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Dirty Deeds (An Office Romance #2)

Page 7

by J. L. Beck

  My hand rested on the metal handle of the front glass door to the office and just as I pushed it open the sound of a voice I knew all too well met my ears.

  “Hurry up Scarlett, Ryan will be back in here at any second and I’m already on the verge of being replaced by that bitch, Chloe.” Caroline’s voice was hushed and as I looked through the slit in the door. My eye’s found Caroline and Scarlett, who were leaning over Ryan’s desk scouring through his drawers. “Oh shut up Caroline. After what I said to Chloe I doubt she will be showing her face around here ever again.” The sound of Scarlett’s voice enraged me. I clenched my fists at my sides deciding then to make myself known. I refused to let this bitch say anything else about me without being able to stick up for myself.

  With more force than needed I pushed through the glass door as if I was on a mission for revenge. Caroline’s eyes grew wide with fear as she took a step back away from the desk trying to distance herself from Scarlett. Scarlett’s eyes lifted from the drawer she was rifling through. “Well, well, look who decided to show up.” The sinister look in her eyes reminded me of all those evil, stuck up, bitches in high school that thought they were better than you. The Mean Girls they called them.

  “Get the hell out of my man’s office before I call Security and have you escorted the fuck out of here.” I barked at Scarlett even though Caroline was the one to scurry away first. I watched with caution as Caroline made her way to the door, astonishment and shock filling my veins as Ryan appeared in the doorway stopping her from leaving. Ryan looked between the three of us piecing the puzzle together faster than I expected. I wanted to tell him I was so fucking sorry for walking away from him, but instead decided to make these bitches pay for the pain they had caused me first.

  “Scarlett here, was rifling through your desk when I came in. Caroline let her in, I’m assuming since she seemed to be the most concerned with you coming back into the office. I heard her talking to Scarlett before I came into your office.” I narrowed my eyes at Scarlett, as I spoke to Ryan wanting nothing more than to cross the room and slap the face off of her.

  “That isn’t true at all. I was simply looking for the paperwork you said you would sign.” Scarlett shot me a dirty look, closing the drawer she had open slowly. Caroline held her hands up as if to say I’m innocent but the fear in her eyes proved just how guilty she was.

  “I told you to fucking leave Scarlett. The deal is off. There is no paperwork to sign you, know that and Caroline you’re fucking fired. You knew your time here was limited, when I hired a new Assistant, yet here you are letting the trash, Scarlett, into my office.” Ryan’s lip lifted in a snarl and the beautiful man I knew him to be faded away. In his place stood a very pissed off business man on the verge of kicking someone’s ass.

  “Oh please, Ryan.” Scarlett placed her hands on her hips, her eyes throwing daggers at everyone in the room. “I’ve heard enough shit. I want you all out. You’re done here Caroline, and as for you Scarlett, if you ever show your face in this place or anywhere near me or Chloe again, I will end you. Do you fucking understand me?” My body tingled as his voice rose my body reacting to his rage. “This is ludicrous Mr. Nelson.” Caroline squeaked.

  “Security. I need security in here.” Ryan hollered out the door ignoring anything Caroline had to say. Heavy footfalls sounded across the office and a moment later two officers appeared in the doorway.

  “Take them both out to their cars and make certain neither of them step foot back on this property. Your things will be delivered to your house, Caroline.” Ryan ordered and the officers stepped into action. The first out the door was Caroline, and she didn’t resist or complain, she simply let the officer guide her out.

  “You both will pay for this. I will ruin you Ryan.” Scarlet seethed wrenching her arm out of the officers hold. "Is that a threat, Scarlett? Officers, did you hear that?" Ryan stepped up to the plate, his body language, and voice intimidating. Scarlett narrowed her evil green eyes at me, a rage that mirrored my own burned deep inside them.

