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Just A Little Wicked: A Limited Edition Collection of Magical Paranormal and Urban Fantasy Tales

Page 33

by Lily Luchesi

  I blushed. "Definitely two of those. Sexy is a matter of opinion."

  I caught Riley grinning again. "I agree with Connor."

  Dylan grimaced and rolled his eyes. "As you can see, these two think with their dicks most of the time."

  "Can I help it if my dick is smart?" Riley quipped.

  "You can help if it rules your actions," Declan said. For some reason, he glared at me.

  I cleared my throat. "As fun as this is, I still want to put an end to Zeta and what they're doing."

  "That's what we want too." Connor fixed me with a steely gaze. "But not by taking out civilian casualties."

  I returned his look without flinching. "Their compound is in an isolated area, away from suburbs and prying eyes. And what would have been rigged up, would have imploded the building."

  "Oh?" Declan asked slowly, "You have a diploma in construction?"

  "Wouldn't that be destruction?" Riley asked.

  "Physics," Connor said, "you're thinking of physics." He hadn't taken his eyes off me, but he cocked an eyebrow.

  I shrugged. "I went to school."

  "Evidently you learnt how to hack there," Connor said. "Or you wouldn't have been able to access their files."

  "I had help," I replied. "You don't think I'd be stupid enough to try this alone."

  "No, but you were alone when I found you," Riley said. "Apart from the dogs and Zeta's soldiers."

  "I didn't go in alone." I averted my face. "We reached the control room and they turned the gas on us. When I woke up, it was just me and a laboratory tech. And a couple of guards. For a few minutes anyway."

  I had pretended to be asleep for a while. Then I had retaliated for their attempt to capture and use me.

  "Dead?" Riley asked.

  "I suppose they are. Most people don't survive being thrown against a wall that hard."

  I hated killing, but when it came down to me or them, I chose myself. I could have decimated everyone that followed me, but the drugs in my system had made escaping the lab hard enough.

  That, and I was loathe to harm innocent dogs.

  "For all I know, my friends are dead too." I leaned back in my chair and closed my eyes.

  "I can ask our inside person," Connor said. "In the meantime, you should get some rest."

  "I'd sleep better knowing what happened to them," I replied.

  "Would you?" Connor's brow furrowed. "Even knowing they've been siphoned or killed?"

  I bit my lip. Not hard enough to break the skin, but it hurt. "Even then."

  He sighed, but rose and pulled a phone out of the back pocket of his jeans. "Give me a couple of minutes." He left the room.

  "What is this place anyway?" I looked around the unremarkable kitchen. It could have been in any large home built maybe twenty years ago. It was tired and worn, but functional. Everything I'd seen since arriving here was that—functional.

  Including the fence surrounding the low building.

  Riley had had to pull out his phone and punch in a code to get the gates to swing open before we could enter. The house looked like a regular suburban home, surrounded by trees, neat lawns and even a pool. A child's swing set sat off to one side of the front door, on an open section of grass. Spiderwebs shining in the light of dawn suggested it hadn't been used in years.

  "It used to be Declan's parents' house," Riley supplied.

  "Used to be?" I turned to Declan.

  He scowled at me. "They died. Car crash. So the cops reckon."

  "I'm sorry," I said softly. "You think it was something else?"

  "I suppose not," he replied. "If it was, they would have come after me and my brother."

  "Right, they would," Riley said. He glanced over my shoulder.

  I looked back to see Connor re-enter the room, phone in hand. "No answer. I'll have to try again in a few hours. They're probably in lockdown after you escaped." He nodded toward me.

  "That settles it," Riley said, placing his hands on the table and standing.

  "Settles what?" I asked.

  "It's time for us all to get some sleep. There's nothing more you, or any of us can do for now."

  I wanted to protest, but truthfully I was exhausted.

  "You can share with me," Riley said. "My room, I mean. I'll sleep on the floor."

  "We have a spare room—" Declan started to say.

  "If they find us here, we should all be close together," Connor pointed out. "The spare room is on the other side of the house."

