The Annotated Milton: Complete English Poems
Page 88
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3017 claim as
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3018 universal, common
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3019 impregnates
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3020 complained
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3021 wastes away
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3022 endure
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3023 rouse/stir up
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3024 close, careful
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3025 but only a chance
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3026 follow
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3027 vigilant/cautious observation
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3028 wild, uncultivated land
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3029 [noun]
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3030 extreme/outermost west
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3031 astronomical orientation: directly opposite
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3032 visible
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3033 practiced
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3034 close
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3035 evening, twilight
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3036 crosses, traverses
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3037 burning
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3038 stamp, imprint on
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3039 violently forceful
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3040 destiny
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3041 responsibility
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3042 traced
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3043 noted
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3044 (1) course, (2) carriage: i.e., through the air, as spirits move
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3045 foreign, inconsistent, repugnant
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3046 darkened
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3047 stir up, cause
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3048 watch, guard
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3049 meridian hour = noon
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3050 disposed, thinking, intending
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3051 responsibility: i.e., to his post
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3052 daily: i.e., as it does every day
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3053 or else
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3054 rolling, revolving
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3055 silent, quiet [adjective]
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3056 sober livery = grave/solemn/sedate uniform/style of dress
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3057 “had clad all things in her sober livery”
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3058 melodious song
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3059 brightest of the early evening stars
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3060 manifest, obvious
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3061 think, remind
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3062 similar
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3063 one after another
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3064 bends downward
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3065 makes known
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3066 observant attention
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3067 move hither and thither
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3068 prune
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3069 passages, walks
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3070 tilling, cultivating
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3071 luxuriant
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3072 blended song, of multiple origin
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3073 bright
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3074 pleasing
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3075 see footnote 336, above
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3076 universal, common
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3077 perfect, fulfilled
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3078 furnishing, supplying
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3079 ready [adjective]
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3080 illuminate
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3081 (1) natural, (2) benevolent
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3082 variable, varying
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3083 disposition, temperament (i.e., astrologically)
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3084 rouse/stir up with heat
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3085 qualities, powers
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3086 the species
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3087 better fit/suited
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3088 powerful, mighty
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3089 should you think
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3090 lack
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3091 height, slope
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3092 rounding walk = walking round
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3093 musical periods/groups of notes
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3094 into watches
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3095 proprietor
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3096 covering
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3097 adorned
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3098 made, shaped
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3099 embroidered
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3100 i.e., inlaid with precious gems
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3101 though but feigned = even if only in fables
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3102 pastoral god of vegetation and agriculture, who had goat horns and legs
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3103 intimate
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3104 seclusion, withdrawal, retirement
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3105 married
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3106 wedding hymn
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3107 what day = on the day
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3108 (1) festive, kindly, (2) nuptial
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3109 Pandora (“all gifts”), whose box of gifts, when opened, let loose all ills upon the world
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3110 she was brought to Epimetheus (“afterthought”), brother of Prometheus (“fore-thought”)
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3111 Iapetus, a Titan
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3112 Jove’s messenger
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3113 to be = in order to be
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3114 Prometheus
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3115 truly created by Jove
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3116 hut, cottage, house
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3117 venerated
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3118 wonderfully pleasant
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3119 lacks
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3120 unreaped
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3121 joined hand in hand
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3122 relieved/set free of
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3123 believe, suppose
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3124 property
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3125 held in common
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3126 wander
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3127 kinship
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3128 natural affections
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3129 describe, call
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br /> 3130 arrows
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3131 steadfast, faithful, true
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3132 enjoyment
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3133 unchaste, lascivious
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3134 renewed, replaced
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3135 the earth’s shadow
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3136 arch (the sky)
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3137 Paradise’s eastern gate
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3138 “Strength of God”
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3139 move, turn to
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3140 like
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3141 the shield was worn on the left arm; the spear was held in the right
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3142 “Discovery of God”
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3143 “Searcher of Secrets”
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3144 secure of = protected/safe from
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3145 from the time of
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3146 who tells = one (Uriel) who tells
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3147 headed, bound
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3148 ranks/rows of armed angels
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3149 Satan
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3150 crouching
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3151 close at = near
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3152 trying
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3153 desired, wished
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3154 whether
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3155 blowing, breathing
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3156 infect, corrupt