  “Watch your back, Bitch. Oh and I’d watch him too, he’s quite the whore.” She huffed, letting the officer lead her out of the room without any more fighting. I had never felt more relieved in my life. Ryan had helped me take out the garbage and now that I was alone with him once again everything started to fall back into place. Yeah there were things that needed to be said and fixed but being in his presence and knowing all too well that he knew what those ugly woman were up too seemed to be the only reassurance I needed.

  Ryan closed the glass door giving us both the privacy we needed. Then he crossed the space that separated us, in a second his lips settling onto mine with so much need I could feel him branding himself into my skin.

  Fire as hot as the sun filled my belly, I wanted this man, fuck no, I needed this man. I needed him so that I continue to breathe, he is my life force.

  “I’ve missed you...but more than that I’m sorry. So fucking sorry.” He apologized profusely. Of course he was the first to say sorry even though he had done nothing wrong. It was me that had left, but more than that it was Scarlett and Caroline that had tried to rip us apart, and tried to end us.

  “Don’t be sorry, just show me how much you love me. Right here. Right now.” I needed him inside me right now, and not a moment later. His lips tipped up in a smile one that promised very dirty, very bad things to be done.

  “I’m going to prove my love to you. On the desk. Against the wall. On the sofa, and anywhere else that you’ll allow me to take you.” My heart swelled with love as he wrapped me up in his arms and carried me over to the sofa gently depositing me onto the soft fabric. I stared up at him with understanding and nothing but pure adoration. I could tell just from the look in his eyes that Sadie had been right all along.

  He did love me and though the fear of the unknown scared the shit out of me I decided to tell him how I felt anyway. I whispered the three words I never had before and waited for a response.

  “I love you.” My voice wobbled and I knew Ryan could tell that I was scared shitless.

  “Good, because I love you. I’ve loved you all along, since the moment you walked into this office you owned me. Offering you a job was supposed to be a favor to Cameron but in reality it was a favor to me.”

  I blinked, “What do you mean?” He leaned into my face his forehead against mine.

  “Cameron knew I was done sleeping with useless women, he knew I was over with playing the game. He knew I needed someone to love, so he placed you in my lap knowing that the moment I tasted you I would never be able to let you go.” The words of his confession fanned against my cheeks and I could feel fresh tears forming in my eyes.

  “I want you to fuck me, Mr. Nelson. Please take me.” I begged my lips skimming against his. There was no denying that he was in it for the long haul, not when he flicked the button on my jeans and pulled them down my legs ever so slowly. Or when his lips pressed against mine sealing our fates together.

  “You’re mine baby. All mine. Forever. For always.” He whispered in my ear his hands gripping onto the sides of my panties. Everything else in the world faded away, the pain, the sorrow, the anger and rage I had for the things that had happened to us. The only thing left was love.

  Chapter Nine

  Eight Months Later

  “Fuck…” I hissed out between clenched teeth as I watched between hooded eyes as she danced for me, her hips swaying to the beat of their own drum. It had been eight months since she came into my life looking for a job. Eight months since we first had sex and eight months since I found my best friend, and soul mate.

  “Do you like what you see Mr. Nelson?” Her pink tongue slid across her bottom lip and it took everything in me to stay seated in my chair.

  “You know damn well that I do…” I growled trying to tame the beast inside me. I did after all have other plans before I fucked her into oblivion. Plans that consisted of asking her to become Mrs. Nelson.

  Her blue eyes twin
kled in the moonlight that cast just inside the window. All I could see was her body moving and creeping closer to me, so close that if I lifted my hand I would be touching her.

  “Do you love me?” The question sprung from nowhere and I eyed her with confusion. Why would she ask me such a strange question? Giving myself very little time to think about it, I grabbed her by the waist, pulling her down on to my lap. She smiled like a naughty little girl as she adjusted herself on my boner.

  “Why would you ask such a question when you know I’ve loved you since the moment I met you?” I shoved a lock of her strawberry blonde hair behind her ear, my heart thudded loudly in my ears because I knew I would be revealing my surprise to her very soon.

