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Dire Consequences: The Alexander Matthews Chronicles Book 1

Page 9

by Leji Albano

  “I’m so glad,” was the dry response. “There’s just the small matter of payment....”

  “Oui, oui.” The Frenchman pulled out a cell phone and stabbed at the screen.

  Alexander nodded at Tina, who had her tablet on the table next to her. She logged in to the account specified and said, “Transaction verified.”

  “Excellent. Now, if there is nothing further, Jean, I believe our business is concluded.” Alexander stood again.

  Hugging the case to his chest, their customer nodded, quickly got up, and with bodyguard in tow, left the way he had come.

  The breath Tina had been holding was exhaled loudly. “That was intense.”

  “Sorry about that. You’ll get used to it. Eventually.”

  “I can’t believe we just made $750,000.”

  “Meh. Jean will charge his client far more than that. But we still made a hefty profit even after what I paid for them.” He grinned. “Why don’t we order dinner and relax. Our work here is done, and I shall attempt to show you as much of Paris as I can prior to our scheduled departure.


  “Yes, Tina?”

  She looked earnestly into his eyes. “I think I would like you to teach me how to use the dagger you gave me.”

  He smiled hugely. “It would be my honor, my dear. It would be my honor.”


  “…My sister died from the influenza outbreak that swept the world from 1918-1920. She was eighteen years old. I was still in France when it happened and only learned of it from a letter my parents sent me. Over 30,000 American soldiers would die from the disease before all was said and done, and three to five percent of the total world population is estimated to have succumbed to it. I never even got so much as a sniffle….”

  An excerpt from the diary of Alexander Matthews

  April 1943, On the slopes of Mount Song, China

  Li Wei casually leaned away from the attack Alexander's Battle form made on him. In fact, his hands were clasped behind his back, but his feet were definitely in play. The werewolf staggered to his knees as the kick the monk delivered to his head stunned him momentarily. Some of the disciples watching from the sidelines snickered, and the glare the abbot shot in their direction promised that there would be retribution for this action.

  “Balance. Without balance, you will always be vulnerable. Do not commit so quickly, nor so completely,” Li Wei told Alexander as he slowly climbed back to his feet. “The ebb and flow of battle must be controlled, as must your own actions. Otherwise, you are like a leaf blowing in the wind that has no power to dictate where it goes.”

  The now-naked man bowed his head respectfully as he received instruction. He had been studying with Sifu for almost a year currently, and while his fighting skills had improved over that time, he knew that even the youngest of the disciples would easily defeat him.

  Li Wei had found him after a raid on Japanese forces that Alexander had participated in. The rag-tag group of resistance fighters had not fared well in the fight and were on the run. The monk had tended the wounds of his comrades, and during the discussions they had over the course of two days, he had invited the American to study with him. The fact that he was a weretiger convinced Alexander that this would be an excellent way to learn new techniques and gain experience fighting a race of Weres he had no knowledge of.

  And so, he found himself on the slopes of Mount Song, not far from Shaolin Temple, learning a very specialized form of martial art developed by, and for, Weres. Despite the pain and humiliation experienced daily, he was having the time of his life. To contribute in some way, Alexander had set up a forge and made all the weapons that the monks now used. When he had first arrived, he could not believe the shoddiness of what they had on hand, and he had set about rectifying that situation.

  The American had spent time in the temple archives looking for anything that might help in his search for the Anunna, and had even gone so far as to ask his teacher. Unfortunately, other than some fragmentary legends and rumors, he had come away with little for his efforts. Li Wei had told him that much had been destroyed as various dynasties had explicitly targeted the ancient writings contained within the temples. Eradication of heretical thought had been the primary goal of these attacks.

  He was told that perhaps the monasteries in Nepal or Tibet might still have records….

