Book Read Free

Every Last Mother's Child

Page 229

by William J. Carty, Jr


  The next day as Jill walked out to the limo that would take her to the academy Aggie came up to her and her detail.

  “Duke Horton will meet with us at the school later today.” Aggie told her, “Around 9.”

  “Should Dad be there?” Jill asked.

  “No only me and you,” Aggie answered, “This needs to be only me and you.”

  “All right,” Jill replied. “I am usually in my literature class at the time. But when you guys get to the academy we’ll capture Lady Hawthorn’s office for our discussion,”

  “See you then,” Aggie replied. She got into the car and went with her now beefed up detail to the academy. Where before it was Jenny and a driver, now there was a jeep before and after her car. The jeep was armed with a gun and the gunner was if not up behind the weapon, sitting beside it ready to take care of business. She sighed realizing that would be a fact of life for the rest of her life.

  She looked out the windows of the limo and watched the city of Trenaport go by. It was deserted, or mostly deserted. What people that were still in Trenaport were either the authorities trying to finish up securing the city, a few people waiting for their own evacuation, or the salvagers picking over the bones of what was left. She watched silently as one of her father’s team set up their remote sensors to record the devastation that was about to fall her adopted planet. As they skirted the bay, on their way to the academy, she realized that she had never been to the ice caves, or the falls the captain from the IRS had told her about that night on her way to Trena. The only thing she had visited was the convention center. The car turned away from the bay road, onto the road that would take them up to the academy’s main gate. She wondered if she could find some way to visit the falls and caves before she left Trena.

  They arrived just in time for the cadet’s morning assembly. Jill hustled out of the Limo to take her post beside Lamile just in time to get the reports. Lamile turned on her heel having seen Jill take her position beside her out of the corner of her eye. “Colonel Wilson, the corps of cadets are all preset and accounted for.”

  “Thank you Major Atomi,” Jill replied, as she listened to her friend read out the day’s announcements she wondered if she should mention the fact that they would have royalty on the grounds this morning. She kept her counsel and didn’t mention any thing during the assembly.

  When the cadets were released to morning classes Lamile turned to her, “Cutting it kinda close today!”

  “I know,” Jill replied, “I am either going to have to live on the grounds even on the weekends or turn it over to you early!”

  “Don’t even think of it,” Lamile retorted, “I can wait for that dubious honor.”

  “I hear you,” Jill answered, “Look, the Queen and Duke Horton will be here at about 0900. The q Queen hasn’t asked for anything special; but as I have to meet with her I can’t be the Queen’s escort. I want Mitch to be the Queen’s escort, and you to be mine.”

  “What about the Duke? He is Heir after all,” Lamile asked.

  “Who’s the next Senior Cadet?” Jill asked, she had forgotten who the next senior cadet was. It was a combination of grades, demerits, and seniority. Simply because the cadet had been an officer longer than other cadets didn’t necessarily make him the senior cadet.

  “Cadet Morgan,” Lamile answered.

  “Make sure she knows she has a detail this morning,” Jill replied.

  “Uh Jill,” Lamile said pulling on her ear, “I think it would be more proper for Mitch to be your escort and for me to be Her Majesty’s escort. It could be construed as a snub to have Mitch be the Queen’s escort.”

  “Okay,” Jill answered, as Jenny came up with her books. A gentle reminder she needed to get onto class.

  She was distracted all morning. She was concerned about the meeting to be had between Duke Horton and the two of them. It was the most political meeting she had ever attended and one fraught with the greatest consequences. Whatever the results, unless the Duke could bring an army against her, she would still be the qQueen of Home! Aggie on the other hand might find herself in prison because of being accused of treason, or possibly executed. She was very concerned that the heir to the Trenan Crown might try to take over by force if the meeting was not to his liking. As she hurried from her math class to the history class she turned to Jenny.

  “Jenny,” she looked to the older woman, “I need a favor.”

  “Yes ma’am,” the older woman said aware what was happening that morning.