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3157 disordered, ill-humored, deranged
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3158 hardening
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3159 necessity
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3160 leaps, bounds, jumps
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3161 caught unawares
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3162 nitrous powder = gunpowder
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3163 piled up, heaped
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3164 barrel, cask
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3165 military warehouse
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3166 blackened
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3167 powder of a granular texture: i.e., gunpowder
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3168 sent forth
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3169 overwhelmed
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3170 horrible, ghastly
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3171 address
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3172 quickly, without delay
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3173 sentenced, condemned
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3174 suitable companion
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3175 i.e., in Heaven
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3176 indicates
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3177 rebel
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3178 judgment
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3179 sublime, majestic, impressive
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3180 mourned
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3181 fight
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3182 gnashing, rattling
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3183 the strap/chain of a horse’s bit
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3184 strive or fly = fight or flee
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3185 dread combined with wonder
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3186 overcome
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3187 front line
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3188 quick
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3189 royal, stately
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3190 carriage, bearing
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3191 pallid, gloomy
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3192 depart
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3193 scowls
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3194 crouching, lurking
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3195 look
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3196 responsibility
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3197 commend
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3198 reputation
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3199 sentenced
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3200 exchange
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3201 compensate, repay
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3202 grief, sorrow
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3203 more firmly/securely
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3204 forced confinement, imprisonment
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3205 provoked
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3206 “What a loss in Heaven is one who can judge what wisdom is!”
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3207 unauthorized, without permission
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3208 boundaries, limits
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3209 flee
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3210 however he can
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3211 oppose
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3212 whip, lash
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3213 courageous
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3214 declared
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3215 hurry
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3216 reinforced
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3217 otherwise
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3218 thy words at random = thy careless/heedless words
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3219 as to what
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3220 is needful/required of…. faithful leader
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3221 attempts, experiments
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3222 results
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3223 courses, directions, roads, paths
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3224 fly
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3225 rumor, report
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3226 even if
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3227 forced, pushed
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3228 quickly
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3229 flee
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3230 declare oneself
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3231 indicates
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3232 found, searched out
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3233 slavelike, meanly
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3234 dread
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3235 why
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3236 counsel
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3237 leave!
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3238 boundaries
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3239 fasten
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3240 (1) easy, (2) courteous
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3241 growing
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3242 in rage = enraged
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3243 guardian of boundaries
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3244 material force
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3245 superior, stronger
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3246 comrades
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3247 moonèd horns = crescent formation
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3248 close-packed battle ar
ray, sixteen-man-deep square, perfected by the Romans
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3249 raised/lifted and at the ready
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3250 grain (metaphorical use of the goddess’ name)
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3251 [adverb]
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3252 swings
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3253 bundles
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3254 alert
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3255 (1) wings extended, (2) expanded in size
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3256 high peak in the Canary Islands
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3257 Mt. Atlas in Mauritania, Africa
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3258 (1) holding his ground, (2) unremovable
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3259 helmeted
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3260 was lacking
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3261 involved in
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3262 vault
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3263 crash, collision, destruction
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3264 quickly
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3265 the constellation Libra (“the Scales”) is between Scorpio and Virgo/Astrea
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3266 still
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3267 Virgo
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3268 reflects upon, weighs
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3269 i.e., the two pans of the scale
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3270 result
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3271 separating, breaking off
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3272 the balance beam
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3273 addressed
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3274 mud
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3275 destiny
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3276 recognized
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3277 grumbling, complaining, muttering
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3278 i.e., responsible, without any excuse
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3279 region, realm
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3280 bright, gleaming
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3281 accustomed, in the habit
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3282 produced, developed
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3283 moderate
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3284 exhalations of a digestive kind
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3285 soft, mild
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3286 giving off vapors—mist and evaporation
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3287 goddess of morning
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3288 Adam’s exhalations were easily “dispersed” (dissipated, scattered) by the “fanning” motion of leaves and the “fuming” of running water
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3289 morning
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3290 heartfelt
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3291 singular, special
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3292 west wind/spring breeze
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3293 goddess of flowers
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3294 early morning (either dawn or about 6 A.M.)
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3295 note, observe
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3296 [verb]
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3297 “what the myrrh tree (a gum resin) drops”
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3298 here, a balsam (pine) tree