  She bit her bottom lip and tilted her head at me as if she was trying to read me. The ring, and the question I needed to ask her weighing heavily on my mind.

  “I just…” She started but I couldn’t let her finish, she had already questioned my love for her and I wanted to make certain that she understood just how much she owned me, just how much I needed her.

  “Shhh..” I placed a finger against her lips, reaching into my pocket where the ring was. I snagged it with my finger, the meaning of it poured through me more than I expected. “I’ve wanted to ask you to be my wife since the day you cooked me meatloaf without burning it, you remember that day?”

  She nodded her head yes, tears fell from her eyes as she realized what it was that was taking place. Her small hand took the three carat diamond ring right out of my hand, her eyes examining it before I even got the chance to put it on her finger or ask her if she wanted to be my wife.

  “I don’t know what to say Ryan.” More tears stained her cheeks. “I have a surprise for you, too.” It was my turn to be curious now. Still I needed her to answer me before we moved onto the next surprise.

  “Say yes. Say you’ll be Mrs. Nelson. Then tell me what your surprise is.” I begged even though I knew the answer was yes, I just wanted to hear her say it. I wanted to hear her say yes to being Mrs. Nelson.

  “Yes. Yes. Of course. You know I want to be your wife Ryan.” She slipped the ring on her own finger and wrapped her arms around my larger frame squeezing the life out of me. The need to be inside of her was stronger than ever and as she pulled away, I peppered her throat, and chest with kisses.

  “Thank fuck, because if you said no I would have to spank the fuck out of that sweet ass of yours.” The words came out in a mumble against her skin. I could hear the steady beat of her heart beneath my lips and knew she wanted me as much as I wanted her. Her slow steady breaths turning into hot deep pants. I could feel the heat of her pussy against my jeans and suddenly there seemed to be far too many layers separating our bodies.

  “I have to tell you something…” The words came out in a moan and as much as I wanted to know what it was that she needed to tell me I also wanted sink deep into her and forget about the world for awhile.

  “But I want, no… I need to feel you. I need to be inside of you.” I growled, nipping at her bottom lip hard enough to draw blood.

  “I’m pregnant Ryan.” The air left my lungs in a rush and as soon as my body caught up with my mind and I digested what she had said, happiness like I had never felt before surged through my veins.

  “You’re…” I couldn’t even say the word, I was just too fucking shocked. I was going to be a dad. “Yes.” Chloe nodded her head up and down. “You’re going to be a dad, Ryan.” Her hand slipped down to her belly and my eyes followed her movement. She was amazing all on her own, but now she had given me something else, something equally amazing. She had given me life, a child, something that would carry my name.

  “I fucking love you, Mrs. Nelson.” I whispered into her hair cradling her against my chest, pure joy covering me in a blanket of warmth as tears formed in my eyes. What had I done to win the heart of such an amazing woman?

  “I fucking love you, Mr. Nelson!” She placed a kiss against my cheek reminding me that I was hers and she was mine. Always and Forever. My Chloe. Her Ryan.

  The End

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  Their Virgin releasing this month.

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  Sneak Peek at Their Virgin Releasing end of November

  Focus dude.

  Any other day it would’ve been easy to focus on the task at hand, except for today or any day that Isabella was within ten feet of me. How the fuck was I supposed to operate a drill when all I could think about doing was drilling her.

  “I’ll get the supplies from the truck. Do you want to walk the fence line and see what boards need replaced…?” I could hear Luke talking but my eyes were glued on Isabella.

  “Logan…?” Luke urged me onward with a shove to the shoulder as he slipped back through the house leaving Isabella and I alone at last. The way she was looking at me right now made me want to take her into the tiny little shed and do very bad things to her.

  “Let me show you where the paint is.” As if on cue she started in the direction of the shed and I knew then we were both thinking the same damn thing. As soon as she opened the door and stepped inside I did so as well.

  I wanted her, needed her, craved her fucking body, and I was going to touch and lick every single piece of her flesh one way or another.

