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SSS: Year One (Supernatural Spy School Book 1)

Page 15

by Yumoyori Wilson

  "Yes, it is. Limited edition, too. They made them specifically for S.S.S. acceptees. I had confidence that you'd get in somehow. They usually sell out in two minutes and you practically have to battle one another in the store to grab one. Each charm has a secret ability. You basically have to figure it out, but it activates when you need it the most,” she explained.

  "You fought to get this for me?" I asked, stunned to receive something so expensive and secretly powerful.

  "Certainly. You may not have remembered, but I promised Dad that I'd buy it for you when you made it into the school."

  I looked into her pride-filled eyes, noticing their glassy appearance.

  "Though I may not know exactly how crazy your quest was, I'm glad you were able to achieve what you've wanted for years. It's nice that Dad's vision can be completed by you. Congrats, Silver."

  "Thank you, Scarlet," I whispered, trying not to cry.

  I rose up and walked over to her, giving her a tight squeeze. She pulled back and patted my shoulders.

  "Get packing. You don't want to be late for the parties tonight."

  "All right," I replied. She grinned and headed downstairs.

  With a heavy sigh, I closed my door and moved to sit on the bed. Star moved onto my lap, giving me an intrigued look.


  "I'm fine. Just grateful,” I whispered, a tear rolling down my cheek.

  Glancing to my nightstand, I reached for the picture frame, my eyes staring at Dad's smiling face.

  "Daddy, I made it. I got accepted into the school. Are you proud of me?" I pressed the frame against my chest, allowing my happy tears to fall.

  This is only the beginning, Dad. I'm going to do great things. Just you wait.


  Devilish Stranger Versus Angelic Lover

  "Do your best! I'll text and annoy you," Scarlet cheered.

  "Have a good time, Silver. Make sure to enjoy the experience and have fun."

  "Thanks, Mom." I leaned up to give her a kiss on the cheek.

  "Don't ignore me," Scarlet complained, wrapping her arms around my neck.

  "Gah. Don't kill me before I even make it to school!" I growled. "Jeez. I'll miss you too and you may annoy me with text messages whenever you want."

  "Perfect." Scarlet let go of her neck hold on me, putting her hands on her hips. "Our house is my witness of your pledge for annoyance."

  A breeze passed us, fluttering through my hair. I rolled my eyes with a smile. "You're so extra."

  "I know." She shrugged before her phone began to ring. Pulling it out of her jeans pocket, she pouted.

  "Hm. I don't know if this is going to be work or simply my man checking on me." She glared at the screen in wonder.

  Mother sighed. "Just pick it up."

  She turned to me and brushed my cheek with her hand. "I'm going to go get ready. I want to check on the coffee shops today."

  "All right, Mom. Thank you," I replied. Watching her head upstairs, I turned my attention back to Scarlet, who was still debating.

  "Just pick it up. I'm leaving anyways,” I assured her. Scarlet would get all serious if it was work and I'm sure she wanted to be her fun happy self before seeing me off.

  She looked at me and grinned. "If he calls again, I'll pick it up."

  Moving past me to the door, she opened it up and looked back at me. "You have everything you need?”

  I glanced to my packed luggage, having used the big chest to fit everything else I needed. Star had disappeared after snatching another cookie, and I'd decided to bring the picture on my nightstand along.

  I guess I hadn't brought it the first time because I didn't know what to expect, but now that my attendance was confirmed, I wanted to have it on the nightstand of my bunker.

  If we even had one.

  Checking my outfit one last time, I looked at my purple to pink ombre jeans that had multiple cuts in front. I wore a white crop top with a pink and purple magic circle on it.

  My silver hair was up in a ponytail since it was super hot today, and I made sure my teal highlights were vibrant.

  I wore white sneaker wedges to put my height at 5'9" and my rib cage magic incantations were on display.

  Pink lip gloss with purple sparkles coated my lips and with an easy two-tone smoky eye, mascara, black eyeliner, and hint of blush on my cheeks, I was officially set.

