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Every Last Mother's Child

Page 131

by William J. Carty, Jr


  The next morning, Marshal Wilson was working early in his palace office. He had gone to work earlier than usual, as he had been planning to go out to where some of his people were working. He also wanted to see the clear cutting first hand. He had seen the video his wife had taken; but not with his own eyes. He had not intended to be in this early. He had been expecting to just go out to the landing pad after breakfast and hop the flight he had requested, but when Jill had come home and was so excited about what she had been doing, and told both he and Lisa what she had found at the old boarding school, he changed his plans. More so when he had found out what Lady Hawthorne wanted Jill to be. He had discussed it with Lisa and his mother after the kid had gone to bed. They both thought it wouldn’t be a bad thing for the girl to be involved with. Although he had reservations about turning the school into a military academy he knew that the kids needed some discipline in their lives, and caring adults. This could work and it helped get his commission done.

  He was already working on part of the problem when Lady Hawthorne and the Queen stopped by.

  “Marshal,” Lady Hawthorne and the Queen entered Wilson’s office.

  “Good morning Ladies,” Wilson said glancing at the clock display on his terminal. He was surprised how early it was. “What brings you here so early?”

  “We wanted to talk to you before you headed out this morning.” The Queen answered.

  “Oh what about,” Wilson asked.

  “We want to talk to you about your little angle.” Lady Hawthorne answered mischievously.

  “Now what has my little angel gone and done now? Abby is such sweet child,” Mike asked innocently.

  “We’re talking about your other angel,” the Queen responded, “Jill!”

  “That’s not an angel,” Michael replied, “That’s a teenager! They stop being an angel after about thirteen. Now what has she gone she done?”

  “Oh the usual over active teenage stuff that drove our parents’ nuts,” Lady Hawthorne continued.

  “Huh, huh,” Mike leaned back in his chair as Liz turned to see what was going on. She knew what the Queen and the noble woman had in mind. She had been working with the Marshal to help make it happen since she had gotten in. “Did she get into some trouble at the school I need to know about?”

  “Oh tons of it,” Lady Hawthorne replied, “But we figured out a suitable punishment for her, we just need you to agree to it.”

  “Oh no,” Michael said wondering how far the two women would take it.

  “Enough Deloris,” The Queen said seeing that Wilson was enjoying the session and wasn’t being tormented or teased as they had hoped. He obviously knew what was going on.

  “Okay Your Majesty,” Deloris answered then sat down in Wilson’s guest chair, “Sir Mike, your daughter connected with those kids like it was magic.” Lady Hawthorne continued, “I don’t know why but it happened. After it was brought to our attention we had the school’s AI show us some of the holos that she had recorded of Jill. Without a doubt she is your daughter. I showed the Queen the Holos and she agreed with me that Jill should be our student liaison to those kids.”

  “Okay,” Wilson said, “but from what Jill said you guys thought of going another direction.”

  “Yeah,” The Queen responded, “we are thinking about turning the orphanage into a military school or academy.”

  “That’s what Jill had said,” Mike commented, “I think it’s a good idea but within reason. I don’t want any of those kids forced into it. I want it to be their decision. Then when those kids are not in school I might want to use them in our command posts, and some of our facilities. I think if they can be part of the operation we’ll help them feel wanted it might help them. Many of those kids have got to be having some hard feelings about being abandoned by their parents. Some of them have got to feel; that they might be abandoned by us. But kids only ages 12 to 18.”

  “What about the little kids?” Deloris asked, “We have to do something with them.”

  “Not a big problem.” Mike said, “8 to 12 can be junior cadets. They won’t be able to be used at the places where the older kids will be but they can dream about being members of the cadet force. The real little kids there isn’t much we can do. We’ll have our hands full just trying to keep them under control.”

  “Page,” the Queen spoke. She had come to a decision earlier but wanted to see if her marshal would buy into it he was.

  “Yes majesty?” the AI appeared as a young girl of sixteen apparently dressed in the livery of the royal family.

  “I am making a royal decree,” the Queen spoke to the AI.

  “Yes majesty,” the AI said

  “As of this day, the old Trenaport Boarding School will become the Headquarters of the Queen’s Own Royal Corps of Cadets. Further children who are 12 to 18 of age who have been abandoned by their families, or who are orphaned or who are brought to the school are eligible to become cadets of the Queen’s Own Royal Corps of Cadets. Other children ages 12 to 18 may petition to become part of the corps subject to the approval of the Cadets officer corps, and adult advisors.

