His Blushing Bride_The Cocktail Girls

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His Blushing Bride_The Cocktail Girls Page 4

by Emilia Beaumont

  “You will also both be glad to hear that you’ll have less to concern yourselves with soon enough. It turns out your attempts to hinder my inheritance have back fired, you might even say they tempted fate. I stumbled into someone I’ve known for quite a while the very same day you happened to throw down the gauntlet, mother. And I can say you have nothing to worry about.”

  “What?” Nial spun on his heel to look at my mother as she sat up at the desk. It was hard not to notice his horribly gaudy tie even at a time like this. He had a bizarre fascination with vivid orange and yellow ties, and today’s choice was suitably obnoxious.

  “You heard what I said.”

  Mom silently studied me with discerning eyes while Nial continued to address me.

  “Oh, really? That sounds fantastically convenient,” Nial spat his words across the room with venomous sarcasm. “And who is this individual, I presume we have never heard of her? Hell, you’ve been terrified of women since your ex haven’t you? Why the sudden change of heart?”

  “You’ll meet her at the reunion and her name’s Peach. And though it’s none of your business, while I have been cautious about relationships, it turns out this was just the push I needed to find happiness.”

  “Peach? Come on, that sounds like a made up name. Ha! Knowing you it probably is… Where did you find her, on the strip? You think shacking up with a stripper is what your father intended? That’s not going to fly.”

  “Nial, please,” my mother said, still studying me.

  She was hard to read, but I was glad that she curbed Nial before I directed my own anger at his remarks. Perhaps my mother was actually happy, deep down she may have wanted to see me settled. My parents had always been a true demonstration of love and devotion, it was only in his last years she had been broken down with his illness and now her grief.

  It was easy to imagine the honest intent of the inheritance stipulations, but which had perhaps then been twisted to be used as a last minute spanner in the works. Which, I still suspected was at the behest of my weaselly cousin.

  “I presume this lady is more than a stripper, Ethan?” my mother asked.

  “Aside from you both being rather derogatory about an honest occupation, no, she is not a dancer. She’s a wedding planner from California, I’ve known her for years. She was in town at the perfect time for me to finally make my move, and she said yes!”

  I was surprised at the convincing sincerity of my explanation. Everything I’d discussed with Peach in the car about our false history was welling up inside me. I wanted it all to be true. Longed for it. Though I hardly needed all the sugary coating, my claim was good enough, it was just going to make everything smoother if there were no suspicions.

  “How come I don’t believe you?” Nail said, stepping up to me.

  “Nail, you can drop the senseless threats and envy. Did you think you would be taking over because of a vague stipulation, legally speaking?”

  “Oh, you might be surprised of what the law can do.”

  “You can believe me or not, I frankly don’t care,” I responded, turning to leave. “But don’t all congratulate me at once, by the way!”



  It was Friday, two days had passed without seeing Ethan and it felt like an eternity. He’d called me up the night he’d dropped me off to tell me about the confrontation he’d had with his mother and cousin, and that everything was going to work out fine regardless of the mild hostility.

  Since then I’d been busy working and he, if I had to guess, had been busy preparing the big family reunion that was fast approaching. Tomorrow I would meet his family.

  Ethan texted me occasionally, but only with details I needed to file away to help with my act, about his relatives and himself. It was all fairly impersonal despite the smiley faces he always included. I had to resist all urges to text back immediately, with the affection I was feeling in his absence. At least I would see him this morning. We had arranged to meet me before work as he said there were some vital things to take care of.

  He arrived right on time and we drove into the city. Our greetings had felt a little awkward, first going in for a kiss on the cheek before springing away realizing what we were doing, and I was torn between my feelings and the arrangement we’d found ourselves in. It felt like both of us wanted so much more, and yet both too cautious to make a move and break the business like seal. This made me increasingly hesitant about how I responded to him, we would have to get our rhythm back before the big day.

  “So, all ready for tomorrow?” I asked.

  “Well hopefully we will be. Do you think you’re prepared?” he responded with a little nervousness in his voice.

  “I just meant the organization for the reunion party. You’ve been pretty busy by the sounds of it.”

  “Oh right,” he laughed, “yeah all set. It’s a pretty standard annual thing, just sometimes like herding cats with everyone involved.”

  “Sounds like fun, nice to have a big family. But I think I’m ready. Don’t worry. I’m sure we’ll have a great time and everything will work out. Though it must be a little sad with the first reunion since your dad passed.”

  “Yeah,” Ethan responded quietly.

  The sadness of it stung me, it was so confusing how genuine and personal we continued to feel with each other even though we were supposed to be a fake couple. Just maybe, we could breeze through the arrangement and come out on the other side ready to declare our real feelings? Wishful thinking on my part, a scary thought that I had to bury for now and keep myself on an even keel.

  “Oh, I wanted you to see something before we do our shopping. It’s in the glove box there.”

  Before I dwelled too long on what we were shopping for, I did as instructed. Inside I found a smart looking folder. Within, there were some legal documents. The title of the form was immediately apparent ‘Marriage Annulment’. My heart sank a little.

