at his reflection in the mirror. It was all steamed over. “Damn, I’m so hot I cause glass to steam.”

  He figured if others didn’t brag about him, he would. Before getting into the shower he wiped a place for his face to see in and then scribbled muscular shoulders and a neck in the moist film. In his best deep voice, he said “I’ll be back”.

  Eugene stepped into the shower. “Shit, shit, shit, that’s hot.” By the time he was done there wouldn’t be any hot water left for anyone else in the hotel.

  - - -

  “Okay, now I have to remind you that this is a date. It by no means is a sex date. So you keep your cool, be a gentleman and show some respect.” Eugene paused. “But if we do get some pussy I want an ‘A’ in the effort department.” He stepped out of the shower and looked back down on his cock. “Remember what we talked about.”

  The next twenty minutes was an effort to impress that really didn’t go well. This was a perfect reminder as to why a man shouldn’t pack for himself. Everything Eugene had was made of cotton and was cut above the knee. So he decided to wear what was comfortable and go with it.

  There was no need to be nervous, but he was. There was no need to feel pressure, but he did.

  He had another twenty minutes to burn so he sat at his computer.

  The words were still in his head. Words of desire, words of lust. Sexy scenes that needed to come out and be written.

  You are lying in a bed. White satin sheets surrounding your body and pillows scattered all around. Your body is naked as you wait for your lover. Pink flowers fill a vase beside the bed.

  Your lover walks into the room and a stir of excitement fills your body.

  Eugene’s mind wandered into the words she inspired. This wasn’t Angela writing. It was Eugene, and he liked it.

  You want to taste him, to feel him inside you. You hunger for him.

  Madison reminded him about being a man. The flirtatious games men play and how being oneself can be empowering.

  You are ready to be taken, ready to be freed. It is your time to fulfill a dream.

  He sat for a few moments, after writing the little speech he’d created for Madison, and sighed.

  “Fuck, I’m late!”

  He walked into the restaurant and saw her sitting in the candlelight. She looked so beautiful, so natural, so fucking hot. Her flowered blouse was perfect for a dinner in the Caribbean. It accentuated her features and the smile she gave him when he walked in caused him to melt.

  Fuck it, buddy, we’re going full tilt tonight. Eugene’s conversation with his penis continued.

  He sat down at the table with her in the small restaurant. It was a quaint place with a nice tropical feel and a glorious view of the ocean.

  They both ordered the calamari and chatted about the daily drag of their life and other niceties as they ate.

  “…and that’s how I got the nickname salami.” Eugene started eating again.

  Madison shook her head and laughed. It looked like she was having a really fun time.

  Eugene couldn’t help but smile. She had the sort of laugh that was infectious. He couldn’t put his finger on it, but she had something about her that freed his soul. It wasn’t physical, or at least not yet, it was more spiritual. She relaxed him. Gave him a feeling of peace. He didn’t have to worry about what he said to her. He was just being Eugene. And he liked the feeling.

  “I’ve never met a writer before. Do you just sit down and think ‘I’m going to write a novel today’ or what?”

  Eugene took a drink from his beer and spoke, “I’m what I like to call a ‘mood writer’. I write whatever I feel like writing. The romance and erotica pay the bills. But the sex scenes get harder and harder to make different. In the beginning I just went crazy and wrote anything my little twisted mind came up with. Now I have certain rules. It’s more complicated. That’s my dilemma. I am in a rut.”

  Madison just listened. She seemed to understand what he was thinking and saying. “Maybe you need to leave it alone for a while. Come on, let’s dance.”

  She stood up and reached her hand out to him.

  The song changed to something smooth and exotic. They stood close, brushing against each other like a breeze. As the song continued Madison pulled closer to Eugene. They fit together like puzzle pieces. Her eyes closed and there was warmth between them.

  Silk covered her nipples. They were small bumps popping through the fabric. The oven was on and the timer just went off with a

  “ding”. His chest was half-covered with a loose shirt but their skin still burned when they touched. The fires were beginning to burn and it was getting incredibly hot.

  Eugene tried to remain calm and cool but it was becoming difficult.

  He breathed in the fragrance of her hair. She smelled wonderful. His cock liked her smell also and woke from hibernation. Uh-oh, the beast has risen.

  The song ended but they stayed swaying to their own tempo, slow and smooth.

  Eugene whispered into Madison’s ear, “Can I see you again tomorrow? I’d like to spend a little time with you. Maybe get in some sightseeing? What do you say?” He was nervous that the connection he felt was one way.

