His Blushing Bride_The Cocktail Girls

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His Blushing Bride_The Cocktail Girls Page 5

by Emilia Beaumont

  “If you think it’ll be okay, sure. Actually, that sounds really nice. Would take my mind off things. I’ll be back home and ready in say an hour. Thank you, Ethan.”

  “Anything for my blushing bride,” I heard myself saying, and knew I meant it. “I’ll see you soon.”

  At that point, I’d crossed over the line and there was no way back. No longer was I merely pretending with her, I really did care.

  Why wasn’t this real? I wanted to ask her. Why pretend when we could have the real thing?

  But I couldn’t say those things out of concern for her. I was a man of my word, I had to fulfill my agreement. Surely that was what was most important to her. Why else would she have agreed to this? She needed the money and I needed a fiancée. God, it had all felt like a good idea at the time. I never envisaged my feelings would get so tangled up, making everything so much more complicated.

  Damn, I wanted to smack Nick for putting this idea in my head and pushing for me to deceive my family and the gorgeous, sweet and funny woman I’d met.

  It was only going to be one more day, this time tomorrow everything should be settled. There would be some speeches after the party and then everything would be signed for the inheritance and the company would be officially mine to run. I’d been preparing for this all my life, strange now that it was so close and it was far from the most important thing on my mind.

  What would it all mean if Peach wasn’t actually going to be by my side? I cursed the situation and the hole filled with pretense that I felt like we were digging.

  With the thought of Peach now permanently on my mind, I decided to hurry up and get changed. After helping to move furniture for the past couple of hours it was time to freshen up. I wanted to be presentable to pick up my better half. I smiled at the thought then wiped it from my mind just as fast. I couldn’t be daydreaming right now. Really Ethan, what have you gotten yourself into?

  I arrived promptly at Peach’s and watched with delight as she bounded to the car smiling. But there was an undeniable tense moment when she hopped in and greeted me. There was an unspoken and instinctive need to kiss her, but I kept my hands fixed on the wheel. We still hadn’t addressed what happened at the jewelers, and perhaps it was best not to disturb the lid on that Pandora’s box of desires right then. For surely one kiss would never be enough to quench my need for her.

  This evening was just going to be a quiet and friendly preparation for tomorrow, that was all. A dress rehearsal, if you will. We didn’t need to get carried away.

  “So are you ready to forget your rough day at work? You look gorgeous by the way.” I had not consciously intended to let slip the compliment, but before I finished my sentence it had spilled out. She did of course look gorgeous. But again I had to remind myself not to go down that route, we were supposed to be avoiding that certain emotional twisting path of affection.

  “Already forgotten now that you’re here,” she said with a playful, and dare I say it cock-teasing smile.

  The journey involved our familiar question and answer game as we once again tested our knowledge of each other. It was all becoming so second nature that the false details of our relationship may as well have been true.

  The blue sky dimmed to a chalky grey as we drove west into the valley and arrived at the estate. We passed under tall white arches at the perimeter, then the main buildings of the winery appeared as if out of nowhere from amongst the low hills like a welcoming sanctuary. It sprawled out over the hillside with its large, two-story wings. Beside the main building there were extensive grounds as well as many extraneous structures necessary to make our wine specialties.

  “Home sweet home,” I said.

  “Holy cow,” exclaimed Peach looking at me. “I guess this is how the other half lives huh?”

  I almost said that it was how we, together as a couple, should live, but I had to bite my tongue. We barely met and yet already I was thinking of having her move in. But then a small voice piped up in the back of my mind, reminding me that we were already married, so living together shouldn’t be considered a stretch of the imagination!

  One step at a time, I thought urging myself to at least take some things slow.

  “Welcome to my humble abode. Come, I’ll give you the tour,” I said and took her hand.



  The Dalton estate, the winery, even the rows upon rows of vines were beautiful. Ethan’s almost smug confidence and obvious pride about the place seemed well founded. He led me up to the large doors of the entrance.

