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Wicked Steps

Page 12


I stared at Ellery with cold eyes. Her body squirmed as she watched my cock disappear into another woman’s mouth. Watching her witnessing me as I was sucked off was better than any drug. It was a high that would never be surpassed.

  My dick began to swell as my balls tightened. Release was imminent. Her mouth liberated my thick shaft, and she proceeded to tongue the ring that dangled from my sack. The sensation was too much. I was so hard now my veins rose up in definition, making my cock resemble a road map. She licked her way back to my engorged head and covered it like a blanket. Her head bobbed as I began pumping into her mouth.

  I looked over at Ellery with a hooded gaze. Her ass had slightly risen as she tried to cross her legs while holding on to the chair. She licked her bottom lip as our eyes locked. I closed mine as I exploded into Landy’s mouth. I was still pumping furiously as she pulled away with white drops trickling from the corners of her mouth and dripping to her chin. She licked her lips sensually and proceeded to capture every drop.

  “I’ve had enough,” I heard Ellery say in a semi-slurred tone.

  “You didn’t enjoy the show? Don’t fib. Because I think you got off… I know I did,” I replied, smirking.

  I helped Landy to her feet and told her to go clean up so we could have some dinner. My mind ran rampant with thoughts of what my next move would be.

  “You really are a bastard. You never intended to fulfill our agreement tonight. You truly are your father’s son. An unscrupulous and duplicitous poor excuse for a man.”

  The drugs were definitely wearing off. Shit. “Coming from a whore, I’ll take your assessment of my character with a grain of salt.”

  She weaved from side to side as she tried to stand. Grabbing an arm on the chair, she balanced herself as she bent down and retrieved her clothes. She pulled the dress over her head and held the bra and panties in her hand. She looked pissed. I couldn’t have this. I hadn’t yet gotten to phase three of tonight’s extravaganza. This was just the intermission.

  I slipped another pill in a glass as I poured champagne from my bottle.

  “I’m sorry you feel rejected. I could very easily give you what you want right now. But I wanted us to fuck when you’re sober.”

  She looked at me with disbelieving eyes, but in reality, I was being truthful. My intention tonight had never been about consummating the agreement. I knew she’d be compliant with the aid of drugs. I needed her to come to me willingly.

  “What? I only had some vodka and the champagne. I’m not drunk.”

  Well, that explained a lot. The minx had vodka prior to our encounter. I smiled as I handed her another glass. The effects of the drugs were wearing off, and I needed more time with her.

  “I think I’ve had enough. I’m not thirsty, and I really need to pee,” she whispered.

  “Please, I insist. We need to commemorate this evening.” I prodded her mouth with the rim of the glass.

  She shrugged and took the flute. “Are you going to watch me now and make sure I drink it all? You do know I’m not a child.”

  I tilted the glass so she would sip faster. “I’m well aware. After you finish, I’ll walk you back to your room. Is that okay?”

  She chugged down the remaining champagne. I knocked on the bathroom door and let Landy know I was taking Ellery back to her room. I donned a pair of pants quickly. It was still early, and I was hungry. By the time we finished our meal, the next installment of tonight’s event would be ready to execute.

  Ellery was impaired. Walking was taking great effort on her part. At this rate, she would pass out before we got to the stairs. She let out a squeal as I scooped her up in my arms, her head gently lying on my chest. Her dress pulled up slightly, letting me see smooth and creamy thighs. Just a tad more and her pussy would be visible. I breathed in her scent. She smelled like a combination of baby powder and slick arousal.

  How I wished I’d been the one to make her come. I sighed because I knew it had been because of another woman that she’d gotten off.

  Soft moans puffed out of her lips as I kicked open her bedroom door.

  “Baby, go to the bathroom, then to sleep,” I murmured as I set her on the edge of the bed.

  She looked bewildered as she grinned in a drunken stupor. “You are wicked, Kieran. You know that, right?” She looked at me in dazed confusion.

  “Yeah, so I’ve been told,” I said, kneeling at her bed. I lay my head on her knees as she swept her hand through my hair.