  “I just wanted you to know things are in order. You shouldn’t have to worry about anything. I didn’t want you feeling uncertain or trapped. I’m a man of my word.”

  Except for the words “I do” I thought with a rising bitterness. Regardless that we’d been too drunk to remember, we had said our vows, and it pained me to think my first real marriage was actually a fleeting fake. My stomach reeled with sickening emotion at the reality the documents in front of me. Though his tone was really only one of care and compassion, I couldn’t escape the sad feeling at the idea of a parting. Here was an honorable man who would do right by me, he was a keeper and yet I would lose him nonetheless.

  “I have been advised it should just be a formality.”

  “Okay great,” I said, returning the documents to the glove compartment out of sight, instead of flinging them out the window like I wanted to do.

  Ethan again seemed to respond to my slightly shadowed state of mind and said, “Now for something a little more cheery I think you’ll agree.” He flashed me a sweet smile as he took a turning and craned his neck hunting for a parking space.

  He parked up and we both stepped out beside the car. He leaned on the roof grinning at me and gestured behind me with his eyes.

  “This was another promise as I remember, and the essential ingredient for your disguise as my fiancée,” he said.

  I turned to see the jewelers just to our left, disappointed that I had not spotted it immediately, I would have to blame his damned distracting smile for that.

  For a moment I teetered on the fence between total giddiness and the sadness again at the false aspect of everything that was unfolding. Giddiness however soon won over, and dragged me down off the fence so I could see the sadness no longer. If anything would help me dive back into the craziness of our situation it would surely be glinting diamonds.

  Ethan rounded the car heading toward the store, I bounded up beside him and without thinking instinctively took his hand. He squeezed back. Apparently he was enjoying himself as well.

  Inside, gems, gold
and silver dazzled from every display. And we were warmly greeted by the counter staff as I peered at all the baubles with unfocused appreciation.

  “Peach, darling? Over here,” Ethan called out to me from the opposite counter.

  His manner however false warmed my heart. I sidled up beside him at the appropriate selection of rings. “Now, let’s just remember I’m hardly a billionaire,” he said with a chuckle. “Though I do want you to have something… convincing,” he whispered.

  “I hardly know where to begin. I was not prepared for this today,” I gushed.

  “Just try a few on,” he urged, nodding to the diligent attendant who promptly lifted out a varied selection for closer investigation.

  When I pointed out the first one that caught my eye, Ethan picked up the ring and took my hand. His sudden touch and intention made my head swoon, he placed the ring on my finger as I watched his eyes. We’d drawn a line in the sand on certain behavior, though right now I ached for him to take me in his arms for real and kiss me.

  “Aww look at you two, why not kiss the bribe to be?” the rather exuberant attendant called out over the counter.

  I felt my heart race with panic, I didn’t take my eyes off Ethan. His eyes were noticeably wide with a similar panic, we had been placed right on the spot.

  A host of thoughts swept through my head, kissing was probably going to come up at some point for a convincing performance. But this attendant did not matter, did he? It would be weirder to deny his request. But above all thought the one that dominated was: please just kiss me!

  My surroundings quickly faded away as Ethan leaned in. When his lips met mine I felt charged from head to toe with electricity, the only sound was my pounding heart. I moved my lips against his as the electricity sparked, the sudden flood of emotion and desire made me forget all other considerations. Ethan met me with equal passion as he pulled me closer to him.

  There was a cough from across the counter. “Ah such love, perhaps we have found the perfect ring?”

  The attendants interruption broke our spell and we eased away from each other. It felt like we would have never stopped otherwise. With a hint of guilt we both glanced elsewhere, Ethan looked toward the attendant, I looked down at the ring on my outstretched finger. My sudden association with the ring and the kiss seemed to make it sparkle that much brighter.

  “Yes, this is the one,” I exclaimed.

  Ethan busied himself with the purchase before we both looked too uncomfortable. We escaped the store as if it was the scene of a crime, albeit a delicious crime I would repeat in a heartbeat. Neither of us dared tackle the subject of what had just happened, or how right our kiss had been, as Ethan drove me to work.

  “Guess we’re ready for anything now,” I said when I was about to get out.

  “Yeah, and just one more day to go. I’ll see you tomorrow, right?”

  “See you then hubby, no wait, fiancé!” I said gleefully holding up the ring.

  Ethan laughed and I headed in to work.

  I could barely bring myself to take the ring off, but it would bring about too many questions if I kept it on. As much as I wanted to tell April and hear her squeal I had to remember it was not real news at all. I was not really engaged.

  It was time to pull my head out of the clouds and plant my feet firmly back on the ground, I had one more work shift ahead of me before the big party with Ethan tomorrow.

  Thankfully it was a reasonably quiet and carefree afternoon in the club, the tips were even flowing today despite the trickle of customers. Even when the ogre of a boss Mr. Donatello prowled the club he found nothing to complain about or to correct. Probably because I kept myself distracted by working more vigorously than I would have ever done otherwise. The tables were spotless and cleared almost instantly, drinks were delivered promptly with beaming smiles.

