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Every Last Mother's Child

Page 244

by William J. Carty, Jr

  Chapter 12: Abdication

  Lisa had seen the last of her family’s belongings packed and transported to the school ship. There was only one other thing she had to pack. If pack, was the right word? She was in Queen’s Garden. The ancient American Beauty Rose bush that had been under cultivation since the first queen planted it over four hundred years before was the final item to be packed. She was having Georgia and Maggie carefully dig the rose up and place it in a bucket of soil so they could transport it to Home, where Lisa was hoping to baby it and keep it under cultivation. She wanted to bridge the soon to be destroyed Serenity and the soon to be created royal compound on Home. She took pictures of her two friends as they carefully dug the rose bush up and transplanted the centuries’ old rose in the large bucket. With it safely in the bucket the women walked out of the garden Abby holding her mother’s hand. They put the bucket on one of the electric carts where Maggie drove it to General Langtree’s landing craft that had been moved from Fletcher to Serenity.

  As they walked to the main building where they would witness the Queen’s abdication, Lisa looked to her daughter realizing she would be the one to fulfill her husband’s charter. Abby had no idea she would make history when she boarded the landing craft to leave Trena. She would literally be the last mother’s child to leave Trena. When they got to the queen’s residence they found that everyone; but the qQueen had joined the group standing before the landing craft.

  Shortly after they arrived, the limo carrying the qQueen pulled up in front of the landing craft. As the limo slowed to a stopped Mylea called, “Honors front!”

  The assembled officers and enlisted men snapped a salute to the royal party as they stepped out of the vehicle. When they were at the foot of the landing craft’s ramp Lisa, and Abby walked up the ramp to the cargo bay of the landing craft, symbolizing that every last mother’s child had been evacuated from Trena.

  When her friends were safely aboard the landing craft Mylea turned and marched to where Marshal Wilson stood with Queen Agatha. She came to attention and requested, “Marshal Wilson, I request permission to report.”

  “The Executive Officer’s request is granted.” Wilson said more formally than he would have otherwise. The eyes of the universe were on them.

  “Sir the citizens of the Kingdom of Trena have been evacuated or accounted for.” Mylea said knowing that press of the galaxy was watching them. They were recording the formal abdication of Agatha, and their departure.

  “Thank you XO.” Wilson said “You may case the colors!”

  “Aye sir,” Mylea said, she turned to the command staff, “Attention to the colors”

  All eyes turned to the flag post that held the flag of Trena. A starburst on a field of navy, the motto of the free world emblazoned on it “He who dares to succeed will never fail!”

  “Lieutenant Jones!” Mylea called, “Case the Colors!”

  With that Alice, Sergeant Anderson, Sergeant Hoi, Lamile, Mac, and Georgia all now dressed in their dress uniforms marched to the flag post in front of the Queen’s residence. At the flag post, Alice lowered the flag to the national anthem of Trena. When the flag was lowered, the honor guard folded the flag. Alice then presented it to Mylea who saluted and received the flag and in turn handed the flag to Wilson. He received the flag and commanded, “The command staff is dismissed.”

  “Company,” Mylea turned on her heel and called “Dismissed!”

  With that the assembled officers and staff of the evacuation command team boarded the landing craft. As they passed the Marshal and the royal party they shock each of their hands. When the last one boarded, Mike turned towards Agatha and said, “Your majesty with the presentation of your colors, I declare to you and the people of Trena that every last mother’s child has been accounted for and those who wanted to; have been evacuated from Trena.”

  “You may stand down Marshal.” Agatha said she reached forward hugging him and whispered in his ear hoping that no one would hear her, but of course they did, “Thank you for the wonderful job you have done Michael.”

  “Agatha,” Mike said hugging the young woman just as fiercely, “It has been an honor to serve you and our people.”

  “It has indeed,” the young queen replied she released Michael and then walking with Jill to the assembled news people. She noticed that the Trena Primary was almost touching the horizon. She thought how fitting that the sun was setting on not only her world; but also on her monarchy.

  “Ladies and gentlemen of the galaxy, Friends, and Enemies in about sixteen hours the beautiful planet of Trena will be destroyed. When I leave here in a few minutes my reign as ruler and monarch of this world, the world of my birth, the world that has kept me warm and safe for many years will be over. I am abdicating. There will be no Trena to rule. I have discharged my sacred and solemn duty to protect and serve the people of Trena. As such I can stand down and join them on Home.

  “I hereby abdicate my position and responsibilities.” The young queen stood quietly trying not to cry openly, but having a difficult time of it. Lisa who was watching from the top of the landing craft’s boarding ramp wanted to go to the young woman, who had over the months she had become quite close to; but it would only make things worse for the young woman.

  Lady Gray and the Galactic Council Representative now approached the Queen. The Council of Worlds had elected them to take the Queen’s abdication and retire her charter. The Queen signed a simple piece of paper giving up all claim and title to TrenaTrena. In effect letting it become salvage for the taking. It was countersigned by the representative to the Galactic Council. It was also witnessed by the young boy who had succeeded his father as Duke Horton. He would be the ruler of the Trena Off World Habitats, his father having been killed in the Republican attack.

  “Agatha McAlister,” Lady Gray, the Ambassador from Earth, “With the imminent destruction of Trena it is with great sorrow that the Galactic Council accepts your abdication.”

  “Cousin Aggie,” the young noble man spoke to the young queen, “I am sorry that you have given up your crown and that our kingdom is soon to be no more. I will try to rule the habitats as wisely as you have demonstrated. May the future bring peace to you and to the remains of the Trena System!”

  “Thank you,” Aggie said, she turned from the ambassadors and began to walk to the landing craft. Numbly Queen Agatha walked to the landing craft. She walked up the ramp never looking back. As the ramp closed she nearly slumped. Lisa and Jill quickly helped the now abdicated queen to a seat. As Lisa sat down she grimaced a bit and said, “My water just broke.”

  “What?” Michael asked, Lisa nodded and Michael looked to Langtree and said, “David get this bus out of here now!”

  “On the way sir,” David said and went to talk with the pilot.

  Sixteen hours later as the first rocks began falling on Trena; Lisa gave birth to her children. Mike Jr., and Joyce, the twins born to Lady Wilson would be officially the last children born on Trena. They would be the very last mother’s children to leave the planet of Trena.


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