  “Why do you dislike me so much?” She spoke softly, her voice barely audible.

  I peered up at her. “It’s not dislike. It’s disdain. And none of this matters because tomorrow, you won’t remember a thing.”

  “I doubt I’ll forget your dick. It’s pretty,” she purred as her head slumped forward.

  I shook my head. My cock is pretty. Too many women to count and none of them referenced my cock as pretty. Jesus, she was smashed. Maybe I’d given her too much. I stood, then pulled her up on the bed and covered her with a throw.

  “Don’t leave me,” I heard her murmur.

  I bent down to her ear. “Your life, your body and soul, belong to me. I own you, Ellery Wick, for as long as I choose. Never mistake the scraps of kindness I toss you occasionally as a sign of weakness. We struck a bargain, and I plan for us to complete the transaction. I came here for a purpose, and you fucking ambushed my plans by being nice. I don’t hate you. I try not to care about you either way. I have one objective, and that is to fuck you and make you care for me.”

  My monologue fell on deaf ears. She had passed out. Even if she retained any of what I said, her memory would be foggy at best. It would appear as a dream or, in her case, a nightmare.

  I looked forward to the next morning when I could hear her scream.



  My bladder was close to bursting. What the fuck?

  I pried my eyes open to gaze around my room. I had a headache from hell and every part of my body hurt. I peeked under the throw, and I was wearing only my dress. I knew instinctively I had nothing else on. My panties and bra were missing. I felt naked and vulnerable.

  I had sudden vertigo as I struggled to get upright. I remembered Kieran and me fighting. I also recalled wearing a thong with a matching bra, then putting on a dress and walking to his room. Last night was all about fulfilling the contract. Us having sex. Did we have intercourse? Even if I couldn’t mentally recall it, my body would have known. He was big and pierced, and I hadn’t been with anyone in a long time, so I would be sore. I’d hoped to at least remember it. Jesus, what happened last night? It was a total blackout.

  I stood on shaky legs. I wanted to go back under the covers and sleep, but I had to pee before I erupted. I dragged myself to my bathroom, stopping briefly to catch my reflection in the mirror. I looked hung-over. I’d had enough of them in college to have instant recall. But this felt different. I couldn’t even remember dreaming. It was as though the last twelve hours had vanished.

  My legs felt like quivering flesh as I sat on the toilet. My breath smelled rancid. Even I wrinkled my nose when I breathed into my hand. I needed a bath. A nice bubbled soak would revive me… And maybe a sandwich. My stomach agreed, growling loudly.

  I turned on the water and added some bath crystals. I peeled off my dress and frowned because it was a reminder that my undergarments were missing and someone had hijacked my memory.

  Something didn’t feel right. I had the strangest sensation between my legs. I realized it wasn’t a penetrating feeling, but something else. I paused as I began to sit down in the hot water. I stopped and walked to the bathroom door because it had a full-length mirror on the backside. I carefully inspected my body. Nothing looked different; there were no outward indications of sexual activity or other marks. My eyes lingered at my pubic area as I squatted, parting my folds, and stared. I gingerly touched the ring. I felt the walls shrink around me as claustrophobia set in. A scream literally tore from my throat, echoing off the walls shrilly.<
br />
  “Oh my God, oh my God, what, when, how…? No, no, no…” Kieran—you sadistic cocksucker.

  I inched closer to the mirror. I continued to explore my sex as realization took hold. The jewelry glimmered in the reflection of the mirror. A delicate gold ring dangled from my clit. Panic flowed through my body as I dug through my vanity and pulled out a hand mirror. I hadn’t seriously inspected my womanhood since my first pelvic examination at age eighteen. I flinched as I touched it. The area around it was red and puffy.

  I removed the stopper from the tub and got dressed. I hadn’t felt pain before, but knowing someone had pierced a hole down there caused me to feel sick. We were supposed to fuck. The plan had been for sex, not mutilation.

