Book Read Free

Unforeseen Heartbeat

Page 31

by Maureen Mayer

  “I’ll say,” Hunter chimed in oh so pleasantly. “I think she gave me a few broken fingers on the way here.”

  I glared at him, but the nurse just smiled, laughing it off. “Oh, you’d be surprised by some of the injuries men get while their wives are in labor. Worst I’ve seen was a pretty nasty concussion when one of the soon-to-be fathers passed out and bashed his head on the fetal monitor. I think I saw more blood pour out of his nose than I did throughout the entire birth of their child, so count yourself lucky.”

  Hunter’s eyes grew wide, and now it was my turn to laugh. Broken fingers should’ve been the least of his worries, because I was the one about to push a six-pound bowling ball out of my vagina!

  The nurse hooked me up to several monitors, one of which was an EFM belt that she strapped around my belly to check the baby’s heart rate and record the pattern of my contractions. She also started an IV to keep me hydrated and gave me Demerol to alleviate the pain. I could still feel pressure from the contractions, but they were easier to handle, and I was finally given some much-needed comfort before all of the fun began. Most of my comfort came from listening to my baby’s heartbeat thumping away steadily on the monitor, though. I was going to miss hearing that wonderful sound after she was born.

  “I can’t wait to hold her, Hunter. I wish she’d hurry up and get here.”

  He held my hand while rubbing soothing circles along my hip and feeding me ice chips. “She will be. Just a little while longer.” He smiled and pressed his lips to my forehead. “Hey, we still haven’t picked out a name yet.”

  I shook my head, because none of the names we had previously come up with seemed to fit her. “I was hoping it would come to us when we finally get to see her.”

  Another contraction hit me, spiking across the monitor, and although the pressure was really intense, I was able to bear the brunt of it. “Are you all right? Do you need me to get you anything?” Hunter’s eyes were laced with concern, and it tugged at my heart to see him so worried about me.

  “No. You’re already doing exactly what I need you to do. I just need you here with me.”

  “Always, sweetheart. Always.” He kissed me gently and smiled against my lips. “After she’s born, I’m never letting you girls out of my sight. You know that, right?”

  “Oh, I know.” I patted his cheek, giggling. “I know.”

  “Baby, I love you so much. I know I’ve already told you a million times, but I’m going to spend the rest of my life thanking you for giving me this precious gift.” He ran his hand over my belly and bent down to kiss our baby girl one last time before she made her grand appearance. “All right little one, we’re ready and waiting for you. Don’t make mommy wait too long. I think you’re wearing her out.”

  He had that right. Pretty soon, I was going to take matters into my own hands and start pushing, whether the doctor was ready for me to or not. A few hours later, after several visits from the nurse, the doctor finally came in to see how things were progressing. She lifted my gown up over my knees and spread my legs, but I wasn’t expecting to hear what came out of her mouth next. “Oh my!”

  Hunter and I looked back and forth at one another, before he flew to the foot of the bed. “What? What’s wrong?” His mouth plummeted to the floor and his face grew pale, which in turn caused my heart rate to spike on the monitors. “What the fuck is that!?”

  “That would be a full head of blonde hair.” The doctor grinned excitedly and pulled over a tray of instruments.

  “You can already see her head?” I smiled, and tears pooled in my eyes as I sat up on my elbows, trying to get a look at her, but I kept forgetting my huge tummy was in the way.

  “Oh yes, she’s crowning quite nicely now.” She called one of the nurses over, who then helped me get into position so I could begin pushing. “All right daddy, jump on in and grab a leg. There you go. Perfect. Now, when the next contraction hits, I’m going to need you to start pushing until I tell you stop.”

  I nodded, taking in a few deep breathes to prepare myself. As soon as I felt the pressure begin to build again, the doctor signaled for me to bear down, and I held my breath, giving it everything I had. Once the nurse finished counting to ten, I fell back against the pillow, gasping for air. How women went through this multiple times was beyond me, and the thought of getting my tubes tied was sounding more and more tempting as the minutes passed by. This same routine went on for another twenty minutes, and I was so exhausted that I was about ready to give up.

