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Every Last Mother's Child

Page 167

by William J. Carty, Jr


  Alice left the maintenance group headquarters the next morning with her transfer orders in hand. She didn’t have to report for 24 hours so she took the time to stop in at an abandoned electronics shop.

  She needed one more tool to help her in her search for the AI. Part of her job was communications security. She knew somehow that the AI was monitoring communications. After finding the bugs on the Queen’s blouse she knew that she needed some tools to find the bugs she knew were scattered in the palace. She couldn’t be everywhere she needed to be and she didn’t want anyone to know she was more than a computer repair technician. So she began building the tool she needed.

  It was small not more than 15 inches long and 9 inches tall. It had a long extension on the rear of the device. It had four articulated legs that allowed it to climb. She packed the small frame with receivers of every type imaginable. She completed her handy work by covering it with black material. No one would ever think that her creation was anything other than a black cat.

  She watched the cat walk around the work table where she had assembled it. It jumped down and began to rub her legs. The robot continued to purr as it rubbed up and down her legs following its program letting her know that it had found nothing. She picked up the robot and pet it saying, “Bugs it’s time to get to the palace!”

  She left the shop and went to a pet shop that was still open and bought a carrier for Bugs. Then she reported to the palace. As she tried to sign in the lieutenant in charge of the militia on duty at the palace told her, “Sergeant, You’ll have to get rid of the cat. There’s no personal pets allowed on post.”

  “I have a letter from Mrs. Atomi,” Alice presented the letter she had written with Mylea’s signature on it to the lieutenant, “That authorizes me to have Bugs with me.”

  The lieutenant read the letter and said, “It stays in your quarters. If it gets under foot or the royals complain you will have to get rid of it.”

  “Yes sir,” Alice replied.

  “You’ll be working with McGregor on some computer security issues,” The lieutenant said. He had been surprised when the sergeant had been assigned to his unit. “He saw your resume and service record. He was very impressed. Report to him after you get settled.”

  “Will tomorrow be okay?” Alice asked, “I need to find a place to stay in town.”

  “You’ll be rooming with Georgia Lancaster,” the lieutenant said. “Do you know her?”

  “No,” Alice answered. “Why?

  “She asked for you by name.” The lieutenant responded, “Most of the protective detail doesn’t have room mates.”

  “Oh,” Alice said and realized that the Marshal had been made aware of her transfer, and set up something for her.

  “See Major Donovan,” the Lieutenant continued, “Welcome aboard.”

  “Thank you,” She picked up the cat’s carrier to go in search of the Major. As she did bugs was noisily purring.

  “That is the loudest purring kitten I have ever heard!” The lieutenant commented. “Does he do it all the time?”

  “No,” Alice answered, “Only when he feels comfortable or likes someone.”

  “Oh,” the lieutenant responded. “He must like me.”

  “Yes he does,” Alice left the office. She smiled, enjoying the subterfuge she had just pulled off. Bugs’ purring was a signal to here that he found no bugs in the lieutenant’s office. She sent bugs a well done as she walked across the palace grounds to Major’s Office. In the major’s office the major saw bugs and said, “So this is the infamous Mr. Bugs?”

  “Yes sir,” Alice replied.

  “I understand that he is part of your detail,” the major reached in to scratch Bugs’ ears.

  “Yes,” Alice replied as bugs purred. “He is a great help.”

  “You’ve been schedule for the range this afternoon with Mac,” the major said, “He’s our firearms instructor. With everything that is going on I am insisting that all the security people on the ground go armed and be qualified.”

  “Fine,” Alice replied, she knew she would have no problem on the combat range.

  “I am not going to assign you to a watch,” the Major continued, “You are the only electronic security on person staff right now. I have asked for a lieutenant but Evac Manpower and the militia personnel office haven’t been able to locate one yet. We need to have more than just you; but we’ll make do. Make your own hours, but I want you hanging around the press tent during conferences. That’s all, sergeant!”

  “Thank you sir,” Alice came to attention and left the office. She went to the dorm to see if she could get into her room. She found that the AI wouldn’t let her in until Georgia was called. Georgia who had been standing post with Lady Wilson came quickly to the dorm when she saw Alice she called, “Alice! I haven’t seen you in years how are you?”

  “Fine,” Alice went to hug her. “How have you been?”

  “Fine,” Georgia gave the humbot a vigorous hug, “when I heard you were going to be assigned here I thought we could room together. Is that okay with you?”

  “Sure,” Alice said picking up her duffle bag and Bugs, “Lead on Georgia!”

  Once in their second floor room Bugs started to growl.

  “What’s his problem,” Georgia asked hearing the cat growl.

  “He’s ready to get out he’s been in there all morning,” Alice let Bugs out. He quickly went over to Georgia’s closet and began hissing. “Okay Bugs, it’s okay.”

  When she found the bug she found out what she could about it and she had bugs jam it while she opened her tool kit and took out a jammer and turned it on. The video would now show a flower vase and the most obnoxious music she could find. Georgia watched in awe as Alice and bugs did their thing.

  “Georgia Lancaster,” the protective agent introduced herself.

  “Alice Jones,” Alice shook the woman’s hand. “I take it you know who and what I am?”

  “Yes, “Georgia replied, “But I didn’t know your cat was part of the team.”

  “Yes he can go places I can’t and won’t be as obvious that he is searching for bugs and other mischief.” Alice said as the cat hopped up on the vanity’s chair and began to groom himself.

  “Is he an AI,” Georgia asked. She had never seen anything like Alice or the cat before.

  “He is an AI but he is more on the level of an expert system than a full fledge AI. He will act and behave like a normal house cat; but he is a lot smarter than a house cat but a lot dumber than an AI.” Alice replied.

  “To look at him you would never think he wasn’t a cat,” Georgia remarked.

  “That’s the whole idea,” Alice replied, “So why am I rooming with you?”

  “The Marshal thought that this might be a good idea for you to have a girlfriend that you can pal around with,” Georgia answered, “he thought that you might need a less than obvious way to contact the Marshal about your real purpose.”

  “So you know about the AI problem,” Alice asked.

  “The Marshal briefed me in the clean room,” Georgia replied, “He wanted to find a way for you to get a report to him if needed; he thought I could be your cut out.”

  “Okay,” Alice replied. “Oh shit I have to be on the range with Mr. McGregor.”

  “Have fun!” Georgia replied, “I have to get back on post.”


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