  “Get with Lady Hawthorne and tell her that I am concerned for both the School’s safety and the Queen’s. The Duke may try something. He may not!” Jill admitted, “Bbut “I want you and Lady Hawthorne to be ready for anything. Tom!”

  “Yes majesty?” Jenny’s partner spoke up.

  “I want you to be close by should we need it.” Jill said. “I just hope I am over reacting.”

  “Do you want the cadet escorts armed?” Jenny asked.

  “God no,” Jill said, “Aunt Mylea and Dad will have some heads if they find that out!”

  “Yes Ma’am,” the protective agent responded, “Get to class we’ll make sure you two are safe.”

  When she left her next class Mitch dropped in beside her. She was wearing a side arm. Jill cocked an eyebrow at her. Her friend just said simply, “As your escort and a member of your and Aggie’s military I am required to be armed.”

  “Okay Mitch,” Jill replied. “I just hope you don’t have to use it.”

  “The Queen’s detail briefed me” Mitch replied shocking Jill still more. That told her how much the adults at the academy trusted her young friend. “Oh we’re meeting out in the open. The detail doesn’t like it; but Duke Horton wouldn’t meet in doors.”

  “So where,” Jill asked.

  “The pad,” Mitch replied, “The detail has got it secured and a couple of your guardian’s people have it under surveillance.”

  “I hope this is all silver,” Jill commented.

  “Me too,” The young woman said, although as part of her cadet training she had to qualify with both pistol and riffle, she hoped she wouldn’t have to deliver the lead. As they walked to the pad Jill noticed that her friend was walking better than what she had in a while since she had been injured. She was back to her old self.

  She met the Queen on the landing pad with Lamile who was also armed.

  “Are you ready for this Your Majesty,” Jill asked.

  Aggie nodded as she asked, “Are you ready Your Majesty?”

  Jill chuckled nodding as a landing craft came in. When it settled to its gear and the small executive space craft opened its hatch., Aa tall, handsome middle aged man, walked out down the ramp and approached the Queen. He went to one knee. Agatha asked him to rise.

  “Duke Horton,” Agatha spoke, “I want to introduce you to Her Majesty, Queen Jill of Home. Your Majesty I want you to meet Duke Horton, my heir and the protector of the off world habitats.”

  “Your majesty,” Duke Horton spoke softly.

  Jill reached her hand forward and shook the man’s hand, “Your grace.”

  “I’ll make this short,” Aggie said, “I am not abdicating. I have a solemn obligation to get the people of Trena to safety. Queen Jill has graciously allowed my subjects to find refuge on Home. We have almost gotten everyone who wants to be evacuated off Trena. Next month if the people of the Space Habitats desire after the planet has been destroyed we will begin their evacuations to Home.”

  “And if we don’t want to be evacuated,” The duke asked.

  “Then I will make every attempt to ensure that the dukedom is protected by the people of Home,” Jill said her piece, “You may of course choose some other star nation to be your protector; but Home desires to be your protector with no strings attached.”

  “What about the people who were taken against their will to Home,” the Duke asked.

  “If they wish to leave Home and come back to Trena or to any other world
I will not stand in their way. Within reason I may even provide the means for them to leave.” Jill replied surprising Aggie.

  “And if I refuse,” The duke asked.

  “Should you proceed with your charges of treason, and should you fail to prove your case,” The Queen replied, “then it will be my very sad duty try you for treason and should it be proven you have committed treason I will order your execution.”

  The noble began a retort, but Aggie held up her hand, “All I want to do is get our people to safety. I don’t want to play these political games; but if I have to, I will. Now it is your turn to respond to my proposal. How say you Duke Horton?”

  The Dduke was quiet for a moment then asked, “You will not stand in our way if we try to re-inhabit Trena?”

  “When I leave Trena, I will abdicate my sovereignty over Trena and her environs,” the Queen answered, “Whoever feels they can live on the planet is of no concern of mine. It has been brought to my attention that the planet will not be livable and will be destroyed, so it may not be of much value except as salvage.”

