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Home Or Her Bear: BBW Paranormal Shape Shifter Romance (Bear Bluff Clan Book 4)

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by Harmony Raines

  “Ah, well. If that happens we might have to think of something else.”

  “I’m sure we will.” She kissed him, holding him tight before releasing him and heading upstairs.

  She quickly washed and dressed, making sure she put on suitable clothes, although the snow seemed to be melting. However, when they left the house, quickly going to the barn and changing into bears, her bear senses told her there was more on the way. Hopefully, they would still make their date though. She was looking forward to going out with him.

  They took the trail back up the mountain, criss-crossing paths that were turning into small streams, as the snow and ice melted. By the time they parted, they were both wet, the smell of bear heavy in the air. Touching snouts, they went their separate ways. One bear belonging on one side of the mountain, while the other had to cross back to his own territory.

  She watched him go, hating the feeling that part of her, went with him. She was torn and knew he felt the same way. Every few paces he kept pausing to look back at her. But, when he had disappeared from view, she knew she had to make her way back down to Bear Creek and go to the hospital to check on Alli and Kian, before she went on to work.

  Feeling a sudden rush of happiness, she took off at a run. Across the meadow, slipping and sliding on the soggy snow, she kicked her heels up and ran for her life. When she stopped, she was breathless, but still so very happy. Dropping down towards the town of Bear Creek, looking out across the town she called home.

  She didn’t want to leave here, it was the first place she had ever felt settled in. But Taylor lived and worked in Bear Bluff, she could never persuade him to move here. Could she? Because she hated the idea of moving away from Alli and Kian, especially as she had promised to help with the baby, whilst juggling the shop with Alli.

  Deciding she would have to take one small step at a time into this unknown world of bonded mates, she headed towards the small wood at the bottom of the mountain. There, she changed into her human form, glad she had her boots on, at least her feet would be nice and dry today as she trudged through the melting snow. She pulled her coat tighter around her and then set off for the hospital.

  Chapter Twelve – Taylor

  He took the mountain at a run, excitement coursing through his body. He had a mate. This reverberated around his head in a steady rhythm. He couldn’t wait to share the news with his family. Only one of his other brothers had found his mate so far. Sometimes his mom despaired they would ever all be off her hands. They still had a habit of turning up for dinner, usually unannounced. His mom often berated them for it, but he knew how much she loved them all and cared for them all. She always made whatever she cooked go round. To have another son married off would make her day. Or her year!

  Dropping down through the pass, he saw Bear Bluff below him, and ran down the slope, aware of just how late he was for work. That would have to be his first stop. Hopefully, the lorry could still go out to Cougar Ridge, and he would make it back in time for his date with Melanie.

  Which brought him around to his next decision, where was he going to take her? He didn’t want to take her to the local bars. That just didn’t seem special enough. Maybe one of his brothers would have an idea. He would ask them later. But first he needed to face Trent.

  Only when he got to the warehouse, neither Trent, nor the truck was there. He went inside; trying to find someone who could tell him what was going on. At first he thought the warehouse was deserted, and then he saw movement, Cooper was there, as usual, tinkering with one of the trucks.

  “Coop, where’s the boss?” Taylor asked.

  “Ah, so you’ve decided to turn up. Boss is not too happy. He’s had to make the run himself, said the cougars need their supplies. He waited as long as he could for you to turn up, tried your cell too.”

  “I got kind of caught up with something.” Taylor tried to avoid the old guy’s face, but Cooper was astute.

  “I can see why you didn’t get to work on time. You lucky bear, some of us have never found our mate. While you youngsters seem to have them drop in your laps.”

  “I found her in a ditch,” Taylor said. “Over in Bear Creek.”

  “Lucky boy, is she one of us?”

  “A bear, yes she is.”

  “Luckier and luckier,” Cooper said.

  “I might not feel so lucky if Trent fires me over this.”

  “He won’t do that. You know he has you primed to take over here one day.”

