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Dire Consequences: The Alexander Matthews Chronicles Book 1

Page 16

by Leji Albano

  “It means that your opponent won’t always give you a golden opportunity, and if you hesitate too long, the balance will shift to your foe. Sometimes it is better to simply attack, even if you don’t see an opening. Action is better than inaction every day of the week.”


  “Let me demonstrate.”

  They had just bowed to each other when Alexander shot forward, sweeping Tamiko’s legs, his left hand firmly around her throat. He rode her body down to the mat, knees straddling her hips, and stopped his fist a fraction of an inch from her nose. She tapped the mat with one hand, and he stood, pulling her back up as he did so.

  The Japanese girl looked at him with wide eyes, clearly impressed by how easily he had beaten her. Tina stood there slack-jawed, not sure what she had just witnessed.

  “As you saw, I never hesitated. Tamiko had no opportunity to effectively defend from the lightning attack I pressed on her. I didn’t need to search for an opening because I didn’t need it. Do you understand?”

  Both women nodded their heads, processing his words.

  “Don’t get me wrong, this is not always the best option, but often enough it is. Especially against an opponent who is much larger and stronger than you.” He grinned at his students. “Big men tend to be used to hesitation by others. They have grown used to the fact that their size intimidates people, and it tends to make them slow off the start.”

  “That being said, if you opt for this attack, you must make it fast, brutal, and effective. Take them out before they can recover because if you show mercy, you will lose. Surprise is a tactic that only works once. Understood?”

  “Yes, Alexander.”


  “Good. Continue sparring then.”

  That Sunday, Alexander and Tamiko had a private session. She currently stood before him in her Fox Battle form, panting heavily from exertion. She was obviously frustrated by her inability to score so much as a single point.

  She gathered herself to launch another attack and leapt into the air, one leg extended to kick at his head, and the other curled beneath.

  Alexander, still in his human shape, stepped forward, into the kick, and grabbed her by the ankle. He planted his feet and torqued his upper body, tossing her twenty feet through the air to land in an untidy heap at the edge of the mats.

  She growled and slapped the floor, then stood up and bowed before walking over and shifting into her naked human form. She knelt down in front of him, sucking in great gouts of air as she tried to get her breathing under control.

  He settled into a lotus position and waited calmly. When Tamiko was breathing normally, he asked, “Why am I beating you so handily?”

  “I am not sure. My form is correct, my movements smooth and unforced. I can see no reason for my failure.” He could tell that it was painful for her to admit this.

  “Yes. Your form and attacks are all perfect. Beautiful even.” He leaned forward as he spoke. “And that would matter if you were doing kata.”

  Tamiko cocked her head to one side, clearly not sure what he was hinting at.

  Alexander sighed heavily. “In the real world, and in a real fight, one where your life is at stake, there are no rules. In the dojo, practicing with other students, the goal is not to hurt your opponent, yes?”

  She dipped her head in acknowledgment.

  “On the street, your ONLY goal is to hurt, or kill, before the same is done to you. Fair play will get you dead, Tamiko. You need to stop operating by a set of rules that has been drilled into you for many years. Your mother understands this, and that is why you were sent to me.” He chuckled. “I am a blunt instrument. I fight dirty. I fight to win. I fight to survive. How else do you think I not only beat all challengers that night so long ago, but did so where someone else, someone fairer, would have lost?”

  The Japanese woman looked thoughtful as she absorbed his words.

  Alexander poked her in the breastbone. “The only rule in a fight is to do whatever is necessary to win. Anything less just gets you dead.”

  He stood up fluidly. “Now, get up and show me what you’ve got.”

  The head-butt actually took him by surprise, and he released her before she could do it again. Alexander took a step back and watched Tamiko carefully. She was grinning from ear to ear and obviously had enjoyed that very much.

  He couldn’t help smiling too. It was very well done.

  Her fluffy Fox tail was wagging back and forth, even as she kept her guard up. “Excellent. That is not something your sensei would have allowed in his dojo, but as you can see, it was effective. Let me be perfectly clear, any target is fair game. Throat, knees, and even testicles are in play. It’s difficult to fight if you can’t breathe, if you can’t stand, if you can’t…well, you get the idea,” he told her with a wince.

  Her answering giggle let him know she understood.

  “Let’s call it a day, but keep this in mind: You need to be able to do this in your human form as well.”

  She shifted quickly, looking confused. “Why would I fight in anything other than my Battle form?”

  “It’s not always possible to shift if you are in a very public place, for one thing. And another is it will make you a better fighter.” He frowned in thought for a moment. “I probably enter combat as a human sixty percent of the time. If you know your opponent’s weaknesses, it is not always necessary to shift. Yes, you will be weaker. Yes, you will be slower. But knowledge is power, and frequently Battle form is not needed. Not to mention that losing to someone who can’t even be bothered to shift is way more insulting.”

  She laughed again. “I can see that.”

  “Good. I expect you to think about all of this prior to our next session. Stop being so honorable and try to kick my ass.”

  “Hai, Alexander-sama.”


