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Kissing Santa, A Clover Park Novella (Clover Park, Book 4) Contemporary Romance (The Clover Park Series)

Page 8

by Kylie Gilmore

  Ryan and Shane headed to the basement and returned carrying stacks of boxes marked Xmas Stuff. They set them on the coffee table.

  Maggie rubbed her hands together. “Lights first, that’s Ryan’s job. Trav, you’ve got garland. Shane, you’re the star.” None of the brothers complained. It was tradition for them to do those jobs every year. “Everyone else can put up whatever ornaments they want wherever they want. Just keep the fragile ones up high away from Bryce’s grabbing hands.”

  Ryan went over to do the lights while the rest of them sat around talking and snacking on a platter of crackers, cheese, and grapes.

  Bryce ran over to Samantha and grabbed her leg.

  She squatted down to his level. “Hello, Bryce. What do you got there?”

  Bryce opened his bright blue eyes wide and stared at her. Probably dazzled by her beauty just like Rico was. He handed her the dog bone.

  “Thank you!” Samantha exclaimed, holding the bone, which was still shiny with dog drool.

  Something in Rico’s chest ached again. He rubbed his chest. He had to nail this love thing down before he keeled over from heart failure.

  Shane set down a platter of what were no doubt fresh-baked gingerbread cookies. Rico helped himself to a gingerbread girl wearing a busty dress. Only Maggie would decorate a cookie like that.

  A short while later, Rico relaxed as Samantha seemed to be having a good time chatting with everyone. He stayed by her side, refilling her water glass whenever it got low. He was glad she was getting along with everyone.

  “Time to decorate!” Maggie exclaimed. “Have at it!”

  Everyone crowded around the newly opened ornament boxes. Trav handed Bryce a wooden teddy bear to hang on the tree that said, “Baby’s First Christmas.” It must have been from last year. Rico’s throat got tight. Geez, ever since he read those romance novels he was so damn emotional. Those things were dangerous.

  Everyone was talking and laughing and teasing each other, but Rico didn’t join in. He remained quiet, watching Samantha decorate. Watching her smile. His chest aching even more.

  Maggie walked by and plopped the Santa hat with mistletoe on his head. “Looks like you could use this more than me,” she said with a wink.

  “That’s okay,” he said. “You keep it.”

  The room went silent. Everyone stared at him. He held his hands up. “I’m not putting on a show here.”

  Trav looked at him with some concern. “Hey, you feeling okay?”

  “Yeah, I’m fine.” But he wasn’t fine. He felt like he was having an out-of-body experience, floating on the outside, dreamy and lost on the inside. He shook his head. “I’m fine.”

  They went back to decorating. Rico stood at Samantha’s side. The little dog settled under the tree and stared at Rico, that damn mistletoe sticking straight up off his head like a signal directed right at him.

  He fetched some more water for him and Samantha, needing to cool off. He couldn’t very well kiss Samantha the way he wanted to in front of this crowd. He returned to her side.

  “Are you having fun?” he asked.

  She beamed at him, and his heart did another flip-flop. “Yes! Thanks so much for inviting me.”

  Unable to resist any longer, he pulled her close and gave her a quick kiss.

  “See, he didn’t need mistletoe,” Trav said.

  Samantha blushed, and he felt his own cheeks burn. Since when did Trav ever get to him? He shot his friend a death look.

  Trav laughed and laughed.

  Rico shifted to the other side of Samantha, away from Trav. Rachel was there hanging candy canes.

  “A new Susanna Potter came in you might like,” Rachel whispered. “Should I put it on hold for you?”

  He nodded once, his cheeks burning again. Susanna Potter wrote the romance Once More, My Sweet that had him choking back tears at the end. When Alex came out of his coma and his first words were “once more, my sweet Tatiana,” he had to put the book down to get a hold of himself. Those romance novels had opened up something inside of him, some well of emotion that he couldn’t push back down. He turned to Samantha, suddenly wanting her all to himself.

  “You want to go Christmas shopping with me tomorrow?” he asked.

  She smiled. “Sure.”

  “We’ll make a day of it.”

  “Sounds fun.”

