The Annotated Milton: Complete English Poems
Page 93
4430 power
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4431 ineffective
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4432 otherwise
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4433 active force
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4434 in service/office
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4435 part
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4436 [trisyllabic, first and third accented]
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4437 allege, say
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4438 conceding (arguendo: for the purposes of argument)
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4439 said
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4440 confirm, ratify
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4441 the sun’s
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4442 magnetic
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4443 power
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4444 continually moving forward/larger
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4445 continually moving backward/smaller
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4446 six planets
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4447 transverse, crossways
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4448 angles
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4449 the tenth and outermost sphere, the primum mobile, which kept the other spheres in motion
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4450 [trisyllabic, second accented, “-ible” elided]
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4451 zealous
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4452 reaches, meets
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4453 the sun’s
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4454 the earth
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4455 clear, transparent
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4456 the moon
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4457 the moon
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4458 assigned, destined
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4459 male light = original, female light = reflected
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4460 space
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4461 deserted [de sert]
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4462 [trisyllabic, first and third accented]
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4463 habitable earth [four syllables, first and third accented]
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4464 obvious to dispute = obviously disputable
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4465 harmless
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4466 evenly
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4467 disturb, make anxious
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4468 humbly
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4469 manner
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4470 circumstances (i.e., rich or poor)
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4471 a point on some scale of measurement
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4472 complications
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4473 afflict, trouble
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4474 at large = fully, amply
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4475 abstruse
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4476 smoke, vapor
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4477 foolish
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4478 irrelevance, presumption
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4479 point, elevation
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4480 descend to
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4481 perhaps
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4482 permission [bisyllabic: suffrance]
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4483 usual, customary, habitual
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4484 foolish
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4485 after
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4486 meal, food
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4487 [bisyllabic: satiate]
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4488 permeated, inspired
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4489 [trisyllabic, second accented: satiety]
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4490 courteous, indulgent
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4491 silent
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4492 proposition
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4493 is in order/form/a structure
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4494 it happened
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4495 unfamiliar, strange [ uncouth]
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4496 dark, hidden
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4497 a journey
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4498 arranged, formed
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4499 military formation
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4500 breaking out
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4501 accustom
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4502 [trisyllabic, second accented, “-ience” elided]
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4503 barricaded
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4504 ordered, commanded
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4505 narration
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4506 listen
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4507 led, prevailed upon
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4508 herbage, grass
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4509 mild, soft
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4510 steaming
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4511 gliding flow
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4512 near, alongside
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4513 moved, walked
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4514 illuminated (literally: by sunlight)
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4515 weight
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4516 soporific, sleepy
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4517 manifestation
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4518 dwelling, habitation
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4519 needs, requires
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4520 [bisyllabic, first accented]
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4521 vividly, lifelike
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4522 depicted
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4523 cultivate
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4524 famine, shortage
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4525 effect, power
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4526 guarantee
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4527 close by, near
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4528 [five syllables, second and fourth accented]
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4529 look, countenance
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4530 discourse
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4531 lands, territory
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4532 oath/acknowledgment of loyalty
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4533 breathe
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4534 some (the land-bound animals)
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4535 whatever please
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4536 invested, endowed
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4537 understanding
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4538 pressed forward, presumptuously
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4539 filled, fully stocked
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4540 exercise, frolic
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4541 diversion, entertainment
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4542 wield, sustain
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4543 intercessory prayer
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4544 favorably inclined
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4545 be suitable
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4546 eager, ardent
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4547 lacking force/energy
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4548 wearisome, annoying, disagreeable
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4549 mutually, to each
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4550 share
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4551 companion, partner
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4552 suitably
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4553 live
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4554 closely reasoned, discriminating
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4555 communion
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4556 discourse, interchange of thoughts and words
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4557 comfort, alleviate, soothe
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4558 complete, perfect
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4559 display, prove
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4560 imperfection in being single/solitary
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4561 parallel
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4562 friendship
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4563 seclusion, mysteriousness
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4564 birds, beasts, fish, etc.