  “Good evening, Mr. Dalton,” said a man watering the pots to the side of the entrance as we passed.

  Ethan offered a friendly greeting and opened the door for me. Inside was just as breathtaking as the outside. The massive colonial style villa was a careful balance of classical bones paired with elegant and modern interior design. And yet, it also possessed a friendly homeliness to it, as well as including a few functional business areas. We passed a reception and a gift shop, then a large tasting area with rough wooden tables on metal frames, and high stools.

  “This part is all pretty new. We’ve only been open to the public for a year or so. My dream once I’m finally in charge is to improve and grow this side of the business, perhaps with a restaurant down the line,” Ethan told me as we strolled.

  This was a new tone I not heard before in his voice, so deliberate and confident. If my element was weddings, this was most certainly his. It reminded me how much I wanted to ensure that he got his inheritance without a hitch. I wanted this as much for him as for myself, I didn’t want to mess up our arrangement and let him down. We headed down a large hallway into one of the wings of the building.

  “The south wing. This is more or less where the family lives,” Ethan said opening up some older solid doors.

  “Uh oh,” I said with caution, wondering if we were about to be tested. “Are you sure we’re ready for interrogation?”

  “Don’t worry, I think everyone else is out. You won’t have to meet anyone just yet. But sooner or later, we’ll have to face the music as it were.”

  “You were left behind?”

  “I was busy.” He gave a dismissive shrug, but I could tell that he was hiding his true feelings. “I wanted to finalize things here, and as it turns out it worked out for us. You can get comfortable, get to know the place before tomorrow without being badgered by relatives. It might be easier if you feel at home here.”

  “I’m starting to think you just like having me around,” I said jokingly.

  “Well, there is that too,” he replied with a smile and took my hand again.

  Ethan led me through some more rather exquisite rooms, a large dining room with countless chairs and an impressive long table, then through the farmhouse like kitchen with imperfect creamy tiles beneath our feet, yet with all the chrome appliances any chef would dream of. Then out the back of the building into a covered exterior patio dotted with more seating. I had to wonder how many people lived here, though there definitely seemed to be ample room for at least ten or more.

  The patio was surrounded with terracotta stonework and large pots filled with well-groomed flowering plants. Expensively paved paths and steps led off in each direction, and disappeared amongst the trees and shrubbery that adorned what I presumed was the estate’s private garden. It was down the path to the left Ethan continued to lead me.

  “I think you’ll enjoy this view,” Ethan said hurrying me slightly.

  We passed through some living arches of manicured vegetation to arrive at another but this time informal patio beyond the trees. From all sides it seemed like the land drifted away with a glorious view down over the valley, revealing more and more breathtaking sights. The sun was starting to sink at the head of the valley and was exploding with the warm hues of a dusky pink sunset.

  “Whoa,” was all I could manage initially as I leaned on a small wall taking in the view. “You know, someday all this will be yours!” I joked, with a dramatic ges

  “Well, a lot of it. Hardly the whole valley though,” Ethan laughed, “I’ll be right back.”

  He left me there contemplating for a while, basking in the last rays of the sun as I tried to gauge his thoughts. He was certainly going out of his way to please me tonight, to make me comfortable as he said, to make me forget all my worries that I’d left back in the city. Though his general manner, and his constant glances he kept giving me felt like this was far more than that of a giddy kid wanting to share his coolest toys. This felt like we were approaching dangerous ground. Especially considering the state of my confused heart.

  But I wasn’t going to complain. For once, I was going to enjoy myself.

  Ethan returned with two large glasses, the recognizable pink liquid he carried captured the glow of the sunset as he came closer.

  “Blushing Bride cocktails, really? You do remember what happened the last time we had one too many of those, don’t you hubby?” I exclaimed with a devilish grin.

  Ethan paused in his tracks, “Oh, I suppose you’re right,” he said with fake agreement. “Shall I just throw them away then?”

  “Nonsense! Give it here.”