  Tina groaned as she eased her aching body into the chair behind her desk. She was nearly certain that if she were to look in a mirror, half of her ass would be black and blue. Of course, that would require that she be able to turn her head far enough to see her ass…and that was probably impossible. Unfortunately, she only had herself to blame. After all, she had asked Alexander to train her. Granted, what that actually entailed was unclear at the time of the request, and had she known, she might not have willingly done so. And what in the hell was he listening to today? Was that Country music? Whatever, she grumped.

  She swiveled her chair to glance into his office, and he grinned, raising his cup of espresso at her. He may as well have given her the middle finger. Prick, Tina thought as she smiled sweetly back. Even the act of placing her purse under the desk caused her pain, and to make matters worse, she knew that the torture would continue tonight. According to the sadist in the other room, her body would adjust to the regimen reasonably quickly, but she had her doubts. Tina opened the drawer beside her left leg and pulled out a bottle of Aleve, twisted off the cap, and dumped two tablets into her palm. After putting the bottle back and closing the drawer, she realized she had nothing to wash the pills down with. She sighed and thumped her forehead on the desk surface, and was beginning the slow process of getting out of the chair when a bottle of water and a heavenly smelling cup of coffee magically appeared before her.

  “I thought you might need these,” Alexander said cheerfully. “Heimlich Maneuvers involving dry-swallowed pain meds really aren’t my favorite activity.”

  Tina growled at his smug countenance, but even that hurt.

  “Suck it up, buttercup. It was only two hours.” He shrugged indifferently. “I barely broke a sweat.”

  One bloodshot eye glared balefully up at him, and she mumbled almost inaudibly, “Gonna kill your ass…just as soon as I can move again…you wait and see.”

  He smiled and patted her shoulder before walking away.


  Alexander was still smiling as he seated himself behind his desk and started going through the e-mail that had accumulated overnight. One item, in particular, caught his attention, and he was smiling evilly as he called out, “Oh, Tina! I don’t suppose you know how to dance, do you? And by dance, I don’t mean shaking your ass and flailing about wildly.”

  Her arm slowly lifted off the desk beside her head, rotated behind her, and the middle finger rose until it was pointing at the ceiling. Alexander’s laughter echoed as it bounced off the walls, accompanied by the distinctive twang that could only be Hank Williams as he belted out, I’m So Lonesome I Could Cry.

  To say that Tina hadn’t accomplished much so far would be a gross understatement. The most that she had been able to do thus far was drink about a gallon of water…slowly. The painkiller had taken the edge off, but she was still very uncomfortable. I would definitely tell a boyfriend to go to hell if he wanted any nookie tonight. Not that I have to worry about that these days, she sighed.

  And what the hell was Alexander talking about regarding dancing? Knowing him, she would get the memo at the last minute, and he would take great pleasure in rubbing her face in her inadequacies. That’s not really fair, and you know it, she thought. Any perceived shortcomings are all in your head. What was it he said this morning? Oh yeah, ‘suck it up, buttercup,’ she snorted at the thought.

  Still wallowing in self-pity, she was shocked when he walked up behind her, spun her chair around, and scooped her up into his arms. She protested rather half-heartedly and said, “What the hell, Alexander?”

  He looked down at h
er as he strode quickly to the door leading to the hallway and elevators, and locked the door behind them. “It’s a surprise. Now quit struggling and relax, or I’ll throw you over my shoulder to make it easier on myself.”

  Once in the elevator, he asked her to push a specific sequence of buttons, then explained it was an override that would take them to the sub-basement. Tina found her head resting against his rather nice chest, eyes closed, and breathing in his scent. A sigh escaped her as she realized that she was enjoying being held by him. I so need to get laid, ran through her head.

  When the doors opened, he walked over to a newer mustang. He settled her into the passenger seat, fastening the seatbelt around her. She noticed several other vehicles, including a crotch-rocket, occupying some of the available space. Alexander slid into the driver’s side, closed the door, and started the car. The initial rumble as the engine caught settled into a steady rumble, then they were in motion roaring up the incline that would lead them to the street. They barely slowed as he punched the control for the automatic door that secured the garage. Clearing the bottom of the metal door by less than six inches, he hit the gas as they turned left, wheels spinning momentarily.

