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Unforeseen Heartbeat

Page 9

by Maureen Mayer

  He took my other hand and showed me the correct way to hold it. He pressed his chest into my back, and I relished in the warmth of our connection.

  “I’m going to stand close to you to keep your shoulders steady, in case the recoil startles you and you flinch in response. Now move your index finger over the trigger and take a deep breath. It’s best to time firing with your breathing. When you feel confident that your aim is accurate, pull the trigger back all the way.”

  I could feel Hunter’s breath wash over the side of my neck, and I matched my breaths with his. When I felt relaxed enough to shoot, I lined up the sight just as he instructed and pulled the trigger. Even with the earmuffs on, the sound of the blast filled the entire room, and it rattled straight through to my bones. The recoil threw my shoulders back a bit, but Hunter’s hard chest was there to take the blow.

  “Not bad for your first shot. Try it again. This time, spread your legs a little bit further apart.”

  If I had a dollar for every time a guy told me to spread my legs…

  I lined the sight up with the target again, and now that I had a sense for what it was like to shoot a gun, I was feeling a little ballsier. I took a few deep breaths, corrected my stance, and proceeded to empty the entire magazine. The shots rang, piercing through my ears, and when I lowered my gun, I was surprised to find that almost every bullet had hit the center of the target.

  “Whoa there, Little Rambo! I have to say I’m impressed. Not bad for a first time shooter.”

  “Thanks.” Inside I was doing a little happy dance with the rush of adrenaline that still coursed through my veins.

  “I’m going to take a few shots, and then we can get out of here.”

  I handed him the gun and watched as he took his stance, his legs spread apart and his broad shoulders steady. He slid a fresh magazine in and took aim, slowly raising the gun.

  Pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop!

  With my jaw slack and eyes wide, he emptied the entire contents of the magazine within a matter of seconds. Not one bullet had missed the center of the target. Seeing him let loose, clearly in his element, I was swooning hard. I wouldn’t be surprised if my panties were drenched just from watching him.

  What the hell was he doing to me?

  He lowered the gun and looked back at me with the most adorable grin. Tucking the gun back into the holster at his waist, he wrapped an arm around my shoulder and tugged me to his side as we walked back out to his bike.

  “So what did you think?”

  “I think I want a gun of my own. Do you think I could get one in pink?”

  Hunter threw his head back, laughing boisterously, and pressed a kiss against my temple. “Yeah, I think we can manage to find you a pink one. C’mon, Little Rambo, let’s get you home.”

  We rode to my apartment, weaving through the traffic, and I savored the feeling of having my body pressed up against his. It was difficult to put into words the way he made me feel, but I knew I didn’t want to let that feeling go. I mean, this was insane, right? Two people meeting just by chance and then instantly falling for one another? That just doesn’t happen. At least not to me.

  When we pulled up outside my apartment, I sat there for a moment, refusing to let go of him… of us. I could feel Hunter’s body quake beneath me in laughter, and he removed his helmet to peek back at me. “You gotta let go sometime, Little Rambo.”

  Those words shot straight through me. It was a sad reminder of what I had always told myself. What I had convinced myself would forever be my mantra, because deep down I knew nothing lasted forever. I would never be good enough for any man. Never be wanted for anything other than my body. Never know what it felt like to be truly loved for me… just me. That’s why I never bothered to keep anyone around long enough to see if it developed into something more.

  You gotta let go sometime.

  “Madelyn?” Hunter’s tender voice broke through my thoughts.

  “Sorry. I just…” I let out a soft sigh and knew I couldn’t tell him how I really felt. It was far too soon to even be having these feelings for him anyway. “I guess I’ll see you in class. Thanks for taking me to the gun range. I really enjoyed it.”

  I climbed off of the bike and handed the helmet back to Hunter. “Nope, that’s yours, sweetheart. Hang on to it. You’ll need it for when I pick you up for class Friday.”

  “Oh, um, thanks.” It was totally unexpected, but I couldn’t help the bashful smile that spread across my face.