  “…After the war, I visited my parents and my younger brother. The after-effects of the conflict on my psyche made finding any sense of normalcy impossible. On top of that, it was becoming apparent that I wasn’t aging as I should be. For all intents and purposes, I appeared to be the same age I was when I had been cursed and turned into a werewolf seventeen years prior. I could see the curious glances that my brother and parents tried to hide, and I decided it would be best if I left home for good.

  I wandered for months until the railroad brought me to Spokane. Many of the nation’s railroads ran through the city, making it a major junction for commerce. The town was a raucous place full of speakeasies, opium dens, and bordellos, all frequented by both locals and transients alike. Crime was rampant, and the police force corrupt. It was the perfect place for monsters of all kinds, and they took ruthless advantage of it. Murder was common, and if you were smart and careful, bodies could be disposed of quite easily into the river that ran straight through downtown….”

  An excerpt from the diary of Alexander Matthews

  June 1974, Spokane, The World’s Fair

  So far, this World’s Fair had been a complete pain in his dick. With so many nations being represented, and just as many contingents to support this activity, there were bound to be lots of Genetic Underground races wandering around his city. And there were. Unfortunately, there had been incidents that affected the Normal people who lived here, and that was his problem.

  Alexander had finally decided to grab the issue by the balls, so to speak, and deal with it in his particular way. He had spent the last week wandering through the various exhibits and pavilions, identifying the individuals who were definitely not standard humans. Each of these was given a set of instructions on where to be at a specific time, on a specific day, and told that failure to comply would result in their immediate termination. As could be expected, this did not go over well…at all.

  That was just too damn bad as far as he was concerned. When you came to his town, you followed his rules. Period. The fact that most of them were unaware of his rules, or even that the city had a Master, mattered little to him. Besi
des, he was about to rectify that situation in just a few minutes. Had anyone witnessed the evil grin he was wearing at this thought, they might have decided they had better places to be.

  Alexander gazed down on the crowd that was gathered below, many of them angry at having been summoned. The Spokane River flowed steadily at this time of year, and the Bowl and Pitcher was the perfect place to have this conversation. Remote enough to provide privacy, yet close enough to the city to make getting here convenient. He had a sneaking suspicion that privacy was going to be necessary, given what was about to happen.

  He walked purposefully to the center of the clearing and waited for the others to quiet down. A large, belligerent man immediately got into his face and demanded in heavily accented English, “Why have you summoned us here?”

  Alexander tilted his head back slightly, looking up at the 7’2” tall man. “This is my town, and you were not invited by me, nor were you given permission to be here. Tell me….” He paused. “Excuse me, but what is your name?”

  A fist thumped against the man’s chest. “I am Vladimir Medvedev. Moscow in Mother Russia is my home.”

  “Well, Vlad, I have rules for my city.” Alexander stepped forward, bumping the Russian a step backward. “My name is Alexander Matthews, and I am Master of this city.”

  His sharp eyes scanned the faces around him. “Some of you have been very naughty, and some of the people I protect have been hurt…even killed. This is unacceptable.”

  “Bah! Vlad does not care what the puny American wants or thinks.” He turned away as if to leave.

  A hand latched onto his shoulder and fingers dug deep into the muscle, and the big man faltered and went to one knee, pain clearly visible on his features. “I wasn’t finished, and it’s not polite to turn your back when someone is talking.”

  The fingers continued to dig into the big Russian’s shoulder, maintaining a firm grip. Alexander continued, “As I was saying, my rules are simple, and since we are stuck with each other for the duration of this Expo ‘74, I feel that I must share them with you all to ensure that there is no further confusion.”

  Speculative murmuring broke out amongst the onlookers, and sweat had broken out on Vlad’s face as Alexander held him in place with no visible effort.

  “Rule number one: No killing, or feeding on, the Normals of this city.” A finger on his left hand was held up for all to see.

  “Rule number two: Normals are not to become aware that any of you even exist.” A second finger joined the first.

  “Rule number three: Any violation of rule one, or rule two, will be met with an extremely violent death.” The third and final finger rose to join the others.

  Alexander released his grip on Vlad and stepped back a pace. The big man rubbed at his shoulder and glowered at him.

  “As you can see, there are only three simple things you need to keep in mind while you are in my domain. Are there any questions?”

  “Da. Rules mean nothing if you can’t enforce them.” Vlad shifted into a giant brown bear and rushed Alexander.

  The smile that flashed across the American’s face was nothing less than predatory. Later, many of the onlookers realized this should have been a warning to be heeded.

  Rather than meet the thousand-pound bear head-on, Alexander elected to dance to the side as he morphed into his Battle form. Some of the onlookers gasped as they got a look at the true form of the Master of this city. While the bear still had a weight advantage, the wolf who wrapped his arms around the bear’s neck and proceeded to choke him out was formidable in its own right.

  Claws raked ineffectually at Alexander’s arms, and a worried growl escaped the bear as he realized there was little that he could do. The two Weres struggled mightily for several minutes until the light finally went out of Vlad’s eyes. Alexander released his hold, and the bear collapsed at his feet, still alive, but definitely out of the fight.

