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La Dolce Vita: Romantic Suspense (Battaglia Mafia Series Book 7)

Page 5

by Sienna Mynx

  "Are you okay?" Catalina asked.

  "I'm fine. I am. Look." Mirabella showed Catalina her hand. "See? No more tremors."

  "Wonderful," Catalina said. "When is the next doctor's appointment?"

  "Soon. Please don't tell your brother. I don't want him to worry."

  "Doesn't he already know? I thought Giovanni went to all of your doctor's visits?"

  "He's been busy lately. It's okay. Leo is taking me," she said. "I don't want to stress Giovanni any further."

  "But we are all worried. Mira, you know we love you. I'll cancel my meetings and go with you. If Gio can't go and Marietta is with Lorenzo, you will need me..."

  "No! Stop it. You cancelled your wedding, Catalina. My kids are in constant fear that I will be back in the hospital and away from them. No, you aren't worried. You're scared. And so am I. So am I." Mirabella shook her head. Catalina hurried around the desk to comfort her. She put an arm around her shoulder and kissed the top of her head. Mirabella sighed deeply with her face buried in her hands.

  "It's only been a few months. The doctors said it could take a year before this is over. Your body has to heal," said Catalina.

  "What did Kei do to me? That's what I want to know. What did he do?" Mirabella slammed her fist down on the desk.

  "Giovanni says things will be fine. Then they'll be fine."

  "I was poisoned. He put poison in me. That poison was like a scalpel digging out parts of my brain. I can;t remember what he did! But do you know what I can remember. I can remember feeling so helpless and insignificant. I can still remember how it felt when the needle... I feel it. Some days I think I'm dying, Catalina. Other days I think I'm an addict. But an addict to what? I heard Giovanni and Dominic whispering about the toxin the doctors found in my system. It was a drug. I have a craving and I don't even know what the hell it is I need! It's just a sick ache in my stomach all the time."

  "That's fear talking. You're strong. You're fine." It was all Catalina could say.

  "I need to talk to you about something," Mirabella said. She wiped away her tears. "Something I need you to do."

  "Yes. Anything you need. Tell me." Catalina said. Mirabella pushed up from her seat and took Catalina's hand. She walked her over to the sofa. They both sat. "We are going to plan you a winter wedding. Right after Fashion Week we start planning. It's time to pick a date."

  "Domi and I both agreed that we should wait."

  "No more waiting. Pick a date. I want to start working on your dress," Mirabella smiled. Catalina gave her an uncertain smile. Mirabella rushed through her explanation, desperate to convince her. "While you're in Paris killing them with our Fabulous Fabiana line, I will be here making the dress of your dreams. Better than the one you wore for Franco. Even prettier than the one I wore for Giovanni. You know I always feel better when I'm designing. It's the best prescription. Catalina? I'm not going to let this beat me. My hand tremors happen less and less each day. I haven't had a seizure in three weeks. I'm better."

  Catalina looked down at their clasped hands. "You just said you thought you were dying,"

  "No. I said I thought I was poisoned. And like you said, I'm strong, I will beat this. I already have."

  "What about the doctors' orders? Giovanni’s orders? They all agree that stress is something you should avoid," Catalina said.

  "And I intend to avoid stress. That's why we should choose November or early December. Think about it! It's a beautiful time of the year. It's the perfect season for a wedding, and plenty of time for us to plan the entire event without stress. Okay?"

  Catalina began to warm to the idea. A slow smile lifted the top corners of her mouth. Mirabella could see the joy of her engagement return to her eyes. She felt so guilty over the past few months because of the stress the family was under. Giovanni told her that when the Donna of the family fell sick everyone suffered. She thought that was just her possessive husband's complaint. But she could see the stress in everyone. Gianni would not leave her arms unless forcibly taken from her. Gino clung to her legs whenever she entered a room. Eve called her name in the middle of the night, and several times she had to lay in her little princess bed with her to calm her to sleep. Marietta was paranoid. So much so Lorenzo was spending more time with her. In Marietta's eyes something terminal was wrong with Mirabella and it would snatch her away from them all. And her husband. He was the worst--moody, distant, absent.

