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Erin's Kiss

Page 2

by Lora Leigh

  What made her think that giving in to her fascination for Turk Rogan was a good idea?

  It was insanity.

  It was a recipe for a broken heart.

  Smoothing her hands down the sides of her black skirt before adjusting the black vest over her white long-sleeved shirt, Erin forced herself to still the hurt. Taking a deep, steadying breath she then forced herself to leave the lounge.

  Saturday night at the Broken Bar was always too busy, too loud, and filled with far too much excitement. At least for the customers.

  Pushing through the swinging doors she ducked her head, pretended to adjust the rolled-back sleeves of her cotton shirt and slid behind the bar where Jake was already prepping for a busy night.

  “Hey, Jake. Everyone,” she greeted the head bartender as well as the rest of the Broken Bar family gathered around the bar.

  The owner, Ethan Cooper, and his wife, Sarah, head of security, Casey, and his wife, Sheila, and the other security personnel gathered there.

  “Lookin’ good Miss Erin,” Iron Donovan greeted her with his customary flirtatiousness.

  “Smack him, Erin.” Sarah laughed. “He’s watching your backside again.”

  “Hey, it’s a damned pretty backside,” Iron complained.

  “Dig your hole deeper, Iron.” Nick chuckled as his wife whispered something in his ear.

  Sliding past Jake, Erin shook her head at the lot of them, though she noticed Turk wasn’t joining in that evening as he usually did.

  “The lot of you need to attend those sexual harassment classes again,” she chided them, unable to hide her smile. “You weren’t paying attention at the last one.”

  “We didn’t pay attention to the one before that, either,” Iron snickered. “We were too busy staring at that cute little instructor’s legs.”

  “Cut it out, asshole.” Turk’s tone was dark and lacking any sort of amusement.

  Erin lifted her head slowly, the sharp retort hovering on her lips forestalled by Jake’s next comment.

  “Hey, Erin, you did good last night.” Growly, not in the least given as most managers to give a compliment. This compliment had everyone staring at the fierce former Ranger in shock.

  Erin blinked back at him, frozen in the act of sitting a shot glass on the prep counter as her eyes widened.

  Panic had her heart in her throat, trepidation drying out her mouth as she hurriedly glanced at Cooper. He was suddenly staring at the scarred top of the wood bar rubbing slowly at his jaw.

  She turned back to Jake, swallowing nervously.

  “What did I do wrong?” she asked, trying desperately to remember what she might have forgotten.

  His glare darkened.

  “Did I say you did something wrong?” he barked.

  She just barely controlled a flinch.

  “Well, no, but the last bartender you complimented ran out twenty minutes later sobbing hysterically.” She heard that story several times. “I’d feel better if you just told me where I messed up now so I can fix it.”

  His lips tightened, his fierce expression nearly frightening as his jaw bunched.

  “Little girl,” he snarled. “Learn how to take a friggin’ compliment!”

  His attitude sucked on a good day.

  This obviously wasn’t one of his good days.

  Feeling everyone’s eyes on her now she managed to dry another shot glass and place it on the counter in front of her.

  “Thanks, Jake,” she murmured. “I’ll try to do better next time.”

  Jake didn’t give compliments.

  She’d been warned of that by Jake himself.

  “Damned women,” he muttered behind her. “This is what I get. Next time, Miss Masters, try remembering where everything belongs before you leave.”

  She turned back to him. “What was left out of place?”

  Nothing had been left out and she knew it.

  “Your good senses not to mention your supposed good taste,” he informed her with another glare. “Get those damned glasses done.”

  Turning back to the far-too-attentive audience his eagle-like gaze moved to Turk accusingly before he turned and busied himself with the drink bottles that sat in front of the mirrored wall.

  “Well, that was interesting.” Iron smirked back at her. “Care to explain it?”

  “Frightening is more like it.” She casted Jake a wary look as she hurriedly finished the glasses. “You explain it first.”