  “Not if he has kids of his own, or thinks I’m unreliable.”

  “Oh, I think he’ll cut you some slack on this one,” Cooper said. “Listen, you look like you need a shower and a clean set of clothes. Trent isn’t going to be back for hours, so you get on home. I’ll let him know you came by. See you tomorrow.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Yep. Snow’s on its way back anyway. I think Trent might be stuck in Cougar country for a day or two. And if that snow does come down, there’ll be no trucks leaving Bear Bluff anyway.”

  “Thanks Coop. I’ll be in on time tomorrow.”

  “I’m sure you will. Give that mate of yours a kiss from me and remember how lucky you are.” With that, Copper went back to work, and Taylor headed home for a change of clothes and a shower.

  Chapter Thirteen – Melanie

  Melanie made her way to reception at the hospital, she knew that Alli and the baby would have been moved, but she needed to find out where.

  “Hi Alli, how are you, exciting news about the baby,” said Greta.

  “HI Greta, I know. A bit of a drama, but it turned out well. Where are they, can I visit?”

  “Sure thing. They are on the second floor, room two. Do you know the way?” Greta was watching a paramedic, he was wheeling a patient in. “Only I’m about to be really busy. I have had my eye on Dermot for some time now.”

  “I thought you meant busy with a patient. Silly me,” Melanie said, smiling as she walked off. There was no stopping Greta, she had the hots for Dr. Ben for ages, right up until the point he found his mate. Then she quickly moved on to another victim. That victim was the man who had brought Alli in yesterday.

  Realising she hadn’t thanked him properly, she went up to the handsome paramedic and said, “Hi, remember me?”

  “How could I forget?” He smiled and looked at her closely. “So I was right, that young guy who helped you was your mate?”

  “Yes, how could you tell?”

  “I have a nose for these things. I’m glad it turned out well all round. I hear the baby was born safely.”

  “Yes. It all turned out perfectly.”

  “That’s what makes this job so rewarding.” He looked up and met Greta’s eye, she was frowning at the exchange between Dermot and Melanie. “I had better go and speak to the lovely Greta, or she’ll think she has competition.”

  “Oh, are you a couple?”

  “No, but she is persistent.”

  “Well, good luck and thanks once again.” Melanie made her way up the stairs, trying to get her head together. She was a little embarrassed that her brother and Alli would no doubt know exactly what had happened last night between her and Taylor.

  “There you are,” Alli said when she poked her head around the door of room two.

  “Hi Alli, how are you? How is my nephew?”

  “Hungry,” Alli said, cradling the little boy against her breast. “Now, while we are alone, why don’t you tell me everything?”

  “Where’s Kian?”

  “I managed to persuade him to go home. He needs to shower and change and bring back the car seat. Then we can go home.” She looked down at baby Callum, open adoration on her face. “I can’t wait for this little man to see the nursery.”

  Melanie smiled at Callum, for once feeling the first stirrings of her maternal side. She had never wanted children, her childhood had been far from happy, and she hated the idea of bringing a child into this crazy world they lived in. Now they were so settled in Bear Creek, it didn’t seem
so bad.

  “So?” Alli prompted. “What happened?”

  “What do you think?” Alli said, lowering her gaze.

  “So he is definitely the one?” Alli asked. Alli was not a bear shifter, or a shifter of any kind, she had only learned the truth when she had become Kian’s mate. So it was hard for her to understand how unmistakable the pull of the mating bond was.

  “Oh, yes. I knew before we met properly.”

  “Why didn’t you say?”

  “I didn’t want things to change.” Melanie was so pleased she could talk to Alli as if she were her sister. With no parents, the one thing she missed was having a mother to talk to about her personal stuff. She trusted Alli not to tell Kian anything she said in confidence.

  “Oh, sweetheart. It’s not so bad. Change can be for the best.”

  “I know, but we are all so settled, you know and looking forward to the baby. I feel as though I have just found a place to call home and now I am going to be moving again.”

