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Dirty Deeds (An Office Romance #2)

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by J. L. Beck

  His hand lingered against my shoulder and I wanted so badly to lean into his touch, my body begging me to give into the things that only this man could give me. I had never crossed a line like I did today, and though it was exhilarating, it was nerve wracking as hell. What happened if any of the other staff members find out? Did I still have a job if I told him no to fucking a second time?

  “I…” I ran a hand over my ponytail again. “I can’t believe this happened.” I was so far out of my element with all of this. Even though I wanted to sink deep into Mr. Nelson’s touch, I also wanted to run for the hills and never turn around. Which is why I went with my gut instinct and took a step back, and then another until my back came flush with the frosted glass door.

  “Chloe it’s okay. None of this is your fault Babe.” The panic in those deep brown depths rose with every step away from him I took. I clenched my fists tightly and swung around at the last minute slipping through the door before he could do something else that would leave me feeling like a dirty whore.

  Once I was out of his office I took a deep breath and headed towards the ladies restroom to clean myself up, vowing to never let what occurred between the two of us happen again.

  My heart or morals could never take another hit like that. Sleeping with a man I hardly know, let alone my boss, isn’t who I am. And I certainly didn’t sign up to take the job as my bosses sex partner. But the Dirty Deed was already done.

  Chapter Three

  I barely made it through the whole week without breaking down and saying something to Chloe about what happened between us. Every time we were alone, she would find a way to leave the room, excusing herself by saying she was busy. I knew it had nothing to do with her work load, and everything to do with not wanting to be alone with me again.

  “I made a huge ass mistake and I don’t know what the fuck to do about it.” I whined like a pansy ass bitch into the phone to Cameron. He was the only other person I knew that had turned around and screwed his Personal Assistant.

  “I heard. Chloe stopped by the house the other night. She was frenzied and wanted to speak to Sadie. I heard part of their conversation outside of Sadie's office.” I blinked letting what he had just said sink in.

  “So you already knew that I fucked her… and even worse that, I did so within hours of meeting her.” God I was sick bastard, and worst of all I couldn’t even lie and say I didn’t enjoy it because every second I was seated deep inside her pussy was one that I wanted to relive over and over again.

  I started my BMW and put the call on speaker as I placed the car in reverse and pulled out of my parking spot in the parking garage. As I did so, my eyes caught a glimpse of strawberry blonde hair and soft blue eyes in my rearview mirror.

  “You’re talking to the man of fuck ups dude…” Cameron started, and before I realized what I was doing, I placed the car back into drive and pulled back into my parking spot. My body moving on its own accord.

  “I have to go, I’ll call you back a bit later.” I mumbled, hitting end on my cell and opening the car door all at the same time. I slid across the leather seat with ease and found myself out of the car and across the small parking lot in what seemed to be a seconds. My eyes refused to leave Chloe’s frazzled ones as I took in the entire situation before me. She was on her cell phone and having obvious tire issues.

  “Oh great, I have to let you go.” She said to whoever was on the other end. The annoyance in her tone almost made me laugh. The woman was beautiful even when pissed at me. I looked past her annoyance and saw sadness lingering mixed with disappointment. Similar feelings were etched on my face. We were a duo meant for each other and the dangerous game we were playing.

  “What happened?” I eyed the flat tire on the right passenger side of her car with caution. Either she had shit luck, something had punctured the tire or she just failed to notice when her tire was going flat.

  “Not that it concerns you or anything, but I obviously have a flat tire. I’m waiting for a tow truck to come and fix it for me.” Why was she so angry with me? Did she think I didn’t care about anything but her pussy? Did she not understand that she was the reason my heart beat so fast? The reason my cock was always hard as concrete? The reason I haven't fucked another woman since that day?

  “I… ehh…” I scratched at the back of my head knowing damn well she wouldn’t take me up on my offer, not after ignoring me all week in the office, but I needed to do something.

  “You what? Came to laugh?” Moisture formed in her eyes, the sight of actual tears slipping down her cheeks caused something to snap inside of me.

