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La Dolce Vita: Romantic Suspense (Battaglia Mafia Series Book 7)

Page 40

by Sienna Mynx

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  The Cook-Out

  Apple Grove, VA

  Mirabella was the first to rise. Gianni woke before daylight crying for milk. She had to change him and take him downstairs quick to keep from waking the other kids. And now he played in the cabinets while she rummaged through the refrigerator to find enough to make breakfast. She smiled to discover she had enough for homemade pancakes and syrup. The kids and the men would be happy.

  There was a knock at the door. Surprised she froze. Gianni stopped banging his pots to look up at her curiously. The person knocked again. Mirabella went to the door, a bit hesitant. Then she looked out of the peephole. It was Clyde.

  She opened the door.


  "Morning, hope I'm not too early."

  "No, of course not, come in. I was just about to start breakfast."

  Clyde smiled and entered with his son Clarence. Mirabella hugged him. She hadn't seen Clarence since he was about fourteen.

  "The family is all excited about you being here," Clyde said. "Had to tell your cousins to give you a minute to get settled before they all showed up."

  Mirabella didn't believe him. But she loved him for pretending it was so. This was the country. If her family wanted to see her, they would have been standing outside with Minnie when she and her family drove up.

  "I'm anxious to see them all," she lied.

  Clyde stood by the door. His son looked away from Mirabella. He seemed uncomfortable. But that tension in his face subsided when Mirabella's baby appeared. Gianni walked out and looked at the men while sucking his pacifier.

  "Hi, little man. How you?" Clarence said.

  Gianni blinked at him but didn't move. Clyde chuckled. "He's the shy one."

  Clarence knelt. "My name Clarence. We kin."

  Gianni nodded as if he understood. They all laughed. "He's a good looking kid, cousin."

  "Thank you, Clarence," Mirabella said with pride.

  "We got some work to do this morning. Trying to wrap up with the boys early, before noon so that we can go to the cookout. Just wanted you to know we here. So we didn't scare the whole house."

  "Okay. Ah, Clyde, I want to ask you something."

  He paused.

  "I was wondering if..."

  "If Cutter still around?" Clarence finished for her. And the narrowed gaze he gave her made her stomach queasy. When they were younger Clarence was her shadow. They played together a lot. She felt a pang of guilt over shutting him out of her life the way she did.

  She nodded. "Yes. Is Cutter coming?"

  "He owns a boxing gym out in Norfolk. He owns a grocery store and two gas stations in Alpoca. Can't own much here in Apple Grove. You bought up most of the real estate." Clarence said. "Don't worry. He's married. Got kids that go to school out in Alpoca."

  "I'm not worried," Mirabella said. "Just curious."

  "He knows you here, but he ain’t stupid enough to come around. Trust me. That was a long time ago." Clyde said.

  She smiled. "Is there anything I can bring to the cookout? Anything?"

  "Just you and the family. Like I said, we happy you done come home. It's been far too long, Mia."

  "Yeah, it has been."

  She walked them to the door. They left, and she locked it. Gianni started to cry. Mirabella smiled at her son. "You wouldn't even smile for cousin Clarence, but you are crying because he was gone?"

  She picked up her son and kissed him. And then turned to carry him back into the kitchen. Just as she set him down, she felt someone step up from behind her. She jumped. Giovanni hugged her waist and pulled her up against his chest.

  "You scared me!" she panted.

  "Morning," he whispered in her ear and squeezed her breast. She kissed him. He tasted of toothpaste. She licked his lips, and then her own when he let her go. "Let me take you and the kids to breakfast."

  She laughed. "I can cook for us."

  "I know you can, but you can also show us around town. We can eat. See Apple Grove. And then go to this cookout."

  "Mmm, good idea. I want to lay down a little first. With you," she said, kissing him again.

  He hugged her and looked at their son. "How long has he been up?"

  "Long enough to let me know he's not going back to sleep."

  Giovanni let her go and reached for Gianni. He tossed him a few feet in the air. The toddler squealed with laughter. "If I can make him go back to sleep will you take a shower with me?" he asked.

  She chuckled. "You can try."

  She went to the fridge and got his sipping cup with milk in it. She handed it to Giovanni. He carried his boy into the living room and sat down in the recliner. He gave him the cup and rocked him.