  Only Turk seemed unconcerned with what had occurred. Leaning against the end of the bar, his arms crossed over his chest, he seemed to be glaring at Jake through the mirror behind the bar.

  “Okay, children, playtime’s over,” Cooper announced as he rose from the barstool. “Iron, you can let the VIPs in now. Casey, you and Morgan get the bouncers in place. Turk, you have security at the bar tonight, Morgan has lead. Let’s see if we can get some work done.”

  The change in positions was surprising. Even Jake seemed perplexed by them as he sent Cooper a probing glance.

  Not that Cooper’s expression changed. But whatever Jake saw in it, it had him smirking for a second before his expression turned fierce once again.

  Moments later the VIP guests were milling in from the large backroom where drinks and appetizers were provided by the chef in the newly built kitchen.

  The VIPs were the politicians, entertainers, and even suspected criminals considered powerful regulars, as well as their guests. They were shown in through a private entrance to the comfortable guest lounge on the other side of the main bar area. Watching their faces unobtrusively, Erin memorized their features, filing each in a mental category she would later list in her report.

  “Well, hello again, pretty thing.” A Corpus Christi talent scout, Tyler Stanley, took a seat in front of her, his smug expression as off-putting tonight as ever. “Change your mind about dinner yet?”

  He’d been inviting her out as long as she’d worked there.

  “Not tonight, Tyler,” she declined again. “Sorry.”

  He normally took her refusal good-naturedly.

  “Are you ever going to say yes?” he demanded, his dark eyes narrowing as his patience was obviously wearing thin.

  “Probably not.” She sighed, as though in regret. “I told you, I’m involved with someone.” It was her standard excuse. She refused to go out with sleazeballs. Tyler Stanley was a sleazeball. “I’ll get you a drink though. Another whiskey sour?” she suggested, nodding to his nearly empty glass.

  He accepted the drink, obviously still angry. Thankfully, he moved from the bar to make his way to one of the tables occupied by several less savory individuals.

  The VIP guests kept her for the next half hour then the rush through the front entrance began.

  Halfway through the night a third bartender moved in behind her as bodies packed around the counter and orders flew in. There was little chance to consider Jake’s odd behavior or Turk’s.

  Later, she promised herself. She would think about it later. Because she had no doubt Turk had something to do with it.


  The night ended as dawn was peeking at the horizon.

  The bar area sparkled. There wasn’t a chance anything was out of place or that a speck of dust or smear of a drink remained.

  Looking around she gave each area another thorough look, ensuring there was nothing Jake could possibly find fault with. As her gaze moved to the mirror behind the bar and the subtle lights of the neon BROKEN BAR sign, she gave the camera hidden within it a flirtatious little wink.

  Gabby would no doubt find that one amusing.


  Swinging around to face Turk, the smile tugging at her lips flattened.

  “Looks ready.” She shrugged, adjusting her purse on a shoulder and moving for the exit. “Good night, Turk.”

  The heavy sigh that sounded behind her was filled with male irritation.

  “You going to stay mad at me?” he asked softly as he unlocked the door
for her.

  “I’m not angry with you.” What the hell did he expect her to say?

  “Of course you are,” he murmured.

  “Because you forced Jake into that asinine compliment?” she snorted. “Really Turk? It was so obvious.”

  He simply stared back at her.

  “Forget it,” she snapped. “I just want to go home.”

  “Let me lock up and I’ll walk you to your car.” He didn’t argue with her—that was a good thing. She was not in the mood for a confrontation.

  “It’s nearly daylight. I’ll be fine.” She almost managed to slide past him when she felt his fingers curl firmly around her upper arm, dragging her to a stop.

  “Erin, tempting my patience is the wrong route to take.” The warning in his voice seemed designed to just piss her off.

  “Give me a break.” Mocking, disbelieving, she laughed at the comment. “You just wish I’d tempt you then you wouldn’t have to take responsibility for giving into what you want yourself.”

  He turned the key in the lock with a hard twist of his wrist before turning to face her.

