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SSS: Year One (Supernatural Spy School Book 1)

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by Yumoyori Wilson

  With all the benefits that diploma would offer, I had deep reasons for wanting to join the prestigious school.

  "Get away from me, jerkface. I'm not in the mood tonight."

  My feet came to a stop at the noise, the familiarity of it only making my eyes roll.

  Not this again.

  To my right, in the oh-so-familiar alleyway, was a woman in her mid-30's. She was against the wall with yet another man who wanted nothing but a quick fuck. That usually ended up with them wanting more, like money or more public sex.

  I still didn't understand why I interfered every single time I saw the same woman getting used and abused in the alley, but once again, my instincts kicked in and I was pulling the man off of her and sending him flying into the concrete.

  "ARGH!" The man scrambled back onto his feet, his nose already dripping blood from the impact.

  His glaring cobalt eyes met my blue ones. "Who the fuck are you?!"

  "None of your business, mutt," I replied, smelling the wolf stink coming off him.

  I didn’t know why I had such a strong sense of smell, but to me, most werewolves reeked. It was as if they wanted the world to know what they were.

  Having been in the coffee shop for so long, I could immediately tell when a werewolf walked into the dining area. The only difference, in this case, was the scent was mixed with alcohol and smoke.

  "You wanna go, cunt?" He took two steps forward, trying to look intimidating as his body seemed to grow.

  I crossed my arms and looked him in the eyes, turning the switch within myself on.

  His once-fierce expression faltered miserably, my magical aura wrapping around me and pushing out in waves, each growing in power until the man was quivering in fear.

  A sinister grin formed on my lips and I snapped my fingers, a mixture of blue and pink hellfire forming at the tip of my hands. It shifted at will, growing until a large flaming wolf looked down upon the three of us.

  "What was that? I thought you were implying we battle?" I taunted, feeling a burning desire to make this man drop to his knees and beg.

  My thoughts were soon answered as he dropped to his knees, his once-buff body shrinking back to its previous size as he bowed in submission.

  "I'm sorry! Please. I-I just wanted some fun."

  "She said she wasn't in the mood. Use those sensitive ears of yours next time," I snapped.

  "Yes, ma'am!" he replied, on the verge of tears.

  "Scram," I encouraged, and the flaming wolf howled, emphasizing its presence.

  If this guy was going to try and fake his apology and attack, he'd at least remember what he was up against.

  "Thank you!" The man was up and running to the other side of the alley in seconds. Once his scent disappeared, I let out the breath I was holding.

  Glad I didn't have to fight. I'm way too tired today.

  My flaming wolf lowered its head, nudging my face lightly in comfort as its flames began to disintegrate.

  Thank you.

  With my appreciative thought, the flames turned to nothing but specks of embers floating up into the night sky. I gave myself a few seconds to calm down, centering the part of my magic that was known to many as mana.

  With mana, there were endless possibilities for magic casting and manipulation. It was similar to video games with the whole SP count. The more SP you had, the more magical skills you could use in your favor.

  I had loads of it, contributing to my high level of magic ability, but it always left me in a sour mood when I couldn't have my way with people who pissed me off.

  With a heavy sigh, I walked up to grab the woman's purse from the ground to offer it to her.

  Turning my attention to her, she had the same frightened look, before she scowled and snatched the bag from my hand.

  "I didn't need your help!"

  "Every week I find you in this same alley, with another guy who has no appreciation or respect for you or your body and yet you have the nerve to say you didn't need my help." I shook my head. "I'm sure other rat shifters would feel more grateful about being saved from potential rape."

  She gritted her teeth, her nose twitching at my words. I only knew she was a rat shifter because I'd seen her shift once in the past.

  I turned around and slipped my hands in my pockets.

  "Hurry and wake the fuck up. I don't care if you’re a rat shifter and love the attention of men who have no intention of being with you long term. There's going to come a time where it won't matter how many times you ask them to stop. They won’t, and you'll regret it."