  Mirabella watched them for a few minutes and smiled. "Come find me when you're done."

  She went upstairs, confident that he would lose that battle.


  "Hey, baby," Marietta said as she eased in under the covers next to her husband. Lorenzo groaned but lifted his arm so she could come close. "Hungry?"

  "What time is it?" he asked.

  "Early, I dunno. I think Mira is downstairs cooking breakfast."

  He opened one eye then the next. He smiled. "Not for food."

  She giggled as he smacked her ass under the covers.

  "How was last night?" he asked.

  "Fun. We played records and talked about her life here with the grandparents. She showed me so many pictures, Lo. It’s amazing how much I missed growing up. I could have been here, if.... well it doesn't matter now. I'm here."

  "Yes, you are."

  "I was thinking. I dunno. I was thinking of calling my adoptive mother."

  "What? Why?"

  "I know I've said horrible things about her. And I know you got me some justice. But she was the only mother I've known, and I'm not angry anymore. I feel like it’s done. I'm happy. I want her to know it. Does that make any sense?"

  "No. But if you want to call her I won’t stop you. I just think we should move on."

  "I guess you're right." Marietta rested her head on his chest.

  "Is there a phone here? One I can use to call home?" Lorenzo asked.

  "I think so. I saw one in the kitchen. Not sure if it’s on, or if you can make long distance calls. I'll find out." She said and tried to escape the bed. He stopped her. He rolled on top of her and started to kiss her face and neck. Marietta giggled. She stretched her arms up above her head and put her hands to the headboard. Lorenzo drew up her short nightie and kissed her round tummy.

  "The baby move yet?"

  "Not yet. She's sleeping," Marietta said.

  He kissed the baby again. He rested his face against her bump gently. Careful not to put too much pressure. She stroked his head. They were so tense with each other in Italy. Every conversation was about Isabella. Every thought was about the pending doom of his secrets being uncovered. It was such a waste of energy and time. Isabella would be found. Their enemies would be destroyed. Her husband was more than capable of doing both.

  "Ever think about moving from Italy? Leaving Sicily? Coming to America? What life for us could be here?"

  "No," he said. "I hate America."

  "Stop it. America is great! It could be good. And there is so much opportunity. You got business here, and Mirabella's is still in L.A. We could have a real life."

  "Our life is in Italy. Our family is Italy. We can have it all there." He lifted his head from her belly and looked at her. "Do you agree?"

  "Yes, Lo. I agree. As long as I have you, our family life couldn't be better for me."

  Lorenzo eased up her body and stopped to lick playfully and suck her nipple. Without warning, he was inside of her. And she liked the way her body had to adjust suddenly to the invasion. He sucked on one nipple then the other. She held on to his arms and thrust her pelvis up in time with each stroke. She let him love her, and she loved him the best way she knew how.


  The church was a hundred
and sixty years old. A freed slave who led the rebellion against plantation owners who refused to educate slaves founded it. And later those same freemen created the community of Apple Grove. It was a traditional looking American structure. A white church with a steeple sat on twenty-two acres of land. Giovanni slowed as his van merged with a procession of cars. Two men with orange vests directed the parking. The cars were lined up across the lawn. Giovanni was instructed to turn left to find a slot. He could see out across the field covered with balloons, tents, and tables. There were also three huge barrels turned on their sides and split into half turned into grills. And the music could be heard even with the windows rolled up. It was a celebration.

  "Park over there, sweetie." Mirabella pointed.

  "Mommy, where are we?" Eve asked.

  "Church," Marietta answered.

  Giovanni parked. He glanced at his wife. "Is all of this for you?"

  "I guess so. For us. Let's get out. We're late," she mumbled.

  They had driven thirty miles outside of Apple Grove to a little cafe for breakfast. And then the family took a tour through some recreational parks. The kids were able to see Cliffside views of mountains. Much different than the ones they were used too in Italy. Marietta snapped many pictures. And then they saw a bear. Eve howled with excitement. It was the highlight of the morning. Mirabella also found a farm she knew of that let Eve ride the horses. She's ridden before in Sorrento, but her little girl took every experience as if it were a new adventure.

