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The Old Dog and Duck

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by Albert Jack

Hale (Cheshire) 51–2

  Hale, Nathan 2

  Halley, Edmund 213

  Hambledon Club xxi

  Hamilton, Emma 166–7, 168–9

  Hamilton, Sir William 166, 167

  Hamlet 60

  Hampshire 85, 148

  Hampshire, HMS 140

  Hanover 93

  Hansom Cab, the 109–10

  Hansom, Joseph Aloysius 108, 109

  Hansom cab 55, 108–9

  Hard Tack (racehorse) 262

  Harfleur 11

  Harold, King 213

  Harrow 43

  Harry’s Bar 110–12

  Hart, Charles 163

  Hastings, Battle of 212, 213

  Hatton, Sir Christopher 103

  Hawkins, John 102

  Hays, William 159

  Headless Woman, the 183

  Heenan, John C. 261

  Heights of Alma, the 16

  Helios (Greek sun god) 189

  Hemingway, Ernest 110

  Hennessy Gold Cup 256

  Henry, Patrick 2

  Henry I, King 47

  Henry II, King 50

  Henry IV, King 188, 196 see also Bolingbroke, Henry

  Henry V 13, 98

  Henry V, King 11–13, 80, 98, 196

  Henry VI, King 196–7

  Henry VII, King 47, 198 see also Tudor, Henry

  Henry VIII, King xvii, xviii, 25, 37, 47–8, 171, 251

  Heroes of Alma, the 16

  Hero of Inkerman, the 113–14

  Hertford 243

  Hertfordshire 232

  Hibernia 30, 31

  Hinguar (Viking chief) 64, 65

  HMV (His Master’s Voice) 175

  Hodgson, George 30–1

  Hodgson, Mark 30

  Hodgson’s ale 30–1

  Hogshead, the 227

  Holland 53, 69, 82

  Holmes, Percy 237

  Holy Land 204

  Hood, Robin xvii, 107, 193–6

  Hope and Anchor, the 114–15

  Hop Pole, the xviii

  Horse and Hounds, the 115–18

  Hotel, Europa 111, 112

  House of Commons 142, 143

  House of Lords 120, 249

  ‘The House of the Rising Sun’ 190

  Howard, Charles, Lord 108, 137–8

  Howard, James 163

  Hoxne, Battle of 65

  Hubba (Viking chief) 65

  Hubble Telescope 106

  Hucknall (Nottinghamshire) 80

  Hucknall Aerodrome 80–1

  Huitzilopochtli (Aztec sun god) 188

  Hull 255

  Hundred Years’ War 10–11, 122, 248

  Hunstanton 65

  India 29, 45, 80, 107, 119, 126, 127, 139, 184

  Indian Ocean 103

  Indian Rebellion 127

  Indonesia 103

  Industrial Revolution 53, 172, 191, 228

  Inkerman, Battle of 112–13

  Innocent VIII, Pope 23

  Inverness 225

  Ipswich 43

  Ireland 6, 30, 31, 133, 139, 152, 155, 197, 230, 256

  Ireland, Gilbert 52

  Iron Duke, the xx, 118–21

  Irving, Washington 37

  Islam 204

  Isle of Wight 119, 144

  Israelites 169

  Italy 88–9, 91–2, 111

  Ivor the Boneless 65

  Jack-in-the-Green 106 see also Green Man

  Jack Straw’s Castle xx, 121–5

  Jacobite Risings 127, 225 see also First Jacobite Rebellion and Second Jacobite Rebellion