  “It’s right down here.” She claimed bending over, giving me a full few of her ass. I scrubbed a hand down my face telling myself to take a deep breath. I needed to ease into this, not just possess her like a crazed man, at least not yet.

  “If I’m reading you right…” I bent over her small frame my body pressing firmly against hers, my cock centered against her ass. “Then I think you’re attracted to me.” I panted in her ear, her sweet fucking virginal scent cascading over my senses. She smelt pure, like the whitest daisy in the garden untouched by the wind, or rain, a flower that had yet to be picked.

  She backed her ass up into my groin and my hands moved all on there own gripping her curvy hips tightly holding her in place.

  “That’s because I am.” She purred, looking at me over her shoulder. My fingers sunk harder into her soft flesh as the image of me pounding deep into her pussy formed in my mind.

  “Watch it sweetheart. I’m a patient man, but with your pussy mere millimeters away hidden behind a scrap of fabric that could easily be ripped away I wouldn’t push me much harder. That is unless you want fucked right here, right now?” I questioned an eyebrow raised, as I nipped at the skin on the back of her neck. She melted into my touch, her soft moan of pleasure nearly making me cream in my jeans.

  “What if I said yes?” The sound of her voice and the words she said caused something to snap inside me. Without thought my hand snaked around the front of her body, clasping around her throat as I forced her body to move with mine into a standing position. Our chests were flush together and I could feel every breath that entered, and exited her lungs. Her pussy was right there, probably soaked for my cock. I didn’t know but I was about to find out.

  “Are you sure about? I’m not sure a virgin like you can handle a cock like mine.” I growled, feeling the jump of her pulse against my fingers.

  She wiggled her ass against my groin, and a deep groan of pleasure ripped from my throat. Fuck I wanted her, so why was I holding back?

  “I want you.” She whimpered one of her hands findings its way between our bodies, where she gripped my cock tightly in her small palm. My head fell back against the shed wall as her fingers explored my cock on top of my jeans. If it was this good with my pants on then I couldn’t imagine what it would be like with no clothing on.

  “I want your cock Logan.” I couldn’t see her face, but I could picture her lustful eyes in my mind, and knew I needed to touch her. I released my hold on her throat and trailed it down over chest, where I squee
zed one tit in my palm. She had to be at least a double D, and I could definitely work with that.

  “I have to know…” I panted, releasing her tit roughly, my hand finding the band of her yoga pants. “Are you really this pure or is it all a game?” My breath fanned against her cheek as I pulled her tighter against my chest, my hand slipping into the front of her pants.

  “Why don’t you find out.”? She taunted me knowing that I was within a second of claiming her with my fingers.

  “If you wish.” I whispered taking her earlobe between my teeth. My fingers drifted over the front of her cotton panties, a devilish smile pulling at my lips. She arched her further into my touch, as one I drew lazy circles around her clit. Not fully touching it but not ignoring it.

  “Ahhh…” Her pant of pleasure was so sweet, so intoxicating. I wanted to eat her right the fuck up.

  “I’m going to make you come so hard, Isabella.” I warned her letting her know what it was that I had planned for her. With every shred of my patience gone I shoved her panties to the side, my fingers grazing against silky smooth skin.

  Fuck yes. I loved a smooth, cleanly shaved pussy.

  My hand crept lower finding her honey hole instantly. She was drenched her juices had to have been soaking through her panties. My grin grew wider as I sank one finger knuckle deep into her tight hole. As I did so she mewled like a cat, clearly pleased with where I was taking things.

  “Does your untainted pussy want more?” I growled, my finger slipping in and out of her with ease her tight hole squeezing my finger. Pleasure filled my veins, as I continued to pump in and out of her, waiting for her to beg for more, because I knew she would.

  “Harder. Faster. I need more.” She croaked her voice cracking as she begged me to give her exactly what she needed for her release. I could feel her entire body tighten in my arms.


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