  Madison kissed his neck and then his jaw line. When he looked down, she put her hand behind his head and pulled him close. Their lips barely touched and she answered. “I’ll meet you in the lobby at nine.”

  Yessssssssssssss, he thought as she pulled away and walked to the table to get her bag. She waved and disappeared around the c
orner toward the elevator.

  A few people laughed as Eugene stood in the middle of the floor. He was sporting an enormous boner in his shorts. But he didn’t care.

  A waiter stepped by Eugene and talked into his ear. “Um, sir, could you put that away, you’re scaring some of the patrons. They’re worried this is a stick up.”

  Chapter Three

  The next day Madison and Eugene walked around the island and took in a bit of culture. It was quiet, comfortable and relaxing fun.

  Madison didn’t think about anything except the good time she was having with Eugene. This was what a vacation was supposed to be like.

  It was a relief to be with him. The weight she carried from stress and worry disappeared. She laughed at how silly Eugene would get when squeezing the melons at a fruit stand and comparing them to real and fake breast sizes. He was a genuine goofball. She was never attracted to guys like that, but something about him seemed to be honest. No bullshit to cover up and no baggage. He acted and treated her like a gentleman should. Except for the little jokes about flashing him her tits again. She’d never live that down around him. It felt easy, comfortable, and she began to like it more and more.

  The day was hot and a beautiful breeze blew across the beach. As Eugene and Madison walked they were becoming closer. They were clicking on all levels. Eugene went to get Madison a snow cone. She watched him and laughed. He was such a guy. She noticed him rolling his eyes and mimicking the lady before him getting her cones.

  He ordered theirs and waved like a nerd as she sat under a palm tree.

  Madison looked at him walking toward her, having to juggle as he avoided people on roller blades swerving around him.

  “Here you go. I got you cherry…it reminded me of you.”

  Madison rolled her eyes and reached down to hold his hand when they started walking again. It was perfect. Every now and then Madison would scrape her middle finger into Eugene’s palm to see him get flustered.

  Romance filled the air and as the sun slowly set into the ocean, they both knew the night was just beginning.

  Eugene stopped. He knew it was time. He pulled her hand toward him and made his move. It was a moment lost in time. Everything stopped. Except the rumbling in Eugene’s stomach. She put her hand behind his neck and looked up to him.

  They moved closer and bumped noses.

  With a giggle they both looked down then back up. As their lips finally met the sun melted into the ocean behind them. There was a sizzle in the wind and they both felt the heat.

  “How about dinner?” he asked, hoping he hadn’t overstayed his welcome with her. He didn’t want to smother her but he wanted to bury himself into her more than anything. She had gotten under his skin and he wanted to get under hers.

  “Let’s go upstairs and we’ll see what happens.”

  Yowza…something just popped up!

  - - -

  They walked to the hotel and into the elevator. He hit his room floor and stepped against the back glass wall. The elevator rose up the outside of the hotel and gave a glorious view of the beach.

  With a jarring thud the elevator froze, and Madison stepped away from the control panel after flicking the “stop” button.

  Her eyes spoke her thoughts. She had a hunger that had been growing during their conversations about sex in Eugene’s stories. She wanted him, and didn’t want to go through the all night steps to get him.

  Dropping to her knees before him, Madison reached her hand up and pressed his heaving chest. “Life imitating art,” was all she said.

  She unfastened his shorts and tugged at them. They had to be pulled out over his straining bulge. Madison knew he was excited and when she pulled his underwear down, she was pleasantly surprised. He was above average sized and hard as steel.

  When his underwear dropped, Eugene was overcome with a cold chill. The glass of the elevator was freezing against his bare ass. He watched as Madison licked her red lips. He was so turned on he was afraid he’d bust loose before they even started. He needed a distraction.

  Something to take his mind off the pleasure he knew she was going to give him.

  The perverse feel of the situation only added to his arousal. There was the initial fear of the people below seeing his ass pressed against the glass. Then the fear of police forcing the door open and him being exposed for the tabloid television crews. The reaction of fans and his own downfall. Prison time and becoming someone’s bitch in a cell. But he was getting too far ahead of himself instead of concentrating on getting public sex.

  Baseball…baseball always worked. He tried but when Madison grabbed his bat, Eugene knew he was a goner. Her hands gripped tight and with a smooth swing her mouth encased him. All the metaphors were useless because as soon as she grasped his balls Eugene felt like he had just hit a home run.

  Madison rolled his balls in her palm and sucked Eugene into her mouth. She gagged as his cock tickled against the back of her throat, wanting more. Madison had the power and Eugene was utterly helpless to her in this vulnerable position. She was merciless in giving him a true life fantasy and he could barely control himself.

