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Kissed by the Laird (First Ladies of the Fae Book 1)

Page 11

by Sydney Sloane

  His yield was not quick enough, as her eyes took on the same distant shadow it did earlier before she passed out. Ian lowered his hand back to his side, as she stared blankly out in the distance.

  “Did ye hear something, lass?” His eyes followed hers into the mist surrounding the area, but he saw nothing.

  A low melodic hum filled the space between them, and he looked back toward her. It came from Caroline. Something in her eyes altered and left a vacant look in its wake. She stood there looking through him, as though he were invisible. Was the girl addle-minded? One minute she speaks her mind, the next she hums a tune.

  With every second that passed, he could envision her erecting a thick wall of stone between them. He should not care what became of her. Just altering his vision, so she lived another day should have been enough. Clan came first, not some strange girl from a time not his own. Och, if ye do not count the times I watched her in my sleep over the last sennight…I would not even know her. Even as his heart battled his mind, Ian would never be able to leave her in such a vulnerable state unprotected. His last thought caused a tight grip to clench at his heart. An unfamiliar emotion squeezed in his chest, but not one he wanted to ponder now.

  Several moments passed since he had last heard her speak. Whatever was going through that mind of hers, he knew he would get nowhere near the deed or the book until he put her mind at ease. It was less disturbing to deal with her ire than the meek creature before him. What happened to his wee wildcat from earlier when she single-handedly took down her captor with a dagger held to her throat, or the irksome glare she shot in his direction when he issued his final threat? She was no ordinary woman, but one of worth and strength. Anyone who was present could have seen a combination of fear and fire that flowed from within her soul. Jesu, she had been amazing.

  Only a few feet separated them, and Ian quelled the urge to pull her into an embrace, as she continued to stare into the darkness. “Lass? Can ye hear me?” The low murmur of her tune halted at his words.

  “Ahhh, so ye can hear me. Ye have nothing to fear from…” The turn of her head stopped his words, as their eyes connected. Whatever caused her mind to vanish earlier receded, and recognition crossed her face. Then she did the one thing he had not prepared for, she buried her heart-shaped face into her hands and sobbed. The painful cries struck deep into the center of his heart. If there was one thing he could sense, it was when someone had endured more than their share of heartache, and this woman had reached that breaking point. It tore through his center, but a good soul-cleansing cry is probably just the cure for what ailed her heart. What could have happened to render someone so young, with such a heavy load to bear?

  Careful not to startle her further, Ian took a gradual step in her direction. When he stood before her, she continued to sob into her palms, but did not flinch when he lifted her chin to look him in the eye. Caroline’s response pleased him and knew she no longer feared for her safety. At least not from him. Ian took one of his fingers and brushed back a lock of hair that fallen over her eyes. His breath hitched when he uncovered the deep, rich, almond color of her eyes.

  Between shuddering breaths, she managed a shaky. “How…do you…know my…name? The sound of a hiccup made her seem younger, than she was. In his time, a girl her age would have long been married with several bairns at her skirt by now.

  The misery of her sobs crushed him, but at least she was speaking. “My name is Ian MacLaine. I’m the Laird of Lochbuie.” Taking a deep breath, he continued. “Ye are the one who has haunted my dreams for the last sennight.”

  At the mention of his dreams, her brows creased. Now he was the one sounding a bit addled.

  Her mouth dropped open. “But you’re just a dream. I conjured you up…how can this be?”

  “I know it does not make much sense. To be completely honest, I am a bit at odds myself, but I need ye to trust me, lass.” He wiped at an errant tear that fell down her cheek.

  “Trust you? I don’t even know you.” She whispered.

  “I know it must be verra confusing for ye right now, but did I not save ye from those men back yonder, as I said I would?”

  “Save me? Yes, I am alive, but…you murdered that man.” She shivered beneath his hands.

  He gave her a solemn nod, not sure, how she would react to the truth. “Aye. He gave me no choice.” It was best to leave out the part that he was not sorry for it. After witnessing his hands mauling her and threats to Caroline’s life, the bastard did not deserve to live. Did the men in this time not protect what belonged to them? If this was how men responded to a threat in the future…he wanted no part of it.”