  She got a much clearer look at the car as they entered the sunlight. The body of the vehicle was charcoal-grey, and black racing stripes ran up the hood. Pedestrians on both sides of the street looked up as the Mustang snarled by, and Alexander grinned as he put on the Oakley sunglasses that he pulled off the visor, where they had been affixed. He turned to her and said, “This is one of my babies. A 2014 Ford Mustang GT500 with 662HP of pure fun.” He shifted as he guided it through traffic with ease. The leather interior still had that new-car smell, and it seemed to her that he didn’t use it very often.

  Two of the numerous homeless people who made downtown Spokane their home sauntered out into the street. Jaywalking was an art-form in the city, and the fact that they were in no particular hurry was evident as they stopped in the middle of the lane and started arguing.

  “Oh, come on!” Tina shouted, her face flushed with anger as she slammed a hand down on the dash in front of her. “Are you fucking kidding me?”

  Alexander glanced at her out of the corner of his eye, half amused by her vehemence, and half alarmed. “Are you going to be OK?”

  Wearing a sheepish look, she replied quietly, “That kind of shit really pisses me off.”

  “Noted. Remind me to stay on your good side.”

  They made a left onto Spokane Falls Blvd after bypassing the people who had blocked their way, and Tina pulled her visor down to block the glaring sunlight. “Seriously, where are we going? I mean, it’s nice that you want to take me for a ride in your mechanical penis over-compensator and all, but someone has to staff the office.”

  Alexander looked to be in pain as she spoke, then leered at her. “I know you aren’t talking about me, especially since I know for a fact that you’ve seen the goods.”

  Tina’s face reddened almost immediately, and she glanced away and out the passenger window. What Alexander couldn’t see was the evil smile she wore. “I’ll grant that I could at least tell you were male, but I’ve seen better.”

  “Hah! I doubt that. But whatever lets you sleep at night….” He downshifted and took a right onto Monroe Street, the inertia causing her to slide around on the seat.

  Tina had to admit that the car was nice, but she preferred her Bimmer. “Are you in the midst of a mid-life crisis, and this is so you can relive the glory days you never had?” A strange look crossed his face…just for a moment, then was gone.

  “Do I look like I’m old enough to have a mid-life crisis?” He thumped his chest and said, “I’m in the prime of my life, darlin’, not even a hint of a spare-tire yet.”

  She had to acknowledge that. He was ripped and not carrying an ounce of body fat from what she had seen as he put her through her first sparring session last night. The car slowed as he pulled into a turn lane, then made a left onto Summit Pkwy. It looked like he was taking her to Kendall Yards…the why was the mystery.

  Alexander quickly found a parking spot, killed the engine, and turned to her, batting his eyes innocently before saying, “Would you like me to carry you again? Or can your decrepit ass hobble along for a bit?”

  Tina rolled her eyes at him. “I think I can manage…as long as it’s not too far, and you keep the pace down.”

  “Sweet. Let’s roll.”

  They walked less than a hundred feet before he guided her into Spa Paradiso. He headed to the front desk and spoke to the young woman there, who was smiling politely at him. “We have an appointment. Two of the hour-long deep-tissue massages….” He paused, then leaned conspiratorially toward the clerk. “And a full Brazilian for her.”

  He cringed as Tina took a swing at him, laughing as he ducked away. “I’m guessing that means you don’t want the Brazilian?”

  “Right. Two hour-long deep-tissue massages it is.” He winked at the openly amused receptionist.

  “That was amazing. I feel so much better.”

  “I’m glad you enjoyed it. Seemed like the least I could do given your condition this morning. I know you don’t believe me, but it will get easier. In a couple of weeks, you’ll be fine.”

