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Unforeseen Heartbeat

Page 6

by Maureen Mayer

  “Annnyways.” I rolled my eyes. “He just so happened to be in my Abnormal Psych class this morning. I mean seriously, what are the odds of that happening? Oh, and get this, he’s ROTC! First he thinks he’s some medical expert and now he thinks he’s a freakin’ G.I. Joe!” I threw my head back, sinking into my goose-down pillow.

  “A sexy man in uniform, with the added bonus of one day becoming McDreamy? Yeah, I’m not seeing the problem here.”

  “Ugh, the problem is that he thinks he has some kind of weird attachment to me now, and he can’t take a hint that I want nothing to do with him.”

  “And why is that?” Robbie stared at me stoically.

  My brows furrowed, trying to figure out what he was getting at. “Why is what?”

  “Why do you want nothing to do with him? He seems nice enough, not like the usual guys you go after, but maybe that’s the problem. Maybe it’s time for a change. Break free from the norm. You might be surprised by what you find.”

  I looked into Robbie’s eyes and could feel the burn of unshed tears. “I can’t do that, and you know it.”

  Robbie knew all about what happened between Shayne and me when I was sixteen. I vowed never to speak of it again, but when shit went down over the summer, telling my new roommate about my past was inevitable. He sat there and listened to every word and every sob as I poured my heart out to him, and in the end he held me close and told me he understood why I felt the way I did. Why I made the decision on my own, and why I kept it a secret from everyone. It wasn’t easy keeping that buried inside for years, but Robbie made me feel like, for once, I wasn’t the bad guy in all of this.

  “I know, baby girl, but what’s the worst that could happen? Just give the poor guy a chance and get to know him. Take things slow, and if you still find that you harbor no feelings for him whatsoever, maybe you’ll end up getting a friend out it.”

  “Robbie, I’ve never even had a boyfriend. I haven’t got one iota of a clue what I’m doing.” I buried my face in my hands, doing what I did best; blocking out the world when the going got too tough. Robbie slowly peeled them away and cupped my cheeks in his hands.

  “Like I said, just start out as friends… and for God’s sake, keep him away from the bedroom.”

  I dabbed at the unshed tears with my sleeve and let out a soft chuckle. “You know I don’t like to limit myself to just the bedroom, Robbie.”

  “Do I need to put a damn chastity belt on you, woman? Just try keeping your hormones in check for a few weeks, so he can see through your broken layers and find the beautiful girl I know and love that lies beneath.”

  I smiled and leaned up on my knees to hug him. Then I remembered that he was still naked beneath my bathrobe and quickly pulled away.

  “Would you like your robe back?” He began to untie the silk sash around his waist.

  “Uh, no, that’s all right. You can give it back to me when I’m not in danger of seeing your pecker for the millionth time.”

  Robbie gave me a playful smirk and kissed my cheek before leaving my room.

  As the door clicked shut, I pulled the letter out of my back pocket, the one Hunter had sent with the beautiful flowers, and traced my thumb over the numbers scrawled at the bottom. Taking Robbie’s advice into consideration, I weighed the pros and cons against one another, but in reality, the only thing I was worried about was hurting Hunter. For so long, I had felt as if my heart was invincible, unable to break if I was unwilling to share it to others. I had to bear in mind, though, that just because I wasn’t willing to share mine, that didn’t exclude Hunter from freely handing his over. I was pretty sure he already had. If I agreed to give him a chance and let him into my life, I’d just have to make sure I kept my feelings at bay and my libido on lockdown. Otherwise, we were going to crash and burn, and I could already tell it wouldn’t be pretty.

  When I got to class Wednesday morning, I chose to sit a little bit closer to the front of the room in the hopes that I’d be less likely to fall asleep. In my opinion, 9:00 AM classes should be banned, but unfortunately, this was the only time Abnormal Psych was offered, so I was forced to brave the wee hours of the morning. Just as the professor began his lecture, I heard a door at the back of the room slam shut, and everyone sat up straight and turned to see who the culprit was. Of course it was Hunter, and from where I was sitting, I could see his cheeks had flushed a rosy shade of pink, embarrassed to have all eyes on him. He hurried down the steps with his head tipped down, chin pressed to his chest, and his paced slowed as he reached my row.