  The sensations electrified his body as she sucked his cock in and out of her mouth. Her moans vibrated through him and to his tightened balls. It was heavenly.

  Eugene began to gasp and wiggle around. His ass was frozen but his cock was a thermometer rising to a boiling point. He tried to control his urges, but it was useless. She was pumping him in and out of her mouth like a piston and he groaned as he erupted.

  Madison moaned softly, taking the hot spurts of seed shooting from his loins. She milked him with her mouth until his knees buckled and he began to laugh.

  “Shit, that tickles now.” Eugene was relieved and happy. He could actually say he really did write a scene from something that really happened. Of course, in the story the guy lasted fifteen minutes.

  Madison stood up. Wiped the small bit of drool off the corner of her mouth and cleared her throat. She flicked the switch back up on the elevator and Eugene quickly tried to pull his pants up. There was a loud ding and as he zipped up, the doors opened and a couple of older women stepped into the elevator. He strained not to shout because he didn’t get everything tucked away and his pubes got caught in the zipper. It may not seem like something bad but having your ball hair yanked isn’t fun.

  The ladies looked at Madison by the door and Eugene shifting in the back. “Young man, are you okay? You look like you’re about to cry or something.”

  He looked up and replied, “No, I just, umm, I need to lay down I’m not feeling too well.”

  Madison turned as the elevator bell rang, “Oh, come on, you big baby, we’ll order room service. You need to stay inside all night.”

  “Yes, dear.” Eugene grabbed Madison’s hand and she led him down the hall.

  As the doors closed the ladies began to giggle. “He just got a blow job,” said one.

  “Yup,” said the other, shaking her head. “I remember those days. Funny how these youngsters think they invented sex.”

  - - -

  “I want to be up front here, Eugene. I’m not looking for a husband or a boyfriend or anything like that. This is my time to have some well-deserved fun. After this week I’m not going to wait by the phone for a call, and don’t want you expecting it either. I’ll make you a deal and spend this week with you. No ties, no strings, no…well maybe some rope.

  We’ll have one of those summer flings everyone talks about.”

  She stopped, waiting for an answer or response from him. “Well? Do you understand what I’m saying?”

  “I’m sorry, I was in dreamland somewhere, what did you say?”

  Madison put her hand on her hip in a huff and was close to smacking Eugene upside the head.

  “Okay…I heard you. I agree totally. If this is supposed to be a week of fun in the sun, then let’s have some fun. We came up here to eat, so let’s get something from room service—what are you hungry for?” He looked
toward the desk for the hotel directory.

  “Actually I’m not that hungry now, I just had a mouthful. What do you feel like eating?”

  Eugene turned around and smiled wickedly. His eyes lowered to the bottom of her bathing suit.

  Madison wiggled her eyebrows in approval. “I see. You want to eat out now.”

  “Oh, yeah. I’m a sucker for eating out. Can’t get enough of it.”

  Chapter Four

  Whispers of passion filled Madison’s head. Each deep thrust into her pussy sent shivers through her body. She kept her eyes shut tight, enjoying the visions in her mind. She was face down in the massive, fluffy, bed pillow. Her ass was propped up and Eugene kept driving into her, their flesh slapping together louder and louder as the intensity built.

  “Fuck me, Eugene, fuck me, Eugene… I’m sorry your name just doesn’t work in that context.” Her passion momentarily paused. She needed to yell the name of her lover to the sexual gods as she came.

  “Then call me something else,” he moaned in a cracked voice, “But hurry because this volcano is about to erupt.”

  “Fuck me, Angela Jollie, fuck me, Angela, oh yeah, do me, Angela.”

  Madison smiled and gleefully began to laugh inside from the image in her head of being fucked by Angela Jollie.

  Madison was shivering, beginning to feel the cusp from the wave of ecstasy she had been waiting for. The friction from Eugene’s rigid cock pounding between the tightening walls of her pussy caused her to moan loudly and her body tensed. She gritted her teeth and focused on the pleasure she was experiencing. She was free now. Nothing held her back, and as she began to come all she could think about was the throbbing pulse of Eugene’s cock as he began to come inside her.

  Eugene pulled at her hips as if trying to get more from her. “Oh, my God, you are…oh damn, I want more. I want more.” He yelled loudly, acting like a lion roaring. “Oh yesss, whoohoo, I’m going to have to get another dozen condoms at this rate. Damn, you are so fucking hot.”


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