  “Ahhh! I can’t do it. I’ve got nothing left in me.” I threw my arms down in sweaty defeat, panting heavily.

  “Yes, you can. You’re doing so well,” Hunter said as he brushed back my hair and kissed the top of my head. “Just a few more pushes, and she’ll be here. You can do this, baby. Look at me. Keep your eyes on me.” I looked up into his heavenly gray eyes as they glistened with tears, and a lump formed in my throat at seeing the amount of love pouring from his unwavering stare. “You are the strongest woman I know, and I am so damn proud of you. Our daughter is lucky to have you as her mother.”

  His loving words gave me just the boost I needed to keep going. “I love you so much, Hunter.”

  “I love you too, sweetheart.” He chased my tear-stained smile with a kiss.

  “I think one more push should it, so I’m going to need you to hold this one a little longer. Take a few deep breaths so you don’t pass out on us.” The nurse got a towel ready as she stood beside the doctor.


  She was absolutely right. It was the hardest one of all, but one more push was all I needed, and after the nurses cleaned her up, I heard the sweetest, most angelic sound slip past her lips. Her squealing cries pierced straight through my heart, and I instantly fell in love with her. The nurse wrapped her up all snug and warm in a blanket before handing her over to me, but she still managed to wiggle her arm free. Her little hand with all five wrinkly fingers, reached up to my face, and I kissed her tiny palm, loving the feel of her soft, newborn skin.

  “Hello, my little angel.” I nuzzled her cheek, breathing in her sweet scent. “Mommy loves you so very much.” Hunter sat beside me on the bed, gently brushing his hand over her feathery, blonde hair. “God, isn’t she beautiful?”

  “Most beautiful thing I’ve ever laid eyes, next to her mother.” He kissed the top of her head, and I could tell he was breathing in her scent as well; it was so addicting. “She looks like you, you know.”

  “You think so?” I looked down at her little face, her cheeks rosy and swollen from crying, and I couldn’t help but smile. “I bet you those blue eyes are going to turn gray, just like your daddy’s,” I cooed at her.

  Hunter swept his thumb across my cheek, capturing tears I didn’t even know were there, and I looked up to see his own elated tears trickling down his face. Hunter was always the strong one, the one who kept his emotions in check even when I knew he was on the verge of breaking down, but seeing this vulnerable side of him, so raw and uninhibited, made my heart grow ten-fold. I loved this man so much, and he had no idea that he had just given me the greatest gift of all; another beautiful piece of him to share my heart with.

  It didn’t take long for my hospital room to be overtaken by friends and family that were anxiously waiting to meet the newest addition to our family. Everyone had their chance to hold her and gush over her, throwing out their own ideas for names, but none of them seemed fitting. It wasn’t until after everyone left that the perfect name finally hit me.

  I looked over at the vase filled with vibrant purple irises that Brett had given me, and as I sat there nursing our little girl against my chest while Hunter gently rubbed her back, I knew right away the name was hers. It was always hers. “Iris.”

  Hunter’s eyes met mine, and a grin slowly crept up his handsome, stubbled face. “I love it.” He looked down at our daughter, and his smile grew even wider. “What do you think, sweet pea?” She let out a tiny squeal as she nuzzled against my breast. �
�I think she likes it, too. Iris it is.”

  Iris Amelia Bryant.

  Once we added it to her birth certificate, it was official.

  We were given permission to bring her home three days later, and I was so excited to finally be able to hold her in her nursery. As soon as we entered the apartment, Hunter picked Iris up out of her car seat, cradling her against his chest as though he had done it a hundred times before. He was a natural, and I knew he would be the best father to our daughter. He slipped his free hand into mine, leading me back to her room, and it was like déjà vu all over again, as he slowly pried the door open, only this time, he had both of his girls with him. I sank down into the rocking chair, and Hunter placed Iris in my arms, positioning himself at my feet so he could look up at the two of us. I couldn’t have imagined my life being any more perfect than it was at that very moment.