  Unshed tears gathered in the corner in of her eyes. “This…is really happening, but why? I don’t understand.”

  At her words, the world seemed to pause though only a few moments had passed. Neither one spoke, but each stood in silent assessment of the other. There was a subtle shift in the air, so slight he was not even sure she felt the connection. Then he felt the tension release from her shoulders. Though she still looked at him with those haunted eyes, she felt it too.

  Time was running out, and he had not even explained that he needed to take her back with him. “Lass, the Tir nam Famhair, where is it? Without it, my clan may perish at the hands of the English.”

  Creasing her brows together and repeated his words. “The ter—what?” I have no idea what you mean?”

  “Tis a leather bounded tome about this size.” He used his hands and indicated the measurements. “The edges of the front cover are frayed, and there is a clasp of brass. An empty circle lay at the center of the front cover.”

  At his description, her face lit up with understanding “The Land of Giants?” I dropped it back there when I tripped earlier.” She pointed toward the park.

  “Show me where, lass.”

  Chapter Ten

  Without hesitating, she headed in the direction where she tripped earlier. The warmth of a strong, large hand grasped her own, and she expelled a gasp. When he started to loosen his grip, she said. “No. Don’t let go.” Good grief, how desperate did that sound. Physical contact had always felt awkward, but the moment his hand touched her smaller one the connection to this man was immediate. They stood in the shadows, but she thought she saw a glimpse of a smile spread across his unshaved face. The sight caused a flutter in her stomach, and her cheeks flushed at his reaction. For once in her life, she was grateful it was dark.

  In Ian’s presence, the darkness no longer held the power over her it once did. With her hand still in his, she continued to hum softly and she pulled him in the direction of the offending tree root. “Come on. It should be right over here.” The park was not big, despite the amount of trees and shrubs that filled it. She discovered the root much the same way she did the first time. Her toe caught on the root.

  “Ahhhhh!” Her arms flailed in an attempt to keep her balance. This time, however, Ian was there to pull her back before she fell to the ground and she met with the hard rock wall of his chest. She swallowed, “Thank you.”

  “Ye are having a time of it this night, lass. I assume this would be the culprit that tripped ye up earlier?”

  She nodded. “Yeah. I must have forgotten to latch my bag, because when I tripped most of the stuff flew over my head.”

  It would be close to impossible to find the tome without daylight, but the urgency in his voice had her on her knees in the mud, as she felt blindly around for the book. A moment later, he joined in the search. His desire to leave this place pricked at her heart. Why she didn’t know? She didn’t even know this man, or did she? There was a familiarity between them, and when he made the promise about not being harmed…she truly believed each word. The swinging of the necklace beneath her blouse gave her the answer. He had come. This Ian MacLaine, but after such a short time why did he talk of leaving? He just arrived. Was he only sent to save her from this one moment in time?

  The visibility was non-existent, but after a few minutes, Carol
ine let out a triumphant shout. “I’ve got it, Ian!”

  The book was drenched. “It’s soaked and covered in mud. What if it’s ruined? I should have left it at the library, but then we might have never known…” Her voice trailed off. Why was this man effecting her this way, and so fast? There was a hint of disappoint in her voice, and as the heat rose to her cheeks, she was thankful for the lack of light. Even though an ache in her throat grew and the urge to cry surfaced, she refused to make a fool of herself and go on another blubber fest. To have another meltdown in front of the hottest guy she had ever seen, so wasn’t happening. She bit the inside of her lip until the urge to release her tears diminished, but soon the metallic taste of blood filled her mouth.

  Ian reached a hand out in the darkness and said, “Take my hand.” When her delicate fingers brushed over his wrist, he felt the heat of her touch go straight to his groin. More gruffly than he intended he said. “Come lass.”