  He kissed her cheek, and something in him relaxed. He’d have her alone. Shopping, the best hot chocolate in town at Shane and Rachel’s café, and back to his place. He’d have her all to himself, in his arms, and in his bed, where he absolutely knew she belonged.

  After the tree was decorated, Shane and Maggie went to the kitchen to warm up food for everyone. A short while later, they gathered around the dining room table set up like a buffet and filled their plates with bite-size appetizers—tiny little crab puffs, shrimp wrapped in bacon, spanokopita, pigs in blankets, and bruschetta. He eyed the desserts sitting on platters on a sideboard. Peppermint fudge pie, apple pie—that explained the cinnamon he’d been smelling the whole night—chocolate mini-cupcakes, and cheesecake with crushed candy cane on top.

  Rachel suddenly ran from the room, hand covering her mouth.

  Shane jumped up and followed her. “Rach, you okay?” he called.

  Maggie beamed. “Merry Christmas to me!” She turned to Rico. “Thank you, Santa!”

  Realization dawned as Rico remembered Maggie’s wish for more great-grandbabies.

  “Shane doesn’t know, does he?” Maggie asked. “I’ll keep my mouth shut.”

  “Know what?” Trav asked.

  “It’s either the flu or she’s pregnant,” Daisy said. “She seemed fine earlier. I’d say she’s pregnant.”

  Liz and Ryan smiled at each other.

  Trav’s jaw dropped. “Already?”

  “It only takes once,” Daisy replied with a significant look. “Shh-shh.”

  Shane came back in, looking very worried. He sank into a chair.

  “Everything okay?” Maggie asked.

  “Rachel’s sick.” Shane’s brows scrunched. “Maybe I should take her home.”

  Everyone looked at each other, smiling.

  “What?” Shane asked.

  “Shall we eat?” Maggie asked.

  Everyone dug into the delicious food. Rachel returned and sat down.

  “Should I take you home?” Shane asked, all concern.

  “No, I’m fine,” Rachel said.

  Shane set a plate of food in front of her. “Sure?”

  “Yeah, something didn’t settle with…” She took one look at the food, clapped a hand over her mouth, and ran from the room.

  Shane jumped up and followed her. A moment later, they heard Rachel yell, “Go away!”

  Shane returned to the table, his face grim. “I’m taking her home.”

  “You do that, love,” Maggie said. “Take good care of our girl.”

  Samantha looked at Rico and smiled. He smiled back, getting more used to the heart squeeze at her beautiful smile. It was kinda funny how clueless Shane was. His sisters had been the same way in the first trimester—nauseous, exhausted, snarling at their husbands. He wondered if Samantha would be that way, and had a vision of her pregnant, round with his child. He stopped smiling. He had a long road ahead to get her there.

  The Chihuahua took a seat in the corner of the room and stared at Rico again. That damn mistletoe on RB’s head taunted him, daring him to kiss Samantha again.

  I will! He silently told the little ancient dog. Just not now. When I take her home.

  Rachel returned again. “Sorry. I’m, uh, not hungry. I’ll just hang out by the tree.”

  Shane stood. “We’re going home.”

  “I just need to rest a bit,” Rachel insisted. “I’m fine.”

  He crossed to her and murmured something close to her ear. She looked to the ceiling, obviously annoyed.

  “Don’t make a big deal,” Rachel said.

  She headed into the living room, Shane on h
er heels. A few minutes later, they heard a squeal and the front door opening.

  “Bye, all!” Shane called.

  “Bye!” they chorused.

  “Shane’s in for a treat,” Maggie said. “I’d better get started knitting a baby blanket.”

  They finished eating and passed around desserts. Rico paid close attention to Samantha, making sure she had enough of her favorite things, refilling her water glass whenever it got low, fetching her a napkin.

  The Chihuahua continued to stare at him. What’s taking you so long? Have your way with her. You know you want her.

  Rico answered silently, getting really annoyed with RB. I’m taking things slow. She’s special. I’m not gonna fuck this one up.

  RB stared. You’re an animal just like me.

  You’re a dog, I’m not.

  Rico rubbed his forehead. He was going insane.

