Once Perfect
Page 22
When Sofia nodded, Lety turned back to me and crossed her arms. “So, you and Teo still going strong?”
My cheeks heated under her scrutiny. “Yeah. We hit some rough spots, but we’re okay.”
She smiled then. “Good. You’re totally what he needs.”
“I hope so,” I said quietly.
I could hear Mateo’s voice in the other room; Sofia and I sat silently while Lety sent a text to their uncle, making sure Sofia could stay with him for a while.
“Uncle Lino said yes, and to make sure you bring enough clothes in case you need to stay longer.”
Sofia barely nodded. God, the poor thing seemed so scared. I wanted to hug her, but I was afraid that would be too forward, especially with someone so withdrawn and timid.
“Hey, Sofia,” I said after a moment. She lifted her chin. “I know it’s not your family’s way. But you were right to protect your mom the way you did. It took a lot of courage even though you must have been scared.”
Her light green eyes shimmered. “Thank you, Evelyn,” she said softly.
Mateo returned, shoving his phone into his back pocket. “Pete’s going to make a few calls and text me back.” He sat beside me. “Sorry about this, Evie.”
I leaned into him. “Don’t be sorry. I just want you safe.”
He slid his arm around my waist and stroked my side with his fingers. “I can’t believe the shit in my life doesn’t send you running.”
I placed my hand over his. “I could say the same thing, you know.”
His mouth curved into a grin and he surprised me by kissing me. I smiled against his lips. Yeah. Things were much better between us.
“Damn. You are tight,” Lety said, interrupting our moment. “Wassup, Evelyn? Do you keep Kryptonite in your pu―”
“Lety,” Teo warned her.
She shoved his shoulder. “I was going to say ‘purse,’ nasty.”
“Don’t make me kick your ass out,” Mateo said, keeping his arm tight around me.
My attention returned to Sofia, sitting curled up on the recliner. A thought occurred to me then. “Teo, did you ever tell Sofia that Killian was asking about her?”
As soon as I caught Teo’s “oh shit” face, I knew I’d stepped in it. Sofia slowly straightened, her eyes widening. “Who?”
“Babe, don’t―”
“Don’t what?” Lety asked, suddenly curious.
I was going to stop right then and there, until I caught the hint of a blush working its way across Sofia’s cheeks. Holy. Shit. This was so what she needed to hear. “Killian―Mateo’s old sparring partner―he was asking about you.”
Sofia’s mouth opened and closed several times. “Killian O’Brien was asking about me?” Her blush deepened when I nodded. “Wha-what did he say?”
“It doesn’t goddamn matter. You’re barely eighteen and in high school. He’s twenty and out.” Mateo pointed at her. “Keep your head in school where it belongs.”
“Aw, hell.” Lety grinned at Sofia. “You totally like Killian.” She ignored Mateo when he swore and fell back into the couch, pinching the bridge of his nose. “Have you always liked him?”
Lety’s voice trailed as Sofia’s face heated to a bright red. “Oh, shit. You have, haven’t you?” Lety whirled in my direction. “Killian and his family lived across the street from us when we were growing up,” she explained.
“Let it go, Lety,” Teo told her.
Lety ignored him. “As kids, he and Sofi were practically inseparable―when he wasn’t knocking on our door, she was knocking on his, asking if he could come out and play.”
“Oh! That’s so sweet,” I said.
“Fuck. Me,” Teo muttered.
“It was the cutest thing ever,” Lety said. She glanced back at Sofia. “But I never suspected that there was more. Hot. Damn, Sofi. You and Killian!”
If Sofia had had the power to disappear, I think she might have used it then. She held out a hand. “It’s probably nothing.”
“I don’t think so, baby girl.” Lety beamed my way. “Tell us what he said, Evie.”
It was strange to hear anyone but Teo call me Evie. But I liked hearing it from Lety. I tossed a hesitant glance at Mateo. “Oh, don’t worry about him,” Lety said. “You can give him some later and he’ll forget all about this.” She scrambled away when Mateo reached for a pillow, but he still nailed her in the head.