  “Fuck no. I was just going to offer to change your tire and maybe take you out for a drink?” I said sincerely. My body, lips, and hands begging me to reach out and soothe her, wipe away the tears, and make everything better.

  She blinked away some of the tears and wiped her eyes with the back of her hand before a tear fell against her alabaster cheek. The apprehension she had towards me was painfully obvious, and I hated it almost as much as I hated myself for what I'd done to her on her first day of work. I was her boss, she was my Assistant, yet I wanted to fuck her more than I had ever wanted to fuck anyone else...ever.

  “I don’t know.” She clutched her purse to her chest, her perky tits once again on full display in the black blouse she wore. My cock hardened as if on cue.

  I cleared my throat scanning my eyes around the parking garage to make sure that no one was within hearing distance of us.

  “Look I’m sorry… But not for the reasons you will assume. We fucked, and it was the most amazing thing I’ve felt in forever so I won’t say I’m sorry for that. I will say, I’m sorry for not taking you on a date first, or asking you if you like creamer in your coffee, pretty much sorry for not getting to know you first. I was just beyond attracted to you, hell, I still am. It’s literally taking everything in me not to lean into your body and pepper you with kisses right fucking now.”

  Fear filled my gut. Never did I expect any of that to come out when I started talking and I’m assuming she didn’t either from the look of disbelief that formed on her face. She did this cute little thing where she wrinkled her nose at me in distaste.

  “Thank you for your apology…” She started. “I’m not even sure where this comment is coming from but I feel the same way. The attraction I feel towards you is undeniable. The sex we shared was the most exhilarating I’ve endured but I don’t think it’s good for me to continue working underneath you if we’re going to be seeing each other.That’s not the kind of person I am and not somebody I ever want to be.” She explained honestly, regret bleeding from her lips. There’s a strange tug of war going on inside of me, one I have never experienced before.

  I want to do the right thing, but I also don’t want to let the best thing that’s ever happened to me slip through my fingers. It's been such a long time since I've had some good in my life. And something told me that Chloe was my good.

  I can’t fire her, not when I had given her the job as a favor to Sadie and Cameron. It would be wrong and I would feel like a fucking prick for doing it.

  “I can’t fire you. I just can’t, I'm sorry.” I sighed. “How about we go get a drink and talk about this where we don’t have a chance of being overheard?” I cast a glance over my shoulder at the elevator where I knew my employees would be coming from at any moment.

  “One drink?” She lifted her eyebrow at me, her eyes twinkling with amusement as she smiled. The air left my lungs in a rush. She was so fucking beautiful, it was almost too painful to look at her. One smile that’s all it took...I was wrapped around her little finger.

  “Just one. Now why don’t you call the tow company back and cancel it while I change the tire for you and we can be on our way.” She moved from foot to foot, weighing her options, doubt showing heavily in her features.

  “Okay.” She said finally and I blew out a breath I wasn’t even aware I had been holding in. I was seriously sure she would say no, but pleasant
ly surprised that she said yes.

  My heart thudded loudly in my chest, and a thin sheen of sweat formed against my palms. This woman with her sexy curves, alabaster white skin, and permeating blue eyes scared the shit out of me. She made me want things that I never had before, and worst of all, it was things I was sure I could never have, being she was my employee.

  I popped the trunk of her car, looking for the car jack, and the spare tire. The trunk was extremely clean, so clean I wondered if she had just bought the car. Pulling up the carpet I spotted the jack, tire iron and spare tire. Pulling them from the trunk I placed them on the ground at my feet. Then I pulled off my suit jacket, rolled up the sleeves of my grey dress shirt and put on my best mechanic smirk.

  I could see the pleasure forming in Chloe’s eyes as they lingered on the veins in my arms like a dangling piece of candy.

  “You’re doing it yourself?” She questioned, her pink tongue darting out across her lips, making my already hard cock, even harder.

