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Bad Boyfriend

Page 4

by K.A. Mitchell

  “You’re tight.” Quinn wrapped an arm around Eli’s hips and tried to tease a little space for a third finger.

  “Thanks.” But the laugh Eli tried to slip into the word stuttered away as Quinn worked a third finger in down to the second knuckle.

  Eli’s spine rolled, and now there was a little more room for Quinn to move his fingers.

  “Fuck me. C’mon.”

  Quinn needed to throw Eli off balance again. “Daddy’s busy right now.”

  Eli groaned and dropped his head to his forearms as Quinn twisted his fingers down to his knuckles. His slender body rocked with the lightest pump of Quinn’s wrist.

  Tenderness flooded Quinn’s chest with a breath-crushing weight. The desire to cuddle and coax was as strong as the urge to make Eli forget his game and play for real. “Relax. Daddy’ll get you there, honey.”

  Eli’s breath sounded caught in a sob. “Do it. Please.”

  “I’ve got you.” Quinn eased his fingers out. A sudden urgency had him rushing to wrap up and get slick. He took a breath as he lined himself up, praying that first slide into hot muscle wouldn’t send him over the edge.

  “Come on.” Eli groaned it, but his ass was tight as Quinn nudged forward.

  Quinn stroked down the sweaty skin of Eli’s back, kept a hand on the base of his spine and pushed down. “Stay right there for me.” He nudged forward.

  “Shit.” It whistled out from clenched teeth. “Your fault. Made me wait. Too long.”

  Quinn felt that wave again. The one that wanted to wrap Eli up in a hard embrace until Quinn held Eli as tightly as his body gripped Quinn’s dick. But that wasn’t part of the game he’d signed on for, and based on the way Eli played, that wasn’t what he was looking for either.

  “Shut up and take my cock, boy.”

  The words did what the gentle stroking didn’t. Eli’s ass opened and Quinn drove inside. They moaned together, and Quinn worked his way down to his balls.

  “Fuck, yeah,” Eli panted.

  Quinn grabbed Eli’s hips, put him where he wanted him and started a good deep rhythm. Eli’s body worked him, tight and slick, and for once Quinn didn’t miss bare skin. Without the barrier, that tight a grip after all that teasing would have had Quinn coming after a dozen thrusts.

  Knowing that Eli didn’t have that kind of help made Quinn smile, until he saw one of Eli’s hands slide down under his chest.

  Quinn slapped Eli’s ass in time with a thrust. “No.”

  The effect was electric. Muscles rippled along Quinn’s cock, tightening around the base, but Eli didn’t stop working his hand underneath them. Quinn spanked him harder, hand landing in the same spot, fingers thudding into the crease under the swell of his cheek. Eli’s body milked him with quick pulses. Quinn landed a blow sharper and lower. After a harsh gasp, Eli slid his hand forward, away from his cock.

  “Don’t make me tie them, boy.”

  Eli bucked, his body rolling and shaking. Quinn got a foot on the mattress and rode with him, driving in and letting Eli’s motion take over for a minute.

  “Please, Daddy. I have to come.” The voice was raw, nothing Quinn had heard in any of Eli’s moods so far.

  “When I say. I’ve got plans for that dick of yours.” The shift had left Eli’s cheek more exposed, and Quinn landed a slap on some still-pale skin.

  “I don’t top,” Eli managed to huff out.

  “I didn’t say that’s what I wanted. Right now, you’re my boy and you don’t come until I say you can.” Quinn smacked him again.

  “I’ll get hard fast.” A thin, choked whine.

  Quinn grabbed Eli’s hips and fucked him fast and deep.

  “You can still fuck me after I come.” Eli’s head was grinding into the mattress and he turned it, lips and cheeks stained bright red, lashes dark against his cheeks.

  “I’ll do what I want.”

  Eli’s desperation only made the need to hold him stronger. The need to watch him break, give in completely, and let Quinn take care of him got twisted up in this determination to make Eli stop thinking he could bargain his way around him.

  Eli’s hand slipped down once more, and Quinn lunged forward, pinning him on the mattress and grabbing both his hands.

  Eli tried to move his hips, grind against the sheet, but Quinn held them under his weight. Eli’s ass became impossibly tight as his legs were forced together. All Quinn could manage was to swivel his hips in a counterpoint to Eli’s ragged gasps.