  Side by side, they moved back to the steps of the Town Hall where the light was brighter. Ian took care as he turned each brittle blank page, careful not to tear them. When he reached the back pages of the tome, he saw it. The deed laid where his grandmother placed it and it appeared to be intact. Ian blew out a breath of relief.

  “I take it that old piece of paper was important.” Caroline shuddered in her damp clothes as a frigid gust blew around them.

  Ian turned his head to the left and their eyes locked for an instant. “Aye. It is, but now that I found it, I need to get ye where it is dry and warm. Ye are shivering in your boots, lass.”

  If he didn’t get her out of those wet clothes and warm he worried, she would become ill. With his last thought, Ian’s body reacted of its own accord. He needed to stay focused. He did not know how much time they had, but he would not dally in any event. The longer he stayed, the more he doubted his earlier plan. Could he really take this young woman back? Mo Daol’s story left no room for him to question the original plan, but he was not one to force his will upon any women. He had a decision to make, but first he needed to assure himself that she was safe and comfortable.

  “I need to get ye to your home. Do ye live far?”

  With arms still wrapped around her waist, she attempted to stave off the cold and create her own warmth. The rain stopped, but the steady, icy wind continued to blow. He had been born and bred in the Highlands and his endurance to the cold had built up over the years of living in his beloved Scotland.

  Her teeth chattered. “Yes. Not far from here. It is a block and a half away.”

  He did not know what a block meant in distance, but he hoped it was close for her sake. Without warning, Ian handed her the heavy book and swung her into his arms. Her protest was immediate.

  “Hey! What do you think you are doing? I can walk!”

  “Aye, I’ve no doubt ye are stubborn enough to do it. The night has been wrought with danger, and do not take this the wrong way, lass but the color in your face as not come back, and I would not forgive myself if ye were to fall and injure yourself.”

  “I feel fine, so you can put me down right now!” The conviction of her words lacked intensity.

  The corner of his mouth turned up with a smile. She may argue with him, but her tone told him Caroline enjoyed his attention, more than she cared to admit. “Where I am from, lass ye do not argue with the laird. Since I am the laird, I will be carrying ye and I will not argue the point with ye. It is for your own safety and that is the end of it.”

  “Laird? What’s that? As in you work for the law or something?”

  “Where I am from…I am the law. Now if ye are through wast…”

  She lifted her brows and shook her head as she spoke. “You didn’t answer my question.”

  “Laird is a title, Carrrroline.”

  She loved how the “R” rolled off his tongue when he said her name, which in her opinion couldn’t be enough, but he wasn’t going to win this debate. She would walk home. “These are different times…Laird.” She laughed at her own mockery. “We don’t have lairds anymore…well unless you count the ones you buy on the internet…” She stopped when he gave her a peculiar look. “What?”

  “Your speech. Tis different, and I do not speak of the dialect, lass. Who is this…in-ter-net, ye speak of? Is he a peddler of some sorts?”

  “Good Lord, you really aren’t from around here.” Caroline’s eyes widened, as the events of the nights sunk in.

  “Nay, I am not.” he said with a grimace that no doubt mirrored her own astonishment. He started to walk forward before he spoke again. “I will carry ye home, and I will not argue with ye a moment longer.”

  If the scowl on her face was an indication, she was not too happy about not getting her way.

  Ian smirked at the woman in his arms. “Do not think I will be swayed by your foul temper…or that pouting lip or I will…”

  “Or what?” She crossed her arms and shot him a defiant look.

  Not many men in all the Highlands would dare pierce Ian with such a fierce stare. She may appear meek in stature, but somewhere deep within her a fiery strength was waiting to be unleashed.

  He held back the urge to chuckle when she pursed her lips and pierced him with a challenging glare. However, one glance at the way her thick, rose-colored lips twisted with satisfaction caused a flame to ignite within him. It was no use. Ian’s curiosity got the better of him, and the urge to taste her lips would not subside.

