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Heat Up the Fall: New Adult Boxed Set (6 Book Bundle)

Page 20

by Gennifer Albin

  But as I dabbed a little concealer over my under-eye circles, I thought of the other things I had to see to today. I couldn’t avoid talking to Markson any longer. Most of my other classes were large lectures where my absence probably went unnoticed, but Markson would know I hadn’t been there, especially since I had drawn attention to it by visiting him before. I hadn’t been to class since that day, which meant I had missed over three weeks. As far as excuses went, mine was pretty solid, but that didn’t mean he had to help me out.

  So when I went to get dressed, I opted for a loose blue sweater and yoga pants. I wanted to look nice for Liam, but I figured it was best to look a little less put together for Markson. I’d wasted an hour already, so I didn’t have time to obsess any more over the ensemble and its subliminal messages. But as I darted out the apartment, Cassie caught me at the door.

  “Hey, I was coming to check on you. Jess said you were released, but…”

  “But?” I raised an eyebrow.

  “She said Liam brought you home. I thought I should give you two some space.” Cassie puckered up her lips suggestively at me, and I smacked her arm.

  “That was very considerate,” I said. “I’m actually on my way to see him at work now.”

  “Where does he work?” she asked me.

  I couldn’t believe I hadn’t told her, but then I realized that Cassie had barely even met Liam yet. In fact, I hadn’t seen much of her lately either, except for her brief visits at the hospital.

  “He does programs at the aquarium,” I told her. “Can you walk with me?”

  I wanted to catch up with her. I didn’t want to become one of those girls that I’d promised myself I would never become.

  “Yeah, I can do that,” she said. “So did you have a nice homecoming?”

  “There was definitely coming,” I said, shooting her a wink.

  “Jealous,” Cassie pouted. “Trevor’s been so caught up in his finals and study groups, I’ve barely seen him.”

  So that’s why I had seen him at the library. Of course, I’d jumped to the wrong conclusion then. He was nervous over his upcoming exams. “Only two more weeks and then you’ll have Winter Break together.”

  “Maybe.” Cassie paused and bit her lip. “We haven’t even talked about it yet. For all I know, he’s going back to Chicago.”

  “Go with him,” I encouraged him. “You can stay with your sister.”

  “It would be nice to see Meghan,” she said. “Do you think he’ll get annoyed if I invite myself to Chicago for the holidays?”

  “Why would he get annoyed? I bet he misses you, too.”

  Uncertainty flickered through Cassie’s eyes. “I hope so.”

  I looped my arm through hers and pressed my head to her shoulder. “Of course, he does. It could be worse. You see how much Jess studies, right?”

  “Maybe I can call Brett and commiserate with him,” she said, but then we both laughed. Brett had spoken less than fifty words to each of us since we first met him. In all fairness to him, he probably couldn’t get a word in between the three of us.

  “What are you doing for Christmas?” she asked me.

  I took a deep breath. “I’m taking Liam to my parents’ house.”

  “So I’m guessing your Christmas list this year is basically booze and more booze?”

  “Pretty much.”

  We rounded the corner, and my heart jumped when the aquarium came into view. Cassie pulled her arm from mine, and I stopped to find her smiling at me. “You’re glowing.”

  I tried to shrug it off like it was nothing, but I couldn’t wipe the goofy grin from my face. “I think this what they call lovesick.”

  “Whatever it is, it looks good on you,” she told me. “I should get back to campus. I have an eleven-thirty class.”

  “See you later!” I called after her.

  “Next week at Garrett’s!”

  “Next week at Garrett’s,” I repeated. It was a tradition for us to meet up on the last day of finals for drinks. This year Liam would be there with me, and as giddy as that made me, it also reminded me that I probably wouldn’t be celebrating next Friday. At least I could drown my sorrows with all my favorite people in the world.

  The aquarium’s parking lot was empty and no one was at the desk when I entered. I called out, not wanting to scare anyone, and Liam peeked out from a back office.

  “I didn’t think you were going to make it,” he said, beckoning for me to join him.