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4565 pleasure
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4566 test
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4567 unsuitable
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4568 always
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4569 adduced, proposed
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4570 remained, endured
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4571 dialogue
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4572 lofty
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4573 surpasses, is superior to
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4574 restoration
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4575 held apart, separated
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4576 was able to see
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4577 restorative
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4578 inferior, poor
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4579 instilled, insinuated
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4580 manner, appearance
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4581 in order to
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4582 renounce
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4583 lovable
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4584 desist
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4585 change
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4586 “given (by You) grudgingly/with reluctance”
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4587 drawn forth, obtained
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4588 brought forth, produced, created
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4589 knowledge
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4590 open, bold
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4591 forward
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4592 reserved
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4593 worked
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4594 dutiful, compliant
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4595 confirmed
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4596 urged
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4597 statement/speech/discourse
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4598 most choice
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4599 joyous feeling
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4600 aromatic
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4601 frolicking, gamboling
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4602 nightingale
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4603 a marriage poem
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4604 Venus
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4605 strong, passionate
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4606 enraptured
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4607 I touch
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4608 agitation
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4609 either
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4610 support
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4611 removing
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4612 highly finished
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4613 principal goal
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4614 which most excel = which are by and large those that are superior
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4615 perfect
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4616 reduced, lowered
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4617 loosens, goes slack
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4618 shamed
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4619 appears
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4620 as if she were
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4621 created
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4622 incidentally
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4623 finish, complete
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4624 like
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4625 distrusting, lacking confidence in
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4626 discard, reject, send away
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4627 ascribing, assigning
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4628 i.e., self-esteem
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4629 master
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4630 appearances
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4631 worthy of/commanding profound respect
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4632 always
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4633 procreative
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4634 judge, consider
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4635 full of divine grace
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4636 acts of decorum, proprieties
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4637 pleasing
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4638 [verb, second syllable accented]
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4639 frustrated, defeated
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4640 statements, arguments
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4641 lines 609–10: “I who deal with all sorts of arguments, presented to me (my mind) by my bodily senses….
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4642 emitted radiance
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4643 having virtues/powers
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4644 in eminence = in eminent measure (i.e., even more)
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4645 exclusionary, excluding
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4646 restricting, limited
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4647 (1) conducting way, passage, (2) management, skill, artifice
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4648 Cape Verde Islands, in the Atlantic off northwestern Africa
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4649 in the west
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4650 first of all = primarily
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4651 allow, permit, consent to
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4652 happiness, welfare
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4653 free choice
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4654 [verb]
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4655 courteous, noble
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4656 always
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4657 circled around
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4658 i.e., while the serpent is sleeping
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4659 among
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4660 attack, assault, try to seduce
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br /> 4661 finally
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4662 intensity, strength, ardor
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4663 i.e., quarrel, disagree
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4664 i.e., God or an Angel guest “sitting indulgent” with Adam, as with a friend
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4665 familiar used = treated affably, intimately, courteously
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4666 good-humored
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4667 Adam
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4668 country-style
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4669 Adam
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4670 pardonable
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4671 unreproved
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4672 (of poetry/music)
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4673 breaking of relations
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4674 estranged
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4675 forerunner
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4676 theme, subject
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4677 fierce, hard, merciless
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4678 Hector, prince of Troy
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4679 Hector, in great fear, tried to escape Achilles by running away, and was caught after a chase that went three times around Troy’s walls
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4680 Italian king
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4681 Turnus’ promised bride, given to Aeneas instead
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4682 betrothal (engagement) broken off
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4683 Neptune’s ire = Neptune’s anger at Odysseus for killing Neptune’s son, Polyphemus
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4684 Juno’s anger stems from (1) the beauty contest, which she did not win, and which Venus did, the judge being Aeneas’ brother, Paris, and (2) the peril Aeneas poses to Carthage, a city sacred to Juno
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4685 puzzled, entangled
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4686 Odysseus
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4687 Cytherea = Venus; Aeneas was her son
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4688 appropriate [four syllables, first and third accented]
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4689 from
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4690 Urania, muse of epic poetry
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4691 condescends, vouchsafes
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4692 quietly, comfortably
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4693 not planned out in advance
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4694 i.e., taking a long time to choose his course, his subject matter, and starting late in life
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4695 diligent, assiduous
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4696 write about, in a literary composition
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4697 theme, subject
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4698 judged, considered
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4699 skill, knowledge
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4700 analyze, anatomize
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4701 destruction
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4702 imaginary, not real
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4703 knightly combat, jousting
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4704 equipment, furnishings
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4705 adorned (painted)
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4706 devices/insignia painted on shields
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4707 ingenious, skillful