  "Okay. November 29th!" Catalina shouted. "That's my wedding date!"

  The two embraced. Mirabella let go of her first. She patted Catalina's knee. "So glad that's settled. I feel so relieved."

  "Me too!" Catalina wiped the tears of happiness from her eyes.

  "I have something else to say. Something you won't like, so hear me out. Okay?"

  "What?" Catalina asked.

  "Rosetta," Mirabella said.

  "Huh?" Catalina frowned.

  "I've asked her to return to Melanzana. Come work with you," Mirabella said.

  "Absolutely not!" Catalina shot to her feet. "Have you lost your fucking mind? Tell me this is a joke? A bad one."

  "Excuse me?" Mirabella replied.

  "Why on earth would you invite that little viper puttana back here? Perché?"

  "Vito is sick with cancer. You know this. Zia has had to travel to Sicilia twice this month. Your aunts have been overwhelmed with his care. And Rosetta from what I hear is working the hardest to take care of him. Zia tells me--"

  "So what! Che palle! That's her father. It's her responsibility!"

  "Yes. I know this, Catalina. But her mother and your aunts are concerned. It's been two years since we've seen her. Zia came to me and asked that I give her another chance."

  "Well tell her no." Catalina crossed her arms in defiance.

  "I will not." Mirabella said. "And to be honest you need the help."

  "No I don't!" Catalina shouted.

  "I'm not asking here, I'm telling you. This is going to happen. I've decided," Mirabella said.

  "Bullshit!" Catalina marched back and forth like some amped up solider. Sicilians were expressive. Catalina's drama would put any of them to shame. She clenched her fist and swung at the air as if hitting someone while she cursed and ranted so fast in her native language Mirabella could barely translate. Mirabella had to swallow her smile over the tantrum.

  "You need the help, honey. We both know I'm not getting better in time to go to Paris with you. And even if I were, Giovanni has ruled on the decision and his word is law," she said without concealing her regret. "Marietta is pregnant and the doctor has warned us all about her blood pressure. How much help has she been for you lately?"

  "I have an entire team in Paris. I have people here in Milan and Sorrento. Help? How the hell could Rosetta be of any help to me?"

  "She is family! This is a family business. There are times when family matters are discussed and you will need someone at your side to discuss them with," Mirabella said. "Paris Fashion Week is just around the corner. I don't want you over there alone. She can be your assistant. Use her how you need to. Teach her our business."

  "Family? Basta! I have sixteen cousins. Am I to teach all of them the family business? Not one of them are worthy."

  "No. What you are to do is respect your Donna, and honor my wishes. Fix the relationship so we can heal." Mirabella stood but suffered a bout of dizziness. She stilled herself. Quick to hide her discomfort, she smiled and made her back straight. "We have all been through so much since my kidnapping. Breaks my heart. And now Vito is sick. Rocco is banished again to the vineyard and it makes Zia cry at night. Lorenzo and Giovanni are different now. Cold to each other. The only lesson I've learned over these past few months is how precious and short our life and happiness truly is. La famiglia is our strength, but the love of this family is our weakness if we let others divide us."


  "Hush now and listen. We are the women of this family. We have to find a way to keep these men from destroying themselves. Because we are stron
ger. Right?"

  Catalina rolled her eyes.

  "Rosetta is your blood. I want you two to find a way to work things out."

  "What about Cecilia? Huh? Isn't she family? Rosetta tried to kill her, or have you forgotten!" Catalina seethed.

  "You aren't listening--"

  "You can't forgive her, Mirabella. I won't allow it!"

  "You won't allow it?" Mirabella whirled on her and dropped her hands to her hips. "Who the hell are you to question me? Allow it! The only reason you are even in this business is because of what I allow! Do you understand me?" she asked.

  Catalina's face pinched with angry defiance.

  "Answer me! Say the words!" Mirabella said.

  "Si, si, of course I understand," Catalina said.

  "I told you, no, I gave you an order. I'm your Donna. Either you do as I say, or you can stay home and I'll send her with someone else to Paris in your place!" Mirabella advanced on her. "It's my company. I can tear it down if I want to. Don't push me, Catalina."