  “So what do you think of our Rico?” Maggie asked Samantha. “Is he treating you nice? Returning the favor? We had a little talk about that over Scrabble one night.” She turned to Rico. “Remember the L word?”

  Rico cringed. She didn’t mean “love,” she meant “lick.” Last February when they’d all been trapped in a snowstorm with no power, Maggie had suggested Rico remember to return the favor for this crazy-ass woman who was the host of a TV show that Daisy and Trav appeared on. He hadn’t slept with the woman because she was into spanking, and he was hardwired never to hurt a woman, even if she asked him to.

  “Rico has been…interesting,” Samantha said.

  “Oh, yeah?” Trav asked. “Interesting how? Is he playing Santa for you at home?”

  “That was one time,” Rico muttered.

  He glanced at Samantha, who was blushing. Probably remembering when she’d sat on his lap and confessed her dreams. Right from the start, she’d been different from any woman he’d been with.

  “You don’t have to answer that,” Rico said.

  “He brought me roses and orange Tic Tacs and a love fern,” Samantha said.

  Rico’s cheeks burned.

  Trav pounced. “A love fern!” He smiled widely at Rico. “You don’t say. Are we in love, Rico?”

  He couldn’t answer. He wasn’t prepared to tell Samantha in front of a crowd. The Chihuahua taunted him in the corner.

  Man up. Tell her you love her.

  You’re a dog. What do you know? You’ll hump anything.

  So will you.

  I have standards.

  “That’s enough,” Daisy said, breaking the staring spell between Rico and the dog. “You’re embarrassing the poor man. And Samantha’s our guest. So, Samantha, what do you do for work?”

  The conversation turned to Samantha’s work as a graphic designer, and Rico found he was learning more about this amazing woman. She designed book covers for children’s books as well as doing some logo work on the side. She pulled a business card from her purse, and they passed it around. It had a cool block-letter logo with a fantastic image of hot air balloons in a blue sky with a kitten hanging by a string from one of the balloons. She was talented and beautiful. He listened carefully as Daisy drew more out of Samantha about her job, her travels—Spain had been a favorite—and her hobbies, she loved painting and photography. He stored it all away, each new fact a treasure.

  Finally, the evening broke up as Daisy and Trav headed home to put Bryce to bed. Liz and Ryan left with them.

  “Ready?” he asked Samantha.

  She nodded. They said their good-byes and stepped out into the crisp, cold air.

  “I hope you had a good time,” Rico said, entwining his fingers with hers as they walked to his truck.

  “They’re wonderful,” Samantha said. “What a cute dog too.”

  “He’s an ass.”

  Her head snapped up. “What?”


  He opened the truck door for her and waited for her to get in, shutting it gently behind her.

  “You think Rachel’s pregnant?” she asked when he got into the driver’s seat.

  “Yeah. She’s just like my sisters when they were pregnant.”

  “Why didn’t she tell Shane?”

  He shrugged and started the truck. “I guess she will now.”

  “I would never keep it a secret. I would shout it to the world.”

  That vision of Samantha round with his child bloomed in his mind again, and warmth spread through him despite the cold. “You want to be a mom?”

  “Well, yeah. Not that I’m asking you to marry me and have kids. I mean, we just went out—”

  “You could, you know. Ask me, I mean.”

  He glanced over. She was giving him a look somewhere between confused and shocked.

  He put the truck in gear and pulled out into the street, kicking himself for jumping the gun. All those damn romance novels had him rushing to the happy ending. There wouldn’t be a happy ending if she thought he was nuts.

  “Never mind,” he said. “I don’t know why I said that. Too much eggnog.”

  “You drank water.”

  “Too much sugar, then.”

  Samantha went silent, and he turned on the radio. Harry Connick Jr. crooned “When My Heart Finds Christmas,” and Rico finally knew what that meant. When they arrived at her parents’ house, he parked and walked her to the front door. “So I’ll see you tomorrow for Christmas shopping. Ten okay?”

  She bit her lip and nodded. He didn’t touch her. He had to slow things down after that getting married remark. But then she leaned forward and kissed him softly on the lips. It was the first time a woman had kissed him first.

  She pulled away, and he smiled goofily, glad he hadn’t scared her away.

