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La Dolce Vita: Romantic Suspense (Battaglia Mafia Series Book 7)

Page 11

by Sienna Mynx

  "No, Bella. He doesn't have that power over you or me," Giovanni said softly.

  "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have mentioned his name."

  He pulled her in, and she turned to straddled his lap and wrapped her legs around his waist as he sat on the edge of the bed. He kissed her cheek.

  "That was nice," he said. "You coming here. You know better. I don't want my Bella coming out here in the middle of the night."

  She chuckled, and then they fell silent again. She dared to look into his eyes. "I scratched you," she said.

  "I liked it," he smiled. "Slap me next time, too.”

  She nodded that she would. “You left bites on me. I won’t be able to cover them up."

  "I don’t give a fuck. You’re mine. They should see it.”

  “Who? Your aunts and children?” she laughed.

  “Hey, my sons need to remember who’s boss!” he chuckled.

  She hugged his neck tightly. He brought her with him on the bed. She curled her body up against his. He pulled the covers over her.

  "Let's make a deal," she said.

  "Mmm, I'm tired of deals. Let's make a promise," he replied.

  "If we go to Firenze and I see the doctor. If she can help and I am better, then you, me, Marietta, and Lorenzo will take that trip. To America."

  He frowned.

  "You promised me. I want to show you and my sister where I grew up. It would be good for all of us."

  "It may take a little more planning. Let me work through it," he said.

  "I need this. I need to get out of here."

  "Va bene. I'm your husband I will give you whatever you need. Yes. We'll go to America."

  She grinned and went to sleep against his chest. She didn't look up to see if he slept. She could tell by the soft rhythmic melody of his heart he was feeling at peace.


  Palermo, Sicily -

  Don Armando Mancini was a man who preferred the night. The woman lying against his chest stirred as if to say she preferred to sleep. There would be no sleeping in his bed tonight. Already he felt his body becoming aroused for round three. He sipped the wine and set the crystal glass over to the side when her head lifted. Dark brown tangled locks fell into her lovely face.

  "Che ora è?" she asked.

  "Late," he replied.

  "I need to get home. My mother. She'll be worried."

  "Your mother thinks you are visiting your cugina, no? The one who owns the dress shop and is married to the African?"

  "Yes. But I need to be at her house soon; I can't explain being out this late. It could get back to my--" She stopped turning over and away from him when he grabbed her breast. The insistent way he did so made her still and silent.

  "We aren't done," he said. He let go of her breast and moved over her to pin her beneath him.

  She put on a sweet smile for him. He kissed her brow, her nose, and then her lips softly.

  "Of course, I only thought we should try to keep a low profile," she explained as if to soothe the beast who once again slipped into her. She bit back the words and gasped. He thrust in and out of her. "We've, uh, worked so hard. You've done so much for me." He dropped his face to her neck and gripped her hips as he thrust in and out of her. She didn't stop talking. She never knew when to shut up. "I don't want to ruin things. Not when I'm so close to having everything I wanted," she said.

  Armando sighed and stopped. He didn't bother to release. He dropped off her, bored with fucking. She sat up and looked down at him.

  "Go," he said and stroked himself as he winced through his erection deflating. He had tolerated her whiney complaints and constant begging for his influence. He had endured many things in the past two years since his father's death. Fuck them all. He had learned and mastered the art of tolerance.

  "I wasn't even invited to the party. I heard my mother say that you went. Did you go to Catalina's party?"

  He just looked up at her.

  "It's not fair. The way they treat me. It's not!"

  "You have what you wanted. Why complain?"

  "Yes. I guess. Still, hurts that I wasn't invited." She smiled like the canary that swallowed the cat. "It doesn't matter anymore. You did it. You got Mirabella to invite me back. I don't know what you said to her, but it worked."

  "And?" Armando asked.