  Catalina's bottom lip quivered. Her eyes brimmed with tears. Mirabella had never raised her voice in anger to her sister-in-law. She'd never threatened her. She wasn't sure where the outburst came from, but she meant every word.

  "Mi dispiace," Catalina said through her tears. "I'm so sorry."

  When Catalina threw her arms around Mirabella she at first stiffened. But her heart melted within seconds. She comforted her. She stroked her head and rubbed her back. "I just want my family whole again. How could I say no, Catalina? Everyone takes such good care of me. It's my life to take care of you."

  "You're mine, Mira. I had no one until you came," Catalina said.

  "That is nonsense."

  "It's the truth! You've given me my freedom, you've supported me and Domi, you mean everything to me," Catalina wept as she clung to her. "I never want to share that with someone... who doesn't appreciate it. Even if she is blood. She can't be trusted. She can't."

  Mirabella pulled away and cradled Catalina's face in her hands. "I know you don't need her," Mirabella smiled. "But she needs you. Mentor her. And if you find that she can't be trusted or changed, then I will take that into consideration. But first we try. It's a request from your zias. She's your cousin. Okay?"

  Catalina shook her head. "This is a bad idea. She's psychotic."

  "So are most of the men in this family," Mirabella smiled.

  Catalina was forced to chuckle.

  "It'll be fine. You'll see. I'm going to go check on the boys. Nap time is over," Mirabella stepped away and started for the door. She paused and looked back. "Call Rosetta. Maybe you can go to Sicilia and see her before Paris. Set the rules. But find a way to make it work. For the family."


  Catalina watched her go. She turned and picked up the pencil holder on Mirabella’s desk. She threw it at the wall. What a terrible birthday this turned out to be. Not once had anyone said anything to her. Even the kids didn’t greet her with kisses and cookies to sing happy birthday. Had the entire family gone crazy?

  She knew that Mirabella’s issues had left everyone stressed. But Mirabella was big on celebrations. She even spoke of the wedding. But nothing regarding her birthday. And now this. Furious, Catalina crossed her arms and paced. Dominic had suggested dinner. She had half a mind to blow them all off and just leave for Sicily that night.


  "Donna Battaglia," Giselle said.

  "Salve," Mirabella replied. She kissed the left and then the right cheeks of her hair stylist. "I hope I didn't keep you waiting for long."

  "No. I just arrived. Please, have a seat. Let's see what we will do today." Mirabella had redesigned a room to make it perfect for a salon. Marietta refused to let anyone do her hair. Even though Giselle was a master cosmetologist, and the best in the Campania for women of color.

  "What are we doing today?" Giselle asked as she finger combed Mirabella's locks.

  "I want bangs, and a few inches off."

  "We're cutting it? I thought the Don preferred it long," Giselle asked with concern.

  Everyone knew Giovanni's wishes. But no one knew him better than Mirabella. She wanted a different look to spark a response from her husband. Tonight was special. She had gone to great lengths to plan a surprise birthday party for Catalina. Everyone was coming. It would be the perfect time to reconnect with her husband. She had hoped that Marietta and Lorenzo would return in time, but it didn't look that way.

  Mirabella turned her face left to right to look at her hair. "Cut it to my shoulder. That will be fine."

  "I'll make it beautiful," Giselle said.

  Mirabella smiled. She looked down at her wedding ring. She relaxed. If things had to change, she had no problem having it start with her.

  Chapter Four


  Rome, Italy

  Carlo had lost interest in everything and person around him. He didn't notice the family of tourists ahead of him fiddling with their passports, or the armed carabinieri scowling in his direction. The only thing Carlo felt was the diamond ring in his pocket. He rubbed his forefinger over the jewel, and his eyes misted over from behind the cover of his dark sunglasses. She was so sweet, so perfect for him, perfect in every way, why couldn't she see it? He shouldn't have left Shae. He should have forced her to believe in him. He understood her pain, reluctance, distrust. He was a broken man. How could she take a risk with her heart with someone so fucked up? Still, she healed him. And if she had given him more time they could have cured each other of loneliness. Even now he wanted to just touch her, be in her space. He should have kidnapped her and made her love him. He hated himself for being so weak the moment the plane left America. He wanted his woman back. He wanted her bad.

