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Unforeseen Heartbeat

Page 2

by Maureen Mayer

  When I arrived at AJ’s Oceanside Restaurant to start my shift, Liberty’s car was already in the parking lot, and I was so happy to finally spend some time alone with her. I missed my best friend. Shayne consumed every freaking moment of her time, and what did I get? Zilch!

  Speak of the devil…

  As I walked up the path to the restaurant, Shayne was just exiting, and Liberty was still standing in the doorway grinning from ear to ear. When they both caught sight of me, Shayne stopped dead in his tracks, and Liberty’s smile fell. Shit. I knew this was how things were going to be any time the three of us shared the same breathing space. I closed my eyes and composed myself before putting on a ridiculously fake smile and brushing past Shayne, making sure to bump into his shoulder as I passed. A breathy “oomph” passed through his lips, and I turned to see him giving me a perturbed look, his lips parting as though he were about to say something, but he must have taken a hint from the evil glare I bore into him and quickly snapped his mouth shut. His eyes shot back to Liberty, and he gave her a weak smile. I shook my head and kept on walking until the door slammed behind me.

  “What the hell was that?” Liberty followed close behind until we reached the lockers in the break room.

  “What are you talking about?” I tried to play innocent. I was usually pretty good at it; that or everyone else is just really gullible, but as per usual, Liberty wasn’t buying into it.

  “That little stunt back there with Shayne. I understand if you want nothing to do with him, but you’re not helping the situation by starting shit with him.”

  “I’m not the one starting shit, Liberty. He did that all on his own, and now he’s taking my best friend away from me. So yeah, I think I have every right to hold a grudge against him.” I slammed my locker shut and made my way back out to the dining area.

  “So that’s what this is about? You think he’s stealing me away from you? Maddie, it’s not like I’ve been ignoring you. I’ve been trying to make plans with you every week for the past three months, and every time you make up lame excuses, like you have to get your hair done or clean the apartment. And let’s face it, we all know you’re definitely not cleaning the apartment,” Liberty chuckled to herself under her breath.

  “Hey, I’ll have you know I cleaned the apartment top to bottom before I came here. Come over and see for yourself. You could lick the toilet seat, it’s so clean!”

  Liberty cringed. “I’ll take your word for it.”

  “And I know you haven’t been ignoring me. It’s the fact that lover boy is always around. You’re practically attached at the hip. Can’t you guys spend one freakin’ day away from each other? I mean seriously, Liberty, even our bi-weekly pampering sessions took a nosedive, because y’all are around each other twenty-four-seven!”

  I grabbed some clean silverware that had just been brought out from the kitchen and began rolling them in napkins, trying to distract myself from where this conversation was going.

  “Well, why didn’t you just say something?”

  “I would have if I could pull you away from him for two seconds. I can’t even call you without him picking up your phone.” I shook my head, letting out a deep breath. “Look, I get it. I do. You guys are in love and all of that bullshit, but you know how I feel about him. God, I can’t even stand being in the same room as him.”

  Liberty pulled up a stool next to the bar, while I continued to wrap silverware. “You’re right, Maddie, and I’m sorry. I know I’ve been a little distant lately. It’s just… it’s hard to be away from him sometimes. Before he came into my life, I was a freakin’ mess, just barely staying afloat. You and Brett both saw it firsthand. Shayne helped bring me back up to the surface, and now, when we’re apart, it literally hurts. I feel like I’m drowning all over again. I know you might not understand it now, but one day, when you find Mr. Right…”

  “Yeah, fat chance. Love and I don’t mix. I prefer to have a buffet of men at my disposal.”

  “Ha! Just you wait, Maddie. It’ll hit you square in the face when you least expect it. I guarantee it.” She winked at me before heading over to a table of customers that had just been seated. Dammit, now even that wink of his was rubbing off on her.

  Work had slowed down since the tourist season was coming to an end, so when Liberty was finished waiting on the only table of customers in the restaurant, she came back to the bar and joined in on wrapping silverware. I figured I’d change the subject before she could smother me with more talk about love and Shayne… two things that should never mix.

