by Edwin Black
26. New Mexico Museum of Space History, “International Space Hall of Fame: Hubertus Strughold,” at Author’s interview with New Mexico Museum of Space History, 13 February 2003.
27. Michael Shevell, “Racial Hygiene, Active Euthanasia, and Julius Hallervorden,” Neurology 42 (November 1992), pp. 2214. National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, “The First Scientific Workshop of Hallervorden-Spatz Syndrome,” at
28. Rubin I. Kuzniecky and Bradley K. Evans, “Julius Hallervorden: To the Editor,”
Neurology 43 (July 1993), p. 1452. Peter S. Harper, “Naming of Syndromes and Unethical Activities: The Case of Hallervorden and Spatz,” Lancet 348 (1996), pp. 1224, 1225.
29. NBIA Disorders Association, “Welcome to the NBIA Disorders Association Homepage,” at Author’s interview with Patricia Wood, 12 February 2003. NBIA Disorders Association, “NBIA Frequently Asked Questions, “ at
30. “The First Scientific Workshop of Hallervorden-Spatz Syndrome.” National Instirutes of Health, “NINDS Hallervorden-Spatz Disease Information Page,” at
31. “Brain sections to be buried?” Nature Vol. 339 (15 June 1989), p. 498. Wolfgang Neugebauer and Georg Stacher, “Nazi Child ‘Euthanasia’ in Vienna and the Scientific Exploitation of Its Victims before and after 1945,” Digestive Diseases 17 (1999), pp. 282, 283. Dr. William E. Seidelman, “Medicine and Murder in the Third Reich,” Dimensions: A Journal of Holocaust Studies Vol. 13 No. I (1999).
32. Jürgen Peiffer, “Neuropathology in the Third Reich: Memorial to those Victims of National-Socialist Atrocities in Germany who were Used by Medical Science,” Brain Pathology I (1991), pp. 125-126.
33. Peiffer, p. 129.
1. E. Carleton MacDowell, “Charles Benedict Davenport, 1866-1944. A Study of Conflicting Influences,” BIOS vol. XVII, no. I, pp. 4, 8, 33, 34,36.
2. MacDowell, no. I, p. 36.
3. Charles B. Davenport, Heredity In Relation To Eugenics (New York: Henry Holt & Company, 1911; reprint, New York: Amo Press Inc., 1972), pp. 253-254.
4. “Personals,” Eugenical News Vol. 1(1916), p. 65. MacDowell, p. 36. See McGill University, “Symptoms [of Polio],” at
5. MacDowell, p. 34. Letter, Charles B. Davenport to W.M. Gilbert, 29 June 1934: CSH: CIW Charles Davenport Corresp. 1933-34. Letter, A.F. Blakeslee to Charles B. Davenport, 5 July 1934: CSH: CIW Charles Davenport Corresp. 1933-34. Letter, Charles B. Davenport to John C. Merriam, 29 June 1934: CSH: CIW Charles Davenport Corresp. 1933-34.
6. Letter, Charles B. Davenport to A.F. Blakeslee, 19 July 1934: CSH: CIW Charles Davenport Corresp. 1933-34. MacDowell, p. 34. See Charles B. Davenport, “Harry Hamilton Laughlin: 1880-1943,” Eugenical News Vol. XXVIII (1943), p. 43.
7. MacDowell, p. 37. See The Whaling Museum Society, Inc., “Second Annual Report,” 29 July 1944.
8. MacDowell, p. 37.
9. See C.B. Davenport and A.J. Rosanoff, “Reply to the Criticism of Recent American Work by Dr. Heron of the Galton Laboratory,” Eugenics Record Office Bulletin No. 11 (Cold Spring Harbor, NY: Eugenics Record Office, 1914). See Ezekiel Cheever, School Issues (Baltimore: Warwick & York, Inc., 1924): CIW Genetics: Eugenics Record Office Misc. Correspondence 2 of 2.
10. Letter, Charles B. Davenport to Harry H. Laughlin, 16 April 1928 as cited by Frances Janet Hassencahl, “Harry H. Laughlin, ‘Expert Eugenics Agent’ for the House Committee on Immigration and Naruralization, 1921 to 1931.” (Ph. D. diss., Case Western Reserve University, 1970), p. 329.