  "Giovanni, can you get the boys please?" Mirabella asked. She was using baby wipes to clean Eve from the chocolate Lorenzo kept feeding her. Giovanni unbuckled his sons and helped them out the van. They were a bit anxious for freedom and began to run the moment their feet hit the ground.

  "Mia! Hi!" A female voice yelped.

  Giovanni looked up. A short woman with poufy hair waved her hand at them. She walked fast with two teenage boys following. "Ohmygod! It is you. Minnie said you were coming, but I didn't believe them. Look at you! Welcome home!" the woman grinned. She hugged Mirabella tight. "Ohmygod, Mia! I’m so happy to see you" she said and squeezed her.

  "Hi, Sheila. I want you to meet my family."

  "This is my daughter Eve," Mirabella said.

  "Hi, sweetheart."

  "Ciao," Eve said.

  "Ciao? Aren't you a doll baby! Ciao! I love it!"

  "This is my sister Marietta and her husband Lorenzo," Mirabella said.

  Sheila's smile faded. She looked at Marietta with wide-stretched eyes. She looked to Mirabella. "I saw on the TV. I didn't believe it. How... how do you have a sister? And now some mafia brother in Sicily? It's all on the news! Your mama too... they had found some pictures from when she used to sing in Philly. Had her face on the news," Sheila babbled.

  Mirabella acted as if Sheila never spoke.

  "And this is my husband, Giovanni, with my two sons."

  Giovanni brought the boys over, carrying Gianni and pulling Gino along.

  "Hi, there, nice to meet all of you. Oh! These here are my boys Terrance and Curtis."

  The boys rolled their eyes as if bored. Sheila gave a nervous squeak before laughter. "Well, come on then. So many folks here today. It's right over there. You know, where your grandfather used to have his revivals. Bless his soul. We still miss him, Mia. And we miss you, too. So glad you came home. It's a shame you haven't seen their graves in so many years. They buried here, honey. Remember?" Sheila said to Marietta. "Right over there. You get to meet your grand folk."

  Mirabella glared at Sheila. Giovanni knew that look from his wife. But Sheila acted as if she didn't see it. She hurried the kids along. The family didn't move. They all waited for Mirabella to say or do something. And in an instant, she did just that. She took Eve's hand and led the family through the maze of cars toward the open tented area. Giovanni put Gianni down, and the boys walked at his side. Each kept up. They seemed a bit confused and overwhelmed by the celebration. Other than family, the children weren't exposed to many strangers or new sights and sounds.

  Many people stopped mid conversation to stare at them. Some gave wan smiles when Giovanni's gaze shifted toward them, but none of them approached or welcomed them the way Sheila did. He felt as if his wife and her family were on display. And odd sensation came over her. One he hadn’t felt since he was a kid. It was akin to trepidation.

  Mirabella walked ahead of him. She chose to wear a bright orange halter-top and blue jean shorts. Her new hair cut was smoothed back into a slender ponytail. She looked ten years younger. Eve kept close to her mother, looking around and then back to her father with confusion. The music was gospel. Giovanni recognized it because Mirabella would often play it at home.

  "You see what I see?" Lorenzo whispered through his clenched teeth.

  Giovanni nodded. "Not a friendly face in the crowd."

  "Are we sure we were invited?" Lorenzo chuckled.

  "Ignore it," Giovanni warned. His wife wanted them to do this, so she had to have had her reasons.

  "Mia! Welcome! Oh, it's so wonderful to see you!" A man with a priest’s collar approached his wife. Giovanni watched as the two embraced. Several men were behind him. Each made sure to shake the hands of Giovanni and Lorenzo.

  "Giovanni, everyone, this is Clyde Jr. He's the minister here at Shepherd’s Cross. And my cousin."

  Mirabella introduced the family. But most were fascinated with the children. Giovanni noticed the way they commented on their eyes. The reaction was a mix of shock, a few double blinked in disbelief, and others looked on with adoration. He couldn't settle on whether they were in friendly territory or not. And he still hadn't met the family that Mirabella said would be present. Before him now were strangers and more strangers and the minster.