  “Kian said he lived in Bear Bluff.”

  Melanie nodded. “I love Bear Creek, I want to stay here.”

  “No one will force you to do anything you don’t want to,” Alli said.

  “I know. But I do want to. I want to spend every minute of the day with him, although that is impossible, but … oh, I don’t know.” She smiled. “Let’s talk about the baby instead. And how is my big brother?”

  “Like a mother hen,” Alli said and laughed. “He dotes on him already. I am going to have to watch that this young man does not end up very spoilt.”

  “I can’t believe my brother is a dad. It seems only yesterday that we were moving here.”

  “And look at you now, Melanie. Let me tell you, whatever happens, we will be there for you. But I know you are capable of whatever you want to do. If that means moving to Bear Bluff, you will do it and be happy.”

  “Thank you, Alli. But you guys are my family.”

  “Does Taylor have family?”

  “Yes, a big one. And he’s the youngest. I guess that’s what scares me. What if they don’t like me or don’t think I’m good enough for him.”

  “Then they are stupid. But look, that has not happened. They will love you and be pleased Taylor has found his mate.”

  “I hope so.”

  “I know so,” Alli said, moving the baby off her breast and passed him to Melanie. “Now, let me introduce you two properly. This is Callum and he is going to need his aunty Melanie to show him how to have bear fun. Isn’t that right?”

  Melanie cradled her new nephew, looking down into his peaceful face and hoped she would find that inner peace one day soon, because right now, her future seemed fraught with decisions that she didn’t want to make.

  Chapter Fourteen – Taylor

  “I thought I’d come by the store and see what time you finish. I have my truck and thought we could try to tow your car out of the ditch.”

  Melanie looked out at the falling snow. “Do you think it would be better to leave it?”

  “Well, it wasn’t snowing when I left Bear Bluff, so I’m not sure. Whichever way, I just wanted to come and see you. I have missed you.” His voice was deep, sexy and alluring.

  “It’s only been four hours.” She swallowed down her own desire to grab him and drag him to the storeroom.

  “Longest four hours of my life,” he said, coming towards her. “My boss, Trent, had taken the delivery I was scheduled to do. So I went home.”

  “So you went home and had a rest while I’ve worked all day.” She teased.

  “I needed some rest, to regain my stamina. I am hoping we might go on our date and then fool around some.”

  “Fool around? Is that what you call it?” She put her sewing away and came to him, putting her arms around his neck and kissing him. “If it is, I want to be very foolish.”

  He held her close, kissing her lips, and then pulled back from her. “We are going to end up having sex in the store if we’re not careful. You are too irresistible to me.”

  She looked around the store. “That would not be appropriate. Give me ten minutes and I’ll be ready to go.”

  “I think I can wait that long. Is there anything I can do?”

  “You can sweep the floor while I put by needles and scissors away. It’s been a quiet day, but I still need to leave the store tidy.”

  “OK, whatever you say.” He took the broom form her and swept the floor while she tidied up. It seemed a little surreal, helping his mate at work. This time yesterday, he was on his way over the mountain to find her, now he couldn’t bear to be away from her.

  All around him, he saw the wedding dresses, dresses chosen by women for their special day. He pictured Melanie in one of these dresses, walking towards him down the aisle. He would have to get her a ring; in fact, he should have done it today. Taylor knew he would have to change his priorities now he had a mate and start thinking about the needs of two people instead of one.

  “Finished?” she asked.

  “Yes, just about.” He handed her the broom, and then asked her, “Melanie. I’m not sure how these things are supposed to go. But I feel as though I should get down on one knee and propose.”

  She rushed to him, and stopped him. “Please don’t.”

  “I thought you would want to get married. You are surrounded by these dresses all day every day. Don’t you ever think about wearing one to walk down the aisle?”

  “Of course I do. It’s just happening too quickly. Can’t we just take it slow?”

  He smiled. “For now.”