  “Do you mind if sit here?” He nodded his head toward the empty seat next to me.

  “Uh, no. Have at it, soldier,” I smirked.

  His shoulders relaxed, and the corner of his mouth tilted up appreciatively as he slid into his seat. He leaned over and I could feel his warm breath against my ear. “How have you been?”

  “Fine.” I kept my eyes focused on the front of the room while the slightest hint of a smirk teased at my lips. “And yes, I’ve been sleeping well.”

  This time I turned to look at him. He was faced forward, but I could see him silently laughing to himself as his shoulders bobbed up and down. I must have guessed correctly what his second question was going to be.

  “So did I miss anything?”

  I clicked my pen and started taking down notes. “No, Dr. Jenkins was just about to go over the difference between adaptive and maladaptive behaviors.”

  “Can anyone tell me what maladaptive behavior is?” Dr. Jenkins looked around the room. “Yes, you in the middle.”

  I heard Hunter clear his throat next to me, unaware that he had even been raising his hand. “Maladaptive behaviors are usually meant to reduce one’s anxiety, but more often than not, they’re dysfunctional and non-productive. I believe the book uses the example of avoiding situations because someone has distorted fears that, at first, may reduce one’s anxiety, but ultimately, it is non-productive in reducing or completely eradicating the actual problem in the long run.”

  Hmm, that sounded familiar.

  “Very good. Glad to see someone’s been doing his homework.”

  Our professor continued on with his lecture, directing questions at the class, and I couldn’t help but stare at Hunter in awe. He must’ve caught me out of the corner of his eye because without moving a muscle or removing his gaze from the front of the class he asked, “What?”

  “I think I just found my new study partner.” I slowly grinned up at him.

  “Is that so?”

  “Oh yeah. I have no doubt I’ll pass this class now.” I twirled my blonde hair around my pen, completely tuning out everyone and everything but Hunter. He reached over, untangling the strand from my pen and gently placed it behind my ear.

  “Well, I’d be happy to tutor you.” I could hear the smile in his voice, and I was proud that I had actually made it this far into the conversation. Maybe letting Hunter in wouldn’t be so hard after all.

  “Do you like Mexican food?”

  I started to write the word “Mexican” in my notes and looked down at my paper, wondering where that had come from.

  I swiveled in my seat, turning my whole body toward him. “Wait… what?”

  “Mexican. Food. Do you like it? They just opened up a new place not too far from campus. I think it’s called La Tolteca, or something like that. I was gonna head up there after I finished up some training exercises later and thought maybe you’d like to join me. We could discuss tutoring and set up a schedule.”

  I sat there dumbfounded with my mouth hanging open. Was this his subtle way of asking me out?

  His smile slowly faded as silence passed between us. “Or we could talk about other stuff. It doesn’t necessarily have to be school related.”

  “Is this like… a date?”

  Hunter nervously ran his fingers through his short brown hair. “Uh, well, I didn’t intend on it being a date, but—”

  “Oh, well in that case, I’d love to!” My mood instantl
y perked up. As long as we were just going as friends, there was no pressure. So why the hell not? Right?

  “Great! Why don’t I pick you up around, let’s say, seven?”

  “That sounds perfect.” I grinned and turned my attention back to Dr. Jenkins, which was useless because there was no way I was going to be able to pay attention now. I was too giddy about my dat—, err dinner, with Hunter.

  The rest of the lecture flew by, and before we knew it the professor was announcing that class was over. I collected my things, and Hunter stood to let me pass by first. When his hand connected with the small of my back, I nearly jumped out of my skin, startled by the unexpected contact.

  He quickly placed his hand back at his side and smiled, but it never reached his eyes. “Sorry. I guess some habits never die.” I could sense a bit of remorse from him not having asked before touching me. My thoughts went back to the night of our first encounter, and I could see why he had reacted in such a way.