I rubbed Teo’s leg, trying to soothe him. “Killian asked how you were,” I told Sofia. “And told Mateo to tell you hi.”
Lety sat on the armrest of the recliner, causing Sofia to tip back slightly. “When was this, and why the hell didn’t you tell me, Teo?”
Mateo glared at her. “Because your name’s not Sofia, and it’s none of your business. Besides, she’s just a kid.”
I glanced at Sofia, who shuffled nervously at the edge of her seat. “It was in September, while we were out in Philly.” I didn’t spill more deets. While I liked bonding with his sisters, my loyalty remained with Mateo. And the last I knew, they didn’t know about his underground matches.
“September,” Lety repeated. “And you never told her.” She pointed at him. “What the hell’s the matter with you, Teo? Killian is hotter than hell―and if he’s asking about Sofi, there must be a reason for it.”
Mateo huffed and leaned forward. “See what you started?” he told me.
My fingers rubbed his lower back. “Shhh. You’re interrupting girl time.”
When he smirked, I almost ditched girl time for a little Mateo time. God, I’d missed that sexy smile and the hotness between us. His hand trailing to the back of my jeans told me he’d missed me, too.
Lety sighed dramatically. “For hell’s sake, we’re right here. Get a room.”
Mateo nailed Lety with another pillow. “We wouldn’t have to if your asses weren’t here. Don’t you have a paper or some shit to write?”
Lety laughed and threw the pillow back at him. “We’ll leave―maybe―after we hear more about Killian. Evie, you were saying?”
“That’s pretty much it,” I added apologetically.
Sofia’s shoulders slumped. “See? He was just saying hi.”
I angled around Mateo to face her. “I don’t think so. He made it a point to ask about you―and how you were doing.” I shoved Mateo’s hands away when he tried to pull me against him. “And when your brother accused him of checking you out, he didn’t deny it.”
Mateo groaned when Sofia’s lids peeled back. “Shit, baby,” he said to me. “What did you do?”
Lety hurried to her feet, her face alive with excitement. “You have to totally ask him to Sol’s quinceañera.”
Sofia shook her head. “I don’t know, Lety. It’s been a long time since September. What if he’s with someone?”
“There’s only one way to find out.” Lety held out her hand. “Teo, give me your phone.”
He frowned. “I’m not giving you shit. This whole thing’s messed up. She’s just a kid. Killian’s a grown-ass man.”
I yanked the phone from his pocket and tossed it to Lety before Mateo could tackle me. She raced into his room while I tried to keep him from chasing after her.
So much for my efforts. Mateo hefted me over his shoulder like I was nothing and smacked my ass. “Whose side are you on, anyway?”
Lety locked the French doors, pointing at his phone through the window. “What’s his pass code?”
“Two, one―” Mateo plopped me on the floor and kissed me, trying to keep me quiet with his lips. I managed to give Lety the rest of the code with my fingers before Teo pulled my hands behind my back.
I tugged on his bottom lip with my teeth. “Don’t start anything you don’t want to finish,” I whispered against his mouth.
His warm hazel eyes met my teasing stare. He knew what I was asking.
“Lety, maybe this isn’t a good idea….What if he was just trying to be nice?” Sofia asked.
“And what if he wants a little more?” Lety called out through the French
doors as she scrolled through Teo’s contacts. “He didn’t ask about me or Ma―he asked about you.”
Poor Sofia. The nervousness in her voice was as obvious as her flaming cheeks. “It’s just been a long time since I’ve seen him. Maybe too long.”
Mateo hauled me into a tight embrace. “See, she doesn’t want your help, Lety. Keep your nosy self out of it.”
Lety waved them both off, pausing when something on the screen caught her attention. “Oh, that’s a nice picture of you, Evie. You look cute in that Phillies hat.”
Mateo laughed when I covered my face. Lety had no clue how much had been cropped from that pic.
Lety grinned at me. “I’ll text you my number so we can keep in touch.”
“Sounds good.” I smiled, both at Lety’s efforts and following another swear from Mateo.