  With those words, I was walking out of the alley and heading back on my path toward home.

  There were so many ungrateful shifters. It was no wonder we had secret agents to help stop crime. If you interfered on your own, you either got insulted or ridiculed, but if I was a part of S.S.S., I'm sure she'd be kissing my feet and showering me with thanks.

  I knew this, constantly reminding myself that it really wasn't my duty, but the instinct never listened. It was our way of putting an end to something I was all too familiar with.

  Entering my neighborhood, I let out a yawn as I tugged the hair tie out of my long silver locks. It was funny how my parents named me Silver because I was born with the metallic-colored tresses.

  Apparently, having silver hair was rare, and a sign of great power and importance. Don't know where anyone got their info about the color of hair predicting your future, but my parents went along with it.

  It made me wonder if I was destined to one day join S.S.S. My name, Silver Spell Solange, matched the three-letter initials, and I truly believed I fit all the requirements.

  Except for one.

  The Supernatural Spy school was exactly that: for the supernatural race. Witches and Wizards did not count in that category. We were magic users and powerful allies to have in the line of battle, but we certainly couldn't shift our own bodies into anything.

  That was going to be a tiny problem.

  No sole magic user had ever gotten into S.S.S. school before. I'd done immense research to try and see if there was one lucky individual who bent the rules and lived to tell the tale, but it was unsuccessful.

  Any past potentials were declined, even when they completed their assigned quest. I don't know why that didn't stop me from wanting to go. It was as though my mind couldn't let go.

  I was going to add myself to that fool's list soon, just to say that I tried. Maybe I'd be the lucky first, but my hopes weren't high enough to bring me disappointment.

  Not yet anyway.

  The first goal was to actually be sent an invitation. I'd sent my application a few days prior and left the part 'What Shifter Are You?' blank.

  For many reasons, a lot of shifters liked to keep the knowledge of what they were a secret.

  One could be because of their rarity. A few species, like hellhounds, for example, were super rare and were normally lone shifters. There were other shifters like fairies, phoenixes, and a few other legendary mythological species that were so few, they almost missed being cataloged.

  When the massive shift from human to supernatural existence occurred, a log was created to attempt to keep a count of supernatural populations, but it was still a struggle to gather throughout the world, especially in the previous third world countries.

  With the switch, the world leaders decided that all the countries would start fresh. Like a clean slate.

  All previous debts were canceled and even our money was updated. For the most part, technology was still a big part of our system, but now with the addition of magic, things were growing at a tremendously fast pace.

  Reaching the front of my house, I looked at the three-story home that was painted completely black. My parents and sister loved black with a passion. I was the oddball who loved all the other colors.

  Except green. I really did not like that color.

  The only sign of color on our property was the mailbox, which was pink. It was the only thing I begged to have in
pink because I used to send pen letters. I still sent them, even though we'd advanced to emails, but my pen pals didn't mind.

  I still had four out of the ten I used to write to, the remaining six having moved on or preferring email when it came to communication.

  The pen mail system was still used between many witches and wizards.

  Words had power, and if you needed to emphasize certain topics, writing it out with a blessed quill was far better. Plus it was fun to add a bit of magic, making the words come to life as the receiver read out the words.

  Opening the little door, I peeked in to see if there were any letters enclosed, only to find it empty.


  Closing it, I made my way up the path, the stone pathway beginning to glow in various shades of pink, purple, and blue. The house was created by magic, and always found a way to welcome us home.

  Reaching the door, I smiled and took a deep breath.

  I'm home.

  It was a habit to acknowledge the magic around me and give thanks when it came to my aid. Magic was its own entity in my opinion, and giving it the respect it deserved helped me to be able to summon the source around me before calling on my own within my body.

  The door unlocked on its own, the secret golden lock coming to view in the center of the black wood. With a click, the door moved inward, allowing me entry.