11. Davenport to Laughlin, 16 April 1928, as cited by Hassencahl, p. 329.
12. Hassencahl, pp. 330-331. A.V. Kidder, “Memorandum for Dr. Merriam re Meeting of advisory committee on Eugenics Record Office,” circa February 1929: Truman C-2-3:3.
13. Kidder.
14. Contract regarding Eugenical News, 20 November 1938: Truman C-2-3:3. Harry H. Laughlin, “Memoranda on Origin of the Eugenical News and the Relation of the Eugenics Record Office and the Eugenics Research Association in its Publication,” 11 September 1934: Truman C-2-2:2.
15. Laughlin, “Memoranda on Origin of the Eugenical News.”
16. Laughlin, “Memoranda on Origin of the Eugenical News.”
17. Letter, Harry H. Laughlin to A.V. Kidder, 30 October 1934: Truman C-2-2:2. Letter, Harry H. Laughlin to A.V. Kidder, 5 November 1934: Truman C-2-2:2.
18. Letter, A.V. Kidder to Harry H. Laughlin, I November 1934: Truman C-2-2:2. Letter, A.V. Kidder to Harry H. Laughlin, 3 November 1934: Truman C-2-2:2.
19. “Report of the advisory committee on the Eugenics Record Office,” circa June 1935, pp. 1,6-7: Truman C-2-2:2.
20. “Report of the advisory committee,” pp. 2, 3.
21. “Report of the advisory committee,” pp. 2, 3.
22. “Report of the advisory committee,” pp. 3-5,6.
23. “Report of the advisory committee,” p. 6.
24. “Report of the advisory committee,” p. I. Letter, L.c. Dunn to John C. Merriam, 3 July 1935: Truman C-2-2:2.
25. Dunn to Merriam, 3 July 1935.
26. Dunn to Merriam, 3 July 1935.
27. Generally see David S. Wyman, Paper Walls (Amherst, MA: University of Massachusetts Press, 1968). Also see letter, Vannevar Bush to Harry H. Laughlin, 22 March 1939: Truman C-4-3:1.
28. Harry H. Laughlin, “Eugenics in Germany,” Eugenical News Vol. XXII (1937), pp. 65-66. “A New German Eugenical Quarterly,” Eugenical News Vol. XXII (1937), p. 88. “The Twenty-Fifth Annual Meeting of the Eugenics Research Association,” Eugenical News Vol. XXII (1937), pp. 66-67. “Who Knows the Answer?” Eugenical News Vol. XXII (1937), pp. 48-49. See Martin S. Pernick, The Black Stork: Eugenics and the Death of “Defective” Babies in American Medicine and Motion Pictures Since 1915 (New York: Oxford University Press, 1996), pp. 164-166.
29. Martin Gilbert, The Holocaust (New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1985), pp. 64-65. Rudolph M. Binder, “Germany’s Population Policy,” Eugenical News Vol. XXIII (1938), pp. 113-116. Lucy Dawidowicz, The War Against The Jews, 1933-1945 (New York: Bantam Books, 1975), pp. 128-129.
30. Letter, Vannevar Bush to Harry H. Laughlin, 4 January 1939: Truman D-2-3:13. Bush to Laughlin, 22 March 1939.
31. Postcard, William A. Elam to Harry H. Laughlin, 9 July 1939: Truman C-4-3:1.
Harry H. Laughlin,
Immigration and Conquest: A Report of The Special Committee on Immigration and Naturalization of the Chamber of Commerce of the State of New York
(New York: The Special Committee on Immigration and Naturalization of the Chamber of Commerce of the State of New York, 1939), pp. i, 8, 9.
Immigration and Conquest,
p. 20. “Conquest by Immigration (Sent to the following),” circa 1939: Truman C-4-3:1.