  “Sorry, I ran into Cassie on the way here,” I told him as he pulled me down onto his lap.

  “Ah, the lovely Cassie. How is she?” he asked.

  “Good.” I paused, biting my lip. “I haven’t seen much of her lately. She visited me at the hospital a few times, but we haven’t spent much time one on one.”

  “You should make a date with her,” Liam suggested.

  “I will after finals. I think we’re all just stressed out right now.”

  “Speaking of finals,” Liam said carefully, “I went and talked to Markson.”

  Jumping off his lap, I turned to face him. “You did what?”

  “I wanted to talk to him about the final,” he said.

  “Your final?” I asked hopefully.

  “Kind of. I was never reassigned a partner, chicken, and I’d feel like I failed that class if I let my partner fail.”

  I crossed my arms over my chest and glared at him. “Your partner is doing just fine failing that class on her own.”

  “I know it might seem out of line, but you need to work on your stress level, right? I could tell Markson’s class was bothering you. I just wanted to be helpful,” he said, holding his hands out to me.

  I softened a little at his honesty. Of course, Liam was trying to be helpful and he knew me well enough to know that I would reject his help if he’d offered it directly to me. “I suppose I need to get used to letting people help me.”

  “Yes, you do, chicken,” he said. “Do you want to know what he said?”

  “I don’t know, do I?”

  “He’s going to let you do the final without docking any points, but there’s a catch,” Liam said, eyeing me nervously.

  “What kind of catch?” I was beginning to hate that word.

  “We already proposed our final topics, but I knew you hadn’t turned one in. So I sold Markson on one for you.”

  “You what?” I couldn’t control the volume of my voice. What had he gotten me into?

  Liam held up his hands in surrender. “I know, I know. But he wasn’t sure if he should let you do it, so I gave him a good reason that you should.”

  “What did you tell him I would do?” I asked slowly.

  “I suggested you talk to the class about your Parkinson’s,” Liam admitted. He shifted in his chair, bracing his hands on its arms, like he was preparing for a death blow.

  “I don’t talk about my Parkinson’s.”

  “That’s exactly why he accepted the idea,” Liam said. “I know it seems scary, but no one is going to judge you.”

  I couldn’t form complete thoughts anymore. I couldn’t explain to him that talking about my Parkinson’s like that, in front of the entire class, wasn’t about what the other students would think. It was about how I would feel. “I don’t talk about my Parkinson’s, because…then it will be real.”

  “It is real, chicken,” Liam said in a soft voice. He stood and moved cautiously toward me, wrapping an arm around my waist and drawing me toward him. “It’s part of you.”

  “You’re asking me to go and share the most personal part of my life with a bunch of people I don’t know?” I shook my head. I couldn’t do it, not even if my grade depended on it.

  “There’s a lot more to you than your disease, Jillian.” Liam took my face in his hands and forced my eyes to meet his. “Your disease is only a small part of you.”

  Rawness crawled up my throat, and I fought back tears as love and fear mingled into a potent cocktail of nerves in my stomach. “I can’t do

  “I will be with you the whole time,” he promised me. “I don’t want you to fail that class.”

  “I think I’d rather do nude modeling in the center of campus,” I said, but even as I said it, I knew there was no way out of it. I needed to pass Markson’s class and now I had a chance to do it. Staying in Olympic Falls would be worth ten minutes of embarrassment.

  “You can model nude for me later,” Liam whispered in my ear. His lips trailed along my jawline, his touch searing across my skin and distracting me from the fear I felt. With each moment he lingered there, the love pulsing through me expanded until it swallowed my fear entirely.

  “When do I have to do this?” I asked him.

  Liam dropped back, victory glinting his blue eyes. “Next Friday,” he said. “I’ll help you prepare.”

  “I’d rather wing it,” I said. The more I worried about getting up in front of the class, the more likely I was to chicken out.

  “Remember, lots of ‘I’ statements,” Liam said.

  “‘I’ statements. Bare my soul. Hell, why don’t I do it in the nude?” I laughed nervously, almost maniacally.