  “Or this….” Ian lowered his head toward Caroline’s. Their eyes met and he saw the fiery passion in the depths of the dark brown pools. Something stirred and heated within him, and his blood heated like a forger’s flame. He gave her no time to comprehend what he planned, and then his lips brushed gently across her own. A slight gasp expelled from her mouth, but he captured it with his own and took advantage of her parted lips. His tongue explored the hot recesses of her mouth, and he delighted as she trembled in his arms. Most men in his time would have found her a wanton with the way she responded, but there was an underlying innocence in her movements, too.

  When Caroline shivered again…this time, it was from the frigid gust of air that penetrated through her wet clothes again. As Ian broke the kiss, her eyes gave a flutter as they opened, and a sigh escaped her lips. His manhood lengthened beneath his plaid, when her tongue ran along her full bottom lip…tasting him. Ian looked toward the empty sky. Jesu, but this is more temptation than one man should have to bear.

  Inhaling through his nose, Ian tried to gain control of his urge to ravish the lass. When he looked down Caroline stared back. Her rich, almond-shaped eyes assessed him for a heartbeat. The annoyance radiating from their depths earlier was replaced by something else—he dared not dwell on—but she became much more amiable. “Which way to your home, lass?” With any luck, it would not be too close. The effect of her kiss had his ardor at full attention beneath his plaid, and he prayed the chilly night air would relieve him of it before she noticed.

  When he first placed her into his arms it felt awkward. She insisted she could walk, but deep down his presence and his thick, strong arms made her feel safe. God, his chest, is magnificent! She had no idea why he wore no shirt, but you wouldn’t get a complaint from her about the view. Her mouth started to open again to demand he put her down, but the smoky taste of whisky assailed her lips with another burning kiss. With her mind focused on the warrior holding her, the heavy tome slipped out of her grip. Caroline tightened her hold around Ian’s neck and secured the book onto her lap. She froze when her hand inadvertently grazed the chiseled-form of his chest and across his nipple. He let out a low growl at her touch.

  He sounded out of breath when he spoke. “If I did not know any better…I would say your vexing me just so I will kiss ye.” He didn’t even struggle to hide the grin on his face.

  Caroline’s jaw dropped open. “Why you arrogant…” A second later, his warm, seductive lips met hers. The kiss was so intense, and she fought the urge to cry out in protest when he pulled bac
k and ended the intimate moment.

  There had been one other kiss in her life, when she was fifteen years old. However, it couldn’t even compare to the toe-curling kisses she received from this giant warrior. No, not just a warrior. Ian. An urgent tingle began where their lips danced in unison and traveled its way lower to the juncture between her thighs. When he asked for directions to her apartment, the kiss he rendered left her unable speak. She pointed, and they started on the trek back to her apartment.

  No man had ever held her this close, and though his kisses did wonders in the relaxation department, she still found herself sitting rigid in his arms. As he started to walk, her body reacted on instinct and soon she found her arms around his neck. She tried to convince herself the only she reason clung to him so tight, was to alleviate some of her weight. However, she could find no excuse when she let her headrest upon his chest, as she warmed the cold tip of her nose at the crook of his neck. Lordy, he smells so good. There was nothing feminine about him. As she took another breath through her nose, she tried to recognize the scents. There was a mixture of whisky, pine, and another unfamiliar scent. One she could not place. She closed her eyes and tried to recognize the scent. The rhythm of his pace was sure and confident. Just like the man that suddenly appeared. What was she trying to remember again?

  When they approached the alley, she panicked. “Ian? Please. Don’t go down there?” Her fingers grasped to his upper arms. “Cut through the park.” She motioned toward the left where there lay a dim pathway. “I don’t want see…” Caroline didn’t need to finish.

  “I will no’.” He gave her a gentle smile of understanding. “Show me the way, Mo Ghraidh.” The sexy timbre of his voice made Caroline’s insides warm and weakened her knees.

  She wanted to avoid the main street, so she directed him to the backside of the Town Hall where the employee’s parking lot was located. Mickey’s Garage was located on this side of the town building, as well as a few smaller seasonal shops. Most closed for the season. “Take the next road on the right. That’s where I live”


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