  “And just what do you think I want?” he asked, his voice a hard, dark rasp.

  The overhead light cast his harsh features in savage lines as his chocolate brown eyes narrowed on her impatiently.

  “You’re such a man.” She snorted in disdain. She had yet to meet one of her stepfather’s agents that wasn’t an ass. Turk just hid it better.

  “Glad you realize that.” Powerful arms crossed imperiously over his chest.

  “It wasn’t a compliment,” she informed him, her gaze raking over him. “Look at you. All defensive and displaying such control. Arms crossed, feet braced firmly beneath you. As though you’re facing an enemy when what you’re facing is your own fear of whatever that sizzle was between us last night. What do you want, Turk? Do you need me to seduce you?” She gave a short, contemptuous laugh. “Sorry but I have things to do tonight. Catch me next lifetime. Maybe then I’ll be desperate enough to let you hide from your own hunger and blame me for it.”


  Catch her next lifetime?

  It was all Turk could do to hold back his anger, and his amazement.

  Son of a bitch, if only she wasn’t so fucking enchanting.

  If only she wasn’t so damned right.

  It was all he could do to keep his hands off her. At the same time, he was dying to push her into touching him instead.

  “You’ve lost it, sweetheart,” he growled.

  “Have I?” she drawled. “Have I lost it, Turk? Or do you really wish you could lose all the wondrous control you have?” A slender, red-gold brow arched slowly, mockingly, before she turned and began striding away from him.

  As though this were finished?

  “Where the hell do you think you’re going?” he demanded, following her quickly. “This isn’t finished, Erin.”

  Reaching the driver’s side door of her little sedan she pulled the door open with a hard jerk before turning back to him, her expression livid.

  Eyes sparkling, her cheeks flushed, the full mounds of her breasts heaving within the neat little frame of the black vest secured beneath them. Damn, she was pretty as hell.

  “This is finished, Turk,” she snapped back at him, holding the top of the doorframe with one hand, the other braced on her hip as she faced him. “It’s very much finished, because I’m simply not in the mood to pander to your damned ego tonight.”

  He was going to burn in hell and Turk knew it.

  Reaching out he hooked his arm around her waist and jerked her to him, one hand tangling in her hair to hold her in place as his lips bore down on hers.

  Thunder crashed in his head—that had to be his heartbeat, he thought, almost dazed as her lips parted beneath his.

  A muted, broken whimper of feminine longing eased past their kiss as her arms twined around his neck. Slanting his lips over hers Turk was helpless against the hunger burning inside him now. Raging at him.

  Damn her.

  She made him want.… He wanted more than just the sex but he was damned if he could put a name to the hunger rising inside him. All he knew was the only relief for it was the woman in his arms.

  “Damn you!” Pulling back, Turk stared down at the dazed, flushed features, the mass of red-gold hair falling around her face and her kiss-swollen lips. “I’ll follow you to the apartment.”

  Pretty gray eyes blinked back at him, at first confused, then with a hint of feminine hesitancy.

  “Do you need to be seduced first?” he growled then.

  A hint of a smile curved her lips. “Of course I do.” Stepping back she slid quickly into her car. “Shall we see if you’re capable of the seduction?”

  Turk couldn’t help but grin. “Oh, baby, have no fear. I’m more than capable.”

  He turned and strode back to the front door, ensured security had engaged when he’d locked the door, then moved quickly to the motorcycle parked next to her car.

  Meeting her gaze through the window he nodded shortly, after securing his helmet. As she pulled out he followed. Riding behind her the short distance to the building that housed both their apartments, all he could think about was the woman ahead and the sweet passion that erupted whenever he touched her.

  And he intended to touch her quite a bit in the coming hours.


  Turk was pulling in beside her as Erin parked her car. His helmet was off as she opened her door. Slamming the door closed she found herself pushed against it a heartbeat later, Turk’s lips covering hers again.

  She could grow addicted to his kisses.

