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Every Last Mother's Child

Page 156

by William J. Carty, Jr

  Chapter 5: Punishment and Rewards

  The Queen walked on to the main landing pad of the Palace where General Latimar was already waiting for her. He was still in the uniform that he had been arrested in. The general stood tall and proud, beside the two Thonian military police officers who had custody of him. He was not in shackles, or restrained in any way. Not that he was going to be allowed to harm the Queen. One of McGregor’s snipers was nearby where he could take the general down in the blink of an eye should he pose a threat to the Queen.

  “General,” The Queen spoke. She was flanked on either side by Mike Wilson, and Larry Mercer with General Qoum nearby. “You stand before me charged with looting, behavior unbecoming a queen’s officer, plus conspiracy. These are the most severe charges. There are a score of others, miss appropriation of crown property, tax fraud, receiving stolen property, selling stolen property. Have I missed anything Lord Mercer?”

  “No Majesty.” Lord Mercer replied.

  “General,” the Queen spoke to the fallen officer, “you know I have seen the evidence, and have witnessed a part of your criminal activity when you were arrested. Before you make your appeal I suggest that you carefully consider your words and plea. What say you?”

  “Your majesty, I have dishonored the crown, my service and my family.” the general said, he was trying to beat a death sentence. For looting and conspiracy to commit looting he could be executed right on the spot. There wasn’t an argument that he was innocent. He was shown the entire evidence file against him. He had been seen personally looting a house of a now departed Trena Noble. Also exhorting others to loot nearby homes in a town his troops were passing through to their next assignment. They had stopped for a couple hours for his troops to ransack a small town. “I fall upon the mercy of my sovereign, wanting not to save myself but; to ensure that my children and spouses will not be harmed in anyway. Yes I am guilty of the charges you lay against me.”

  “Lord Wilson, do you have anything to say?” The Queen asked.

  Wilson was still furious over the incident. He wanted a pound of flesh from the general. He wanted the general to be punished in such a way that no one else would do the same thing. But he also needed to make sure he didn’t alienate the other officers in the Evacuation Command. After all he was just a sergeant that had been reached down for and made into an officer. Not just an officer but the Commander In Chief for the entire unit. There were some bitter officers who thought they should have been made the Evacuation Team leader, not Wilson.

  Wilson was quiet for a few minutes deep in thought, “Your majesty. I am loath and am appalled that a general in my command would dishonor his oath, and the entire evacuation command. His actions cheapen, and soil everything we have done to ensure that the people of Trena get off world safely. He was charged with the task of securing the abandon homes, and possessions of our departed citizens against the very thing he did. I cannot in good conscience offer amnesty. I would suggest mercy. He has admitted guilt after all. He has not tried to deny it I suggest mercy.”

  “Lord Mercer?” The Queen turned to her oldest most trusted advisor.

  “Your majesty, the man is nothing but a criminal, a criminal in the uniform of your service. He has stolen, cheated, and lied to his superiors and has disgraced his nation as no one has in uniform in quite a while. Although he does deserve the death sentence; I too recommend mercy. Maybe the others who were arrested with him for following his orders can be salvaged. If we execute him we have to execute everyone who was arrested with him. Many of those misguided officers have turned Crown’s Witness.”

  “General Qoum,” the young monarch turned to the Commander of the Trena Militia.

  “It would dishonor the service to execute this piece of offal. I would not like to have my soldier’s hands soiled by the execution of this officer. While I would like to see him executed, it will not do the service any good. I therefore recommend mercy also.”

  “General Larimer.” The Queen said, “You and your family will be transported to the Terran Imperial Prison of Dungeon. You will be stripped in grade to private. You will lose all privileges of your grade of general, and your rank as a brigade commander. If you choose not to have your wives and children go with you into exile, a place will be made for them on Home if they choose. They will receive a full grant should none of them have so much as a halfpenny from the properties that you have looted. That is my ruling.”

  “Thank you your majesty.” the general said. Going to the “Rock” was far better than being executed, though by the “Rock’s” reputation he might be dead in months. Thankfully none of his wives or children had any inclination of what he was doing.

  “Dismissed,” The Queen commanded.