  The wolf roared in triumph, then shifted back to the man who ruled this town. He toed the inert form at his feet and spat to the side. “Yob tvoyu mat, Vovochka,” Alexander told the unconscious bear.

  He sighed resignedly. “I had hoped that we could come to an agreement without resorting to violence, but I see that this is not the case. So be it, I will accept all challenges, and if I am defeated, then I will withdraw my objections to your behavior. Agreed?”

  Thus, began a long night of individual duels in which Alexander beat the mob into submission. Thankfully, he did not have to fight all of them, just a single representative of each contingent. Vampires, Tigers, Lions, others such as Fox people, and even a Hyena all challenged his right to dictate how things would be. The smartest ones of all did nothing but watch this man take on all comers and remain on top.

  As the sun rose, a bloody and ragged, yet still undefeated, Alexander raised his weary head and glared around him. “Are we done here? I’ve got other shit to do.”

  Only groans and whimpers greeted his words. A female member of the Japanese Fox contingent approached him diffidently. “A most impressive display, Alexander-sama, most impressive indeed. This one, and those in her party, will obey the strictures as you have laid them out.” Amusement glittered in her eyes as she asked, “Could I perhaps impose upon you with a request?”

  Alexander quirked an eyebrow. “What might I do for you, Lady Kitsune?”

  She wore a thin, knowing smile as she leaned in and whispered, “We will be here for many months, and this is such a small town, lacking in diversions. I would consider it a favor if you would allow both my Skulk, and the few Vampires who are in attendance with us, to train with you. It would seem that we have much to learn.”

  “It would be my pleasure,” he said and bowed as one would to an equal.

  They had landed at Fiumicino International Airport on the outskirts of Rome shortly after the noon hour. Tina was feeling better than her first trip to Europe but was still groggy. She hoped, at some point in the not-too-distant future, her body would adjust to rapid changes in time zones. They spent the night at a hotel near the airport, rather than within the central city of Rome itself. Alexander had secluded himself for the day, claiming to be doing research, so Tina took advantage of the spa. A gentle massage and body treatments, along with some time spent tanning by the pool, sounded really, really good.

  The following morning found the two of them in a taxi heading to a location that Alexander had provided to the driver. It was already hot, and the forecast called for temperatures in excess of ninety degrees. Unfortunately, either the taxi had no air-conditioning, or the driver didn’t think it was warm enough to warrant its use.

  A short time later, the cab slowed and turned into a long-term storage facility. She glanced at Alexander in confusion, but he just smiled at her and patted her leg condescendingly.

  As the taxi pulled away from them, her boss grabbed their luggage and led her to one of the units, punching in a code to open the bay door. He indicated that she should wait, then entered the semi-darkness. A few seconds later, she heard the roar of a sports car, and headlights illuminated the interior. The bright red car eased out, and Alexander put it in neutral while he secured the unit's door.

  She slid into the passenger seat while he wrangled their bags into the limited space available in the vehicle. He took his place behind the wheel wearing a satisfied smirk, pulled to the exit, and punched it. Thankfully, he turned on the a/c, so the ride was definitely more comfortable than the cab had been. He kept glancing at her every minute or so, and it was making her uncomfortable.

  “What?” she said as she checked her face in the visor mirror on her side of the car. “Do I have something stuck in my teeth?”


  She was getting really paranoid at this point. “Don’t make me beat it out of you, dude.”

  “Are you feeling OK?”

  “Yes. Why do you ask?” she wondered.

  His features took on a very concerned appearance. “Well…we’ve been on the road for a little
while now, and you haven’t made a single snarky comment about my car.” He shook his head in consternation. “So weird.”

  “Shut the hell up!” she laughed, punching him in the arm. “I just assumed that you would get around to trying to convert me as to its technical superiority at some point during the drive.”

  Wearing a crestfallen look, he said, “Oh. It’s an Acura NSX, in case you wondered.” Then he faced forward and drove in silence.

  Tina almost felt bad. Almost.

  Their route took them in a semi-circle along the outskirts of Rome until they got onto the E45, which they would stay on until they reached Naples. According to her phone and Google, it should have taken them a bit over two and a half hours to get there. Alexander did it in one hour, forty-five minutes. She had to hand it to the big guy. He could drive a car.

  Traffic inside the city center sucked. She was amazed that anyone would willingly operate a vehicle on a daily basis, anywhere, within the city limits. It was madness. Alexander seemed utterly calm and unconcerned, however, as they listened to The Cars. He said it was the Candy-O album, and she was surprised that she recognized a few of the songs, especially as she hadn’t even been born when the album was released. It was good, though.

  He parked the car, and they walked a short distance to a shop on Via Scarlatti called Lilith. He had barely made it inside the door before a shrieking blur slammed into him. “Alexander! Why did you not let Caterina know you were coming?” The slim woman with medium length straight black hair and dazzling blue eyes stepped back while holding onto his biceps with each hand, carefully giving him the once-over.

  His laughter as he was greeted by the human equivalent of a hurricane set Tina’s teeth on edge. What was it with him and beautiful women anyway? As far as she could tell, he didn’t date any more than she did.


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