  Ethan handed over my drink and stood beside me as the golden sunset melted over the valley like honey.

  “To you,” Ethan said holding up his drink. “I just wanted to thank you. For jumping into this mess with me. I also wanted to say sorry for earlier…”


  “I, well I think I overstepped my bounds?”

  “Oh,” I replied remembering how his lips felt on mine. How the taste of his tongue had every part of me buzzing. “It’s been worth it so far,” I joked quickly not wanting to let those dangerous thoughts take hold again and held up my hand, my ring catching the glow of the sunset.

  “Ah, true enough,” said Ethan taking a drink. He seemed a little disappointed with my materialistic response, the financial gain was definitely a factor at this point with the precarious state of my employment. But that was no longer the sum of my involvement… he couldn’t know that though. Especially since he wanted us to annul our marriage. Yet, the downcast look on his face had me reconsidering.

  “It has been fun as well,” I added, clinking my glass with Ethan’s for good measure. “And, as for earlier. I mean at the jewelers, I’m not sure what to say. It just happened. Probably best we got it over and done with though? Especially if we want to be convincing tomorrow.”

  “Yeah, I suppose your right,” Ethan replied staring off into the sunset.

  We stood there sipping our delicious bubbly drinks as the sun rapidly vanished before our eyes. Tiny lights that lined the paths started to spring to life all around, creating an almost magical effect. The soft breeze and cry of distant birds were the only sounds.

  Ethan took my hand, and began to caress my fingers, lacing his with mine. He turned to me, on the verge of saying something. I couldn’t help but hold my breath and wait.

  “No harm with another quick test run, though?” Ethan finally said, interrupting the peace and sending a jolt to my heart. “Better safe than sorry.”

  I swallowed and instinctively pulled my bottom lip into my mouth. “It might be the only way to be sure we can handle it,” I responded, eagerly agreeing with him. Some small part of me imagined that I’d only be able to have a screen kiss with my leading man for the performance tomorrow. But it was clear we needed practice… lots and lots of practice.

  Setting our drinks down we tentatively moved closer to each other. I tried to provide an expression of professional determination though the agreed boundaries of our interactions were so completely blurred now.

  Ethan stroked the outer shell of my ear as he pushed back a wayward strand of hair. Then he leaned in. My heart beating faster the closer he got.

  “Practice makes perfect,” he whispered as our lips touched.

  Our kiss started slow. Tender. Like it had in the jeweler’s shop and once again I was confronted with an overwhelming desire. Even the champagne bubbles danced in my head.

  We kissed deeper, finding our rhythm. Exploring each other. And god did it feel good. I was surrounded by the glorious vista, his arms, his sweet cologne. As the sunset winked out entirely so did our resolve.

  From one perspective we had most certainly failed the test. We were far too convincing, and our passion quickly overtook us. I stumbled back as he advanced on me only to be held in his arms tighter. Our tongues had no self-control either.

  Ethan backed me up to the low wall and I hopped up to sit on the smooth stone surface at the perfect height to enjoy his advances. Our kisses had not ceased, in fact we seemed to be in a frenzy. The passionate abandonment of everything besides what was happening between us was complete.

  I tugged Ethan’s shirt loose and ran my hands up underneath, feeling the ripples of his muscles. His hands in turn roamed all over me before settling on my thighs, he was pressing up close to me teasing up the hem of my yellow summer dress as he rubbed my inner thigh with his warm loving hands.

  “Aren’t we going to be discovered here?” I said pausing, my breath heavy. “Maybe you should show me your room?”

  Ethan kissed my neck, a groan tumbling from deep within his throat. “Not if we’re quick. I don’t think I can wait much longer to have you, Peach.”

  His lips trailed down to my cleavage, kissing tenderly as he traveled closer to my breast. If I was being honest too, I couldn’t wait either. I wanted him to take me right here and then, under the gorgeous sky.