  Since I worked so often, I didn't usually go full out, but seeing as I was now an S.S.S. student, I couldn't help but glam up to celebrate.

  Plus, we'd be partying tonight, so my outfit would work if we went out to a club or something.

  Everything was so new and exciting, and I really couldn't wait to enjoy every moment of it.

  "Yup. Got everything I need, including this." I lifted my left hand to jingle the charm bracelet she'd given me.

  "Yes, you're wearing it!" She looked beyond pleased. "Aren't you supposed to wear it on your right hand?"

  "Is that actually a rule?" I questioned.

  She shook her head. "You're a lost child. I failed at teaching you the art of jewelry."

  "Stop being dramatic." I laughed. Her blue eyes lowered to the ring on my finger. "Do you always have to wear that thing?”

  "Yup," I simply answered.

  "Hmm." Scarlet's eyes narrowed for a second, and I got a bit nervous wondering if she'd notice what it was or the powers it held within.


  I flinched at the loud noise, wondering where Star had appeared this time.

  Scarlet looked at my head and sighed. "You might as well just keep her out rather than have her scare everyone."

  "Where is she?"

  "On your head." Scarlet pointed to the top of my head. Backtracking to the standing mirror, I noticed the uni-kitten proudly sitting on my head.

  Goodness, I love this uni-kitten. Good work, Star.

  "Mewr." I wasn't sure if she heard that, but she curled up on my head, looking completely comfortable.

  Guess you're staying up there.

  "Maybe. I don't know how," I admitted.

  "Don't worry. The more she comes out, the longer she'll be able to stay," Scarlet replied, as her phone began to ring.

  I smiled and grabbed the handle of my bag, walking up to the doorway she'd held open for me. Leaning up, I gave her one last kiss on her cheek.

  "Love you, Scarlet. I'll text you later," I promised.

  Her eyes softened, and she reached out and hugged me.

  "I love you too, Silver. Best of luck, and—" She pulled back to look directly in my eyes, and her blue ones darkened and swirled in a burning amber.

  "Don't trust everyone. Whether they're your friends or even teammates. I don't know if you'll be partnered with those other men, but don't let anyone else know you're human. Understood?"

  "Yes, Scarlet," I whispered, a shiver running through me.

  This was the focused sister of mine, and her power oozed around her with the forewarning.

  She smiled and patted Star a few times, who began to purr. "See you, sis. I gotta take this."

  I nodded and moved out the door to our front porch, turning my head to look at her one last time. She smiled before swiping her hand over the screen.

  "Scarlet Solange speaking." Her eyes were still swirling in amber before she turned around. "New case. Sure. As long as you treat me to ice cream after."

  The door closed, and I stood there staring for a good minute.

  Goodbye, everyone.

  A warm breeze and leaves wrapped around me comfortingly, moving up and vanishing in a flash, the beautiful, colorful leaves raining down around me.


  I pulled out my phone and put it on selfie mode, lifting it up to get a good look at Star, who now had a leaf on her head.

  I snickered at how adorable she looked, her eyes focused on her reflection on the screen.

  Taking a quick picture, I reached up to take the leaf from her head before scooping her up.

  "You ready to go, Star?"
I asked.

  "Mewr," she replied and yawned. In three seconds, she was a cloud of pink smoke.

  "Hmm. She probably got bored," I muttered to myself. With a sigh, I picked up my luggage to move down the stairs and began my way to the station.

  My phone began to vibrate in my hand. Glancing at the screen, I noticed a new text message.

  Right. We exchanged numbers.

  The guys and I decided it would be a good idea to exchange phone numbers. The campus was gigantic, and since we weren't sure whether we'd continue to be a team, we still wanted to keep in touch.

  Plus, I was dating them. It would be normal to have your boyfriends’ numbers.

  Noticing the nickname, I grinned.


  "Blossom, are you back yet? I'm lonely and everyone smells like sweaty running shoes.

  Come back soon."

  I giggled, shaking my head. Stopping for a moment, I quickly sent him a text back.


  "I'm on my way. I'd teleport, but reserving energy.