  “Yes, ma’am. I might be a stuck up prick in a suit most days, but underneath all this shit I’m a real man, a real man who can change his own fucking tire, and who likes to drink beer.” I didn’t like the shock in her voice. It was like she thought I was one of those pansy ass men that called someone else to do the job for them because they were incapable.

  Grabbing the tire iron, I loosened the lug nuts on the tire with ease, directing my attention back to her as if to say, see Baby, I got this shit.

  “I didn’t mean it badly, I just…” She started, and I refused to let her finish. She could think whatever she wanted about me but she didn’t know me well enough to know that I did all my own shit. Paying no attention to her comment I slid the jack under the car, just in front of the tire and right on the car frame. With the tire iron I used to release the lug nuts, I raised the car up off the ground making sure there was enough room for the tire to be removed and the spare placed on.

  I gave the jack a wiggle to make sure it was in place before loosening the lug nuts all the way and removing the tire. My eyes clashed with Chloe’s as she grasped the entire situation taking place in front of her. Beads of sweat formed against my brow, the Los Angeles heat was a bitch even on the good days and there were none of those. I half rolled the flat tire to her so it wouldn't be in the way.

  “Thank you so much.” I could hear the thankful glee in her voice as she took the flat tire and rolled the spare over to me. I took it without a glance, placing it onto the frame. Being this close to a woman like Chloe scared the fuck out of me, especially when she made me feel like anything but myself. Once the tire was on, I tightened the lug nuts, and proceeded to remove the jack.

  “You should be good to go now, but you really need to watch the air in these tires okay?” I boasted, damn proud of myself for helping her out. I was so focused on my growing ego that I wasn’t paying attention to where my hand was. Suddenly it caught on a sharp piece of the frame. I could feel the metal slice into my flesh, but the pain didn’t register until I was standing directly in front of Chloe.

  “Oh my God, you’re bleeding.” A shriek ripped from her throat as she released the flat tire and I watched curiously as she ducked into the back seat frantically searching for something. Moments later she reappeared with what looked like a small towel.

  “It’s nothing sweetheart, just a small cut.” I assured her. I didn’t feel any pain but still she held the towel to my hand like my life depended on it. While she babies me, I lean in and inhale her sweet scent, letting it fill my lungs.

  “I’m so sorry. I’ve been such a bitch to you, and all you’ve done is help me.” Defeat resonated from within her and I felt this desperate need to let her know that I wasn’t going anywhere no matter what she said.

  “It’s really okay, Chloe. I like you. All of this, the job, your tire, they’re nothing in comparison to just being in your presence. There’s something special about you.” I watched as a blush crept across her cheeks and I can’t help but think about how sexy she looked when her whole body was rosy red. The way her ass cheeks looks as I slapped them. Fuck I hope I get the chance to have her naked and panting for me again.

  “Now can we go get a beer because I really need one.” I questioned, my eyes lingering on hers. My shirt was dirty, my hand had been bleeding and sweat was covering my body. But being this close to Chloe, seeing her walls come down around me was everything, and not a damn thing was going to take me away from spending as much time with her as I could. No one..Not even herself.

  I could practically see her pulse jump in her throat as I reached out and took a hold of her hand. With a nod of her head she took a step back away from me, trying to roll the flat to the back of the car. I stopped her and placed it inside the trunk along with the jack and tire iron.

  “Good…” I started. “I know a bar just a couple blocks from here that has the best cheese fries and beer around. Come on.” I gestured towards my car, but Chloe didn’t move an inch. I still had the towel wrapped around my once bleeding palm but I desperately wanted to reach for her hand again. I just needed the contact with her.

  “Before I take a step towards your car, and get in it, and head to this bar with you I need to know that you don’t consider this a date?” I blinked slowly, a chuckle of deep laughter erupted from my chest.

  “Let’s go, Chloe. If this was a date, you can bet your sweet ass I wouldn’t be taking you to some dive bar down the road.” I finished, fighting the urge to grab her hand once again and lead her to my car. Instead I walk off across the parking lot, knowing she is right behind me because of the loud click of her heels against the concrete. I slide into the drivers seat just as she’s opening the passenger side door.