  “So are you excited to start school?”

  Liberty propped her arm up on the bar and rested her chin in the palm of her hand. “Surprisingly, I am. I thought I’d be more nervous since it’s a new school and all, but I’m just eager to get my life back on track. It still sucks that I’m a year behind, though.”

  “Don’t worry about it too much. Hopefully we’ll still see each other around campus. We can meet up for lunch, too!” I could already feel my mood lifting, knowing that we would be going to the same school together. Savannah State University was a decent sized campus, but luckily the psychology department was close enough to the natural sciences department that we were bound to run into each other at some point.

  “Do you want to get together the weekend before classes start? Maybe we could go out for sushi Friday night.”

  I slowly spun around on my stool and eyed her curiously. “Sushi? What the… Liberty, you hate seafood.”

  “Well, Shayne took me out to a sushi bar the other night, and I kind of, maybe, sort of liked it.” She shrugged.

  “Seriously? He’s even pushing seafood on you now? God, does that man have to corrupt every woman he touches?!”


  “All right, all right, but seriously? Sushi? No. We have better things to do on a Friday night than choke down disgusting raw fish. Hasn’t anyone explained to you what goes down the first weekend at SSU?”

  “Well, considering that Brett has graduated, and you’re the only one I know there… no.”

  I cracked my knuckles and stretched my neck from side to side before delving into the details of Welcome Weekend, also known as “Let’s-Get-Fucked-Up-And-Make-Bad-Decisions-Weekend”. “Okay, let me educate you, so you don’t make a complete fool of yourself during our weekend of debauchery.”

  “Wait… oh shit. What are you planning on making me do, Maddie?”

  “Why do you sound so worried? We’re just going to a frat party.” Not just any frat party. THE frat party. I was well acquainted with SSU’s soccer team, and most players on the team were brothers in Delta Mu. It was common knowledge around campus that they always threw the best parties. You were only admitted if you knew someone on the team, and well… I knew the whole team!

  “There is no way in hell you are dragging me to a frat party, Maddie. No. Way.”

  “Oh come on! It’s the perfect way for you to get to know everybody before you start classes.”

  “By getting sloshed and introducing myself to a bunch of people who will forget my name by the next morning? I don’t think so. That’s not really my scene.”

  “Please?” I clasped my hands together and batted my eyelashes at her. “Just one party, and I promise I won’t drag you to any more.”

  Liberty sat there pondering the idea. “I will under one condition.”

  “Anything. You name it.”

  She stared at me for a few seconds before answering, “Shayne has to come, too.”

  “Okay, anything but that.”

  “Nope. Those are my terms. Either he goes with us, or I’m not going. In case you’ve forgotten, I’m engaged.” She flashed her ring at me as a reminder. Like I could forget. “I don’t want any horny frat guys thinking they can get their scummy paws on me.”

  “Fine. It looks like I don’t have much say in the matter. Can I at least pick out your outfit? You know how much I love to dress up my Libby Poo,” I said with a wide, cheesy grin.
r />   Liberty chuckled at that. Finally, I got a laugh out of her! “As long as it’s nothing too skanky. No ass or boobs hanging out.”

  Ha! She had so little faith in me. “Deal.”

  Liberty and I both turned to find Bob standing next to us with a forced stern expression on his face. “Are you ladies planning on actually working tonight? I’d really hate to have to fire my two favorite girls.”

  “We are working.” I held up the pile of napkin-rolled silverware. “This is hard manual labor, Bob. God, you’re such a slave driver.”

  I couldn’t help giggling, and Liberty joined in on the fun.

  “Yeah, Bob. We work our asses off every night, and this is the thanks we get? I think we should go on strike, Maddie. What do you say?”

  “Hell yeah! Let’s make signs, and we can start picketing in front of the restaurant! Bob, we’re going to need markers, glitter and glue! Stat!”