Contract regarding
Eugenical News, 20
November 1938. Letter, Vannevar Bush to Harry H. Laughlin, 4 May 1939 as cited by Kevles, p. 199. See
Eugenical News
Vol. XXIII (1938) as compared to
Eugenical News
Vol. XXIV (1939). See Carnegie Institution of Washington, “Memorandum Regarding Mail Addressed to the Genetics Record Office (formerly Eugenics Record Office),” circa 1940: CSH GRO Correspondence 1940. See letter, Harry H. Laughlin to John B. Trevor, 18 November 1939: Truman C-2-4:10. See “Independence of the Eugenics Record Office,” memorandum circa 1940: Truman C-2-4: 10. See “Tentative Plan for a Laboratory of National Eugenics at Cold Spring Harbor, Long Island,” memorandum circa 1940: Truman C-2-4:10. See “Private Notes for Senator Walcott on the Eugenics Record Office,” memorandum circa 1940: Truman C-2-4:10.
Davenport, “Harry Hamilton Laughlin: 1880-1943,” pp. 42, 43. Hassencahl, p. 356. Truman Library, “Harry H. Laughlin biography,” at
nbsp; .
Hassencahl, pp. 65-66. See Daniel J. Kevles,
In The Name of Eugenics,
(Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1985), p. 199.
See Harry H. Laughlin, secretary,
Bulletin No. 10A: The Report of the Committee to Study and to Report on the Best Practical Means of Cutting Off the Defective Germ-Plasm in the American Population
(Cold Spring Harbor: Cold Spring Harbor, 1914), pp. 12, 13, 16, 17, 18,25,45-47.
“Memorandum Regarding Mail Addressed to the Genetics Record Office (formerly Eugenics Record Office).”
“Memorandum Regarding Mail Addressed to the Genetics Record Office (formerly Eugenics Record Office).” Letter, Elizabeth M. Howe to Charles B. Davenport, 19 February 1940: CSH GRO Correspondence 1940. Letter, Albert F. Blakeslee to Elizabeth M. Howe, 23 February 1940: CSH GRO Correspondence 1940.
Letter, Albert F. Blakeslee to H. C. Coryell, 12 March 1940: CSH GRO Correspondence 1940. See letter, Albert F. Blakeslee to Owen Hannant, 2 March 1940: CSH GRO Correspondence 1940. See letter, Albert F. Blakeslee to Mrs. WD. Dobson, 2 March 1940: CSH GRO Correspondence 1940. See letter, Albert F. Blakeslee to H. Earl Trobaugh, 6 April 1940: CSH GRO Correspondence 1940. See letter, “Secretary to the Director” to Hiram H. Maxim, 30 March 1953: CSH GRO Correspondence 1947-54. See Laughlin to Trevor, 18 November 1939. See “Independence of the Eugenics Record Office.”
41. Letter, Jane Arnold Betts to the Eugenics Record Office, 29 February 1944: CSH GRO Correspondence 1942-45. Letter, M. Demerec to Jane Arnold Betts, 7 March 1944: CSH GRO Correspondence 1942-45. See letter, Blakeslee to Hannant, 2 March 1940. See letter, Blakeslee to Dobson, 2 March 1940. See letter, Blakeslee to Trobaugh, 6 April 1940. See letter, M. Demerec to Abraham Sohulman, 29 April 1946: CSH GRO Correspondence 1942-45. See letter, M. Demerec to Mrs. James A. Bruun, 5 May 1953: CSH GRO Correspondence 1947-54. See letter, “Secretary to the Director” to Mrs. Fred Gillum, 26 January 1954: CSH GRO Correspondence 1947-54. See letter, Agnes C. Fisher to Minnie J. Williams, 24 April 1959: CSH GRO Correspondence 1955-62. See letter, “Secretary to Director” to Donald Clough McCaffree, 4 January 1963: CSH GRO Correspondence 1963-65. See letter, Agnes C. Fisher to Frank Merrick Semans, 6 January 1966: CSH GRO Correspondence 1966-69. See letter, “Secretary to the Director” to Elsie Van Guilder, 12 January 1966: CSH GRO Correspondence 1966-69. See letter, “Secretary to the Director” to Mrs. Merle Roberts, 12 January 1967: CSH GRO Correspondence 1966-69. See letter, “Secretary to the Director” to Mrs. Eugene W. Coling, 28 March 1967: CSH GRO Correspondence 1966-69. See letter, Agnes C. Fisher to Mrs. Harold F. Zink, 3 March 1969: CSH GRO Correspondence 1966-69. See letter, Agnes C. Fisher to Mrs. L. C. Strong, Jr., 3 June 1969: CSH GRO Correspondence 1966-69. See letter, A.D. Hershey to William Hartley, 20 October 1970: CSH GRO Correspondence 1970-77. See letter, Agnes Fisher to E. Taylor Campbell, 14 September 1976: CSH GRO Correspondence 1970-77. See letter, Agnes C. Fisher to Noel C. Stevenson, 2 February 1977: CSH GRO Correspondence 1970-77. See letter, Agnes Fisher to Dr. Sheldon C. Reed, 30 March 1977: CSH GRO Correspondence 1970-77.