  Jacobites 93

  James I, King 32, 52, 72, 73, 136, 185–6

  James II, King 92–3, 164, 223

  Jeffreys, Judge 182

  Jenkins, Robert 7–8

  Jenkins’ Ear, War of 8–10

  Jerusalem 169, 204

  Jervis, Admiral Sir John 166

  Jockey Club 218

  John Barleycorn, the 125–6

  John Company 126–7 see also East India Company

  John Company, the 126–7

  John of Gaunt 123, 186–7

  John Paul Jones, the 127–9

  John Snow, the 129–32

  Johnson (American athlete), Ben 23–4

  Johnson, Richard 97

  Jones, John Paul 127–9

  Jonson (poet and playwright), Ben 24–5, 44

  Jorvik 74 see also York

  Jupiter (god) 210

  Kenny, Kevin 152

  Kent 25, 76, 122, 123–4

  Kerry, County 139

  Khartoum 139

  Kidd, Captain William 41–2

  Kilmarnock (William Boyd), 4th Earl of 223

  King’s Arms, the xviii, 204

  King’s Head, the 132–3

  Kirklees Priory (west Yorkshire) 195

  Kitchener, Lord 138–41, 237

  Kitchener’s Army 140, 237

  Knaresborough (Yorkshire) 250

  Kop 209 see also Spion Kop, Battle of

  Kray, Reggie 26

  Kray, Ronnie 26, 28

  Lake District 70

  Lamplighter’s Hall 134–5

  lamplighters 133–4

  Lamplighters, the 133–5

  Lancashire 53, 77, 114

  Lancaster, House of 74–5, 196, 197, 198, 245

  Langland, William 193

  Langley, Edmund 74

  Laon, Battle of 180

  Larsen, Air Commodore 81

  Latham, Isabel 77

  Latham, Sir Thomas 76–7

  Lea, River 29

  Lee, Arthur 51

  Leeds 86

  Leeds Pals Battalion 237

  Leek (Staffordshire) 183

  Le Fay, Morgan 101

  Leicester, 1st Earl of 54

  Leicester, 2nd Earl of 54

  Leicester Castle 187

  Leicestershire 184

  Lennox (Duke of Richmond), Colonel Charles 147

  Lewis, C. S. 78

  Libya 95

  The Life and Death of Jack Straw 124

  Light Brigade see Charge of the Light Brigade

  Ligny, Battle of 181

  Lincoln 78

  Lincolnshire 124

  Lion and the Unicorn, the 135–6

  Lion Gate (Tower of London) 246

  Lion Tower (Tower of London) 246

  Lisbon 137

  Little Hell Alehouse, the 40

  Little Wonder (racehorse) 260–1

  Little Wonder, the 260–1

  Liverpool 51, 208, 209

  London 5, 6–7, 8, 9, 10, 21, 25, 26, 28, 29, 34, 35, 38, 41, 42, 54, 55, 57, 61, 79, 80, 87–8, 108, 120, 121, 122–3, 124, 129, 131, 132, 145, 146, 148, 156, 163, 164, 167, 168, 170, 182, 186, 187, 191, 192, 199, 201, 205, 213, 226, 231, 233, 238, 246, 250, 251, 261