  Hell, maybe she was already addicted. Her body definitely acted as though it were.

  The second he touched her, the second his lips covered hers again, his tongue rubbing against hers, pleasure exploded through her system. A vibrant, white-hot pleasure that whipped through her body and left her senses reeling.

  She couldn’t catch her breath.

  She didn’t want to catch her breath.

  This was what she had craved from the moment she had met him, from that first look to that first kiss then to here. These striking, incredible sensations she’d only just learned existed.

  Sensations she’d only found in this man’s arms.

  Her breasts plumped, becoming swollen, her nipples too sensitive as they pressed against his chest. A flush of heat washed through her body, as though her internal thermometer had gone haywire. Between her thighs, the gold, curved piercing that circled her clit was doing something it had never done before. Where once there had been plenty of room between the piercing and her clit, it now rubbed against the hood covering the bundle of nerves and sent exquisite sensations racing through her.

  Even masturbation hadn’t swollen that bundle of nerves to this extent.

  “Move,” he growled, lifting his head as she forced her lashes to part. “If we don’t get to your apartment or mine in the next ten seconds, you’ll be fucked wherever we’re standing.”

  There was a problem with that?

  “No matter who’s watching,” he groaned as her lips parted on a slight gasp.

  Oh, yeah.

  Watching. That was right—anyone could be watching.

  “My apartment,” she demanded. “My bed.”

  “You’ll be lucky if I get the door closed first, dammit.”

  Taking her forgotten keys from her hand he hit the remote lock to the car, then he was pulling her behind him. Precious seconds were taken in punching the code into the security system at the door. Then the elevator.

  The ride took forever. It was torturous as he pulled her back to his chest, the hard ridge of his erection riding against her lower back as his lips lowered to her neck.

  Oh, God.

  Chills raced over her flesh as his lips found the sensitive curve of her neck and shoulder, playing there with gentle nips and heated kisses.

  Her head fell back against his shoulder, one arm curving around the ba
ck of his neck as she leaned into him. Her eyes drifted closed as the elevator signaled its arrival at the third floor.

  Stepping around her, Turk drew Erin behind him, her keys still in his hand as he reached her apartment door.

  “Push your code in,” he groaned as he shoved the key in the lock. “And hurry.”

  Hurriedly punching in the six-digit code as he turned the key and pushed the door open, Erin could feel her heart beating faster. Sensual, erotic need rose through her senses and left her breathless.

  Pushing the door open, Turk pulled her in behind him. The second the door slammed shut she was lifted from her feet, her back pressed against the wall. Gripping her thighs Turk placed them at his hips, moving between them with a groan.

  The heavy length of his erection, held back by his denim and her silk panties, pressed against the sensitive mound of her sex. Damp heat and erotic flares of sensation erupted from her clit through the snug tissue of her vagina to clench at her womb and steal her breath.

  Grinding against her, his lips took hers again. His tongue pushed past her lips to find hers as a moan escaped from the erotic caress.

  Erin tangled her fingers in his hair, tightened her thighs at his hips, and rode the impressive length of his shaft as she felt her skirt slide up, over her rear. A second later a cry escaped her as the silk of her panties were torn from her.

  “Buy you more later,” he groaned, pushing his hand between their bodies, his lips moving to her neck as he pulled her blouse aside with his other hand.

  Buttons scattered. The cup of her bra was pulled aside as she felt the wide, blunt tip of his cock pressing against the heated, slick folds of her pussy.

  “Fuck! I knew this would happen,” he groaned, his breath sawing in and out of his lungs as she forced her eyes to open, to stare at the savage features of the man prepared to penetrate her.

  “Condom,” he bit out, voice rough as he moved the hand clenching the curve of her rear to search a pocket.

  She’d forgotten protection, too. She had never forgotten anything so essential.

  Pulling the foil pack free, his jaw clenched, his expression tortured, he tore it open with his teeth, removed the latex and hurriedly rolled it in place.


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