  “And you will not interfere in the running of the remains,” the Duke turned to Jill.

  “That is none of my business,” Jill said, “You will govern the remains of this system. I will not interfere in the governing of Trena System. Should you ask for any help what so ever, I will be obligated to come to your aid!”

  The dDuke was quiet. He then asked, “Will your heirs and regents stand by this decision?”

  “Absolutely! I will sign a treaty that outlines what we have discussed and what I and my heirs are required to do and not do where Trena is concerned,” Jill answered.

  The Dduke was quiet as he obviously mulled things over. Finally he said, “I need to talk to a few people.”

  “Duke Horton,” The Queen said, “This deal has a sunset!”

  “I know your majesty,” The man said turning to both of them, “Let me go to my landing craft and make a couple of calls and talk to a couple of people. I won’t be long.”

  The Queen nodded and turned to Jill as the noble man climbed the ramp to the landing craft, “What do you think?”

  “I don’t know,” Jill responded, “He didn’t seem opposed to it.”

  “No. He just wanted me to deal with the space habitats and guaranty that he has some sovereignty over them,” Aggie replied.

  “As long as we let him do what he wants here within reason then he’ll not fight us,” Jill replied. “I think we have to find a method to insure that the people who stay here in the system can come to Home if they want to leave the Trena System.”

  “I think,” Aggie commented, “That your first ambassador should be to the Trena Off World Habitats.”

  “Ambassador,” Jill commented, “Or may be a crown officer. I am out of my league here Aggie.”

  “We’ll work… here he comes,” Aggie said as the Duke stepped down from the landing craft.

  “Your majesties,” The Duke addressed them, “The people of the space habitats can agree to your suggestion. Are you prepared to cede the space habitats to me?”

  “I am,” Aggie responded.

  “Queen Jill,” the Duke turned to the young monarch, “We will enter into a treaty where you will come to our aid in time of distress.”

  “I swear an oath,” Jill said, “That if any harm comes to the people of the Space Habitats obligates the people of Home to come to their aid.”

  “On behalf of the people of the Space Habitats,” Duke Horton said going to one knee, “I accept Queen’s Jill and the people of Home’s pledge to come to our aid if we request help.”

  “Arise,” Jill said feeling goose bumps form. Outside of her family no one had formally acknowledged her as a sovereign. They had not been playing it up trying not to make an issue of it. Now for the first time ever a stranger had acknowledge her sovereignty over Home. “Duke Horton. May the people of Trena Space Habitats and the people of Home always be friends!”

  “That is my hope too, your majesty,” The man said rising he turned to Queen Aggie and said, “Your majesty, the charge of treason will not be brought against you in the House of Lords. I trust you will pardon me and those of us who were bringing this charge against you?”

  “Duke Horton,” the Queen said, “Provided all who have signed the charge statement recants in public, and swear fealty to me and the people of Trena then they will be pardoned! Don’t spend a lot of time getting them to recant; as I may have to reconsider.”

  “I understand your majesty,” the Duke answered and asked, “By your leave?”

  “Of course,” Aggie nodded. She and Jill watched the noble man leave. When the landing craft was off the landing pad a few minutes later they both slumped.

  Jill turned to her two friends, “I know it was window dressing, but thank you Lam, Mitch.”

  Both young women dressed in their office dress uniforms came to attention and saluted Jill. Together they said, “It is the corps honor to serve and protect the queens of Trena and of Home.”

  Jill looked at Aggie and back to her two friends, “Thank you for the honor. But will you two knock it off so I can get back to class!”

  “Aye-Aye Colonel Wilson,” Lamile said winking.

  Aggie smiled and turned to the three young women, “Carry on cadets!”

  Jill did an about face to face Aggie properly and called, “Aye-aye your majesty!”

  The three young women saluted and ran off to their classes.


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