  London Evening Standard 238–9

  London Gazette 113

  London Underground 109

  Lord, Thomas 146, 147, 148

  Lord Collingwood, the 3

  Lord Howard, the 136–8

  Lord Kitchener, the 138–41

  Lord Palmerston, the 141–5

  Lord’s Cricket Ground 145–6, 147, 148–9

  Lord’s Tavern 145–9

  Louis XV of France, King 223

  Lovat (Simon Fraser), 11th Lord 223

  Loxley 195

  Lucan, 3rd Earl of 16

  Lucan, 7th Earl of 16–17

  Luddite Rebellion 228

  Ludwig, Mary 159

  Lytham St Annes 76–7

  Madeira 30

  Madrid 73

  Magellan, Straits of 103

  Maidstone 76

  Making Sense of the Molly Maguires 152

  Malaga, Battle of 7

  Malone, Molly 157

  Malt House, the 159

  Maltings, the 149

  Manchester 114, 120

  Mansfield (Nottinghamshire) 208

  Marches, Council of 43

  Margaret of Anjou (wife of Henry VI) 197

  Maria, Infanta 79

  The Marquess of Granby Relieving a Sick Soldier 151

  Marquis of Granby, the 150–1

  Martin, Joseph Plumb 160

  Martin, Tim 238, 239–40

  Martindale, Thomas 226

  Mary, Queen of Scots 137

  Mary I, Queen 42, 46

  Mary II, Queen 93

  Maryland 158

  Marylebone Cricket Club (MCC) 147, 210

  Massachusetts 155

  Mathilda, Queen 47

  Matilda (wife of William the Conqueror), Queen 213

  Matlock (Derbyshire) 259

  May Day 106

  May King 106

  May Queen 106

  McCauley, George 160

  McCauley, Mary Hays 160

  McParlan, James 154

  Mecklenburg 179

  Medina Sidonia, Duke of 138

  Mediterranean 7, 91, 96, 166, 167

  Melbourne, Lord 144, 172

  Mercia 213

  Mersey, River 51

  Mesopotamia 241

  Metropolitan Police Act 192

  Middle Ages xvi, 39, 50, 85, 95, 214, 233, 242

  Middle East 106, 139, 204

  Middleton, John 52–3

  Midlands (England) 213

  A Midsummer Night’s Dream 107

  Milan 89

  Mill Reef (racehorse) 256

  Milton Keynes 38

  Minerva (Roman goddess) 31

  Mocenigo, Countess Amalia Nani 110–11

  Möckern, Battle of 180

  Molly Maguires (secret society) 152–5

  Molly Maguires, the 151–5

  Molly Malone’s 155–7

  Molly Pitcher, the 157–61

  Molly Pitcher Inn, the 158

  Molly Pitcher Monument (Carlisle, PA) 160

  Molly Pitcher Waffle House (PA) 158

  Molly Pitchers Highway 158

  Monmouth (NJ), Battle of 159

  Monmouth Rebellion 182

  Mont Cassell (France) 75

  Montevideo 89

  Montfort, Henry de 27

  Montgomery, General 110

  Moon Under Water, the 239

  Morgan, Captain Henry 135

  Morpeth 5

  Mortimer, Anne de 246

  Mortimer, Roger 215

  Mount Vernon 9, 10

  Muslims 94–5, 204 see also Saracens

  Nag’s Head, the 161–2

  Naples 91, 166

  Napoleon 4, 119, 141–2, 165, 166, 179, 180, 181, 182, 211

  Napoleon III, Emperor 89, 91, 235, 236

  Napoleonic Wars xx, 4, 120, 180, 228, 234

  Nashe, Thomas 24

  National Health Service 173

  National Insurance Act 173

  National Socialist Movement 5

  Nebuchadnezzar II, King 169

  Nell Gwyn, the 162–4

  Nelson, Horatio, Admiral Lord xx, 3, 4, 5, 7, 145, 165–9

  Nelson, the xx, 164–9

  Nelson’s Column 164–5

  Nepal 106

  Neptune (Roman god) 15

  Nero, Emperor 169

  Netherlands 119, 136

  Neville, Richard 22

  Newcastle upon Tyne 3, 5, 7, 66, 258

  New Forest 85, 226

  Newington 79, 80

  New Inn (Phillack, Cornwall) 35

  New Jersey 159

  New Jersey Turnpike 158

  New Model Army 199, 205, 230

  Newport (Isle of Wight) 119

  Newstead 218

  Newton, Sir Isaac 145

  New World 2, 128, 153

  New York 42, 90

  New Zealand 115

  Nice 91

  Nidd, River 251

  Nile, Battle of the 166

  Norfolk 115, 165

  Norman Conquest xv, 85

  Normandy 11, 213

  North Carolina 161

  North Sea 6

  Northumberland 258

  Northumbria 74

  Nottingham 193, 195

  Nottingham, 1st Earl of see Howard, Charles, Lord

  Nottinghamshire 80, 86, 204, 208, 218

  Nyren, Richard xxi

  Oak Apple Day 201

  Oakham (Leicestershire) 184

  Oddfellows (friendly society) 85, 87, 170–3 see also Order of the Odd Fellows

  Oddfellows’ Arms, the 169–73

  O’Kelly, Captain Dennis 259

  Old Bull, the 36

  Old Dog and Duck, the xxi, 173–5

  Olivier, Laurence 13

  Olympics 24

  Order of the Odd Fellows 171 see also Oddfellows (friendly society)