  “I’m going to fuck you until I come, and you’re going to have to wait for it, boy.”

  Eli bucked and fought to free his hands. “Please. Please, Daddy.”

  Quinn put enough weight on Eli to keep him from getting a good grind on the mattress and fucked him hard. A roll of fear in his stomach told him he was as close to losing control as Eli, but he couldn’t resist pinning both Eli’s hands with a left-handed grip so the right could land another electric, ripple-inducing swat on Eli’s ass.

  Eli bucked again and then shook. Quinn landed a few more smacks, and Eli grunted and went limp. His face was turned up enough to make his words clear. “Come in me. C’mon, Daddy.”

  Fuck that. “Quinn.” He ground the word out between gritted teeth with the last bit of sanity he had left.

  “Come in my ass, Quinn.”

  “Yeah.” Quinn arched his back and let everything go, hips working his dick against that incredibly hot grip, Eli’s dark lips the last thing he saw before orgasm squeezed Quinn’s eyes shut, streaks of silver lightning behind his lids as he plunged into all that pleasure and let it fill him, empty him.

  He dropped his head onto Eli’s shoulder, panting while the aftershocks tingled along his nerves. Eli’s ass clamped around him again, and Quinn’s dick jerked in another spurt that hurt as much as it was good. As soon as he could get some spit in his mouth he was going to give Eli the sweet blowjob he deserved, fingers rubbing inside his ass until he came apart while Quinn watched.

  He lifted himself on his arms. Even the condom felt extra heavy as he stripped it and tried to get it someplace it wouldn’t make a mess.

  “Roll over and let me suck you, honey.”

  “Okay.” All the desperation was gone from Eli’s voice, though he sounded eager enough. “But I’m shifting out of the wet spot first.”

  Chapter Four

  If Eli hadn’t just had the best orgasm of his life—and given the fact that he still sometimes jerked off three times a day he had to be well into five figures—the look on Quinn’s face would have been the high point of the night.

  “You little shit.” Quinn sat back, staring at the spot where a string of come hung from Eli’s slick, softening cock.

  “Here’s a tip. If you don’t want someone whose ass is one big erogenous zone to come, don’t spank him when there’s anything but air on his dick.” Eli tucked his hands behind his neck and leaned back against the pillows, legs spread. “But like I said, I can get hard again pretty fast—sooner if you stick something in my ass—and I’d love a blowjob.” He winked. “Daddy.”

  Eli winced as Quinn used Eli’s discarded briefs to wipe at the wet spot. He’d have to go commando to get home, and his black jeans were tight enough to chafe.

  “You’re something else,” Quinn muttered.

  “Tell me something I don’t know.”

  As Quinn put his fists into the mattress and loomed over him, Eli’s ass slid into a dip, the sheet rough on the skin where Quinn had been leaving his handprint.

  Eli knew he did a damned good job of controlling a wince, but Quinn must have seen something else.

  “Sorry.” But a grin made the apology a lie. “Need to roll on your stomach?”

  “I like it rough.” Eli shrugged, swallowing back an I’ve had worse. He wouldn’t know until he checked for marks the next morning. And it wasn’t what he’d meant to say. He’d had pain without great sex to make the sting worth it before. That didn’t have the same ring, so he kept his mouth shut.

��I noticed.” Quinn’s tone had that amused dryness Eli had been hearing all night.

  Screw him and his nonchalance. “You were fucking awesome, by the way.”

  “Thank you.” There was that same gravity hiding the fact that he was laughing at Eli. “You were fucking awesome yourself.”

  Eli could nonchalant it with the biggest I-don’t-give-a-shit prick on the planet—which wasn’t Nate, though his friend probably made it in the top five. “In that case, if you don’t feel like driving me back downtown, do you think you could cough up half my cab fare? I promise I won’t feel cheap.” He hooked a finger in his shirt and dragged it with him as he slipped off the bed.

  Quinn wrapped his fingers around Eli’s wrist and pulled him back. “Whoa. Maybe I’ll feel cheap. You got another date?”

  “I didn’t seem about to get that blowjob.” Eli settled back but gave Quinn a narrow-eyed look.

  “Give me a second. You may have noticed that you’re a little younger than I am.”