  "It doesn't look like a big house," I said. "I'm sure I'll be fine."

  Riley grinned.

  I frowned at him. "What?"

  "You've only seen this part. Most of the house is underground. Declan's parents were paranoid."

  "Preppers?" I didn't know any existed in Australia.

  "In a manner of speaking." He shrugged. "They were certain Zeta or people like them would come after them eventually. And if they didn't, they'd be ready for the end of the world."

  "Well, it's good to be ready, I suppose." If the world ended, I didn't think I would want to be around to experience the aftermath. If there was one. Global annihilation was pretty final.

  I stifled a yawn as I stood and eyed the hand Riley offered me.

  "I think I can manage to walk by myself."

  He withdrew his hand, but mercifully he was still smiling. A guy who could handle a rebuff—I liked that. I couldn't deny that he was hot, and he seemed sweet. And he had helped me get away. Maybe I should be more wary, but I found myself trusting him. All of them really.

  Shifters and witches, the outcasts of society, we had to stick together, at least a little bit, and work together to find a way for the world to accept us.

  Or tear down those who worked against us.

  "This way then." Riley opened a door I had assumed led to a toilet or laundry.

  Instead, we stood at the top of a set of stairs which descended into darkness.

  He flicked a switch and illuminated the stairs, if not the floor below.

  I thought he was going to suggest I went first, but Declan pushed past us and trotted down.

  "After him then," Riley said. "Don't mind him though, he's never had any manners." Declan stopped halfway down, turned and gave him a scowl.

  "Unless you prefer to live somewhere else…"

  "No, I'm good," Riley replied cheerfully. "Keep going or we'll all be stuck on the stairs all night."

  Declan muttered to himself, but resumed walking.

  "Have you known each other long?" I asked. I didn't bother to keep my voice down. If Declan had a problem with us talking, he could say so. Apart from his stiff back, I saw no sign he was even listening.

  "We all grew up together." Connor spoke from behind us. "Well, Declan and I grew up. I don't know about Riley." He sounded totally deadpan, so I couldn't tell if he was joking or not. He patted Riley on the back and smiled.

  "Judging by you two, growing up is overrated," Riley said. He stopped at the bottom of the stairs and turned around. "Welcome to the compound in the centre of the Earth." He stretched his arms out.

  It wasn't even close to the centre of the planet, but it did resemble a cave. Long and wide, the area which I could see was easily bigger than the whole upstairs. Doors lined either side, some ajar, others shut.

  To one side was another kitchen and an eating area. On the other was a seating area and, of all things, a pool table and dart board.

  "I bet you could have some great parties in here," I said.

  "Epic," Riley agreed. "It's totally soundproof. You can turn the stereo up full and no one upstairs can hear it."

  "Not that we have parties." Connor stepped around us and moved aside so Riley could pull shut a large, thick door which hid the stairs. He drew a bolt, then another. The whole thing looked heavy and almost indestructible.

  "Any phone reception in here?" I asked.

  "Why? Do you need to tweet that you're alive?" Declan asked, his eyes narrowed.

  I made a face at
him. "Do I look like I'd bother with social media?"


  "Give her a break, Dec," Connor said as he stepped between us. "She's probably had a shit of a day."

  "I have," I agreed. All I wanted to do was sleep. "For the record, I don't put anything of myself online anywhere Zeta will find me, or anyone I care about." If I were anywhere else, I would have stalked away. If I did that here, I might end up in a bathroom, or someone's bedroom.

  Riley must have sensed my discomfort. He put a hand on my arm and gently guided me toward one of the open doors.

  "Come on, we could both use some rest. Tomorrow you can explain how you managed to get magic from me without killing me."

  I gaped at him. "Only if you tell me how you knew."

  "Deal." He led me into a large bedroom and closed the door.

  Chapter 3

  I woke in my underwear, with a muscular arm lying casually across my body, and me tucked against his chest and stomach. I didn't want to wake him, but my bladder was a more urgent need.