  I was going to kill him. I would smother Kieran with a pillow. Taint his coffee. Feed him rat poison. Put a goddamn contract out on him. I was positive if I looked diligently enough, I’d find many who would take pleasure in severing his lifeline. I knew his charming personality and reprehensible actions had no doubt put him on many hit lists. But what he’d done to me—this amounted to battery. I could have him jailed.

  Ugh! That would cause more problems for me than him. He had the means and a good lawyer. Fucking Preston. I, on the other hand, would have to have my injury documented. I couldn’t even say when it happened or if it was even his doing. All of it would be circumstantial because I couldn’t remember any of it. I would have to tell them I blacked out. They would want photographs. There would be an interrogation, and they would find out he was my stepson. And if anything about this incident leaked to the press, I would be done. My life would be over. And I had no idea how he managed to do this without me waking up. That little prick had me up against a wall.

  The house was silent as I made my way down the stairs. I had to convince myself not to stomp to his room, because if I did, I could not be held responsible for gouging out his eyes… with a fork. I threw open the front door and headed toward my car instead. My head was pounding so painfully that my eyes began to hurt. I had no idea how I was going to explain this to Coco when I couldn’t even access any memory of last night.

  As I tore down the driveway, my hope was the forty-five-minute drive to Salacity would help clear my head, and I would begin procuring some answers. Because if he and I didn’t have sex, what happened? What did I do? I sucked in a deep breath. Worse yet, what did I allow him to do?

  I swallowed two aspirin while parking at the gallery. My mouth was bone dry as I forced them down without water. I didn’t care. Alarm riddled my body because the last twelve hours were blank. As much as Kieran appeared to dislike me, I’d never have guessed this was part of his scheme.

  I began removing my scarf as I walked in.

  “I thought you were going to take a few days and decide what to do about Daddy’s little demon,” Coco said, pausing. Her eyes grew wide as she arched a brow. “Did you two do the deed? Holy shit. How was it? I mean, I have to ask, you know, because you said he was young and gorgeous.”

  I gestured for her to follow me as I walked to my office. Once we were in the room and I locked the door, I began disrobing.

  She cleared her throat as she watched me, confusion on her face. “I know we’ve been BFFs forever, but I have to ask. Why are you stripping?”

  I left on my shirt but had removed my pants. I slowly began peeling down my panties. I kicked them away and stood in front of her.

  “Nice bush. Jesus, Elle, will you tell me why I’m now staring at your twat? Because it’s still early, and I usually like a second cup of coffee before I see my bestie’s cooch.”

  I began to sob.

  “Wait. Whoa. What the hell is going on, and why are you crying and fucking shaking?” There was alarm in Coco’s voice as she looked at me with instant awareness. “Did he hurt you?”

  I shrugged. “I guess it depends on what your definition of hurt is. This is embarrassing, but I need you to check me out, because right now, I can’t be certain of anything. I hate asking you, but please…”

  “You and I have been friends forever. True, this is an odd request, but I would do anything for you, Elle, so let me see what has you so upset.”

  I stood on my tiptoes as I spread my legs. I’d never been so humiliated and ashamed in my life. This was awkward and unnerving. I think for both of us. It’s not something you do every day—ask your bestie and business partner to check out your genitals.

  “Am I looking for something?” Coco asked hesitantly.

  “I know this is weird. It’s not as if you’ve never done anything like this. In college, you were all about the vagina.”

  “Jesus Criminy, that was years ago, and I was in my exploration stage. It helped me define my sexuality and gave me proof positive that cock was my reason for living.”

  “Well, goodie for you. You like cock so much. Then take a peek at what that dick did to me. I need to make sure it’s real, because I have no memory of last night. I’m scared because those hours are just… gone.”

  I separated my outer pussy lips gently as I squatted slightly. This was more degrading than any pap smear. He deserved castration for this degradation alone.

  “What the fuck is that? I’m confused.” She hesitantly touched the small piece of metal. “You had to be aware when THAT was being done.” Her voice had gotten very boisterous and accusatory.