  I shrugged it off. “It’s fine. I just get a little jumpy sometimes. Not your fault.”

  “Is it because…”

  I stepped in front of him, placing my hand on his chest. “Can we not talk about that anymore? I’d much rather forget that whole night ever happened.”

  “I understand. It kills me to even think what that asshole could have done to you, but at least something good came out it.”

  “Are you serious? What good could have possibly come from almost being raped?!” After hearing a remark like that, I was fuming. Absolutely livid. How could he be so insensitive?

  “I met you.”

  All right, that was actually kind of sweet of him to say that, and I couldn’t help but smile back at him with the way that boyish grin lit up his face.

  “Yes, you did, although the circumstances might not have been favorable.”

  I must have been on autopilot because the next thing I knew, we were walking through the doors of the campus dining hall and heading toward the table where Liberty was seated. Her eyes grew wide as we approached the table.

  “Hey, Maddie and Hunter. It’s so good to see you again. Are you going to be joining us for lunch?”

  Damn that woman. I didn’t even get the chance to cut her off before she asked. I looked up at him and saw that he wasn’t looking at Liberty, but rather at me.

  “Wish I could, but I’ve got my internship at the hospital in about twenty minutes. I’ll see you later?” He brushed a loose strand of hair behind my ear and softly trailed his finger along my jaw before returning his hand back to the strap of his backpack. A rush of heat flooded up my neck and stained my cheeks crimson.

  “Uh, yeah. Later,” I choked out.

  “All right, have a nice lunch, ladies.” He winked at me and made his way back out the way he came.

  My eyes never left his back as my legs gave out, and I sank down into the nearest chair. It wasn’t until Liberty spoke that I was able to break the contact.

  “Well, well, well. What was that all about, Ms. Harrington? I see things are running much smoother between the two of you.”

  “I guess you could say that. I decided I’m at least going to make the effort to be friends… and don’t give me that look! I know what you’re thinking, but I’m not looking for anything more, so don’t push it.”

  Liberty shook her head in disapproval. “I don’t know why you do this to yourself, Maddie. You are a beautiful woman, inside and out, and you deserve to have someone special like Hunter. I mean, the way you were looking into each others’ eyes… you’d have to be blind to not see what I’m seeing.”

  “Liberty, I just met him. Whatever it is you’re seeing has clearly been fabricated in your mind, because there is nothing going on between us. Not even close.”

  “Suuure. Then can you explain to me why there’s drool running down your chin?”

  I quickly wiped at my chin only to find that it was dry. “Bitch, I will cut you if you keep this shit up! God, we’re just getting some dinner tonight and possibly talking about setting up a tutoring schedule. That’s it. It’s really not that big of a deal.”

  Liberty’s grin grew wider and wider by the second. “You have a date?!”

  “It’s not a date.”

  “Did he ask you, or did you ask him?”

  I eyed her cautiously, unsure of what she was really trying to get at. “Does it matter?”


  “He asked me.”

  “It’s a date,” she squealed, giggling as she clasped her hands together.

  I released an irritated sigh and grabbed my things. “I think I’m going to eat my lunch elsewhere today.”

  “Have fun on your date!” Liberty’s boisterous laughter resonated throughout the dining hall, and I cringed wondering if she was right; that it might actually be a date.


  “The red one or the pink one?” I said to my towel-wrapped reflection while alternating the two dresses in front of me. I was trying to keep up with the “going against the norm” theme, but nothing in my wardrobe seemed modest enough for the occasion. It was just dinner with a friend, so it wasn’t like I needed to impress him or anything.

  I looked over my shoulder in the mirror to find Lance looking back at me. “What look are you going for? Sultry seductress or sweet and innocent girl-next-door?”

  I sighed, not really sure myself. “I don’t know. Neither really.”

  Lance took both dresses out of my hands and laid them on the bed. “Look out, girlfriend. Daddy’s raiding your closet!”

  I chuckled, watching the sight before me. Lance dove right in, tearing through my closet like a pro, and came up with probably the last outfit I would have ever chosen.