  Don't worry, I'll make sure I'm extra blossom-smelling for you."

  I didn't think the message through until after I pressed the send button.

  "Wait. Did I just flirt with him? No...that's not flirting...maybe. Oh, fuck. I should have asked Scarlet first. I suck at this," I complained to myself, feeling my cheeks redden.

  My phone vibrated again, a new message coming through.


  "Good. I'll sniff you all night long =). See you soon."

  "Fuck." I groaned, but the thought of spending time with him made me a little excited.

  In fact, I hoped I'd get the chance to chill with all of them tonight. It didn't guarantee I'd get any action, but it would be a start.

  Anything is better than Callister.

  "Hey, babe."

  I froze at the familiar voice, thinking my ears were playing tricks on me.

  No, no, no, no. Fuck!

  Looking over my shoulder, I groaned.

  Out of all the fucking days on earth.

  "Now, babe. That's no way to say hi to me."

  "Callister. What the fuck are you doing near my house?" I had to mentally use a quick spell, hiding the design of my suitcase. I didn't want him knowing I was attending S.S.S.

  Not this asshole.

  I could already envision his 5'10” height, which he loved to brag about, like it was some accomplishment.

  His usual black locks in the same gelled up hairstyle that apparently was the current trend of fucker land, and I was positive he'd be wearing skinny jeans and some random t-shirt that didn't match anything else he was wearing.

  Turning to face him, my assumptions were proven correct. I watched his purple eyes gaze down my body before he answered my question.

  "I was in the neighborhood and I was wondering if you were free." He licked his lips, his eyes staring at my lightly defined abs.

  He had some weird fascination with my magic incantations, apparently loving how they would cradle my perfect breasts.

  Just remembering sent shivers through me.

  Never again.

  "Did you forget we aren't a couple anymore, Callister?" I questioned, crossing my arms over my chest and giving him a confident stance.

  I personally would have loved to cover my stomach, but I didn't want him realizing that slight insecurity was due to him.

  "As I said, I'm free today. Thought we'd be able to go out or something. Maybe get some lunch and head to my place. I'm gonna be busy soon. Thought I'd grace you some of my rare time."

  I could have barfed in my mouth from his sheer cockiness.

  This guy isn't serious right now.

  "I'm just as busy, Callister. If you forgot, I too, have a life to live and it doesn't revolve around you anymore. Glad you have some free time. You can go spend it with some other girl."


  "Stop calling me baby. I'm not yours to use such titles on," I snapped back.

  Rather be called Blossom than deal with his obnoxious voice calling me “baby”.

  "Silver. You're gonna want to spend time with me. You won't see me for a while."

  "Good riddance," I muttered. "Just leave me alone."

  He walked forward until he was facing me. I stood my ground, even though I desperately wanted to move away. To put distance between us.

  This was how he played games with you. Like a snake easing in on his prey for the final strike.

  Swallowing the lump in my throat, I met his stare with my menacing glare.

  "Leave me alone, Callister."

  "Did you hear I'm going to S.S.S?" he inquired with a sly grin.

  Fuck my life. I can't believe this. Stay calm, Silver. That campus is huge. He can't bring you down. He can't hurt you anymore.

  "Good for you. Best of luck." I brushed his statement off, ready to pull away, but his hand landed on my left rib.

  I stood still, a cold wave of fear running down my body. It was taking everything in me to keep my expression bored, ignoring how his hand began to trail down to my hips.

  "Silver. You should be happy for me. In fact, I should be celebrating. Maybe I'll find some beautiful girls, ones who don't glance away when I'm talking to them." His voice was low but did its job at making me feel like I was pressed against a wall with no way out.

  "Those girls probably have nothing else to do. As for me, I'm far too busy to give a shit about you going to S.S.S. or the fact you want to celebrate." I shrugged my shoulders. "Now, will you move your hand? I have places to be."

  "You know, you're a cold-hearted bitch," he snarled.

  "So I've been told. By you when you don't get what you want, Callister," I snarled back, my magic beginning to boil.