  "I... ah, I haven't spoken to anyone yet," Rosetta said as she eased out of bed and found her slip dress to put on. She pulled her long curly hair out from the back of the dress, and it bounced around her shoulders. She was beautiful. All of the Battaglia women were, no matter if they were born into the family or married into it. They were beautiful. Armando guessed that to be the deadliest weapon these women possessed. He was surprised at how experienced a lover Rosetta proved to be when she shut her mouth and concentrated on fucking. But she was not the one he wanted.

  "Are you playing games with me?" he asked.

  "No. No. We made a deal. You help me get back into the family, and I will help you get what you want," she said. "I just don't know what it is you want."

  Armando smiled. "Then maybe it's time I tell you."

  Rosetta listened as she put on her shoes.

  "When you came to me and told me you wanted me to speak to Marietta and Mirabella about letting you return to Sorrento what did I say to you?"

  "You said it was better to have them ask for me to go back than for me to come to them on my knees begging."

  He nodded. "And?"

  Rosetta smiled. "You told me to let Mama think that I am secretly sneaking away with you. That she will tell the Donna and that they would be concerned. It was a perfect plan. It worked. I knew when the family said that Mirabella and Marietta were Mancini's daughters that you could help me. And you did. I'm so grateful!"

  "So you trust me?" Armando asked.


  "Good. I want you to call Catalina and persuade her to come to Sicilia. I want her here within the next day or so."

  "What?" Rosetta gasped.

  Armando tossed the covers aside. He tugged on his dick and walked barefoot to the bathroom to take a piss. Rosetta was on his heels.

  "I can't. She won't do it. I'm not even sure what is going to happen when I go back to Sorrento. For all, I know the Donna could put me in charge of watching the brats again!"

  "You can and you will," Armando said as he pissed in the toilet.

  "What do you want with Catalina? She hates you. They all protect her. Even Mirabella. I heard about that party. And did you know they bought her a mansion? She isn't even married to Domi yet. She doesn't deserve him. It makes no sense to try to get too close to her. Is it about your company? I hear..."

  "What do you hear?" he arched a brow to the last part of her statement and dismissed the rest.

  "I understand that Gio has clipped Lorenzo's wings. That he is in debt to the Mafiosi now, because of Mirabella's kidnapping. It's only a matter time before he'll hand you your company back."

  Armando flushed. He went to the sink and washed his hands. He plucked his robe from the hook on the back of the door and slipped it over his naked body. "Arrange for me to see Catalina. I don't care how, but it has to happen here in Sicilia, and she has to be alone."

  "I can't do it!"

  He grabbed Rosetta by the throat and threw her onto the door. She gasped in fright. He didn't squeeze, but his hold was tight, and her feet were lifted from the floor by his pinning. "This is not a game, little girl. I gave you an order. Do you understand me? The minute you are useless to me is the moment I stop being nice."

  "Si. Si," she nodded repeatedly.

  "So, in the future when I want you to do something for me, anything for me, you will do it without question?"


  "I expect a call tomorrow with where she and I will meet."

  He let her go, and she dropped to her knees. He picked up the phone and dialed a number to the portable shed outside. "Send a driver up to take Rosetta where she needs to go." He hung up when Rosetta came
out of the bathroom wiping her tears. He smiled at her. She grabbed her purse and left.

  Armando walked over to the wall and moved the picture that hung there. He spun the dial on his safe three different ways to unlock it. And then he reached inside. The cassette player was where he kept it. He brought it out and smiled. The future looked bright.


  Sorrento –

  The phone rang. Catalina sat up in bed. Dominic lay on his back at her side. The ringing phone disturbed him, and she knew he had an early morning. His hand rested on her bare breast. He pinched her nipple before it dropped off. He turned over, away.

  "Answer it!" he grunted.

  She kissed his shoulder and then reached for it.

  "Pronto?" she yawned.

  "Catalina? It's me. Rosetta," a soft voice spoke.

  She frowned. "What do you want?"

  "Hi. I know it's early."

  "Let me guess. I was on your mind?" Catalina asked. "Don't bother being fake. I know you found a way to convince Mirabella to let you sneak back into the family."

  "I'm grateful to her. I know it comes with the stipulation that I make amends with you. I won't keep you, but I have an idea."