  With another subconscious thanks, I walked in and took off my shoes and had a quick stretch before slipping my hoodie off. Standing in place, I waited.

  Five, four, three, two, o-


  A smirk formed on my lips, my prediction becoming reality as my sister waltzed from the living room into the hall, her hands holding two hangers.

  "Which shirt makes me look sexy, but not whore sexy?"

  With a giggle, I walked toward my sister, my eyes looking at both options and lingering on the one to my left.

  "That one is better. Gives you some cleavage room, but not too much. Also, tight fit to match your curves."

  "Excellent!" she squealed, tossing the other one into the wall where it slipped right through like discarded trash.

  It would land back in her closet in the 'Too Sexy For Men' section.

  That was her section of clothes designed for a specific date with her boyfriend. One where she'd be super upset and have to prove to him she was an ongoing snack any mage or shifter would want to eat.

  "This is why I love when you come home early.” She flicked her hand, the hanger hovering in the air while she literally stripped out of her white tank top in front of me.

  "You really don't care where you change in this house," I noted, a little amused by my sister’s peculiar behavior.

  She shrugged. "It's our house. I should be able to change wherever I want."

  "Uh huh," I replied.

  My sister was Scarlet Spell Solange. Even though I was stronger than her in terms of magic, my sister excelled in everything. I mean all things epic.

  From combat and spell history to problem-solving and weapons mastery. She was by far the youngest and most skilled witch on the market in these parts.

  If S.S.S. was ever to take any of us into consideration, she would have beat me with a snap of her fingers.

  She was taller than me, taking our father's height of 6'0”, had long flaming red hair that turned into fire when she was super mad, and got all the curves. She had to work hard for those, using the best waist trainers while running crazy marathons and also balancing a weight training schedule. Her booty showed that she did squats every day.

  I was only 5'6”, which wasn't bad at all. It left me with a good chance at finding a guy who was taller than me.

  I loved tall men, and my sister was the same, leading her on a long chase until she finally met her partner in all magical crime and current boyfriend.

  Those two were a perfect match, complementing one another in every aspect. The only thing you had to look out for were their arguments, because those got ugly and could reach war potential with how powerful the both of them were.

  Even though I was blessed with similar beauty, I also worked out a lot to be fit and had a bit of booty myself. I, however, didn't have a boyfriend.

  Not anymore.

  My ex-boyfriend Callister was the epiphany I needed to realize I deserved better. I met him when I was sixteen and fell in love far too fast. I thought having a man's attention was love, and it sadly took me years to figure that out and dump him.

  I hadn't jumped back onto the dating wagon since, more focused on getting into S.S.S. and maybe enjoying some time away from the town in general.

  I didn't have a backup to my spy school plans, but my sister, who supported my wild ambitions, always reassured me that she'd be able to get me a spot in the C.I.A.

  Since my sister’s boyfriend, Nicholas, was a fierce gargoyle shifter who graduated S.S.S., she was practically lumped together with him in everything, opening doors to far better opportunities than my high school diploma in magic arts could get me.

  Even though I was gifted and able to finish a year early, that time was spent working at the coffee shop and using my rejection letters as fuel for the fireplace after my shifts.

  "Where's Mom?" I asked.

  "She's reading spell books in the living room and wondering when you're going to go out and enjoy the fresh air," Scarlet replied, slipping the top over her head and lowering it to cover her bright orange bra that held her perky breasts.

  "I just came back from outside. I had plenty of air with a hint of moonlight."

  "Oh, please. You know what I mean. You need to do more than spend your time working and training from that 'How to Kill Everyone' handbook you have."

  "It's not how to kill everyone. It's 'How to Kill Everyone: The SPY version'. I don't have that much hate for people," I huffed.

  "Sure," Scarlet drawled. "Did you actually apply to S.S.S? I swear I haven't heard of a spell that can turn you temporarily into a shifter without giving yourself away."