  “Children who are younger than 12 years of age may become junior cadets and will after serving at least two years in the junior division (ages 8 to 12) if they are in good standing with their officers will be accepted as cadets in my corps. Children who don’t wish to be part of the corps of cadets will be housed at the boarding school but will not be subject to the rules and regulations of the corps.

  The Queen spoke after a few minutes of thought, “Children who reside in this institution are my wards until such a time they reach their age of majority, reunited with their families, or adopted.”

  “Additionally,” the Queen said, “The first cadet commander of the academy will be Jill Wilson. Then providing her mother agrees, and Lamile Atomi so desires, Lamile Atomi will be the corps deputy commander.”

  Wilson nodded in full agreement.

  “What am I missing,” The Queen asked.

  “Your majesty,” Liz asked “Why now, we’re about five months from getting off here, and the academy will be a short lived thing. Is there something better we can do for those kids?”

  The Queen looked at Wilson’s secretary, understanding what the young woman was asking. “Yes this might be too little and too late. But it will give those kids some hope and make them feel part of the solution and not part of the problem. Also right now, I am standing in as local parentis. As the highest governmental authority it is my responsibility to make sure those kids are taken care of. This is the only way I know how to do this!”

  “Your Majesty,” Liz said seeing a flash of anger on her monarch’s face, she forgot that Wilson didn’t mind her challenging some of his decisions and had assumed that the Queen would not mind being challenged. “I’m sorry. I just want to make sure like you, that we get every last mother’s child off this world. I should have been quiet”

  “Liz,” The Queen said, “you don’t need to apologize. You were right to ask the same question that others would. It gives me a chance to formulate my answer.

  “Computer,” The Queen continued

  “Yes Ma’am?” the AI answered.

  “Clean up that pronouncement and get it out.” The Queen said, “I want you to add, that Lady Hawthorne, is reassigned as the school’s liaison. She answers to me and to the Marshal and no one else.”

  “Your majesty,” Jonesy face appeared in the air over Wilson’s desk. Wilson had been working the other part of the problem with his Logistics Coordinator. “I have been working to get clothing to the academy. I found some extra uniforms aboard one of the Imperial Warships, the Stuart. That are being declared surplus. It should fit all but the smallest of the kids. They are marine uniforms of all types. Dress, office, battle, this includes boots, shoes, belts. Seems the lieutenant in charge of the stores ordered too many. If you don’t mind your cadets looking like Imperial Marines, I think we can make it work

  “Is that going to be okay with the Princess? And the Empire?” the Queen asked.

  “I’ve cleared it with their sergeant, and the lieutenant and they say it’s okay.” Jonesy said, “Sergeant Millie was happy to get rid of them. She says she has been tripping over them for three months! She said she would even get them delivered.”

  “Make it happen,” the Queen said.

  “Yes ma’am,” Jonesy replied. Her face turned towards Marshal Wilson, “Do you want me to have them pull a set of uniforms for Miss Jill?

  “Yes.” Michael answered after a moment of thought, “I’ll get Jill up to the Stuart so she can get outfitted. Liz, would you get a set of orders cut for Jill to go to the Stuart. I’ll call up and let them know she’s on her way up.”

  “Uh skipper,” Liz asked, “Wouldn’t it be better to do this at the academy or at your home?”

  “No.” Mike said, “I want her to start thinking like a young officer, and then I think it’s better for the guys at school to see her arrive in uniform. It starts them thinking of her as an officer not just another kid.”

  Liz nodded and turned to her desk to work on the Marshal’s request.

  “Mike,” Aggie suddenly turned to her marshal and asked, “I guess I should have asked earlier, but are you and Lisa okay with this? I know Jill is but are you?”

  “Yes,” Michael said, “it gives her something to do. Also the responsibility will be good for her. I wasn’t much older than Jill when I finished boot and on my first assignment. I am concerned that we’re putting too much responsibility on her; but I trust that you and Deloris to make sure she is taken care of. I am more worried about losing Deloris than I am about letting Jill do this. Lady H you have been a godsend to my command!”

  Lady Hawthorne was quiet as Wilson continued, “But those kids need you more than I do. And helping them gets my commission done. If you need anything let me know.”

  “That I will Marshal,” Lady Hawthorne replied.

  “Thank you both,” The Queen said, “I got to go. Mike I will see you after your visits. Lady Hawthorne, good luck.”

  Both women left as Liz handed her boss a cup of coffee and the draft orders he had requested. He requested that the computer call his home, so he could inform Lisa of what had transpired.

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