  Catalina groaned. "I don't care about your ideas."

  "I'm in Palermo now. I'm staying at Francesca's. She's remodeling the store with all of the new pieces from Mirabella's and Fabiana's fashions; business is good. It's popular here with the tourists."

  "And?" Catalina yawned.

  "Before I come to Sorrento I want us to have a better understanding. A real talk. Can you come here? Francesca would love to see you. She said she's talked to you about a visit before you go to Paris."

  "Isn't this a coincidence," Catalina drawled the words. "Mirabella just suggested the same. Bring you back here so we can go to Paris together."

  "She did? I mean, wow, I'm so grateful," Rosetta said.

  "I bet you are," Catalina snickered.

  "So, can you come?" Rosetta asked.

  "I'll think about it."

  "Wait. Please. Give me another chance. A real one. If I screw it up, then you can say you told them so. Right? The hard work’s on me. Right? Come to Palermo. Let's work out the arrangement between us so we can show the Donna we can handle this. Give me a chance."

  "I said I'll see! Just leave me alone!" Catalina hung up.

  Dominic lifted his head from the pillow. He looked back at her with concern. "Who was that?"

  Catalina folded her arms. "Did you know that Mirabella agreed to let Rosetta come back here?"

  "She did?" Dominic turned over and ran his hand over Catalina's stomach underneath the blanket. She shut her thighs to him. She was in no mood. Rosetta ruined it.

  "Why?" he asked and kissed her stomach.

  "She said it's because Vito is sick and that Zia Josefina is stressed with worry. She said that I need to make her my apprentice. Use her to help because Marietta is pregnant and can't travel with me."

  "Sounds like a good idea."

  "Huh? You're on her side now?" Catalina asked.

  He chuckled. He dragged her down, so she lay next to him and turned her face to his. He pinched her jaw, so her lips puckered and gave her a kiss. "The only side I am on is yours. Always. But right now emotions are very strained in the family. And one of the things we want to do is help the Donna. Right?" he asked.

  "I guess."

  "Do you hate her that much, Catalina? She's your cousin."

  "She's a wicked little manipulating bitch. And no. I don't hate her. I don't trust her. Those are two different things," Catalina said. She turned over and scooted in closer to him.

  "She needs someone to teach her to be a better person. You're a good influence," he chuckled.

  "Am I? You sure about that?" she asked and stroked his erection.

  His eyes closed.

  "Mmm," he said. "You can be naughty sometimes."

  She rolled on top of him and sat upright. She could feel the bone of his existence grow hard and thick beneath her. It was a delicious feeling. She rubbed her sex on his length to tease him. He smiled like he always did. Between Dominic's dreamy eyes, and that sexy slant to his smile, she didn't know what feature outside of his dick she loved the best.

  "Want some breakfast?" she asked.

  He nodded. She lifted on her knees and dropped her hands on the headboard. Dominic scooted beneath her so the lips of her sex were above his mouth and she could sit on his face. His tongue swiped upward, and every nerve in her pelvis shuddered. Catalina dropped her forehead on the headboard. Dominic parted the cheeks of her ass and swiped the moist tip of his tongue back and forth tickling her clit. The sweetness the friction from his tongue offered was intoxicating as her body took over the job of her mind and began to respond on its own. Her breathing labored. Her hips thrust to drive her pussy up and down in small jerks over his mouth. Quick little butterfly lashes of his tongue had her sweating between her thighs and the cheeks of her ass with her body temperature spiking. He forced her to come down on his mouth harder so he could continue to tickle a climax out of her. And she peaked. She threw her head back, lips parted. The tips of her nipples brushed against the wood grain of the headboard, stirring more pleasure through her. She rode his tongue as if it were his dick.

  "Domi! Oh my goodness, Domi, I love you so much. So much," she cried out before she released. She slid down his body and Dominic angled his dick so he could thrust into her. She wasn't ready. What she wanted most was to curl up around the warmth of the tremors climaxing through her body. But Dominic wanted his turn. He worked her hips for her as he thrust his dick up, in and out, fucked her while she clutched to him and struggled to breathe. Thankfully he came soon after and allowed her release. They kissed. She licked her essence from his lips and tongue. He held her hips and kept moving. He did so until there was nothing left of him inside of her to ride. Rosetta's call was forgotten. She was back in heaven.