  “It would probably ensure an A,” Liam said, grabbing my hips roughly and pulling me to him.

  “Can you imagine Markson’s face? It would almost be worth it.”

  “Sorry, I can’t. You’ve given me much more inspiring images to picture at the moment.” Liam cupped my face and drew my mouth to his. I crumbled into him, dissolving against his body like ice meeting with fire. The kiss grew more urgent as our tongues tangled together. I shoved him into the wall and pressed against him, needing to feel his body on mine like I needed to breathe. But before I could slip my hands over his shirt, the aquarium’s door buzzed, reminding us that we weren’t in the comfort of my bedroom. We leapt apart, straightening clothing and fixing mussed hair.

  “I’ll see you later?” Liam asked, his breathing still heavy from our make-out session.

  “Yes.” I gave him a quick peck and darted out the door past a young mother showing her two toddlers the jellyfish tank. I heard Liam greet them as I exited. He was still panting.

  As I headed back toward campus, I tried not to think about Markson’s final, even as pressure mounted in my chest, but with each step, it felt like brick after brick was being laid on top of me until I finally had to stop and practice one of the breathing exercises Dr. Fales showed me at the hospital. After a few minutes, I felt calm enough to head toward the library.

  I had less than a week before finals started, and if I was going to stay in Olympic Falls, I needed every minute of them.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  The day of my final presentation in Markson’s class, I woke up at six in the morning. Trying to fall back asleep proved futile, so I stole from the bed as not to wake Liam. He shifted in his sleep, and for a moment, I stood and watched him, wondering if when he woke up, he would be as nervous as I was.

  The apartment was quiet, the barest hint of dawn peeking through the blinds in the living room as I made coffee. Despite being unable to go back to bed, exhaustion crept through my bones. I dragged my body around the kitchen, contemplating making breakfast for Jess and Liam before I remembered that Pop-Tarts were my idea of haute cuisine. But not doing anything left my brain too much space to think about what lay ahead of me today, so I cleaned instead. I scrubbed the counters and the sink, reorganized the dishes in the cabinets, and swept the tile floor. As I hung a fresh MeMa-made dishtowel, Liam stumbled in and pointed to the coffee pot.

  “Why are you up?” he asked me, rubbing sleep from his eyes. “We have hours until class.”

  “I couldn’t sleep,” I admitted as I poured him a mug. Settling onto the stool beside him, we both sipped cautiously and didn’t speak again. There was a heavy tension in the air, both of us worried about things outside our immediate control.

  “Let me make you breakfast,” Liam said, but I shook my head. It would be impossible to eat right now, because my stomach was already churning.

  “I just want it to be over,” I admitted.

  Liam draped an arm over my shoulder and pulled me close to him, kissing my forehead. “There’s no reason to be nervous, chicken. Markson won’t be hard on you.”

  I refrained from pointing out that asking me to get up in front of twenty of my peers and spill my guts wasn’t exactly the definition of going soft on me. But I couldn’t expect Liam, who was always so at ease in front of others, to understand that.

  “Do you want to practice?” he offered.

  Even though I knew he was trying to be helpful, my response came out harsh and cold. “No, I don’t want to think about it.”

  Liam’s shoulders slumped, and he leaned forward, bracing himself against the counter. He had gone out of his way to set this up for me, and I was being horrible to him.

  “I’m going to lie back down,” I told him. If I could fall back asleep, I wouldn’t have to spend the next few hours torturing myself—or Liam.

  “Okay,” Liam said. “I have a final in an hour, but I’ll head straight to class after that.”

  “Cool,” I said lamely.

  As I stood, he grabbed my waist and drew me into him. “You are going to be spectacular, Jillian.”

  I managed to nod before I fled back to my room and climbed under the covers, pulling them over my head and willing my body to fall asleep. But my mind was on turned on already, firing questions at me rapidly. What if I had gone to class instead of hiding from it? How would the other students respond to my condition? Was I ready to share something this personal with an entire room of my peers? Would I be “that girl with Parkinson’s” after today?

