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Every Last Mother's Child

Page 188

by William J. Carty, Jr

  Chapter 7: A Pardon

  Though Jill was busy with the academy, she was never too busy to catch the news. She made a point to listen to a news cast at least once a day. The evacuation still continued on. It was amazing how isolated the academy was from what was going on around Trena. Her father had reluctantly decided that the cadets couldn’t be of use to the evacuation force as it was getting too raw. She watched a news report of a food riot in one of the small towns. Duke Horton, who had been questioning everything about the evacuation, had criticized the pass in review for her step mother. The evacuation command was making great progress of getting people off world. The news reports from Home were both grim and not so grim. She had seen the episodes where a couple of nobles had tried to take over on Home, but the people hadn’t wanted them. She had read with great interest where a woman named Suzy Gabriel had talked down a Lord Jenkins. Now as she studied she heard that the people of Home were starting to talk about forming a government. She wasn’t too concerned about it as the contract she signed with the Crown allowed exploration of Home and administration by crown representatives. She was almost certain that when it was all said in done that her family would still own a portion of Home in trust for the people of Trena but they wouldn’t be the rulers of the planet.

  The news media was reporting the fallout from her mother’s interview. It was being felt inside and outside of the empire. The interview had given the Empire what it needed to start reining the company in. As the empire began to round up the company officers, those persons who the Imperial Bureau of Justice felt had committed crimes against humanity they were getting more and more people to turn states evidence. Princess Carroll was getting a briefing from the emperor with every courier from Earth. She had been home when the Princess had brought in two sealed imperial decrees that had come from the Court of Columbus. She was with Lady Gray and Queen Agatha. They had asked to see her parents.

  “By order of his imperial majesty,” The Princess General began, “Maxwell Emperor of the Earth Empire, Michael Aaron Wilson the third, Master Gunnery Sergeant of the Imperial Marine Corps, Knight Commander of the Empire is here by pardoned for any and all actions he may hay committed on behalf of the Imperial Earth Empire.”

  Princess Carroll handed the decree to her father. She then turned to Jill’s step mother. Smiling deviously as she began to speak.

  “Lady Wilson,” the princess said, “Raise your right and repeat after me.”

  Lisa looked at heir then to her mother in law. Her mother in law was dressed in her Interstellar Rescue Service uniform. She obviously knew something was going on. Her grandmother had not worn her uniform except on Fleet Day, for the last three years. Joyce nodded. Lisa did as she was asked.

  “I, Lisa Wilson Clone Delta 1984 Alpha Omega Pi,” the princess began, and Lisa repeated what the princess said, “Do solemnly swear to protect and defend the people of the Earth Empire against all enemies foreign and domestic. I swear to obey the officers placed over me and to carry out such duties assigned to me to the best of my ability. Having sworn no other oath or affiliation to any foreign government I freely join the Imperial Marine Corps.”

  “What going on Carroll,” Mike asked.

  “Well my father has decreed that Lisa be inducted into the Imperial Marines.” Princess Carroll said. “Now to continue. Based on your service to the Empire attempting to bring justice to individuals that have suffered at the hands of the Corporation known as Earth Biologicals, I as commandant of the marine corps do hereby promote you to the grade of Master Gunnery Sergeant in the Imperial Marine Corps, Black Guard Division.”

  With that she uncovered a plague that had Lisa’s name and grade on it with the insignia of a Master Gunnery Sergeant. On the plague was the seal and crest of the Black Guard, a laser gun, and knife held by space suited eagle, a ribbon in the birds beak held the inscription, “we pay the price of freedom so others can be free.” Under the crest was her date of grade and signed off by Princess Carroll, Admiral Wilson, and Lady Gray, who had signed it as Captain Amanda Gray of the Imperial Space Navy Retired. Lisa looked bewildered; but accepted the plague from the princess as Georgia quietly took some pictures.

  The princess continued, “By order of his imperial majesty Maxwell Emperor of the Earth Empire, Lisa Wilson, Clone Delta 1984 Alpha Omega Pi, Master Gunnery Sergeant of the Imperial Marine Corps is here by pardon for any and all actions she may hay committed on behalf of the Imperial Earth Empire.”

  She handed the pardon to her. Then turned to Lady Gray, the ambassador to the court of Trena took out the final piece of paper, “Lisa here is your retirement papers. Please sign it at the indicated spot and you will be retired from the Imperial Marine Corps.”

  Lisa signed the paper work and handed it to the general.

  “Now will you tell us what’s going on?” Lisa asked.

  “After my father saw your interview he had a conversation with the JAG, and the Attorney General. They decided that they had to protect you from imperial law enforcement authorities and from civil suites. That’s why Mike got his pardon. We decided to make you an imperial marine so that everything you did while on the run could be said to be under the auspices of the Black Guard. Since those missions and assignments can be very black no one needed to know that you were actually on them. Since you have nearly twenty years of service to the empire, we couldn’t let you be anything less than a Master Gunnery Sergeant, and then since Mike had retired we thought you wouldn’t want to remain in service. The pardon was to give you the same immunity that Mike has.”

  Lisa smiled and said, “Gee, I might have wanted to stay a marine!”

  “I am not sure that the marines could deal with two Wilson’s being Master Gunnery Sergeants.” Joyce commented.

  “Me either,” General Alphine agreed.

  “Oh Lisa,” Ambassador Gray said handing Lisa a plastic card. “Here is your back pay and your first retirement check.”

  “You can’t be serious!” Lisa said.

  “Oh I am afraid she is,” The general said, “With interest.”

  “But I don’t need it!” Lisa said, “Mike’s income and with the Crown providing our living expenses. We’re in good shape.”

  “We looked into it Lisa and the AG and the JAG said that if we didn’t’ pay you we would put you in jeopardy.”

  “Wow Michael,” Lisa interrogated the card via her implant and gave low whistle and said, “I might be able to keep you now!”

  “That would be nice. Then I wouldn’t have to work!” Michael said. “But seriously aren't there charges of jail break and fleeing prosecution on both me and Lisa in the empire. As well as theft. Then there’s Lisa’s activities.”

  “The pardons are effective for anything you might have done.” Princess Carroll said. “It includes all known crimes and anything you both might have done to save other’s lives. Lisa’s orders in particular cite she was to go as deep undercover as possible and that she was to hunt down and bring to justice the murderers of Marines and other Imperial personnel. We have covered our bases very well and have made sure that no harm can come to you.”

  “Also,” The Queen said, “You’ll have a pardon from me to reinforce the Empire’s. We have you both covered Michael, and Lisa.”

  “I hope so” Lisa said though she wasn’t convinced as it turned out though that would be the least of their problems.


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