  Gently, I moved his arm aside and rose. He stirred a little and rolled over, muttering something in his sleep.

  I crept across the cold, bare floor, found the toilet and closed the door. I glanced at my watch.

  Seven am.

  I hadn't been asleep for as long as I'd thought. Then again, I had never needed as much sleep as other people. A couple of hours and I felt rested. Ready to take on the world. Well, Zeta anyway.

  "I can find you a change of clothes if you want to have a shower?" Riley's voice as I stepped out of the bathroom, made me jump.

  A switch clicked and soft light filled the room. "I can turn it up if you'd like it brighter?" His hand hovered near a knob on the wall. A dimmer for the lights.

  I blinked. "No, it's fine. I like it like this."

  "Me too." He dropped his hand. "It's more romantic." He gave me a look which made my heart skip. He wore only boxer shorts, giving me a view of his chiselled body. His abs looked like they were carved from stone. I wanted to run my hands over them to find out.

  "I suppose it is." I swallowed. Gods, what was it about him that made my heart flutter? He was handsome, funny and understood what was at stake for people like us. That was an attractive combination.

  He stared at me for a moment as though trying to work something out. Then he touched my cheek with his fingertips. The gesture was so gentle, but I found myself leaning into it.

  He stepped closer and brushed his lips against mine, barely touching but enough to ignite a fire in my belly.

  When he stood back, it was me who put a hand behind his head and drew him in for a deeper kiss.

  His arm went around my waist, pulling me to him, at the same time his mouth opened. My tongue flitted inside, tasting his warmth.

  He growled softly, more like a purr than a sound of aggression.

  His hands slid down my back and into my panties, so he was gripping my bare ass. I felt him harden against me. He lifted me until my legs wound around his waist, pressing me against his cock.

  I ground against him. Heat spread from my belly to my entire body.

  He groaned. Holding me in place with one hand, he slipped his hand down between us and rubbed his fingers over my warm mound.

  I let out a quivering breath.

  He carried me over to a desk at the side of the room and lowered me onto it.

  We locked eyes. In that moment I felt like I saw into his soul. Something passed between us. Not a promise, but a hint of a lifetime of possibilities.

  In a fluid movement, he hooked his fingers into the sides of my panties and tugged them off. I reached around and unhooked my bra before tossing it aside.

  "Holy gods," he breathed. His fingers caressed my breasts lightly, then kneaded my nipples until I was all but panting.

  With a predatory smile, he placed my feet on the edge of the desk and held them in place before he lowered his mouth to my sex. A deft flick or two of his tongue almost sent me over the edge.

  "Gods, yes," I breathed.

  "You like that?" he asked teasingly.

  "Mmmhmm," was all the response I could manage.

  "Good." He licked me again, once, twice, the texture of his tongue like nothing I had ever felt. Rough, like it was calloused, but in a way that heightened the sensation of his touch without causing pain.

  He slid a finger inside me, then another. "You're so warm," he marvelled.

  "Please…" I wasn't sure what I was asking for, but he smiled. He tongue flicked out again, stroking my clit, while his fingers massaged my insides. Maybe he had magic of his own, because he knew all the right places to touch me, to drive me wild.

  With a cry, I dropped over the edge into an abyss of pleasure. It washed over me in hard waves that made every bit of me want to curl.

  Before I'd even come down all the way, he withdrew his fingers and stood. I watched him. For a moment I thought he'd step away. I parted my lips, ready to beg him to touch me again.

  He looked me right in the eyes as he pushed down his boxer shorts to free his erection.

  "Should I get a condom?" he offered.

  I licked my lips and shook my head. "Not if you don't want to. I mean, I'm clean and taking precautions."

  "Me too." He nodded, but a smile tugged at the corners of his mouth. "I had my regular vet check the other day." He grinned.

  Eagerly, I let him guide me closer to the edge of the desk and pressed his hardness into me. I sighed softly with the pleasure of feeling him inside me.

  He waited a moment, his eyes half closed, then began to thrust. Hips rocking, he drove into me again and again. I matched his movements, my fingers curled around the desktop for stability.