  “I’ll see you tomorrow,” the future mother of his children said.

  He grinned. “Tomorrow.”

  Chapter Ten

  Samantha got ready for her shopping date the next morning cheerfully humming “Deck the Halls” as she remembered how attentive Rico had been, not slick at all. Sure, he’d been a little quiet but who wouldn’t be with the O’Hares all talking over each other?

  She slipped on a red V-neck sweater with her favorite perfectly worn jeans. She added a Christmas light necklace she’d picked up last year just for kicks and turned it on. Tiny multicolored lights glowed. She couldn’t wait to see Rico again. Gone were his fake seduction routine and the phony tricks. The doorbell rang. Right on time.

  “I’ll get it!” she called.

  She grabbed her coat and purse and opened the door. There he stood, handsome as ever. Some snowflakes drifted down, a dusting that made everything look fresh and new. She brushed some snow from his hair. “Hi.”

  “Hi.” He smiled, and her pulse picked up. “Ready?”

  “Ready.” She stepped outside. “Where we headed?”

  “I thought we’d brave the mall. Then we can stop at Something’s Brewing Café for the best hot chocolate with homemade marshmallows you’ve ever tasted. It’s Shane and Rachel’s place.”

  “Sounds wonderful!”

  They hit the mall and moved along with the crowd. Everything was so festive from the center court North Pole where Santa listened to Christmas wishes, to the giant two-story tree, to green garland hanging from the rafters with giant red ornaments. Every store was decorated with bright red bows and greenery. Christmas music played in the background. Samantha didn’t normally like crowds, but with Rico at her side, she found she didn’t mind at all. She’d already bought her sister and father a gift before this trip, but she still needed to find something for her mother. Rico took her to a cute boutique where he often bought presents for his mother and sisters. He bought his mother a scarf, and she did the same. He had good taste.

  He stopped at the front glass counter where handmade jewelry was laid out on display. “What do you like?” he asked.

  Her hand went to her throat. “You don’t have to buy me a Christmas present. We just met three weeks ago.”

  “I want to.” He gestured to the display. />
  “But I didn’t get you anything,” she protested.

  He gazed into her eyes. “Being with you is my gift.”

  “Oh!” She swallowed hard, her throat tight with emotion. “That’s just so…”

  She couldn’t find the words. She felt like she was living out her very own romance just like she’d always dreamed of.

  “I know.” One corner of his mouth kicked up. “Now pick something, or I’ll just buy you this beautiful cricket pin.”

  She looked in the case. The cricket pin looked like a real cricket, the body covered in rhinestones. Ewww. “Okay, okay.” She laughed. “I like those earrings.” She pointed to a pair of earrings that looked like red water drops wrapped in a swirl of silver.

  “You got it.”

  He bought the earrings and handed them to her. She put them on right away and admired them in the small mirror on the display case. “What do you think?”

  “Beautiful,” he said, only he wasn’t looking at the earrings. He was looking at her in the mirror. She turned, and he gave her a quick kiss. “Come on.”

  He took her hand in his warm, calloused one, and they continued shopping. She noticed he took care in picking out the perfect gifts for his sisters, Elena and Maria. His love for his family shined through, and Samantha found she’d misjudged him. He was every bit as fabulous as her mother had told her. She learned about his family and how this year he’d be spending Christmas in Connecticut with his second family, the O’Hares. Selfishly, she was glad. She wanted to see more of him. She wanted time to pick out a gift for him too.

  Bags in hand, they left the mall, and Rico drove to Clover Park for hot chocolate at Something’s Brewing Café. They stepped inside the warm and cozy café painted a deep red. Large framed book covers decorated the walls. There was also a cozy reading area, lots of tables, and a cute kid corner in the back.

  “Hey, Rico, Samantha,” Shane called. He was working behind the counter with a couple of other employees.

  “Hi!” Samantha called.

  “Hey,” Rico said. “Grab a seat,” he told her. “I’ll get the drinks.”

  She snagged a table for two in the back. The place was packed.

  A short while later, Rico set a thick white mug filled with hot chocolate in front of her. A large square marshmallow floated on the cocoa topped with a whipped cream swirl and a sprinkle of cinnamon.


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