  “I’ll be here around eight-thirty to pick you up.” The corner of his mouth pulled up into a half grin, and he winked before placing his helmet back on.

  I watched him pull out of the parking space and head back down the road, the smile on my face never faltering. I didn’t know how long I was standing there before I finally realized he was gone, but Brett came up behind me and wrapped his arms across my collarbone.

  “I like him. I think he’s good for you, Maddie.”

  I looked back up into my brother’s eyes, seeing the sincerity of his words. “You’re still here?”

  “Yeah. Robbie, Lance and I cleaned up the mess from your car. I didn’t want any of the kids from your complex playing around in the glass.”

  “Thanks, Brett. I don’t know what I’d do without you.” I turned around and wrapped my arms around his waist so that I could hug him in return.

  “Well, I think it’s safe to say with Hunter in the picture, you might not need me around as much.”

  “Don’t say that. I’ll always need you. You’re my big brother. I’m sorry to say, but you’re kinda stuck with me.”

  “Yeah, I guess I am,” Brett chuckled and kissed my forehead. “I was just about to head out and grab some lunch with Liberty and Shayne. You want to tag along?”

  My eyebrow slowly rose, wondering if I had heard him correctly. “You sure you want to do that? I mean, isn’t it still hard for you to be around her now that…”

  Brett released his arms from around me and tucked them deep into his back pockets. “I’m working on it. It’s not easy. The whole situation still royally sucks ass, but as long as he makes her happy, then I’m happy for her. I don’t want to lose her as a friend just because she chose the wrong guy.”

  There’s the brother I knew and loved. I knew he still wasn’t completely over her yet. “Whatever you say, bro. Let’s go get some grub. All that gun shooting worked me up an appetite.”

  “Wait… what? Where the hell did Hunter take you?” His eyebrows pinched together.

  I shook my head and laughed as I climbed in Brett’s truck. I might as well tell them the whole story over lunch.

  “A gun range? Hunter took you to a gun range? Who in their right mind would ever trust Maddie Harrington with a gun?!” The look on Liberty’s face was priceless.

  I slid into the booth across from Shayne and Liberty, and Brett squeezed in next to me. “Well, he thought it would be a good for me to learn how to defend myself with everything that’s been going on lately. And why is the idea of me with a gun such a crazy idea? I’m actually a pretty good shot!” I picked up my menu with a satisfied grin.

  “I think that frightens me even more,” Shayne chimed in.

  “Oh, hush, or I’ll put a bullet where the sun don’t shine,” I chewed my lip, fighting back a smile. I glanced over the top of my menu and caught a glimpse of Shayne moving his hands over the front of his pants as he sat up straighter in the booth. Seeing his reaction made me laugh out loud, and he shot me a weak smile.

  The waiter came over to take our orders, and while everyone picked out something light, I chose the heartiest, most likely unhealthiest items on the menu: a huge bacon cheeseburger, chili cheese fries and a chocolate shake. Yum!

  “Man, you weren’t kidding when you said you worked up an appetite, sis. I don’t know where the hell you put it all.”

  I shrugged my shoulders and laughed when he poked at my ribs, trying to emphasize how tiny I was. I couldn’t help that I was blessed with
a high metabolism.

  “So who do you think was responsible for trashing your car?” Liberty shot me a knowing look before taking a sip of her Cherry Coke.

  I tipped my head down. “I have a few ideas.”

  That seemed to catch everyone’s attention at the table, because when the police had questioned me earlier, I told them no one came to mind. I tangled my hands together and fidgeted in my seat. I tried not to think about it, but if it were true, I might actually need to watch my back.

  “Maddie, why didn’t you say anything to the cops?” Liberty reached across the table and held my hand with concern lighting up her eyes. “I mean, I’m sure we all have the same person in mind, but why are you protecting him?”

  “Because I don’t want to make things worse! If I throw anyone else under the bus, who knows what might happen to me. I know Tucker is to blame for this whole chain of events, and now that I pressed charges against him, not only does the whole soccer team have it out for me, but probably every other male athletic team on campus.”

  “So you’re saying that…” Shayne spoke up, but I didn’t want to hear him finish.