  It was clear that sleep was a lost cause, so I got up and searched for the perfect outfit, momentarily contemplating arriving to class naked to throw attention away from what I had to say. No one would give a damn about my sad story if they were looking at my boobs, but there were probably rules against giving presentations in the nude.

  By the time I finished coaxing my hair into a manageable ponytail, Jess was up and moving around the apartment. She tapped lightly on the bathroom door, and I opened it for her to join me. I tried to look calm, but my hands shook as I smeared foundation over my forehead.

  “I’m going to come, Jills,” Jess announced as she brushed her teeth. She had finished all of her finals the day before but was waiting to celebrate the end of another semester with me this evening. We were meeting at Garrett’s when it was all over, even though part of me feared it might be my last post-semester happy hour.

  “You don’t have to,” I told her, wiggling past her.

  “No, I want to.” She turned to me and gave me an encouraging smile. “I’m really proud of you for doing this.”

  Pride had nothing to do with this. If I was proud, I wouldn’t air all my dirty laundry to pass this class. I wasn’t above making a fool out of myself to stay at Olympic State, which I guessed was an improvement over the girl I was two years ago. She would have turned tail and ran away from confronting this side of herself. I still wasn’t sure if that meant I had grown as a person or if it just meant I was desperate.

  Only half the class was in attendance that afternoon. Everyone else had presented already, and I was surprised to feel relief that I didn’t have to speak solely to Markson. I hadn’t been back to his class since I visited him in his office and that was weeks ago. I wasn’t sure I could face him if it came down to him and me.

  Jess was already there, surreptitiously chatting with Markson, and I couldn’t but notice how she angled her body toward him like he was a magnet drawing her closer, proving my suspicions that Jess’s devoted attitude toward him had a lot less to do with the subject and a lot more to do with his slightly geeky sex appeal. I suppose if any of us were going to get hot for teacher, it would be Jess—the studious one.

  She saw me and waved, but I hung back by the door, hoping Liam would arrive. A hand came to rest on the small of my back, and I immediately felt calmer.
Liam had seen my Parkinson’s at its worst, and he was still here by my side. One more hour and my fate would be decided. It all felt very end of the world at the moment.

  “Miss Nichols,” Markson called to me, and Liam gently pushed me toward him.

  “Come on, chicken,” he whispered.

  “Not a good nickname at the moment,” I said as I made my way to our professor.

  “How do you want to do this?” Markson asked when I got closer.

  I hesitated, not ready to admit that I’d avoided thinking about this for the last week and a half. My most well-conceived plan was basically to vomit out as much as I could to fill the ten to fifteen minute presentation window.

  “Jess and I are going to help here,” Liam spoke up. I stared at him, unsure if he was my white knight or the face of death itself.

  “Interesting. Why?” Markson asked.

  “Well, this is an Interpersonal Communications class,” Jess said, still leaning in close to Markson. “We thought it would be more interesting to show us communicating about Jillian’s condition. I’ve been around since she was diagnosed, but Liam only found out a few weeks ago, so we both have completely different perspectives about it.”

  “And sometimes I get the impression that we don’t know what’s going on inside her head,” Liam added. “We’re all working on communicating our needs and concerns more to each other.”

  This caught me off-guard. Although I knew Jess and Liam had spoken about me after my off episode in the apartment, I didn’t know they talked about it in more depth than that. Now it was obvious that they’d spent considerably more time discussing me than I thought. After all, they were planning to be part of my presentation. I was simultaneously relieved to know I didn’t have to do this alone and a little hurt by their secretiveness.

  “I like the sound of it,” Markson said, and I felt Liam relax a little behind me. I hadn’t even realized he was stressed out. I’d been too caught up in how I felt.

  We arranged a cluster of chairs at the front of the room, talk show style, and took our seats. If I was lucky, this was the closest I’d ever come to appearing on the Jerry Springer Show. Although this could still easily devolve into name-calling and screaming, and there would be no one to drag me offstage if that happened.


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