  “Prisoner, attention!” Two guards wearing plain kakis approached the general. They were from the Rock as Dungeon was called. They were on Trena to coordinate the removal of prisoners to the Rock that the people of Trena didn’t want in their prisons or to transport to Home.

  The general snapped to attention. Then without much more ceremony the guards stripped him down to his skin. Then, taking out an arm band they snapped it around his arm. There was a bright light near the seam and the device was permanently sealed on the general’s arm. The general cringed from the pain, nearly fainting. The arm band announced to the world he was a prisoner in transit to Dungeon. If he tried to escape from his escort he could be shot. If he was found off Dungeon he could be executed. The arm band was active and he had to stay within sixty feet of his escorts until he was put in a brig to be transported to Dungeon. If he wandered away from his escort or got out of the detention center an escort it would kill him instantly. The escort handed him a tan jump suite that had a capital “P” on the back and front. The idea was to let prisoner know he was no longer in control of his person.

  “Prisoner fall in!” the detail leader called. “Forward March.”

  Before the Queen and the remainder of the people of Trena, the General was marched off to his exile. It was a prison world that the Empire, the Realm and Trena sent the worse criminals in their nations. It killed 6 out of 10 prisoners the first six months on world. But it could be survived, and not necessarily by being the baddest meanest person on the planet. There were some villages and towns where the force of law existed, and it was peaceful.

  It had been an unpleasant thing. But it had to be done. Now that she had sentenced the officer to Dungeon the prison world, she, General Qoum, Marshal Wilson, and Lord Mercer left the landing area and walked to the audience chamber where a very special event was to take place.

  The Queen had become quite impressed with what Lamile had accomplished, how she had gone about it, and the way the adults who had been watching over her reported about her activities.

  Unknown to Wilson the Queen had asked that his aide bring his coronation sword to the audience chamber, as the four of them walked in his aide handed it to him. Puzzled, Marshal Wilson buckled it on. As they walked into the chamber proper a young voice called out, “Corps of Cadets! Atten-hut!”

  Wilson turned towards the voice and saw not only the cadets from the Queen’s Own Royal Corps of Cadets standing at attention. Behind them stood Lady Hathaway and several of the retired and active duty NCOs who were the corps instructors and advisors. Standing at rigid attention in front of the cadets was his daughter. As her father and the Queen passed she fired off a salute and reported, “The Queen’s Own Royal Corps of Cadets reporting as ordered your majesty.”

  “As you were cadets,” The Queen responded. The Queen looked to her left and saw a company of black guardsmen, militia officers and enlisted men and women and others who had been working behind the scenes to help Lamile now standing at ease. The Queen looked to Princess Carroll and nodded, asking, “General Alphine will you join me on the dais please.”

  “Certainly your majesty,” The princess joined the small parade to the throne.

  When they got there Mylea now i
n her dress uniform was standing with General Langtree dressed in his dress uniform as well. When the Queen reached the throne she turned and nodded to the door man. Who was standing before the ornate ceremonial door to the throne room.

  He opened the door. With the door opened he slammed down his baton on the floor calling, “It is with great honor, I present to Her Majesty Queen Agatha and this assembly of Cadets, Officers, and dignitaries, Miss Lamile Atomi, Wanderer, Rescuer of the One Thousand.”

  Lamile timidly stepped into the throne room as the Senior NCO cried out, “Room Atten-hut! Hand Salute!”

  With those simple words every man and woman in uniform, either that of Trena or that of other star nations came to attention and saluted the young woman who was now very uncomfortably approaching her sovereign. She saw her mother, her Uncle Mike, General Langtree, and Princess Carroll all standing at attention and saluting her. It took her breath away to see her mother, and her uncle Mike honoring her this way.

  Once at the throne the NCO called “Return!” and the military personnel present slipped into at ease.

  “Well Miss Atomi,” The Queen said drumming her fingers on the large ornate throne’s arm, “What do you have to say for yourself?”

  “Say for myself,” the young woman muttered.

  “Yes,” the young queen replied trying hard to suppress a smile, “You have a lot to account for. The Crown has noticed your work of the last month or so and it has been brought to our attention that your efforts have saved the lives of over a thousand children. What do you say for yourself?”