  "Signor Carlo Alvise Giordano," A man two feet shorter than him barked from his left. Carlo's gaze slipped over to the runt in a blue military uniform. He had three other carabinieri standing behind him. "Will you come with us please?"

  Another to his right relieved him of his carry-on bag. Carlo checked his watch. Typically this would not happen. The fuckers didn't dare come for him in Napoli. But he had to fly back into Roma from the States. And he knew that put him on the radar. The last thing he needed was for Giovanni to get wind of some bullshit ahead of his return home.

  "What is the problem?" Carlo asked.

  The man smirked. "This way."


  Mollo Beverello, Bay of Naples

  "Wait here," Giovanni said.

  "Boss?" Umberto called out in objection. Giovanni got out of the car. Both of his men did as well, but stayed near the vehicle. Giovanni didn't pause or glance back to acknowledge their concern. He gave an order and they damn well needed to obey it.

  A dank wind pushed hard at his chest. The stench of the garbage on the streets to the smells of pastries baking from the cafes overcame him. The dark lenses of the sunglasses he wore weren't needed. The day was hidden behind many grey storm clouds. He glanced up to the tall cruise ships. Several were docked. Tourists with cameras around their necks and shopping bags on their arms flooded the streets. He didn't want his men to follow. He didn't fear for his safety. He dared anyone to take aim. Napoli, the Campania, and all those within it belonged to him.

  At the end of the walkway a woman appeared. She was a vision amongst the blabbering faces of tourists. Her dark eyes were piercing. Her long, wavy, black hair was tossed over to one side of her face. She had a flawless olive tan, and wore a modest dress with thong sandals. Still the swell of her breasts, the small of her waist, and the shape of her hips were clearly defined. Not many men would turn away. She smiled for Giovanni. He nodded once to acknowledge her. The woman turned and started down a side street. Giovanni followed. He side stepped several and followed his guide. The port authority offices were down this way. He knew better than to pass through any of their doors. And then someone stepped out of one into the narrow alley. A tall and burly Italian with a protruding belly that hung over his pants, and sweaty armpits, f
ixed a hard stare Giovanni's way. The man nodded with respect. Giovanni stopped his pursuit of the beauty who had led him in the right direction. The hand off was smooth enough to be missed by tourists or the polizia. But in Giovanni's dark underworld it was a clear sign.

  They were ready for him.

  "Don Giovanni," a man said when he crossed under the threshold.

  "Dov'è?" Giovanni asked.

  "He is this way," his escort said.

  Giovanni was led through a building littered with luggage, purses, and other stolen items. It was a treasure trove that gypsies arrived hourly to add to. There were raised voices. Men shouted at each other to the back of the building. Something, or the presence of someone, had them riled. Giovanni ignored them. He was directed to turn right and go through another door.

  "Salve!" Mateo Benicia, the younger brother of Don Benicia, greeted him with a kiss to both cheeks and a hug. "Don Giovanni, we've been waiting."

  "How's Don Benicia?" Giovanni asked.

  "Well. He sends his thanks for the wonderful gift you provided for Liza's wedding. She's the pearl of his heart." Mateo kissed his fingers and tossed the compliment to the air. The woman who led Giovanni to the meeting was in the room. She had arrived through another entry. She stared at Giovanni the way women often did when they wanted to entice him. Giovanni removed his sunglasses.

  "A wedding is a big event for a father. And I am her godfather. It was my pleasure," Giovanni said.

  There was shouting outside the door. It grew louder. Mateo Benicia gave one of his men a look and the man hurried out. Giovanni caught the exchange. "Trouble? Because of me?"

  "No," Mateo waved it off. "It's manageable. Forgive any perceived rudeness you may have seen, Gio. This is your territory. We all know and respect the leniency you have granted. I'll have the men under control."

  That was the problem. Giovanni didn't trust or forgive any longer. In fact, he loathed the Benicia clan and the alliance that had brought him to this den. Out of all of his accomplishments and failures, since he entered his father's world, Giovanni never felt shame. He was a drug dealer now. There was plenty of shame to find within it.


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