Her eyes widened when she found what she was looking for. With a wink my way, she tapped the screen and went to work while Sofia buried her face in her hands. “Hey, Killian. It’s Lety Tres Santos. My cousin Sol is having her quinceañera April sixteenth. Text Sofia and let her know if you’re coming. I know she’d love to see you.” She provided Sofia’s digits, then emerged from Teo’s room jumping up and down.
Sofia doubled over on the leather recliner. “I think I’m going to be sick.”
“So am I,” Mateo said, snatching his phone back and leading us back to the couch. “Sofi, I don’t know what Kill’s going to say. Hell, for all I know, he may show at the party. But I speak the truth when I say he’s been with a lot of skanks.”
“So have you,” Lety pointed out. “But look how well you’re doing now.”
I don’t know whose face burned hotter, mine or Teo’s.
We spent the day with Mateo’s sisters, mostly talking, and waiting for news on Carlos. Around sunset, Pete sent a text. Carlos was looking at three months in jail based on the amount of drugs he was found with. Although that didn’t mean Sofia would be safe when Carlos was released, for the time being, he couldn’t hurt her.
Mateo and I walked them up the long driveway. Lety had moved her old muscle car onto the street when Teo left briefly to bring us back food for lunch. “You sure you don’t want to stay for dinner?” he asked. “Evie’s lasagna will be better than what you’ll eat at your college.”
Lety smiled at her brother. This time it wasn’t playful or teasing. It was just sweet. And maybe a little sad. “I’ve got to bounce back to school and meet my study group.”
Teo cocked his head. “You going to have time to take Sofia back home?”
“Yup. We’re not meeting until midnight at the library.”
“Midnight to study?”
“That’s right.”
Teo eyed her from head to toe. “Is your new boyfriend in that study group, too?” Her laugh answered his question. “Jesus, Lety. Don’t get knocked up.”
“I’m serious, Lety.” He passed a hand through his short hair. “And don’t forget to text me when you drop Sofi off and when you’re back at your dorm.”
“We will.” Lety grinned at me and hugged me. “It was good to see you, again, Evie. Will you be at Sol’s quinceañera in a couple of weeks?”
Considering Mateo hadn’t mentioned it, I wasn’t sure. “Um, I don’t know. But it was really nice to see you.”
She smiled again and kissed my cheek. Sofia wasn’t as friendly, but offered me a kind smile. “Bye, Evie,” she said quietly.
“Bye, Sofia. Let me know if Killian calls you back.”
She nodded, although I suspected she would be too shy to tell me even if he did call. I couldn’t see her blush in the dark, but I knew it was there by the way her stare fell to the ground. She waited a moment before meeting my face. “I’m really glad you’re with our brother, Evelyn.”
Her sweet comment really touched me and I tried not to choke up. “Thank you. I’m really glad, too.”
Mateo’s warm hand stroked my back. When I glanced up, he kissed my lips. “Give us a minute. Okay, babe?”
“All right.”
He went to hug both his sisters, one with each arm. He lifted them at the same time, squeezing them tight.
I waved at them although they probably didn’t see me, and started down the long driveway. I’d just about reached the covered pool when a banging noise from Elaine’s kitchen made me stop. It sounded like a caged animal was trying to break free. And it scared me. “Teo!” I called, before racing across the lawn. Elaine screamed. Jesus, something was hurting Elaine!
“Teo!” I called louder. “Teo, come quick!”
I threw open the kitchen door, freezing in place. A sight that would forever be burned into my retinas waited before me.
Elaine was bent over her kitchen table. The same table we’d decorated Santa cookies on―with fucking sprinkles! The remnants of her naughty French maid outfit hung just below her exposed breasts. Sam—Sam―was banging her from behind, his pants down to his ankles, his bare ass driving into her for all he was worth, his crazy white hair flaring in all directions.
He took the ball gag out of his mouth when he caught me standing there. “Malibu?”
“Ah-gee-a-a,” was all I could say before I slammed the door shut and ran.
Mateo caught up to me near the pool. “Evie, what’s wrong?”
I waved my hands and sped forward, refusing to stop until I stumbled into his apartment. He zipped out of his coat and locked the door, watching me as I paced and exploded into awkward bursts of shuddering. He approached slowly, his palms out. “Babe. What happened?”