  “Majesty I just couldn’t let those children be left behind.” Lamile responded.

  “I see,” the Queen continued to drum her fingers on the arm of her throne. “You scared the crap out of your mother and worried the death out of me.” The Queen continued, “You have impressed the daylights out of General Alphine. What are we going to do with you young lady?”

  “May I your majesty,” Lisa who had been waiting with Lamile outside the throne room, had joined the group on the dais.

  “Go ahead,” The Queen nodded.

  “It is obvious to one and all that this child, uh excuse me, young lady has accomplished much in the last month. But that she needs some strong guidance. My good friend, Mylea, her mother, and I have spoken for hours about her just and deserving pun... uh reward. We have come up with a solution should Lamile be willing.”

  “I trust this will be strenuous and fit the err results of her work.” The Queen asked.

  “Oh, indeed your majesty! May I approach,” Lady Wilson asked.

  The Queen nodded, and Lisa appeared to whisper into the sovereign’s ear; but this had all been worked out a week or so ago. They were only waiting for Lamile to get her kids to Trenaport. The Queen appeared to vigorously shake her head, then Lisa spoke again and the Queen nodded. Lisa stepped back.

  “Lamile Atomi!” The Queen finally turning back to the young woman, “Although your mother has threaten to send you to beast week at the Black Guard Basic, or make you think you were there for scaring the crap out of her. Her friends have convinced her that this might be too rough on the Black Guard.” the brought a chuckle from the assembled Black Guardsmen, “General Qoum seems to think you would be a problem in the Trena Militia Academy, and your uncle Mike seems to think that you would drive his instructors nuts at the police academy too. So we have come up with a fitting punis...err reward for your service to the crown.”

  Lamile gulped a bit. She knew she was in deep trouble with her mother that there would be a private session that would be anything; but pleasant for either of them. But she had no idea the Queen was going to extract some flesh too.

  “Kneel, Miss Atomi,” The Queen commanded turning to Mike, “Your sword Lord Wilson!”

  “Aye,” an astonished Wilson drew his sword. No one had told him what was about to happen. The Queen and his wife had kept what they had been planning very close to their vests.

  She took the sword from his hand and turned to the young woman in front of her.

  “By the power invested in me by the House of Lords, and the people of Trena, I commission you Lady Atomi, of the Queen’s Own Royal Corps of Cadets. From this day forth, you will associate yourself with the orphaned, and the recovered children of Trena who find their way to the academy.” She danced the sword lightly on each shoulder of the young woman.

  “Your Majesty, I swear a blood oath of fealty to the crown and the children who are now in my care.” The young woman said having read about the Trena knighthood ceremony in her high school civics class. “And serve at the pleasure of the crown.”

  “Rise!” the Queen said sternly.

  The young woman did as instructed. Wilson unbuckled his swords belt and approached the young woman. He quickly placed the belt around her waist drawing it tight. Then took the sword from the sovereign’s hand and gave it to Lamile, “Lady Atomi, This is my commissioning sword. This sword was given to me by General Alphine on the circumstances of my commissioning as a knight commander of the Earth Empire. May you never draw it, in anything other than in the defense of your commission!”

  “Aye,” the young woman took a step back and as she had seen her Uncle Mike do on more than one occasion brought the sword sharply up in front of her face and sharply down again saluting him before she holstered the weapon. Wilson saluted the young woman and said softly, “Turn and face the room Lamile. You need to say a few words.”

  The young woman nodded and turned to face the assembly. At first she was at a loss for words. Then shuddered a bit as she seem to pull herself together.

  “I don’t know what to say.” Lamile started, “I had some extraordinary help.” She noticed that several of the kids from the march were now in the back of the room. “Alan and Rhonda to name two of my lieutenants. I owe a great debt to the Black Guardsmen and others who shadowed me and the kids. Making sure no harm came to us. To General Langtree who somehow managed to get rations to us without it looking that he had. To my mother who let me do this thing though as a few have said she must have wanted my scalp for causing her so much worry. I also want to say thank you to a very special person. Lord Wilson. He has been my uncle ever since I was born, between his example of leadership, and my mother’s care of me I would never have even attempted this.