  “Yes. I hate to admit it, and this probably makes me sound like an even bigger whore who spreads her legs for just about anyone, but I’ve been with quite a few guys from the teams. I guess we have that much in common, huh Shayne?” I laughed sardonically at how ironic it was that I had become the female version of who Shayne used to be. “I imagine that they all think I’m going to pull the same shit with them and say that they tried to rape me at some point, too.”

  I sank back against the soft padding of the booth, feeling completely ashamed of myself. It was true. I was a whore. The freakin’ campus whore. God, how had I let my life get so messed up? It was literally spinning out of control, and now I was caught in the middle of the crossfire of it all.

  “Maddie, no one thinks you’re a whore. A little… promiscuous, maybe, but not a whore. And trust me, you are nowhere near as bad as I was back then. At least you remember who you slept with.” Liberty gave Shayne’s shoulder a hard shove and crossed her arms over her chest in disapproval of his former man-whore ways. At least she wasn’t around to actually witness it back then… or experience it.

  Brett slung his arm over my shoulder and pulled me close. “I know you’re scared, and it’s great that Hunter wants to help you, but I think what you really need is to learn how to protect yourself without having to carry a gun. Maybe try something like kick boxing or judo.”

  “I can help her with that.”

  My heart leapt into my throat, and I nearly jumped right out of the booth at the sound of his voice softly floating through my ear.

  “Jesus H. Fuck, don’t sneak up on me like that!” My hand flew over my thumping chest. “What are you doing here?”

  “It seems I pulled the short straw and was nominated to pick up lunch for the cadets today.” He smiled down at me warmly, and I couldn’t hold back the smile playing at my lips.

  “Oh,” was all I could utter. I was still speechless that he was standing there, listening in on our conversation, and had yet again selflessly volunteered to help me.

  “I agree with Brett, though. I think it would be very beneficial for you to learn some hand to hand combat. If you want, I could teach you a thing or two.”

  “That would great, Hunter. I’m sure Maddie would looove to learn a thing or two from you. Oww!”

  I kicked Liberty under the table, and she shot me a sharp glare. Serves her right. When will that bitch learn to keep her damn mouth shut?

  “Perfect. We can start next week. It was nice seeing y’all again. I’ll see you Friday, Madelyn.” Hunter shook hands with my brother and Shayne, and winked in my direction before he made his way over the counter to pick up his order.

  “Madelyn? Oh, I love him already. I can tell you right now that he’s a keeper, Madelyn.” Liberty wiggled her eyebrows at me suggestively.

  “Oh, shut it, cockgobbler. We’re not even dating, so don’t get any ideas.”

  “Not yet,” she replied snarkily, and everyone else at the table joined in on the silly banter.

  I looked back just as Hunter was leaving the diner and smiled at him. He caught my glance, giving me a two-finger salute and a show-stopping grin. Oh, the things I pictured myself doing to that man…

  “Hello, earth to Maddie.” Brett waved his hand in front of my face, snapping his fingers to break my concentration. “Did you even hear a word Liberty just said?”

  “I’m sorry, what’s that?” I turned my attention back to the group.

  “I asked if you wanted to help plan the Halloween party with me. We were thinking about renting out one of the hotel suites at the Ocean Plaza Resort. You in?”

  I couldn’t get my mind off of Hunter, so I just nodded and replied, “Yeah. Sure. Whatever you want, Liberty.”

  “Awesome. You should invite Hunter, too. Maybe get him to dress up in his Army fatigues.” Now that grabbed my attention and she smiled knowingly.

  “Army fatigues?” Shayne shook his head laughing. “Damn, Maddie, you sure know how to pick ‘em.”

  “What the hell is that supposed to mean?”

  “Med school, Army… is there anything boy-wonder can’t do?”

  “Oh hush. For your information, he joined ROTC to pay for school. You don’t necessarily have to join the Army when you graduate. And I think it was a very responsible choice, so don’t bash him for actually putting some thought into his future.”

  “I didn’t mean to put him down for it. I’m just surprised that you finally found someone worth going after.”