  Eli tugged at a gray curl that had come out of that tiny ponytail. “And a lot hipper, daddy-o.”

  Quinn moved fast, pulling Eli onto his side by his hip and slapping the up-till-then-unsore cheek of his ass. Eli wished it pissed him off, but the sting sent arousal zinging from his ass to his dick.

  “Hmm.” Quinn rubbed where he’d swatted, looking down at Eli’s cock. “Are you sure that wasn’t only precome?”

  It had been quite a load, thank you, but before Eli could defend his balls’ honor, Quinn said, “I would have said you’re pretty tense for a guy who just got off, but now I’m wondering if it’s because your dick is looking pretty happy to see me again.” Quinn let his fingers slide down Eli’s crack to rub gently over his slick hole.

  Eli gasped and rolled to his back. “So suck it.”

  Quinn leaned forward and kissed him instead, soft and easy.

  Eli jerked his head away. “You get off on teasing guys, is that it?”

  “Nope. Just you.” Quinn held Eli’s head between his hands and kissed him, not rough, but so fucking thoroughly that every inch of their mouths was involved, and Eli’s dick was definitely more than happy to get back into action. He moved in closer so Quinn would feel it hard and ready against his hip, but Quinn kept kissing him, tongue filling Eli’s mouth, gliding and tingling. Lots of times sucking cock made him breathless and dizzy when he couldn’t get air, but this was the first time a kiss had done it. And he had plenty of air. He arched against Quinn’s body, dick rubbing the soft hair and ridges of Quinn’s lower belly. The rim bounced over a muscle, and Eli groaned into the kiss. God, the man must do crunches in his sleep to have abs like that.

  The rest of Quinn’s muscles were just as strong and capable as they rolled Eli on top, letting him grind against Quinn while that kiss went on. Eli swore his fingertips were tingling from it, hell even the tips of his hair, and he wanted—needed—something hard and deep inside to balance all that gentle pressure. He tried to move, to get Quinn with an agenda that would involve something fucking Eli’s ass, but Quinn didn’t do anything but shift his grip to the back of Eli’s head and wrap the other arm around his waist.

  Eli shoved, and Quinn let him go, a puzzled look in his eyes. Eli braced himself with his hands next to Quinn’s ears.

  Quinn’s gaze softened, and he brought a hand up to rub his thumb across Eli’s lips. They still tingled from that kiss. Eli dragged Quinn’s thumb into his mouth and sucked.

  “Come back down here. I’ll get you off.” Quinn’s deep voice rumbled between them.

  Eli didn’t have any doubt about that. Quinn knew what Eli liked and wrapped it up with a hot Daddy bow.

  It came as a shock to his dick, since Eli’s higher brain could usually be counted on to agree with the one between his legs, but that wasn’t what Eli wanted. Well, it wasn’t only what he wanted. He wanted the whole Quinn package with his active, forceful participation.

  After shaking his head, Eli treated Quinn’s finger to a reminder of Eli’s oral skills before letting the finger rest on his lips as he spoke. “I want to wait for you, Daddy.”

  Quinn’s eyes darkened, and he cupped Eli’s face.

  “Quinn,” Eli corrected himself, remembering what Quinn had said at the end of the last round.

  “Are you turning down a blowjob?” Quinn’s smile didn’t seem to be mocking Eli now.

  “It’s not that I don’t like them.” His tone held a lot more wounded dignity than he’d intended, and he tried to erase it with a grin.

  Of course Eli liked getting his dick sucked. He hadn’t met a guy who didn’t. But he liked the way Quinn had fucked him, hadn’t ever had someone push as hard as that, someone really get what Eli wanted. He doubted there was going to be a sudden shortage of blowjobs in Baltimore. But guys who topped like Quinn? Who made Eli feel safe and scared at the same time? If there were a lot of them hiding in town, Eli hadn’t been able to track any of them down.

  “Because I’ve got to tell you, when my dick gets hard, I’m probably going to want to shove it up your ass again.”

  Eli’s dick jumped. They both liked that idea a lot. “Okay.”

  Quinn ran his hand down Eli’s ass, rubbing the still-burning skin. “Not too sore, boy?”

  Eli shook his head. “You don’t have to play that game if you don’t like it.”

  “Who said I didn’t like it? Want me to find that rubber?”