  A few weeks later, as I was getting ready for one of Iris’s nightly feedings, I stood in the doorway of her nursery and found Hunter speaking to her so sweetly that it just melted my heart into a pool of mush. He had just changed her diaper and was kissing her tiny feet and blowing raspberries against her little tummy, which caused her face to light up at his silly antics. I leaned my hip against the doorframe and smiled at my beautiful little family. To think, it was just about a year ago that none of this was even a twinkle in my eye, but if I had the chance to go back and change that fateful night that Hunter came into my life, I wouldn’t have changed a damn thing. Had it not happened, I wouldn’t have been standing there right then with the love of my life and our beautiful daughter.

  “So, do you think we should give this to mommy now?” Hunter leaned forward, kissing Iris’s chubby cheeks, and her mouth opened wide to smile up at her daddy. “Remember what we practiced.”

  He picked her up, and her little head peeked over his shoulder, her eyes growing big and round when she saw me approaching her. “Is our little sweet pea hungry yet?”

  “I don’t know about her, but I sure am.” He nibbled my ear while placing her in my arms.

  “Iris, tell your daddy to behave himself. He still has two more weeks before he can come near this hot mess.” She let out a tiny squeal that always made my heart sing. “See, the lady had spoken.”

  Hunter groaned, following close behind me as I took her back to our room. I pulled back the blankets on the bed, getting nice and comfy before I had to nurse her, but when I lifted her from my shoulder, I noticed a tiny bow tied around her thumb. “What’s this, sweetie?”

  I was surprised to find a ring loosely tied to the bow, perfectly nestled in the tiny palm of her hand, and my eyes instantly filled with tears. Hunter was now kneeling beside the bed, and his face had broken into a ridiculous smile as he took our daughter’s hand in his.

  “I wanted her to be a part of this, because the promises I’m about to make are meant for both of you.” I choked back a sob as tears poured out unwillingly. “Baby, I have loved you since the moment I first laid eyes you. You have brought so much joy and meaning to my life, and until that first night I held you in my arms, I never knew what was missing. It was you. Always you.” He slowly untied the ribbon from Iris’s finger and held it up between us. “I promise to love, cherish and protect you and our daughter for as long as I live, and I will fight with every last breath I take to make that happen. I will always fight for you, just as you have fought for me and for our daughter. I think that was what drew me to you the most.” He captured my lips in an all-consuming kiss. “You’re a fighter, baby… but I’m glad you never fought loving me.”

  My eyes burned with emotion, and I couldn’t hold back my answer any longer. “Yes!”

  He chuckled as he brushed his lips across the back of my left hand. “Babe, you’re jumping ahead of the gun here. I haven’t even popped the question yet.”

  “I don’t care. Whatever you have to say, my answer is yes. It will always be yes.”

  Hunter took our little girl in his arms and kissed her chubby cheek. “I don’t know, Iris. Do you think mommy is ready to officially take our last name? Think she’s ready to be Mrs. Bryant?” She reached up to touch his face, and that was all the confirmation he needed from her. “Looks like that’s a yes from her, too.”

  He slid the ring on my finger, and I could barely make it out through my tear-filled eyes, but I had seen it so many times before that I knew how beautiful it was… just like the man kneeling before me, like our precious daughter who had fallen fast asleep in his arms, and like the wonderful journey we were about to embark on as husband and wife.

  Life was truly beautiful, and I couldn’t wait for ours to begin.

  As I quietly padded into our bedroom, I found Hunter snoring softly with Iris lying across his chest and a hand protectively holding her in place. I could see her eyes fluttering beneath her lids, deep within a dream, and I hoped it was filled with love and happiness, because that was exactly what she had given us over the last twelve months.

  Iris was the light of my life, and watching her grow, day after day… I couldn’t even begin to explain what an amazing experience it was. I loved being a mother, especially hers, but sometimes I wished she would stop growing up so quickly. Every time I blinked it seemed like she was learning something new. She had already taken her first steps and spoken her first word, which of course was “Da-da” because she had him wrapped so tight around her tiny finger he would do anything just to bring a smile to her face. And just as I suspected, those beady blue eyes had turned a beautiful shade of gray, just like her daddy’s. Minus my blonde hair and stubborn attitude, which she definitely got from me, she was the spitting image of her father.