I pointed wildly toward the door. He looked at it and then back at me. “You’re freaking me out. Just tell me what’s wrong.”
“I just caught Sam and Elaine having sex in the kitchen,” I blurted out.
He didn’t say anything.
“On the table.”
Still Mateo just stared.
“Like they were monkeys.”
Mateo opened his mouth.
And laughed his ass off.
I was horrified. “You think this is funny?”
He fell to the floor, holding his sides.
When he wouldn’t answer, I shrugged out of my coat and sweatshirt. It was warm in his apartment, and despite the chills provided courtesy of Sam and Elaine’s thump-thump action, I couldn’t wait to lose my heavy layers.
I walked into the kitchen when he continued to lose it on the floor, and pulled the extra lasagna I’d made out of the freezer. For a moment I just stared at it. Elaine had helped me prepare this. Jesus. How could someone capable of marinara this good bang Sam like a pair of cymbals?
After placing the large dish in the oven and setting the timer, I sat on the floor next to Mateo and cradled his head against my lap. I stroked his hair, rolling my eyes when he continued to laugh. He wiped his tear-streaked face. “I thought she did his books,” I said stupidly.
Teo cracked up all over again. “I guess she also does Sam.”
I groaned. “I could have gone my whole life without seeing that―and that freaking ball gag―” I smacked his shoulder when he busted up again. “Would you stop it, already? You wouldn’t be laughing if you’d seen it.”
He grinned up at me, continuing to chuckle. “Yeah, I would’ve.”
I resumed my hair stroking and sighed. “Yeah, you would.”
The humor slowly dissolved from his face. “I have something to tell you.” He reached for the small table where he kept his mail and keys. “Here. Read this.”
My eyes widened when I read the letter accepting him into a specialized mechanic-training program. “I’m putting some money toward it. Elaine and Sam are covering the rest until I can pay them back.” He smirked. “So if you see them screwing like monkeys on the kitchen table again, you just let them have their fun. They deserve it.”
I ignored his comment about Sam and Elaine and threw my arms around him. “That’s awesome.” I meant to give him a brief k
iss. Except once I swept my tongue against his, I didn’t want to stop. Heat warmed every part me as my hands passed over his hard chest and our kiss deepened. Yeah, I wanted a hell of a lot more from him then.
Mateo sat up when I reached for his belt buckle. His eyes smoldered yet he clasped his hands over mine and held me steady. “You sure you’re ready? ’Cause we can wait.”
Those epic tats wound around potent arms and yet the hands holding me were incredibly gentle. I didn’t want them to be gentle anymore. I wrenched away and pulled off his shirt, stopping to stare at his bulging muscles. “Oh, yeah…totally ready.”
And wasn’t that just the green light my man needed? Mateo hauled me to him, his tongue diving deep into my mouth. My hand slid to his chiseled abs and down, stroking the growing mound in his jeans. And even though I was the one touching him, I moaned when I reached in with both hands.
Mateo peeled off my shirt and bra, making me gasp as he pressed my nipples between his fingers. “Is this…too much?” he asked, his breath fast.
“No. Please don’t stop.”
And he didn’t, slipping his hand beneath my panties. My head snapped back when his fingers went in deep. “Oh, God…Teo.”
Just as I whimpered, he swore when I pulled down his jeans and put my mouth around him. He curled his body, saying my name over and over between grunts and swears, driving his fingers faster.
We finished each other sprawled across the tile. I thought we were done for a time, but then he lifted me and carried me into his bedroom. My body trembled as we stripped off what remained of our clothes. Mateo dragged me to bed and rolled me on top of him. “You’ve been taking your pill, right?”
“Yes.” Shit, I could barely speak.
His eyes smoked. “Good. Real good.”
I knew what he wanted even before he wrenched my hips toward his mouth. And still I screamed, gripping his headboard as I rocked above him. My fingers were clawing the wall by the time he lowered me onto his lap.
His head dipped to find my breasts. I clutched him against me as I continued to move, my mind spinning from everything he gave me. There was no pain. There were no tears. There were no regrets.
There was only Mateo and his body writhing beneath mine.