  All was going swimmingly until perhaps twenty minutes before the end of my shift when a certain party walked in. It was the rowdy table from the other night, and though a couple of their number differed, there was no mistaking the ring leader and his companion who had laid his hands on me.

  Bile rose in my throat at their mere appearance, I had not troubled myself with the incident, or reported it, as I had been so wrapped up with Ethan ever since. I hurried the empty glasses I carried back to the bar as I watched the men closely.

  Mr. Donatello approached them at the entrance as they checked in their coats. I half expected him to turn them around and tell them they were not welcome. The story of the incident would certainly have done the rounds by now, since I’d made sure to let a few of the girls know, including Kitty, Maximo’s niece, even if I had not made any official complaint.

  To my dismay he was welcoming them with much hand shaking and shoulder slapping. I watched dumbstruck as April arrived at the bar beside me.

  “Typical huh?” she exclaimed.

  “Yeah, what gives? That’s the guy who essentially assaulted me right?” I asked her.

  “Fucking boy’s club. Did you expect anything less from that asshole?”

  I shrugged with exasperation and kept my sidelong glances on them as I provided the pending drink order for table five to the bartender. I shuddered as the ringleader very deliberately pointed over toward me. This was followed up with a disdainful look from Maximo. He studied me and nodded along with whatever the guy was saying, whatever lies he was spinning.

  With the drinks ready I tried to avert my gaze from them entirely and was determined to carry on with my job. Yet all the time I could feel their eyes burning into my back. When I returned to the bar once more Mr. Donatello approached me.

  “Peach, perhaps I could talk to you in my office.”

  “I’m finished shortly, I’m sure you can tell me here what’s going on,” I said defiantly. I was in no mood to take any shit and was ready to stand my ground whatever. It also seemed prudent to have whatever was going to be said as public as possible with other staff members around.

  “Just as well, I was about to send you home. There have been some complaints about your behavior. I will need to investigate.”

  “I don’t suppose that would include my side of the story at any point would it?”

  “Well naturally, but in the meantime no need to come in tomorrow. We’ll review after the weekend.”

  “This is ridiculous, but fine. I have the day off tomorrow anyway,” I fired back. Jeeze, this guy doesn’t have a single clue as to what goes on here.

  However his manner had me on edge. He was being uncharacteristically tactful, brute force and a loud voice were his normal tools of choice. This was a new level of quiet manipulative control I had not experienced from him before, a shouting match might have been easier. Behind him I could still see the group lingering at the entrance with obvious amusement. I glared at them for a moment, my line of sight was only broken when a new gentlemen came to take a seat at the bar close by. He was not a member I recognized but the horrific garish yellow of his tie was certainly memorable.

  “Listen, it would be best if you just left quietly now. We don’t want a scene,” Maximo continued.

  “Best for who I wonder?” I exclaimed a little louder.

  “You’re already on thin ice, missy, do you want to keep this job?”

  “Don’t missy me, and this job isn’t much to write home about you know.”

  “Really, well how about you head back to Hollywood where you can fail all over again with your acting. They might appreciate your lewd behavior more than we do here.”

  “What lewd behavior? What the hell are you talking about? What did they say?” I was just about done, ready to tell him to stuff his job where the sun didn’t shine, even though I needed it. But I was not one for making a big scene, I really just wanted to get out of there and have everyone stop looking at me like I’d done something wrong.

  “Now is not the time, we’ll discuss everything in review on Monday,” Maximo said with an air of finality.

  Fine, that was if I even came b
ack, and if I did I would be well prepared to kick butt. I stormed past him and the stranger at the bar, who had an infuriating smug grin on his unpleasant face, and finally past the assholes who had done the complaining.

  “I hope you are proud of yourselves,” I said and glared at them each in turn, then got the hell out. I hated confrontations, it always aggravated me that people couldn’t just be honest and do right by each other instead of causing problems. Even so the audacity of this had me ready to scream at people. I was shaken and had to escape. My thoughts went to one person and I found myself calling Ethan before anyone else came to mind.



  Peach sounded somewhat upset when I answered my phone, the shaky tone of her voice overwhelmed me with concern. My reaction was proof enough that my feelings were escalating rapidly. As if I needed any more signs that I was falling for my temporary wife.

  “What’s wrong, you sound upset?” I said ready to go to battle for her.

  “A little… bad day at work I guess. What were you up to?”

  “Not a lot, just getting this place set for tomorrow. Hey, how about I cheer you up? I can pick you up now and give you the tour instead of picking you up tomorrow. It’s fairly quiet here at the moment, folks are out at a dinner.”

  Just hearing her voice made me want to be around her, even though it was laced with sadness. It was a gorgeous evening I wanted nothing more than to show her the Dalton estate, walk the grounds, see the sunset over the valley, and most importantly make her smile again. I didn’t stop to think how appropriate it would be, I just couldn’t help myself. Besides she sounded like she needed cheering up if nothing else.


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