  I looked down at the rings on my left hand, and smiled as I thought back to the second best day of my life: the day I became Hunter’s wife. It wasn’t long after Hunter placed the rock on my finger that we were saying “I do” in a small ceremony on the beach with just close family and friends in attendance. We weren’t concerned with having a big wedding because, in our eyes, we already belonged to one another in every way a man and woman could… we just had to make it official.

  I climbed up onto the bed next to my sleeping husband and carefully picked Iris up off of his chest. She wiggled in my arms until her eyes slowly peeled open, and then grinned excitedly when she saw that it was me. “Ma! Ma!”

  “Good morning, my little princess.” I peppered kisses over every inch of her sweet little face, and she giggled, trying to squirm free. “Think we should wake daddy up so we can get ready for your party?” She bobbed her head enthusiastically and jumped up and down on the bed.

  Hunter rolled over, wiping the sleep from his eyes, and grinned up at the two of us waiting patiently for him. “Now what do we have here?” He swept Iris up and playfully tackled her into bed like he did every morning, tickling her until she was giggling so hard she was out of breath. I loved watching them together like this, and their laughter warmed my heart. “Looks like somebody let a little monkey into our bed.”


  He picked her up and plopped her in his lap. “Come here and give daddy a kiss.” She grabbed his cheeks and puckered up, planting a big, wet kiss on his lips that left a trail of drool down his chin. Those were by far the best kisses. “A little birdy told me it’s someone’s birthday.” She bounced in his lap, chewing on her hand. “Can you tell me how old you are today?”

  “Wun!” She waved a drooly finger in his face.

  “That’s right! You’re one! And we’re gonna have a party to celebrate what a big girl you are now.”

  Iris crawled back in my lap and Hunter leaned over to kiss me. “Mornin’, sexy momma.”

  “Mornin’ to you, too.” I smiled against his lips. “Or should I say afternoon? You guys slept in pretty late.”

  “Sorry about that.” He rustled his fingers through his hair and slipped his glasses on. “I just gotta hop in the shower, and then I’ll start getting everything set up for the party.”

  “I got it all taken
care of. There isn’t much left to do other than grill up the food, and everyone won’t be here for at least another three hours.”

  He shook his head, smiling. “Woman, you never cease to amaze me. Sometimes, I wonder if you have a cape hidden under your clothes, but I have yet to find it.”

  “Hmm, I guess we all have our secrets, huh, Clark?” I tapped his glasses and carried Iris back to her room to get her party dress on.

  Everyone arrived a few hours later, with presents in hand and plenty of hugs to go around. Iris loved all of the attention, especially from Hunter’s parents who we didn’t get to see very often, but they managed to come up to visit at least every other month. I felt bad that we didn’t live closer to them, but we had developed a pretty strong relationship regardless, and they got along wonderfully with the rest of my family.

  “Hey, there’s my favorite niece!” Brett scooped Iris up and spun her around. He propped her on his hip and kissed my cheek. “How’s it going, sis?”

  “What are you doing here? I thought you had to work today.”

  “I did, but then I realized there was no way I was missing out on this little trouble maker’s first birthday.” He tickled her sides, and she giggled, burrowing her face into his chest. “Besides, what fun is it being the boss if I can’t take advantage of the perks every now and again?”

  He winked, nudging me in the ribs. It still blew my mind that my brother was now the sole owner of AJ’s Oceanside Restaurant. Bob had approached him six months earlier to inform him that he was retiring and planned on selling the restaurant, and Brett jumped at the opportunity before anyone else could. I had no idea he was even remotely interested in running a restaurant, but with his background in business and experience as assistant manager for the past two years, it was a no brainer; he was practically running the damn place as it was!

  “So wait, if you’re not there, who’s running the restaurant right now?”

  “Brittany,” he smirked, telling me he didn’t have much faith in her managerial abilities. “Told her if she didn’t burn the place down, I’d give her a raise.”


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