  “Wow, this is nice!” She exclaims, her plump ass gliding across the rich leather seat. An image of her riding my dick in the front seat of this car enters my mind almost immediately.

  Fuck. I need a cold shower and a bottle of whiskey, STAT.

  “Thanks, it was the very first car I bought myself when my father handed the company over to me five years ago.” I didn’t like delving into my family life, or anything too personal with my employees, but Chloe was different, God was she ever fucking different.

  I removed the towel from my hand and examined the cut, it was just as I said, a tiny abrasion, no worse than a cat scratch. Placing the key into the ignition, I threw the car in reverse pulling out of the parking spot and out of the parking garage.

  “So you acquired Nelson Industries at the ripe old age of twenty one?” She questioned. It dawned on me then that she wouldn’t know my age unless she asked Cameron and Sadie or did a Google search.

  I watched her out of the corner of my eye as we came to a stop at a red light. “Are you trying to say that you Stalked me before we met?” I smirked, watching her cheeks warm. I love that shade of red on her face.

  “I… I may have done some searching but it wasn’t like I was really stalking you or trying to get some dirt on you. I mean….” She stumbled over her words nervously. “I wanted to know the man I was hopefully going to be working for. You know, before Sadie decided to ask Cameron for a favor.” Her honesty astonished me. It also made my cock hard, hard as a rock.

  In a matter of mintues we were pulling into a parking spot next to the bar. I put the car in park then killed the engine. As I shifted my body towards hers, I looked her straight in the eye. The space between us grew hot and the need to touch her almost overtook me. Looking deeply into her eyes, I could see everything that made her who she was. She wore her heart on her sleeve and she was right, sleeping with me wasn’t something that was morally right in her soul but I wouldn’t let her regret it. Not now, not ever. Instead I would make her want more of it, more of me.

  “Let’s get inside before I do something crazy like kiss you.” I sighed, knowing that I would have a hard on for the rest of the evening with this beautiful woman beside me.

  “Yeah let’s, before I do something crazier and let you.” The wo
rds were barely audible or maybe I just failed to hear them over the erratic beat of my heart pounding in my ears. Yet I still couldn’t believe the words that had come out of her mouth.

  She wanted me. I just had to show her how much.

  Chapter Four

  Either I had just made the biggest mistake of my life, or the best one ever. I wouldn’t know for a few hours. He motioned for the waitress after we sat down at a cozy pub table in the far back corner. As he ordered, our waitress ogled him like a school girl, all smiley and super sweet. She brought our beers and sat them down, mine with enough force to bring the foam to a head. I had to hurry and lick the top to keep it from spilling over. This made him give me a full on smirk, damn him and his gorgeous smile. We fell into casual talk about work and the industry. I lazily nursed the beer in my hand, letting my eyes glide over Ryan every time he looked away. Talking to Sadie about what had happened between Ryan and I helped a little bit. I still felt like I broke some ethic or moral code even though she tried to convince me that I hadn’t.

  “Six shots of Patron Silver Tequila, please.” Ryan’s deep voice boomed to the waitress, bringing me out of my haze. My mouth popped open as I realized he had just asked the waitress to sign my death certificate. I hoped he wasn’t expecting me to drink any those shots especially when we agreed to one beer each.

  She nodded then walked away to go get his order. I kicked him under the table just as he brought his beer to his lips to take a drink.

  “I’m not drinking any of those, just so you know. We agreed to one beer, and one beer only.” I narrowed my eyes, as a smile formed on his lips, the sides of his mouth tilting upwards in the most delectable way. For the first time ever, I noticed he had two very defined dimples when he laughed.

  “I never said you were, and I know I said one beer, but after the day I had I’m going to need some tequila to go with my beer..” He tried to assure me, but from the mischievous glint in his eyes I knew better than to trust him.


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