  “Great, Because asking a woman to be your wife when you haven’t even taken her on a first date might be a bit weird.” She tried to keep her voice light, but he heard panic in her voice. Maybe she was right, he wanted her to live with him, so that they could spend all their time together, but it wouldn’t hurt to slow down a little. A couple of days would make no difference really and by then she would be used to the idea. Anyway, he had some chores to do at home before he could ask her to move in.

  “You have a point,” he said, grinning at her. Offering her his arm, he led her from the store. “Let’s go and have dinner.”

  “I can’t wait. I am looking forward to this more than you know.”

  “Then I hope I don’t disappoint you.”

  “You never could, Taylor.”

  He only hoped she was right.

  Chapter Fifteen – Melanie

  “I don’t know if we’re going to move it today,” Taylor said, looking at her car. The snow had melted during the day, but was now coming down heavily again.

  “Then let’s leave it. The damage is already done. One more night out here isn’t going to make any difference. Perhaps tomorrow the snow will clear and your truck will get a grip on the road.”

  “That’s the most sensible thing. If you’re sure?”

  “Yes, let’s get back to the farmhouse.” She looked up at the sky, the snow was coming down thick and fast, she had a feeling their date was about to be scuppered too. Oh, well. They had the rest of their lives to make up for it.

  As they got back into the truck, he voiced her thoughts. “I don’t think we are going to get very far. I’m afraid we might have to out our date off. I was going to take you to a fancy restaurant, but it’s a good hour’s drive, and I don’t think I would risk getting stranded in the snow.”

  “Oh, I don’t know. I wouldn’t mind being stranded with you,” she said, smiling at him, when he looked at her and returned the smile, she felt her insides turn to liquid fire. It didn’t matter where they were or what they did as long as they were together. “Fancy restaurants are so over rated.”

  “Now I know why you’re my mate. Do you make the best of every situation?”

  “I try. If my childhood and then moving to Bear Creek taught me one thing, it’s that family and friends are what matter. All the material things in the world don’t make up for what other people can give you.”

  “Very wise words.”

  “Thank you.” She sat up in her seat as they approached the farmhouse. “They’re home. And we have visitors.”

  Taylor parked his truck and they got out and walked into the house hand in hand. She could feel Taylor was slightly tense beside her. “Don’t worry, it’s only Vic and probably Marjorie, come to see the baby.”

  “I still worry they’ll see me as an outsider.”

  “Nonsense. And this is nothing compared to me meeting your family.”

  “That reminds me. Tomorrow night…”

  She groaned. “So soon?”

  “Yes. My mom is cooking. I expect everyone to be there.”

  “OK,” she said, feeling her nerves ratchet up.

  “As you said, family and friends are the most important thing.” He held her hand as they entered the house, in his own way he was making sure everyone knew she was his. His woman, his mate.

  “Hi everyone,” Melanie said as they entered the warm sitting room. Alli sat next to the fire, Kian was next to her and Marjorie was holding the baby.

  “Hi Melanie.” Marjorie looked up, her eyes going instantly to Taylor.

  “This is Taylor.” Melanie introduced everyone, and they all spoke politely, but curiosity laced the air. However, Melanie didn’t want to stay and answer questions, not tonight, and so she said, “If you’ll excuse us, I need to change.”

  “How was the store?” Alli called.

  “Quiet. But it’s still standing,” Melanie joked as she took Taylor by the hand and led him upstairs.

  “I feel awkward coming up here, when your brother is down stairs,” Taylor said.

  “Why? It’s not as if you don’t have every right to be here with me.” She looked at his face, reading his concern. “You are my mate.”

  “But it’s Kian’s house.”

  “Don’t worry about Kian,” she said, growing concerned at the hostility she sensed from Taylor. It wasn’t as if they were two men fighting over their mate. She belonged to Taylor, but she was also Kian’s sister. Neither of which would ever change.

  “I don’t think we’ll make that restaurant. Do you want to go to the bar in Bear Creek?”


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