  Oribe, Manuel 89

  Orsini, Felice

  Orwell, George 238–9

  Osbourne House 144

  Ostiarius, Elias 51

  Ottoman Empire 16

  Oxford 37, 50, 78, 163

  Oxfordshire 19

  Oxford University 231

  Pacifico, David 143

  Palmerston, 3rd Viscount 141–5

  Pals Battalions 237–8

  Panama 8, 108

  Paraire, Edward 148

  Paris 11, 180

  Parker, Admiral Sir Hyde 168

  Parliament 8, 49, 73, 75, 93, 94, 132, 136, 192, 201, 215, 231, 233, 234

  Parliamentarian forces/troops 199, 200, 229

  Peasants’ Revolt xvii, xx, 122–4, 186, 194, 244

  Peel, Robert 190, 192–3

  Peep O’Day Boys 152

  Pelican 103 see also Golden Hind

  Peninsular War 43, 119

  Pennsylvania 153, 158, 159, 160

  Pennsylvania Artillery Regiment 159

  Penny, Edward 151

  Penzance (Cornwall) 66

  Pepys, Samuel xxii, 163, 182, 200–1, 250–1

  Perceval, Spencer 142

  Perry, William 261

  Perseus 96

  Peterloo Massacre 120

  Petersham 218

  Petersham Hotel 218

  Philadelphia 159

  Philip II of Spain, King 102, 137

  Philippines 103

  Phillack (Cornwall) 34, 35

  Pickering, Harry 111–112

  Pickled Parson, the 175–6

  The Pickwick Papers 202

  Picts 31

  Piedmont 91

  Piers Plowman 193–4

  Pig and Whistle, the 176–8

  Pilgrim’s Way (Kent) 25

  Pill (village) 134

  Pinkerton Agency 153–4

  Piraeus 143

  Pirbright 243

  Plassey, Battle of 127

  Pleasington (Lancashire) 53

  Pleiades (constellation) 205–6

  Plough, the xvi

  Plowden, Edmund 43–4

  Plymouth 103, 137

  Poland 181, 211

  Pomfret, Alfred 53

  Pompeii 49, 51

  Pop Goes the Weasel xiii

  Port Mahon 5

  Portobelo (Panama) 8, 10, 108

  Portsmouth 73

  Portugal 119, 166

  Poseidon (god) 206

  Potomac River 9

  Preston, Battle of 225

  Pretoria 207

  Prettyjohn, Corporal John 113–14

  Prince Blucher, the xx, 178–82

  Princes in the Tower 49

  Prospect of Whitby 182

  Prospect of Whitby, the 182

  Protestantism/Protestants 43–4, 92, 93, 105

  Prussia 179

  Prussian army 179, 180

  Puck 107

  Pytheas 31

  Quiet Woman, the xiii, xxi, 183–4

  Ra (Egyptian god) 189

  Ragnarsson, Halfdan 74

  Ragnarsson, Ube 64

  Raj, British 127

  Ram Jam, the 184–5

  Ram Jam Club, the 185

  Ram Jam Inn, the 184

  Ranger 128

  Ratekau, Battle of 180

  Rebecca Riots 234

  Red Bull, the 36

  Redcliffe Caves (Bristol) 202–3

/>   Red Herrings and White Elephants xiii

  Red Hussars 179

  Red Lion, the 61, xvii, 185–8

  Red Sea 42

  Reformation (Protestant) 37

  Restoration 162

  Richard I, the Lionheart, King 214, 216

  Richard II, King 123, 186, 187–8, 244

  Richard III, King 49

  Richard of York 197–8, 245

  Richmond 218

  Richmond, Duke of see Lennox (Duke of Richmond), Colonel Charles

  ‘Riflemen Form’ 236

  Rio de Janeiro 30

  Rising Sun, the 188–90

  Robert Peel, the 190–3

  Robin Hood, the 193–6

  Roman Empire/Romans xiv–xv, 32, 50, 51, 60, 62, 74, 115, 169–70, 189, 210–11, 212, 242

  Romania 211

  Rome 89

  Rose and Crown, the 65, 196–8

  Roses, Wars of the 74–5, 197–8

  Rostock 178

  Rotherham 45, 239

  Round Table (King Arthur’s) 190

  Rowlandson, Thomas 258

  Royal Anchor, the 18

  Royal Horse Guards 150

  Royal Institution 66

  Royal Marines 70, 113, 114

  Royal Navy 4, 5, 33, 67, 142, 143, 165, 211, 246

  Royal Oak, the xx, 198–202

  Royal Society 66

  Royalists (English Civil War) 78

  ‘Rule Britannia’ 9, 32–3

  Russia 16, 112–13, 115, 140, 143

  Ruthland, Duke of 150

  Sabra, Princess 97

  St Albans, Duke of 163

  St Andrew 135

  St Clement 115 see also Clement I, Pope

  St Dunstan 65, 221–2

  St Edmundsbury (Suffolk) 65

  St Edmund’s Church 66

  St Edmund the Martyr 63, 65

  St George xvii, 63, 94–5, 96–7, 97–8, 135, 216

  St George’s Chapel (Windsor) 94, 97

  St George’s Day 70, 98

  St Giles (Oxford) 78

  St Helena 30

  St Ives (Cornwall) 35

  St John’s Church (West Meon) 148

  St Leger (horse race) 82, 257

  St Mark’s Square (Venice) 109

  St Martin de Ré 73

  St Mary’s Isle (Scotland) 129

  St Nicholas of Bari 115

  St Patrick 135

  St Paul 115

  St Paul’s Cathedral 5, 168

  St Peter 62, 63

  St Peter’s Field (Manchester) 120

  Salisbury, Countess of 216–17

  Salvation Army 26

  Sandboys, the 202–3

  Sandown (racecourse) 257

  San Francisco 15

  San Francisco Bay 103

  San Juan de Ulua 102

  Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Battle of 166

  Saracen’s Head, the 203–5, 232

  Saracens 204 see also Muslims

  Sardinia 91

  Savoy Hotel (London) 186

  Savoy Palace (London) 186

  Saxe-Coburg and Gotha family 75

  Sayers, Thomas 261

  Scotland/Scottish 7, 15, 31, 32, 47, 58, 69, 127, 129, 135, 136, 152, 185–6, 199, 204, 215, 225–6, 230, 250

  Seabiscuit (racehorse) 262

  Seabiscuit Inn, the 262

  Seaford 14, 205

  Sebastopol 113

  Second Boer War see Boer War

  Second Jacobite Rebellion 225–6 see also Jacobite Risings

  The Second Tour of Dr Syntax in Search of Consolation 258


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