  He eyes snapped open and he locked gazes with me again. He smiled, his expression one of pure bliss. If he could purr in human form, I think he would have.

  Keeping his gaze on me, he came with a series of hard grunts.

  "Gods. Gods, gods, gods," he groaned. Then he sagged and stood, panting.

  "Wow." His breath gradually slowed and he slid out of me. "I wasn't expecting that to happen today."

  "Neither was I." I admitted. This time yesterday I was fighting for my life. I hadn't expected to be screwing a guy I'd just met, a mere twenty-four hours later.

  He chuckled and buried his face in my hair. "So about that shower…"

  I ran my hands lightly down his sides, my thumbs rubbing against his abs as I went. They felt as hard as they looked.

  Holy gods.

  "I thought guys like you only existed in movies and books."

  "I could say the same about you," he replied. "Superhero movies, of course."

  "Of course," I agreed, but smiled wryly. I was neither a hero, nor gifted with super powers. I was just a witch in a world scared of my kind and our magic. "What other kind would it be?"

  "I can think of some." He stood back to help me off the desk, but ran the tip of his thumb over my nipple. It hardened as though it was his first touch.

  "Is this where you offer to join me in the shower?" I asked, arching an eyebrow at him.

  He sighed. "As much as I'd like to, the guys will be expecting me. They'll want a debrief on yesterday. Plus Connor might have heard back from our inside person by now."

  "Right." I shook my head. How could I have let myself forget about the people I'd left behind in there? Instead I was here, in safety and comfort, getting laid.

  "I'll leave you a change of clothes. Take all the time you need." He bent to kiss my mouth, while his hand cupped my breast. I didn't need to look to know his body was responding to mine.

  He eventually pulled himself away and went to pull on some clothes.

  I waited until the door clicked shut behind him before I headed into the shower.


  All three guys were sitting around the table when I appeared, dressed in the jeans and t-shirt Riley had left for me. They were both a little big, but obviously made for a woman. How he came about women's clothes
piqued my curiosity, but that was his business. Maybe one of them had a sister. Or a girlfriend.

  Definitely none of my concern.

  They turned to look at me as I approached, and Connor rose to pour me coffee.

  "Tia was just going to explain how she used magic she got from me," Riley said, "Right Tia?"

  I slipped into a chair and shrugged. "Was I? Are you going to tell me how you know?"

  "I felt it," he replied. "Your turn."

  I nodded my thanks to Connor as he put a mug in front of me. "I draw my magic from nature. When I was a kid, I killed a tree by taking too much. That was when my parents knew I'd inherited their power. My mother taught me how to avoid doing it again."

  "Do you do it when people piss you off?" Declan asked, his tone accusing.

  "Why, do you want a demonstration?" I asked sweetly.

  Connor snorted.

  Riley didn't bother to contain his grin. "She got you there, Dec." he offered Connor a high five. Connor complied, his eyes twinkling slightly.

  Declan scowled at them. "It's a legitimate question. Riley said you swept a bunch of people and a car aside like they were leaves. You're scared they'll suck you dry of magic, but you could do that to them, couldn't you?"

  I looked down at the table. "Yes. I could use my magic as an offensive weapon." Gods, I could be the weapon. "But I would be just as inhuman as they are."

  "Yet you want to blow up their headquarters," Connor said gently.

  "At night," I reminded him, "with minimal staff on the premises. And I would have set off a fire alarm first. I'm not a murderer. Killing is a last resort and only to save myself, or other people."

  The milk in the coffee curdled in my stomach.

  "Why?" Declan asked. "They would kill us on sight."

  I locked eyes with him and suddenly understood him and the reason for his hostility, he was scared, hunted as I was. He was right, they'd kill us first and ask questions later. But I wasn't his enemy.

  "Because if we start a war, innocent people would die," I said softly. "I want to destroy Zeta without destroying ourselves." I licked my lips. "I could use your help."

  He blinked, looking taken aback.


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