  As if in answer I began helping him with his jacket. Peeling away the layers, then his shirt to reveal his heavenly tanned body. My nimble fingers skirted his taut muscles then found his belt buckle.

  “If you’re sure.”

  “Yes,” I replied immediately. “Stop talking, Ethan. I want this just as much as you do.”

  He didn’t need any further encouragement and swiftly unbuckled his belt and popped the top button. Eagerly I searched inside his trousers, until I found what I was looking for and was rewarded with another deep needy groan.

  After that moment everything was a blur. Ethan’s hands were everywhere, pulling at my knickers, sliding them off my legs, then yanking me towards him. My legs splayed wide, wrapped around his waist, the skirt of my dress only barely covering my nakedness beneath.

  I panted, unable to catch my breath as he moved so fast. It was like I’d been transported onto some dizzy fairground ride, tumbling head long, unable to stop. But I wouldn’t have gotten off the ride for anything.

  I felt his hand press against my lower back bringing me closer to his hard cock, as his other hand cradled my head, ravaging my mouth again. Crossing my ankles I nudged him toward me, gasping when his head brushed up against my parting folds.

  For a second, we broke our kiss and our eyes met. Locked, neither daring to break the spell. Then as if both of us had silently given each other the signal, we moved together.

  Ethan rocked into me and I couldn’t help but cry out, welcoming my husband for the first time as he deepened his stroke inside me.

  Ethan looked down at me, his eyes full of love and passion as he withdrew then thrust his way back home.

  I leaned away, arching my back, hands resting on the cool stone as he gripped my hips and fucked me like I’d never been fucked before. Driving into me with so much need and desire that I was already brimming, and ready to explode.

  Tighter and tighter he held onto me, and equally I squeezed my legs harder around his waist, lifting my ass up from the stone wall, wanting to be closer, needing him to go deeper.

  My dress fluttered upwards with the ferocity of our movements, but I didn’t care. I was beyond caring if anyone saw us. I wanted people to know he was mine.

  Above me Ethan began to groan and I knew he was close. My pussy clenched as if in response, wanting his release, encouraging it.

  “Ethan,” I moaned, barely able to make out the syllables as my lungs burned. I gasped for air as he slammed into
me again, caressing my sweet spot and sending a shower of bright sparks in front of my eyes.

  “My Peach. My beautiful ripe peach… my bride,” I heard him say before his tongue found its way back into my mouth, tasting me as I came undone.

  My body shuddered. Trembled like a quake that wouldn’t quit. And my thighs still clamped around Ethan’s waist urged him onwards. It wasn’t long before he followed me, sucking on my tongue as he came.

  Blushing madly and giddy with our little slip, we barely said a word as we finished our drinks. Ethan then led me by the hand back towards the villa for round two. We scurried quickly to the end of the south wing and up some stairs. I barely paid attention to where we were going, my only thought was that I needed him again. Desperately.

  Finally we arrived at his room, which was arranged more like a very expensive hotel suite, with a separate reception area, bedroom, and en suite.

  Quickly, he locked the door and pounced on me again, showering me with affections once more. His hands ran through my hair as we kicked off our shoes and stumbled towards the bed. He was naked before I was and I stroked his arms with delight.

  “Your turn I believe,” he said, unzipping me.

  It was only then that I realized that somewhere out in the garden I’d left my panties behind. But I didn’t dwell on the thought for long as Ethan pushed me toward the bed as I wriggled out of the dress before him, letting it drop slowly to the floor. I watched his eyes with mischievous glee as I unhitched my bra, keeping it in place for a moment longer.

  Ethan took a front row seat and sat back on the bed supporting himself with outstretched arms as he watched me get naked. His gaze full of admiration, his cock stiff, as my bra slid to the floor next. I half coyly covered my breasts still and approached closer. He sat up again looking at me with those dreamy eyes, then when I was in reach he took hold of my hips and urged me to straddle him.

  Ethan kissed my breasts, then sucked on a nipple as his cock sought my pussy once more.


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