  “No.” Damn. Maybe Eli could make a midnight run for Viagra. He tried to sneak a look over his shoulder.

  “Believe me it’s trying. You are one hot piece of ass to have in my bed.”

  “I bet you say that to all the boys.” Eli grinned and stroked his fingers over the tattoos on Quinn’s solid shoulders. A Celtic cross decorated his right, a Celtic triad interlocked with leaping fish his left. “Nice ink there, sailor.”

  “Because I was.”

  “Oh my God. I fucked a Marine?”

  Eli’s ass stung from another hard slap before he got dumped onto the mattress, Quinn holding him down. So maybe Eli’d gotten that wrong. If that’s the way Quinn reacted, Eli would be sure to keep mixing his uniforms up.

  “Sailors are in the Navy.” Quinn’s mouth moved close to Eli’s ear. “If you want a Marine, I could probably fix you up.”

  Eli thought for a second. “Your redheaded friend?” He wrinkled his nose. “Nah. Ginger and short.”

  That earned Eli a solid bark of laughter and a quick kiss. Being right had its advantages too.

  “I can’t wait to tell him you said that.”

  “So is that what you do? You’re in the Navy?” Eli had never understood why gay people wanted to serve when they still got treated like shit.

  “Not anymore. I kept hoping I wouldn’t have to keep lying about my life. I did my five and walked away.” Something behind Quinn’s eyes said it hadn’t been as easy as that.

  Walking away before you got kicked out. Now that was something Eli could understand. But fuck if he didn’t wish he’d gone to one of those protests in D.C. last year when Nate had asked him. At least he could have felt he’d stood up for guys like Quinn. “And now?”

  “I teach high school.”

  “Isn’t that the same don’t-ask-don’t-tell kind of thing there?” The teachers in elementary school had never made Eli feel he was weird for being different. The teachers in high school hadn’t really been dicks, but he’d gotten their message all the same. Tone it down. Conform. Stop sticking out, and they won’t pick on you as much.

  “Not really. I don’t keep it a secret from the rest of the faculty, and who I spend time with is never going to come up in my Global History classes.”

  Eli had always been out. He didn’t really know how to make it a question of what he was willing to talk about. People took one look at him and knew he was gay. Not for the first time he thought it was a lot harder to look like Quinn, stupid little ponytail and all.

  “What do you do?” Quinn tucked a hand under his head and propped
himself on his elbow. “That is when you aren’t making men want to fuck you on the dance floor.”

  “I’m a photographer.”

  Quinn looked like he didn’t know what to make of that, but Eli didn’t carry proof of his profession in his wallet.

  “I’m on staff at the Charming Rag.” It wasn’t a total lie.

  “What’s that?”

  “It’s a local newspaper. It covers bands and clubs.” As much as Eli usually liked to talk—especially about himself—he was wondering when the next round had a chance of starting. Quinn’s focused interest made this feel like a job interview.

  “Do you have plans tomorrow?”


  “Tomorrow. Saturday. Are you working or are you free from ten until around one?”

  “As a photographer or a date?”

  “A date. But that might be stretching it. It’s more like a family thing I have to do. I’d like company. Your company.”

  Eli had never considered himself particularly modest, but Quinn asking him out—to a family event—made him feel like he ought to be wearing a lot more than his necklace. Lying on his side, he shifted a leg forward over his junk. “What kind of thing?”

  “A baptism.”

  Eli had a vision of Quinn standing in a kiddie pool while some guy in satin robes poured water over his head to induct him into some kind of religious cult. “Not yours?”

  “No.” Quinn smiled, letting Eli feel in on the joke. “A baby’s.”

  Eli arched a brow like he was considering. “What’s in it for me?”

  Quinn squeezed Eli’s ass.

  “Besides that.”

  “What do you want?” Quinn’s eyes were steady on Eli’s face, no teasing now.

  Eli had felt naked before, now he felt like he wasn’t even wearing skin. He winked, trying to get things back to the way they’d been. “I think I’ll just have you owe me.”

  “I’m good for it.” Quinn’s promise made warmth hit a lot higher up than Eli’s crotch.

  “All right then. But I’ll need to stop at my apartment for something to wear.”

  “I think you look plenty hot in your fuck-me clothes, but okay.”


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