  Chapter Eight

  La Famiglia

  Sorrento Italy

  The boys danced. Little feet shuffled, and hips rocked. Mirabella clapped for her sons. The children were amped from the praise. Gino and Gianni loved music. The toddlers would stop mid-play if music was turned on. She could always calm their tantrums by turning on the radio. Once, not soon after her return from her stay in the hospital, Giovanni brought out his guitar and played it for the boys in the garden. Mirabella couldn't stop grinning with happiness that day.

  "C'mon, Nico, let me teach you." Eve pulled on Nico's large hands and tried to get him to come out of his chair to dance with her. "It's easy. I promise."

  He relented and stood. Like a giant out of a fable, he moved awkwardly and concentrated on not stepping on little Eve. She held on to his fingers and rocked side to side. Nico struggled to be graceful, he managed. He wasn't built for dancing. Mirabella looked on amused.

  "She loves him so much," Cecilia said.

  "Eve, yes, she does," Mirabella said.

  "Not as much as me," Cecilia murmured and blushed. Nico glanced up and winked for his bride. Mirabella had missed their wedding. She was hospitalized when they exchanged vows. Giovanni was present. He told her Cecilia was beautiful, and Catalina was one of her bridesmaids. As a gift, she and Giovanni bought them a villa not far from Melanzana. It had land they could build upon and raise a family. Cecilia had confided that she wanted to have babies as soon as possible. Mirabella hoped her children grew fast because Cecilia was a godsend to her and would be an excellent mother.

  The moment Mirabella stepped closer to Giovanni he pulled her down by the wrist, and she dropped on his lap.

  "Your daughter is turning into a ballerina," she said. She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed the scruff along his jaw.

  "Nico is no ballet dancer," Giovanni noted.

  Mirabella glanced over in time to see Eve take a leap for Nico. He picked her up and spun her around and then brought her back down.

  "You know she has a crush on him," Mirabella whispere
d in her husband’s ear.

  "No. She only loves Papa," Giovanni said. "That's ridiculous."

  Mirabella kissed his jaw and wiped off the stain of lipstick. "About last night... and this morning," she whispered in his ear. "It was sweet of you to paint my toenails." She hugged his neck and closed her eyes as she rested her forehead against the side of his face. Giovanni didn't answer, but she could feel the tension in his muscular frame relax. They left his villa and returned to their children. She put them to bed and showered. He wanted to rub lotion over her body and then he listened to her talk about the exciting changes she made in her upcoming fashion event as he painted her toes.

  "So wonderful," she whispered again. "I'm so in love with you."

  "No nightmares?" he asked.

  "Not anymore. Not as long as I have you," she kissed his jaw more than once. "The worst has passed. I'm fine now."

  "You will always have me, Bella," he said. They were reunited in the large wicker chair reserved for her husband on the outdoor terrace that faced the gardens. The family had gathered as they often did before and after dinner. This included his men. It was typical in the region they lived. The music was Mirabella's idea. She knew how much Giovanni loved to see his children happy.

  Beyond the terrace steps, the flowers of Sorrento blossomed in the most vibrant array of colors. And if one were to look hard they would see tiny pink and lime butterflies bouncing off purple petals. The honeybees were fat. Each buzzed around lazily, bumping into the open blooms as if drunk off nectar. How could such beauty not inspire an artist? At that moment Mirabella rediscovered her inspiration to create, not only fashion but love in their image. She cast her gaze to her children and wondered if another baby could ever be possible for them. He was so happy when she carried the twins.

  "What are you thinking about?" he asked.

  "Huh?" she came out of her thoughts.

  He glanced at their children and then her. The man was so perceptive that even her deepest feelings were hard to conceal from him when she was in his arms.

  "You win. I want another baby," she said.

  “I win?”


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