  I left this all behind. Can't he fucking leave me alone?!

  "Be grateful you have a nice body to fuck, Silver. No guy with balls would date someone like you. In fact, I'm sure you'll get over yourself real fast and come running back to me. Hasn't it always been that way? Like when your Father was on his deat—"

  My leg shot out and hit right and center, kicking him in the balls. He cursed, removing his hand from my hip to clutch his groin as he went on his knees.

  I took a few steps back, needing the opportunity to slow my shaky breath and calm my racing heartbeat.

  Star was now in front of me, hissing loudly as she readied to pounce on Callister, who groaned.

  "Fucking bitch. You're stupid."

  "This bitch is the one you loved to fuck all the time, so who misses who? Idiot," I growled.

  Reaching for my suitcase with one hand, I snapped my other fingers.

  "Small danda rolamaso."

  Just like that, my once-huge suitcase was in the palm of my other hand, even coming with a little keychain. I love magic.

  Pulling my wallet from my back pocket, I attached it with ease and slipped it safely back, just in case I did needed to bolt out of here.

  Turning my attention back to Callister, I saw he was attempting to get up, the sight making my heart skip a few beats.

  He's a pain when he's angry. I upset him. I have to apologize.

  Shaking my head, I took a shaky breath, as if I was ready to do what my thoughts wanted me to.

  No. You're not in this relationship anymore. You're free. You don't owe him shit.

  The roaring sound of a motorbike jolted me out of my thoughts, my eyes moving down the road, pulling my attention from Callister.

  The motorbike got closer, slowing down until it stopped in the empty parking spot on the side of the road right next to me.

  "Mewr." Star went from hissing fit to excitement, moving up to the bike and immediately hopping onto the person's leg.

  "Star! You can't go climb..." I trailed off when the driver pulled the black helmet off his head, revealing a pair of navy blue eyes with little silver stars.

  "Yuriel?" I questioned.

  He met my gaze first, staring into my eyes for five seconds. Those starry
orbs moved over to Callister, who'd finally gotten up, his hands still clenched on his crotch.

  Star was purring away, and I noticed Yuriel begin to pet her head, but his eyes were still taking in the situation before landing back on me.

  "Hey, Blossom. Sorry I'm late," he casually apologized.

  I gave him a confused look, unsure as to why he was apologizing when I never asked him to pick me up.

  I didn't even know he drives a huge motorbike.

  "Hey," I replied. "Uh, no worries. I didn't wait too long."

  He nodded, his eyes moving to Callister. "Who's he?"

  "An acquaintance," I forced myself to answer. "Dimitri's waiting for us. He texted me that he's already at the school."

  I noticed Callister's confusion, and I didn't know until then that a simple look could make me so damn happy.

  I walked toward Yuriel's motorbike and he leaned back to open a compartment, pulling out a second black helmet.

  "Let's head out then. Shouldn't take us long," Yuriel replied, offering me the helmet.

  "Who the fuck is this faggot?!" Callister demanded.

  Yuriel didn't even flinch, his eyes lowering to my hands for a second. I curled them into fists, not wanting to show how they trembled.

  He offered his helmet again and signaled me to get on the bike with his eyes.

  I did as he silently gestured, taking the helmet from his hands and getting onto the back part of his seat. Star hopped onto Yuriel's shoulder before hopping onto mine.

  Yuriel turned his attention to Callister, whose face was red with boiling rage.

  "Her boyfriend. Got a problem?"

  "You're fucking lying," Callister growled, narrowing his eyes at him. "You're a damn angel, aren’t you? What would you want from my Silver?"

  His Silver? I can't deal with this man. We've been broken up for a while, yet he still thinks he has control over me like back then.

  I caught a glimpse of the tiny smile inching its way onto Yuriel's lips. I grew stiff when he got off his bike. I gave him a pleading stare, hoping he wouldn't pick a fight.

  Instead, he leaned down and gave me a soft kiss on my lips.

  Blinking in shock, I watched him lean back and turn to Callister. “Angels don't lie."


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