  “Oh. Well, who says I’m going after him? Can’t I spend time with a guy without everyone assuming I’m trying to get in his pants?”

  Three sets of eyes passed around the table, sharing a silent conversation that I was clearly not a part of. It seemed they were all in mutual agreement when it came to me pursuing Hunter. I couldn’t lie. I was definitely attracted to him, much more so than I should be, but it was all new territory to me. I was like the Virgin Mary when it came to monogamous relationships. More like Mary Magdalene.

  I stared out the window of the diner, watching Hunter straddle his bike as he was just about to slip his helmet on, but he must have sensed me watching. He slowly turned back and winked in my direction. He slid the kickstand back with the heel of his boot, and the motorcycle flew out of the gravel-filled parking lot, leaving a cloud of dust in his wake. That man out there, the one who was slowly but surely cracking through my iron-clad walls, would either be my whole world or my complete undoing… I just hadn’t quite figured out yet which one of those roles he was going to fill.

  Friday morning, as I was sleeping peacefully through a deliciously naughty dream involving Charlie Hunnam and Scott Eastwood, I awoke to a loud, obnoxious banging. The unrelenting noise didn’t cease until I rolled out of bed and swung the front door open to find Hunter on the other side with his arms weighed down by several bags. If he was trying to suck up and get on my good side, this was definitely not the way to go about doing so. For Christ’s sake, he just pulled me away from two fine as hell naked men!

  “Mornin’, sweet cheeks.” He gave me a quick once over with a cocky grin. I looked down to see I was only wearing a thin tank top and a pair of boy-short undies. Lovely. “Mind if I come in?”

  I rolled my eyes and opened the door wider. “Oh sure, why the hell not? Not like I’m going to fall back to sleep anytime soon after all that banging. Let me go grab a robe.”

  “I’ve got an even better idea. Why don’t you go change into this?” He handed me one of the bags filled with stretchy workout clothes. I cocked an eyebrow at him, wondering what the hell they were for. “You said you wanted to learn more self-defense, so here I am, at you service. Now hurry up and get changed. We should get to the gym before it fills up.”

  I looked over at the clock on the wall to find that it was only six-thirty in the freakin’ morning. Ughh, why did I even bothe
r opening the door? If he seriously thought I was going to let him drag me to the gym at the ass crack of dawn, he had another thing coming. “I don’t think we’ll have a problem with the gym filling up,” I said, yawning through my words.

  “You’d be surprised. It’s not unusual for the gym to be packed by seven. Now let’s go, sweet cheeks.” He slapped my ass, causing me to yelp. “Time’s a wastin’, and we need to get a session in before class.”

  I grunted and dragged my tired feet back to my bedroom. Looking over the clothes he had bought, I was caught by surprise because he actually got everything in my size. There was a wide selection of Under Armor products, from tank tops to capris, and even a set of sparring gloves. I giggled as I picked up a hot pink sports bra, dangling it between my fingers. I could only imagine what the cashier must have thought when he purchased these, but I guess I had to give the guy props for trying.

  When I stepped back into the living room, Hunter was looking over some pictures of my family that were displayed on the mantel, and I could see the smile tugging at the corner of his mouth from his profile. He spun around when he heard me approaching and whistled.

  “Damn. I gotta say, Madelyn, you are a vision of beauty first thing in the morning.”

  “Yeah right.” I blushed at his compliment.

  “No, I’m serious.” He came over to me, catching a strand of hair that had fallen free from my messy bun and slipped it behind me ear. His hand lingered there against my cheek, and I closed my eyes, leaning into his touch. “So beautiful.” His hand was warm, rough, inviting, and the way his thumb brushed against my cheek had the butterflies taking flight in my chest. My eyes fluttered open, and I found him staring down at me with so much passion emanating from his gaze, but the moment quickly passed when Robbie walked by us with his naked ass in plain sight as he headed into the kitchen. I leaned my head against Hunter’s chest and bellowed out a frustrated growl.

  “Robbie! What have I told you about covering up your baloney pony when you’re moseying around the apartment?”


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