  “Skinny jeans and a plain white t-shirt?” I quirked an eyebrow. “This is the best you could come up with?”

  “Throw these boots on, too. Oh, and this jacket will look cute over that shirt.”

  “You sure? Because this is beginning to make me question your sexuality, Lance.”

  He shoved me into the bathroom with a wicked grin on his face. “Trust me.”

  I wasn’t quite convinced Lance knew what he was talking about, but I quickly got dressed and slipped on the tan, knee-high boots and olive-green, canvas jacket; the zipper was off-centered and slid up the right side of my torso, which added a bit of an edgy feel to the whole look. Okay, I had to admit, my outfit was actually coming together quite nicely. After throwing my hair up in a French twist, clipping it in place, I added a bit of color to my eyes, cheeks and lips. When I stepped out of the bathroom, both Lance and Robbie were sitting on my bed, clapping their hands in approval.

  “Girl, you are going to knock him dead where he stands. He’s not going to know what hit him!”

  “Well, let’s not kill him before I get dinner out of the deal,” I joked, making us all laugh.

  A rumble of thunder echoed through the house, and I grabbed an umbrella so I wouldn’t get poured on; nothing worse than looking like a drowned rat on the first date. I mean… not that it was a date. It was just dinner. Between friends. Nothing more. Now, why couldn’t I shake the feeling that I had to be kidding myself to even think that was true?

  I heard a knock at the front door and quickly dashed into the living room to answer it. Robbie and Lance were hot on my heels as I flung the door open, and my mouth gaped wide, drinking Hunter in. I thought he looked hot as hell in his fatigues, but this… this was a whole different Hunter. He had on a pair of jeans that were ripped at the knee and a black V-neck t-shirt that clung to his broad chest, but that wasn’t what had me nearly drooling. It was the black boots and leather jacket that had my panties disintegrating just at the sight of him. It gave him that bad-boy appearance without appearing as though he was trying too hard.

  I watched as his grin faltered and his eyes grew to the size of saucers. Just before I could ask him what was wrong, a hand reached out from behind me and lifted my chin so that my mouth was no longer hanging wide open. I peeked over my shou
lder, and Robbie and Lance were towering over me with matching goofy grins. I could see why Hunter might have felt intimidated at first glance, but those boys couldn’t hurt a fly even if they tried.

  “Hi,” I finally spoke, breaking the tension. A few more seconds of silence passed. “Oh! Sorry, this is my roommate Robbie and his boyfriend Lance.”

  Hunter’s eyes softened and his warm smile returned. “Nice to see you again, Robbie, and it’s a pleasure to meet you, Lance. I’m Hunter.” He extended his hand to shake both of theirs before turning his attention back down to me. “You about ready to go?”

  “Yeah, let me just grab my purse.”

  “Hmm.” He tilted his head to the side, and his eyes roamed over my body as though he were studying me.

  “Is something wrong?”

  “No, not at all.” He reassured me. “But, uh, you might want to take your hair clip out.”

  “My hair clip? You don’t like it?” I reached up defensively. Never had a guy so openly expressed his distaste for my hairstyle.

  “Oh, no, no, no. I didn’t mean anything by it. Your hair looks great. Really. But I don’t think this will fit over it.”

  He reached behind his back, revealing a small black helmet that looked like it was just my size. Then it clicked that it wasn’t thunder I had heard a minute ago. I stood on my tiptoes to peek over his shoulder, and low and behold, there was a black and silver Harley parked just out front of my apartment. Pretty sure his hotness factor just shot through the roof… but did he really expect me to get on the back of that death trap?!

  “Oh, uh, I’m not sure if this is a good idea. I-I’ve never been on a motorcycle before.” I stepped back, apprehensively. “Are you sure you don’t want me to drive? I don’t mind. Really, it’s no trouble.”

  Hunter grinned down at me, a hint of laughter behind his eyes. “You’ll be fine. I’ve been riding that baby since I was sixteen, and I’ve been riding dirk bikes even longer than that. I promise, I’d never let anything happen to you.” His eyes softened as they raked over me. “Do you trust me?”


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