  Bob was either getting really frustrated with our antics or trying his best to hold back a laugh as he pinched the bridge of his nose between his fingers. “Girls, this isn’t a union. You can’t go on strike. I don’t know what ever possessed me to schedule you girls on the same shift. You never get any work done when y’all are together.”

  “Seriously, Bob, take a look around. There’s one table of customers. They’re still eating, and from what I can see,” I stretched my neck to look over at their table, “they don’t need any refills either. We have everything under control. Quit worrying so much. You’re going to give yourself a stroke.”

  Bob shook his head at the two of us and chuckled heartily. “What am I going to do with you girls?”

  “Give us a raise? We’re starving college students here!”

  “Don’t push your luck, girls. I can easily replace you,” he said pointedly.

  “You would never! Oh, by the way… Liberty and I need Friday off. Thanks, Bob!” I bounced up on my tiptoes and kissed him on the cheek.

  Bob’s face softened, and the corner of his mouth turned up, showing off his adorable, aged dimples. “All right, now get back to work.” He turned and headed off toward his office, his shoulders bouncing up and down in silent laughter.

  Liberty turned toward me with a look of disbelief on her face. “How the hell do you always manage to get your way? He’s such a stickler when I try to ask for days off.”

  “It’s just my natural charm. Works on men of all ages.” I whipped my sun-kissed, blonde hair over my shoulder. “So we’re on for Friday?”

  “Well, I guess now that I have the day off, I don’t have an excuse not to go.”

  “Hey, don’t pout. It’ll give you wrinkles. God, have I taught you nothing?”

  Liberty threw her head back laughing and almost fell off of her stool. “I really missed this.”

  “What, me pointing out your wrinkles? I’m serious, Liberty, I think you’re getting one right there.” I poked her cheek before she could swat my hand away.

  “No… this.” Liberty moved her hand back and forth between us. “Our playful banter, where you tell me what not to wear and encourage me to make bad decisions.”

  “Ha! Yeah, I’m sure.”

  “No, I really do. We might not live together anymore, or see each other every day, but you’re still my best friend, Maddie. I don’t want our friendship torn apart by a guy. I know this whole situation sucks, but if you just give Shayne a chance, you’ll see that he’s changed. He’s not the same guy that you knew when you were sixteen. And I promise he’ll be on his best behavior Friday.”

  Ugh, I still didn’t want him to go, but for Liberty, I would suck it up for just one night and put on a happy face, even though it killed me inside to do so.

  “Ow! Watch where you’re poking that thing!”

  “Well, if you’d stop squirming around so much, we wouldn’t have this problem. Now hold still.”

  I finished plucking the last out-of-place strand from Liberty’s eyebrows and moved on to applying her makeup. She was either going to love me or hate me when I was finished with her, but I had to say I was quite impressed with what I’d chosen for her. Her only stipulations were no ass or tits hanging out. Go figure… that cut out ninety-five percent of my wardrobe, so I went with the next best option: shiny black leggings with an equally form-fitting, off-the-shoulder, belted top. The cherry on top was the “fuck me” red, patent leather heels I had yet to wear, but for Liberty’s first frat party, I was willing to let her break them in for me.

  “Owww! Dammit, Maddie, I’ve had enough. This is cruel and unusual punishment. Drop the mascara wand before you actually poke my eye out.”

  “All right, just one more swipe.” Perfect. Now for the big reveal. I refused to let Liberty look in the mirror before I was finished, which might not have been the brightest idea, but it was too late now. I moved closer to the door, reaching for the knob just in case I had to make a run for it.

  Liberty spun around and took it all in. I wasn’t sure if that was a good thing or a bad thing, but by the way her mouth kept opening and closing and her eye was twitching, I thought it was safe to say I might’ve gone a little overboard.


  “Hey, I think you look hot. This is probably my best work yet.” I folded my arms over my chest with an accomplished grin plastered on my face. “Oh, and by the way, you’re welcome.”

  “I look like Olivia Newton-John at the end of Grease! I can’t wear this!”

  “What are you talking about? You look great! I have no doubt that all eyes will be on you tonight.”