  "I did apply. Probably won't get in, but if I do, I'll figure out a way. There could be a magic artifact or something?" I suggested, the thought coming to my head.

  "Magic artifacts are super rare and are collected by really strong shifters with power in both the physical and political arenas. Not gonna happen unless you're the best thief in town, which you aren't because you have random bouts of klutz in you. Gotta find a different way."

  "I'll figure something out. I'll try and try again until I walk those gorgeous halls in my uniform," I said with confidence. Scarlet put her hands on her hips.

  "Sure. As long as it makes my baby sister happy. I'll pray to the heavens you also find a good man who knows which hole to put his cock in."

  "Scarlet!" I hushed. "Mom's home."

  "Meh. She knows Callister sucked ass, and not in a sexy kind of way seeing as he doesn't do any anal either."

  "How do you even know about this stuff?" I groaned. "I was dating him."

  "Correct, but as your older sister, I had to make sure to have everything on that douche, just in case I was possessed and accidentally killed him."

  I pinched my nose and shook my head. "You did try to accidentally kill him. Twice."

  "Oh really?" Scarlet blinked, pouting her plump pink lips as she tapped them with her index finger. "I don't recall. Third time's a charm."

  "Please don't go killing my ex. It's not worth it."

  "Don't worry. If I suddenly feel the need, I'll let Nicholas do it. He can just wave his S.S.S. gold card and it'll be brushed under the rug. Nothing to see here." She began to whistle.

  "That's taking advantage of rank," I reminded.

  "Not if the person in question is a douchebag who hurt my sister. I'd put it somewhere in fine print to cover my ass. Don't worry."

  "You're more overprotective than Mom. Remember, I'm twenty-two."

  "I remember. You can be one hundred and four and my one hundred and eight ass will still protect you."

  That made me gri
n. My sister was one-of-a-kind, and I cherished that. Even during the dark times of our lives, she'd always had her chin up and was ready to put me first, as Mother would.

  "Anyway. I'm on my way to a date. Just give Mom a quick hello so she knows you’re here. She's in one of her meditation reading stages, so if she doesn't reply, you know why. Her magic will let her know you're home after," Scarlet reminded as she walked over to our standing mirror that was a few inches from where I stood.

  "All right," I replied, watching her fix herself up and give a good up and down look before nodding in approval. "Snack radar! I'm off to have a good time and enjoy some passionate sex with my man."

  "I don't know how you say that so confidently."

  She winked at me. "Trust me. When you get a real man who loves and cherishes you, you'll really start enjoying life and the wonders of mind-blowing sex."

  "If you say so. Better not be late," I encouraged.

  "Right! See ya, Silver. Love you." Scarlet gave me a quick hug and kiss on the cheek, and with a snap of her fingers, she was gone.

  "Bye," I whispered, feeling a tad envious of her.

  She finally had the life she'd wanted. The perfect man who respected her and an amazing job that paid well. A solid future and chance at starting a family.

  I wanted all of those things and more, but alas, I was here — standing in the hallway of our house, wishing I had the perfect boyfriend and was already in S.S.S. school to achieve my goals.

  A heavy exhale escaped me, but I shook off the dread, deciding I needed to be positive, especially if I wanted to relax my mind and sleep for tomorrow morning’s personal training session.

  Walking toward the living room, I poked my head in to see Mother in crossed legged meditation position, candles surrounding her as books hovered in the air, slowly circling around her.

  "Mom, I'm home," I announced.

  She remained in place, but I noticed the twitch in her head to the left side, which told me she heard me and acknowledged I was here.

  She'd most likely come up when she was finished, but with how tired I was after the long shift and using magic for my weekly 'save the girl' show of power, I felt drained.

  Moving upstairs, I took a quick shower and changed into simple pink pajamas. Checking the mirror, I focused on my silver locks as I combed any remaining wet tangles after washing it. When I used magic, turquoise colored streaks with hints of white always appeared in my hair.


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