42. Letter, L.R. Dice to M. Demerec, 8 May 1947: GRO CSH GRO Correspondence 1947-54. See letter, M. Demerec to Sheldon Reed, 29 September 1947: CSH GRO Correspondence 1947-54. Letter, M. Demerec to Dewey G. Steele, 15 July 1955: CSH GRO Correspondence 1955-62.
43. Letter, Demerec to Reed, 29 September 1947.
44. Letter, Sheldon Reed to M. Demerec, 8 October 1947: CSH GRO Correspondence 1947-54. Letter, Sheldon Reed to M. Demerec, 5 December 1947: CSH GRO Correspondence 1947-54.
45. Letter, Sheldon C. Reed to M. Demerec, 19 April 1948: CSH GRO Correspondence 1947-54. Letter, Sheldon C. Reed to M. Demerec, 22 January 1948: CSH GRO Correspondence 1947-54. Letter, Claude F. Rogers to Russell F. Barnes, 25 June 1948: CSH GRO Correspondence 1947-54. “Secretary to the Director” to Maxim, 30 March 1953. Letter, M. Demerec to John Fall, 11 August 1948: CSH GRO Correspondence 1947-54. Letter, M. Demerec to Dewey G. Steele, 15 July 1955: CSH GRO Correspondence 1955-62.
46. Letter, Mrs. James A. Bruun to the Eugenics Record Office, circa May 1953: CSH GRO Correspondence 1947-54. Letter, Clifford Frazier to the Eugenics Record Office, 19 February 1952: CSH GRO Correspondence 1947-54. Letter, Minnie J. Williams to Eugenics Record Office, 24 March 1959: CSH GRO Correspondence 1955-62. Letter, Elsie Van Guilder to American Breeders’ Association Eugenics Section, 9 January 1966: CSH GRO Correspondence 1966-69. Letter, E. Taylor Campbell to Eugenics Record Office, 11 September 1976: CSH GRO Correspondence 1970-77.
47. Also see CSH GRO Correspondence Files.
48. Jonas Robitscher, ed. Eugenic Sterilization (Springfield, IL: Charles C. Thomas, 1973), p. 123.
49. Letter, Joseph Juhan to Charles Davenport, circa December 1976: CSH GRO Correspondence 1970-77.
50. Letter, Agnes C. Fisher to Joseph Juhan, 13 December 1976: CSH GRO Correspondence 1970-77.
51. “ACLU Says Legal Action Certain,” Richmond Times-Dispatch, 6 April 1980. Memorandum, Carol Donovan to Suzanne Lynn and Janet Benshoof, 16 June 1980: American Civil Liberties Union Foundation. “Important Notice to All Persons Who Were Residents of Lynchburg Training School and Hospital,” circa 1981: ACLU-Sterilization Settlement. American Civil Liberties Union, “Virginia Apologizes for Forced Sterilizations,” at Mark R. Warner, “Statement of Governor Mark R. Warner: On the 75thAnniversary of the Buck v. Bell Decision,” at “Virginia Governor Apologizes for Eugenics Law,” USA Today, 2 May 2002. “Oregon Apologizes for Sterilizations,” Associated Press, 2 December 2002. Tim Smith, “Hodges Apologizes for Sterilizations,” The Greenville News, 8 January 2003. “South Carolina Governor Apologizes for Forced Sterilizations,” The Wall Street Journal, 9 January 2003. “State Issues Apology for Policy of Sterilization,” Los Angeles Times, 12 March 2003.