  She glanced skeptically at him as he drove, but she decided not to comment.

  Once the car was parked in the garage, and they were in the elevator headed up, he asked, “Are you hungry?”

  Tina thought about it for a second and nodded.

  “Awesome. We’ll eat in my apartment.” He led her to the elevator in his office, and they rode it up one floor in silence.

  “Grab a seat, and I’ll see what I can scrounge up.”

  Tina wandered over to the home theater and browsed his movie collection. Mostly action movies like any guy would own, but a surprising number of dramas and foreign films, predominantly Japanese and Chinese period pieces.

  He looked up from the food he was preparing and asked, “Do you like Asian films?”

  “I can’t really say. I’ve never watched one.”

  All of the sounds that had been accompanying his efforts in the kitchen suddenly ceased. “Seriously? Well, we shall have to remedy the currently sad state of your cinematic soul.”

  She laughed brightly over her shoulder. “It’s not that bad.”

  “MmmHmm,” he grumbled. “I hereby proclaim Friday evenings as ‘Educate Tina in the finer things of life’ nights. And you don’t graduate until I’m satisfied that you are no longer a heathen.”

  She chuckled as she sat at the dining room table. “I’m not so sure about that, mister, but I tentatively agree to dip my toe in the waters. No promises, though.”

  Alexander walked around the island with a serving dish heaped up with a stir-fry in one hand, and a large bowl of rice in the other. He set them in the center of the table and told her he would be right back. As he grabbed two table-settings, he asked what she wanted to drink. The Diet Coke she requested materialized beside her plate, and they dug in.

  They bantered back and forth as the food slowly disappeared. She still didn’t understand how at ease she felt when they were alone like this. Typically she was on edge, just waiting for someone to say something that would set her off. But so far, Alexander had managed to avoid that particular minefield. Ruefully Tina thought, it figures that I finally find a guy I could really like, and he’s off-limits.

  Alexander cleared his throat. “I received an invitation this morning in my e-mail.”


  “Yes, and it affects both of us.”

  Her brow furrowed in thought, she replied, “How so?”

  “You remember how this morning I asked if you knew how to dance? The question with the one-finger reply?”

  She grinned at him impishly. “I do, and you so deserved it.”

  Dipping his head in acknowledgment, he continued. “Well, we have been invited to a gala at the National Archaeological Museum in Naples, a fundraising event that is fai
rly high-profile.”


  “The very one. Anyway, it’s a black-tie event and will involve ballroom dancing. I don’t suppose you’ve had lessons?” he asked, his tone full of doubt.

  Tina blanched and shook her head in the negative.

  “Not to worry. We have until late May to get you up to speed. How fortunate for you that I am well-versed in the art of formal dancing and will add lessons to our training schedule.” He patted her consolingly on the hand. “Trust me, it’ll be fun.”

  Tina just stared at him in horror.


  “…Eventually, a colony location was agreed to, based upon weather and resource availability, and an advance party was landed via shuttle to begin construction. The settlement was built in what is now the Persian Gulf, but at the time, it was a fertile plain with multiple sources of freshwater. Once the new colony was complete, most of the non-essential residents of the vessel were relocated to the planet-side. For a thousand years, scientists of various disciplines were free to research as they wished, and the rough settlement grew into a city. Population growth was slow as the Anunna were a long-lived race, and childbirth was a relatively rare occurrence. Still, some children were born, and over time what had started out as four hundred castaways grew to over nine hundred….”

  Excerpt from the diary of Alexander Matthews

  October 1958, Hidden vault, Alexander’s private collection, Spokane, Washington

  He lit three incense sticks and pushed them into the urn filled with sand that sat before the platform upon which the Dire Wolf mummy lay. Since neither of them believed in the Christian god, Alexander assumed that his progenitor would approve of this sign of respect. The body was protected by a superbly fashioned rosewood case that had glass panes on all sides.


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