  “I don’t want all eyes to be on me, Maddie. The only one who should have his eyes on me is Shayne.”

  “Well, you’re not going to make many friends with that lame-ass attitude. Besides, a little time away from Shayne wouldn’t kill you.” I grabbed her hand and tugged her out of the room before she could protest further. “C’mon, we better get going. We’re already pushing ‘fashionably late’.”

  When we stepped into the living room, I had to choke back the giggle that was building up inside me. Robbie was sitting on the couch next to Shayne and definitely pushing the boundaries of his personal space. I could tell that it was starting to get to him by the beads of sweat that began to pool above his brow. The moment Robbie’s hand landed on his arm and started stroking up the length of his bicep, Shayne bolted off of the couch away from him. I couldn’t help but smile at Robbie for his futile attempt. Liberty cleared her throat, stealing away Shayne’s attention… and boy did she have his attention. He was practically drooling all over my carpet like a Pavlovian dog.

  “Wow… um…” Shayne reached up to wipe away the nervous beads of sweat with the back of his hand. “Wow.”

  As much as I hated to see Liberty elicit that kind of reaction from him, I had to pat myself on the back for that one.

  “See, I told you. You look hot, lady!” I reassured her.

  “Liberty, sweetheart… um… I uh… I don’t think you should wear that out tonight. It’s starting to get cooler outside, and I don’t want you getting sick.” Shayne’s eyes were still roaming up and down her body, drinking her in.

  “Are you kidding me? It’s almost seventy-five degrees, and it’ll be even hotter with all of those bodies crammed into the house. Stop being such a pussy and let the girl show off those sexy curves. I’m sure she’ll spend the whole night flaunting that damn ring anyway, so you have nothing to worry about, lover boy.”

  I ignored the glare he shot my way and cut my attention over to Robbie. “Are you coming with us or are you going to pull the old-man card again?”

  Liberty looked at him with her eyebrow raised. “Old man? You’re like twenty-four.”

  “Yeah, and this old man’s partying days are over. Frat parties aren’t really my scene anyway, so Lance and I are just going to spend the night in.”

  “What the hell! I said the same thing, and you’re still dragging my ass there. How come he doesn’t have to go?”

  “Because, he’s not the one t
rying to be a social pariah with her new fiancé. You need to get out there and meet new people, especially if you’re going to be sharing classes with some of them. Now grab your purse and let’s go!”

  “Is she always this bossy?” Shayne whispered into Liberty’s ear, but Robbie must have overheard because he beat her to the punch.

  “You have no idea, man. Who knew living with a woman was such a chore?”

  Shayne slapped him on the back, letting out a hearty laugh. “Yeah, I know what you mean. “

  “Hey, we’re standing right here!” Liberty all but screeched.

  “I’m just kidding, sweetheart. Living with you is far from a chore. Although, you have been a great addition to my workout regiment…” he trailed off as he nuzzled into Liberty’s neck.

  “Okay, I’ve heard and seen enough. Let’s go, before I have to gouge my own eyes out with a mascara wand.”

  Robbie wrapped his arms around me, pulling me in for a tight hug, and pressed a kiss against my hair. “Try to behave tonight, baby girl. I better not get any calls at two in the morning, begging me to bail your pretty, little ass out of jail.”

  “That won’t be a problem as long as they can keep their hands to themselves for more than five seconds.” I looked over at them with their arms encircling one another in a tender embrace. Had it been any other guy, I would have thought they were the most adorable couple. The way they looked into each other’s eyes was enough to make me believe that maybe what they shared was real; that maybe love wasn’t such a farfetched notion. For me, though… it just wasn’t in the stars. I had accepted that a long time ago.

  Knowing what kind of person Shayne really was, the sight of them now made my stomach turn.

  “Ughh, I’ll be out in the car whenever y’all are ready.” I grabbed my clutch off of the kitchen counter and stormed off toward Shayne’s Jeep. I could already tell this was going to be a long night and require a lot of liquor to drown out their nauseating PDA.


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