  “We all owe a duty to those who need help.” Lamile continue passionately, “Lord Wilson and my mother have shown me over the years what it means to have a duty, and obligation to people. I only hope that over the next few years as I set forth on the adventure that her majesty, my family, and my friends have started me, on I can do as well they have tried to teach me. So we can get back to the business of getting our people off world let me finished by saying Uncle Mike has taught me that it is people dummy, and therefore it is you the assembled officers, enlisted people, adults and children alike that make Trena great, and will make Home even greater as we work to get every last mother child out of danger.”

  As the room thundered with applause, Mike locked eyes with his best friend as he nodded saying to Mylea, in that simple statement, you did good mom!

  When the applause settled down, Queen Agatha stepped up beside her newest noble woman and escorted her to the throne room doors. There they stood as those who witnessed Lamile’s coronation to knighthood, personally acknowledged Lamile’s elevation. The first people to come up to the Queen and Lamile were some of the kids from the Long March. The first person of that group the Queen and Lamile received was Rhonda.

  “Thank you,” the teenager shook Lamile’s hand in awe that she knew a noble woman and was going to shake the hand of her queen.

  “I could not have done it without you and Alan’s help,” Lamile replied.

  Rhonda could feel the genuine gratitude in her friend’s emotions. She nodded and walked on.

  The kids from the long march were followed by the cadets of the Queen’s Own Royal Corps of Cadets lead by her friend Jill, “Congratulations Lady Atomi!”
/>   “Thank you,” Lamile replied.

  “You’re welcome,” Jill responded and walked by.

  All of the people who witnessed her coronation came up to her and congratulated her accomplishment. The last people in line was her mother, Uncle Mike and Aunt Lisa. Her Mother was accompanied by General Langtree. Lisa simply hugged her. General Langtree saluted, as did Uncle Mike. Her mother with a tear creeping down her face, “welcome home Lamile. I am very proud of you. Very proud of you. Now let’s get you home.”

  “Lady Atomi,” the Queen turned to her newest and youngest noble woman. “Thank you very much. You have helped us get this job done.”

  “You’re welcome,” Lamile responded, “Your Majesty.”

  “One day in a week or so I would like to hear about your exploits.” The Queen spoke to her.

  “Right now I would like to go home sleep in my own bed.” Lamile continued, “I rather expect that mom and I have some err things to discuss.”

  “Mylea,” The Queen looked to the older woman, “I never did thank you for the loan of your daughter. Thank you. Not only do I thank you; but the people of Trena thank you for fine job you have done raising this young lady to womanhood.”

  “You are welcomed.” Mylea said. “She’s mostly a good girl. Mostly.”

  “With only the occasional bout of first degree teenageism.” Lisa said patting the Lamile’s back.

  “Oh Lamile,” The Queen handed Lamile an envelope sealed with the royal seal.

  Lamile turned the envelope over wondering what was in it.

  “That’s your commission,” The Queen spoke to Lamile, “Your commission is to work with those kids, Lady Hawthorne, will be your immediate supervisor. Lamile, I had a long talk with the Lieutenant and sergeant who did most of the shadowing of your group. They both have nothing but good words for you. The lieutenant also related parts of your conversation from this afternoon. I think you have a noble ambition. Part of your commissioning includes a small annuity, and a scholarship to any school that you choose to go to. I would hope you would use it to get some book learning on social services.”

  “Now get out of here you three,” The Queen said looking at Mylea, General Langtree, and Lamile in the eye. “I don’t want to see you for a couple of days XO. That’s a Crown Order.”

  “Yes Ma’am,” Was all that Mylea said as the Queen walked away with her protective detail.

  “Mylea,” Lisa said, “let us know if you want to get together later or if you need anything.” Lisa said. Then turning to Lamile, “You did good my friend. Very good. But you ever worry me like that again we are going to talk.”

  “Yes Aunt Lisa,” the young woman said contritely, “Trust me I know we all are going to talk about this one.”

  “Let’s get you home,” the general said, as he gently took her mother’s hand as they walked from the Queen’s residence. Lamile noticed how much her mother was enjoying the act of affection. She wondered what had gone on while she had been gone. She was going to have to talk with Jill as soon as possible.


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