  I swallowed a quiet sob. “Please don’t be mad at me. I didn’t ask for this. It was him—that pierced, tattooed motherfucker. He did this to me. Only I don’t remember any of it. What I do remember is we had an argument. Then I got myself dressed and planned to go to his room. From there, it’s like my memory has been scrubbed.”

  “Do you know why you were going to his room, Elle? Do you at least remember that much?”

  “I was going to sleep with him.”

  If I thought a gold ring through my clit had shocked Coco, her jaw dropped at my newest revelation.

  “Really, because truly, I never thought you’d go through with it. I kind of thought this was still in the talking stage and you would back out of the proposal. As much as I love this gallery, it’s not worth selling yourself for it.”

  “You forget. I already did that. I prostituted myself for five years so we could have our dream become a reality. I’m already a whore. At least by fucking Kieran, I’d be keeping it in the family.”

  My best friend recoiled at my self-assessment.

  “How can I not remember last night? I am absolutely positive we did not have sex, at least not intercourse.”

  Coco’s body language turned to rage. Her face twisted with anger. She was infuriated. “He drugged you. That fucking piece of shit roofied you.” She tossed my pants back to me. “Get dressed. Either he’s going to jail or I am, because he’s a dead man.”

  I pulled on my pants as I collapsed in my chair. It had never occurred to me that he would drug me because I wanted to believe somewhere inside him, even with everything he’d endured, there was still a spark of humanity. At least now I had a possible explanation of why I couldn’t remember. What I had a hard time comprehending was why he would do this. I’d already given consent to the sex, so why sedate me? And why in God’s name maim me? What purpose did he have for defacing my body? Did he hate me so much? He knew I’d never prosecute him because I had everything to lose, and he could just go back to France.

  I’d surrendered to him. He could have had me last night. What changed? Maybe this was truly nothing but a game, and he planned to exploit anything that happened between us.

  He had wounded me deeply. I hated myself because I’d believed there was a chance for us to be cordial to each other. I had hoped for some kind of peace. He’d made me consider that possibility. I tried to convince myself that I could get through to that embittered man and maybe set him on a different path. Now any shred of trust had vanished. He threw it away the minute he’d chosen to drug and defile me.

  “We can’t press charges, Coco. If the press gets wind of this, you, me, and Salacit
y are finished.”

  “So he gets away with it? That’s bullshit. We can’t just sit here and do nothing. He’s probably laughing about all of this, thinking he got away scot-free. I don’t know if I can just pretend he did nothing. Elle, he drugged you. You could have died.”

  I shivered with that statement. Of course, she was right. Kieran thought he could do whatever he wanted. He was the infamous Wicked, and he could get away without any consequences.

  “I’ve thought about this on the drive here. The authorities would want statements and photos. If it somehow got out that he was actually Kieran Wick and my so-called stepson, we’d be finished. The tabloids would rake me over the coals. Our reputations ruined… and the gallery. Well, it would end up being the butt of every joke in New York. The mockery could go on for years.” I massaged my hands together. “I have an idea.”

  Coco frowned. “Yeah, I have plenty. Unfortunately, mine will land us both on death row. I know you have these feelings for him.” She placed her hand up in front of my face. “Stop. Don’t deny it. I know you; you’re attracted to him in some distorted way. I can see why I’d like him. I was the one always enthralled by bad boys in college, but really, Elle. Piercings and tattoos, so not your style, and that’s not even adding in the age difference. So I’m having a hard time understanding the appeal.”

  “I can’t tell you why, because I have no idea. Regardless of what a conniving, self-centered asshole he is. I already know this will end badly. But I knew that with Hartman, too. Granted, I never realized how bad it would get, but I stayed. At least with Kieran, my eyes are open. I need to believe I may reach him.”

  “And do what, change him? Honey, he’s been stewing about Papa for years. As compelling as your sweet ass is, I don’t think it’s enough to drive out those demons. I haven’t met him, but any man that would violate a woman like he did you… He’s past redemption. Once you realize that, you’ll be able to let him go.” She huffed. “I have no idea why some women always want a bad boy. Aren’t being funny, rich, and smart far more admirable traits?”


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