52. North Carolina General Assembly, “Statute Chapter 35: Sterilization Procedures” at See D. Anthony D’Esposo, “Recent Developments in Post-Partum Sterilization,” Eugenical News Vol. XXXVI (1951), pp. 59-61. See “Notes and News Relating to Eugenics: Overpopulation in Puerto Rico,” Eugenical News Vol. XXVIII (1943), pp. 29-30. See “Notes and News Relating to Eugenics: Puerto Rico’s Population Problem,” Eugenical News Vol. XXX (1945), pp. 61-62. See “Sterilization Outside the United States,” Eugenical News Vol. XXXI (1946), p. 11. Generally see United States General Accounting Office, “Report B-164031 (5),” 27 February 1978.
53. United States General Accounting Office, “Report B-I64031 (5): Enclosure I,” 27 February 1978.
54. Loving v. Virginia, 388 U.S. I (1967).
55. Loving v. Virginia, 388 U.S. I (1967).
56. Loving v. Virginia, 388 U.S. I (1967).
57. “Alabama Repeals Century-Old Ban on Interracial Marriages,” Cable News Network, 8 November 2000.
58. See “Memorandum for Dr. Merriam re Meeting of advisory committee on Eugenics Record Office.”
59. Buck v. Bell, 274 U.S. 200 (1927).
60. “Nazi Retribution Widened by Eden,” New York Times, 18 December 1942. “Allies Describe Outrages on Jews,” New York Times, 20 December 1942.
61. Hebrew Union College, “An Inventory to tbe Raphael Lemkin Papers: Biographical Sketch,” at Raphael Lemkin, Axis Rule in Occupied Europe: Analysis, Proposals for Redress (Washington DC: Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 1944), pp. xi, xiv, xv.
62. “The Moscow Conference; October 1943,” at “Nuremberg Trials Final Report Appendix D : Control Council Law No. 10,” at
63. Lemkin, Axis Rule in Occupied Europe, pp. xv, 79-95. Raphael Lemkin, “Genocide — A Modern Crime,” Free World Vol. 4 (April 1945), pp. 39-43.
64. Rauschning, as cited by Lemkin, Axis Rule in Occupied Europe, Chapter IX, Section II, f. 29.
65. Lemkin, “Genocide — A
Modern Crime. “ “An Inventory to tbe Raphael Lemkin Papers.”
66. “Nuremberg Trial Proceedings Vol. I: London Agreement of August 8th 1945,” at “Trial of German Major War Criminals Nuremberg: First Day: Tuesday, 20th November 1945 (Part I of 10),” at Jewish Virtual Library, “Hans Frank,” at Jewish Virtual Library, “Julius Streicher,” at Jewish Virtual Library, “Hans Fritzche,” at Mazal Library, “Trials of War Criminals before the Nuernberg Military Tribunals under Control Council Law No. 10,”at
67. United Nations Resolution 95 (1), “Affirmation of tbe Principles of International Law Recognized by tbe Charter of tbe Ntirnberg Tribunal.”: United Nations Archives. United Nations Resolution 96 (1), “The Crime of Genocide.”: United Nations Archives.
68. Office of tbe High Commissioner for Human Rights, “Convention on tbe Prevention and Punishment of tbe Crime of Genocide,” at
69. Office of tbe High Commissioner for Human Rights. See Nuremberg Military Tribunal, Green Book, Volume IV, p. 626.
70. Nuremberg Military Tribunal, Green Book, Volume IV; pp. 609-614, 617.
71. Nuremberg Military Tribunal, Green Book, Volume IV; p. 610.
72. Nuremberg Military Tribunal, Green Book, Volume V, pp. 3-4.
73. Nuremberg Military Tribunal, Green Book, Volume IV, pp. 611-612.
74. Nuremberg Military Tribunal, Green Book, Volume IV, pp. 613, 1121-1127.
75. Nuremberg Military Tribunal, Green Book, Volume IV, pp. 675, 680, 681-682, 1101.
76. Nuremberg Military Tribunal, Green Book, Volume IV, p. 682. Memorial Lidice, “History,” at
77. Nuremberg Military Tribunal, Green Book, Volume IV, pp. 613, 614.
78. Nuremberg Military Tribunal, Green Book, Volume IV, pp. 614, 616.
79. Nuremberg Military Tribunal, Green Book, Volume IV, p. 617.
80. “Protocol of tbe Wannsee Conference,” 20 January 1942 at