  The Reverend smiled broadly. He made a big production of greeting each one of them with a familiar hug. Which Giovanni accepted his welcome stiffly Marietta seems to be open to all the attention, and Lorenzo indifferent. It was then that the other parishioners and townspeople felt the approval was granted for them to swarm in. Taking the lead was Mirabella's long lost family. Giovanni was overwhelmed with well-wishers. Everyone that reached him wanted to share how they were related to Mirabella. Marietta was pulled away and surrounded by women. And the kids. Gianni howled and cried reaching for him; Gino shook his head hard to say no to a woman trying to coax him into her arms, and Eve also began to cry and turn away from the attention. The people touched their hair, kissed their faces, and every single one of them made comments about their physical appearance.

  It was enough to make Giovanni want to go for the gun he kept discreet strapped to his ankle and fire a warning shot in the air. Thankfully Mirabella interceded. She took Gianni from one stranger and had another put Eve down. She brought the kids in close and moved closer to him as she presented her family with pride. Giovanni was grateful for his sunglasses. At least he was partially able to mask his discomfort. For one, he and Lorenzo including the kids had never been around so many black people at once before. For another, the people of Apple Grove, though American, spoke with such heavy southern American drawls, that it was hard to understand them. They couldn't tell if they were greeting them or asking what time it was.

  "Come, we have food. And games for the kids. Oh hi, I'm her second cousin Deloris. My mama is Tanya, she was first cousins with Lisa, her mother, and our grandmother were sisters. Over there was Pete, and Dylan, they were both the sons of Auntie Melanie, who is her first cousin. And right there is Uncle Timmy; he's Clyde Sr.’s brother. Kevin and Eric are my sons, they right there. And you have to meet Uncle Derek. He on the grill over there..."

  Giovanni stopped listening. He stepped back instead of forward, to look for a break in the crowd. Eve clutched his pant leg in her little hand. He swept her up in his arms and walked away to cool his anxiety. It was too uncommon for him to have people in his face, and touching him, and speaking to him at once. He didn't do crowds. Not even his own family moved him in such a forward way.<
br />
  "Family can be a bit much," A man approached from the left. He turned his head and met the cold stare of a dark skinned man the same height and build as him.

  "Papa, voglio andare a casa--I wanna go home," Eve said.

  He patted her back to reassure her. The man moved his toothpick in his mouth and glanced to Mirabella when he spoke. "Welcome to Apple Grove, you must be the husband I see on television. Mia's husband?"

  Giovanni didn't bother to answer because it felt more like a statement than a question.

  "I'm Cutter," the man said.

  And then he knew his instincts were correct. He glanced to Mirabella who was staring at the man, and then to the man himself. Eve hugged his neck tighter when a family member came over to try to coax her from his arms. He wanted to continue the conversation with the man named Cutter, but after Giovanni refused to shake his hand walked away. Two other men, taller than Cutter and Giovanni both, with muscled shoulders and arms, big enough to rival Nico, flanked him. They headed to the tent where the food was offered.

  Eve started protesting the touch of the stranger in Italian. She told the woman to go away repeatedly. The woman didn't understand her, and she continued to reach for his daughter.

  "Vaffanculo," Giovanni said in Italian. In a reflex reaction, he told her to fuck off. The woman’s eyes stretched. She looked horrified by Giovanni's sharp biting tone and manner. Though she didn't know what he said, it was clear what he meant. She stepped back and then away. He wanted to apologize. He didn't want to leave a wrong impression. But seeing Cutter, the man who caused his wife so much pain, left him reeling. He wasn't used to having to suppress so many emotions at once. If a person made him uncomfortable or angry in any way, he dealt with it.

  Mirabella walked over. His wife carried Gianni. She had an older woman and the woman named Minnie with her. Giovanni couldn't see where Gino was carried off to, or who took him. He decided at that moment it was best to leave. He didn't know what he might say or do next.

  "Eve, sweetheart. See Gino, look over there..." Mirabella said.

  Eve lifted her head from Giovanni's shoulder. She looked to where her mother pointed. There was an inflatable blue castle. Kids were being helped inside. The children jumped and did flips. Gino was going in with the support of Lorenzo and two other women. He didn't see where Marietta had gone off to. Apparently, Lorenzo had got over any apprehension he had. He smiled and laughed with several people.


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