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Indentured Freedom: Owned by the Vampire

Page 4

by Candace Blevins

  “What happened to the girl?”

  He shook his head. “Life’s hard on the streets for runaways. She’s dead.”

  No more questions, Queenie.

  I looked at my Master, realized he wasn’t in the mood to see my strength at the moment, and dropped my gaze.

  My new name was Victoria Renee Anderson, which made my having the nickname Queenie make sense. Master told me I’d be introduced as either Queenie, or Queenie Anderson.

  We talked at length about why and how I’d been able to dominate August, and he’d asked why I’d called him Gus. I had no idea it was a trigger name, but my using it meant it was possible I had the ability to dig into people’s memories, and he brought some weaker vampires in for me to experiment with.

  Between the etiquette books, the makeup and hairstyling lessons, the comportment teacher who felt it necessary I learn to walk gracefully in shoes with impossibly tall heels, and Master’s lessons on power, I was only getting a few hours of sleep a day. Add to this the fact Master thoroughly used me and drained me, and I was running on fumes despite the fact I had an unlimited supply of cow and buffalo steaks.

  However, the day before my final night with him, he left me in wolf form after he fed from me, and walked me to the basement. I went into the strange, small cage when he ordered, and turned to look at him, unsure why he was putting me down here. Had I displeased him?

  “Sleep, my little wolf. No studying, no books. Just sleep. You’ll be fine.” He held me gaze and repeated, “You’ll be fine,” before he turned and left me, switching the light off so I was plunged into total darkness.

  I heard him in my head, ordering me to sleep, and I obeyed.

  * * * *

  I awoke disoriented when the light came on. A strange vampire looked through the bars of my cage, and I quickly brought the walls up around my thoughts, just in case.

  “So, you’re the little wolf keeping my second occupied.” He opened the door and motioned me out, but I just sat, my head bent against the top of the cage, and looked at him. This was The Abbott? Why hadn’t Master warned me?

  “He didn’t want you to freak out about it all night, and he seemed to think you needed a good night’s sleep.”

  He’d heard my thoughts, and I thought I’d blocked him. I let the walls down when I realized they were of no use with this vampire — he was my Master’s Master, one of the strongest Vampires on the planet. I walked out of the cage and sat, waiting for his next directive.


  He changed me. I didn’t have to rise to the surface, or imagine fingers and toes. I was a wolf, then I was human, and The Abbott made it happen.

  I didn’t rise, as I normally do when I shift to human. I stayed on my knees at his feet, looked at his perfectly polished, flawless dress shoes, and said, “Master.”

  “Yes, I am. Gavin tells me you’re self-conscious about your body hair when you come back from wolf, but I find it refreshingly natural so please don’t stress over it.”

  Gavin could make me come back with my hair and nails the same as before my shift, but he refused to do anything about the body hair. I knew better than to argue with him, and I didn’t argue with The Abbott now, either. I kept my gaze lowered and said, “Yes, Master.”

  As I responded, I realized he wasn’t imposing his will on mine. If he were, I’d have immediately not cared about my body hair. But I still cared. I took a breath and let it go. He wasn’t worried about it. I shouldn’t be, either.

  I repeated. “Yes, Master.”

  “Good girl. On your feet and follow me. I keep a suite of rooms down here, and if you’re going to be part of our power structure then you and I need to come to our own agreement.”

  “I don’t have an official agreement with my Master yet, Master.” God, could that sentence get any more convoluted?

  He chuckled. “You can refer to me as Master Abbott if you wish, to avoid confusion. I don’t mind my first name being used as long as the honorific is included. Gavin will eventually allow you the use of his name in public, but likely won’t ever permit it in private.”

  Without his explaining, I understood it was about appearances. It would be fine for the rest of the world to think he gave me liberties, as long as I was aware he didn’t.

  He sat in a chair made for a king and motioned for me to kneel before him. “I keep track of all powerful supernatural beings in my territory. You, little wolf, slipped in under my radar. Gavin believes it’s because you didn’t understand your own power, but you’ve shown me a crack in my security. One which I’ve taken steps to patch. However, that isn’t the purpose of our little talk this afternoon.”

  I glanced around for a clock and saw it was only a little after three o’clock. Gavin wouldn’t be awake for perhaps another hour. I was truly on my own at the moment.

  “I’m aware Gavin put a temporary leash on you. I won’t be doing so, though you need to understand he belongs to me, and I have access to all of his possessions. I could access the leash now if I chose, just as I’ll be able to access whatever ties he has to you after tonight — should the two of you reach a long term agreement.”

  I nodded when he paused, unsure of what kind of response he was looking for.

  He sighed. “I’m going to poke around in your head. I’d do this whether you were Gavin’s or not.”

  “Of course, Master Abbott.” I’d been assuming he was already doing so, and I just wasn’t aware. Now, I made an effort to be as open as possible, to make it easy for him to roam through my head, peaking at whatever memories he found.

  I’d had a small amount of progress looking through other vampire’s memories and thoughts when Gavin loaned me the ability. I knew exactly how intrusive the ability was, but I also knew better than to protest.

  I sat patiently for at least fifteen minutes, and he finally leaned back with a sigh.

  “Gavin is rough on his slaves, but he’ll give you a better life than the one you’ve come from. If you’re his, then you’ll occasionally be called upon to fulfill a service for me. I may want to use you personally here and there, but most often it will be for you to feed or service a guest to our city, or to my home. He intends to put you on a pedestal in public, but you have to know he’s going to throw you in the proverbial gutter when you aren’t in the public eye.”

  I kept my gaze on his feet and didn’t respond, and he stood and began taking his clothes off. “Slaves have no rights in the Concilio’s eyes. However, the few I allow to be enslaved in my territory may always come to me if they feel they have a valid complaint against their Master. Likewise, should my slaves feel they need the services of a mediator, they’re allowed to go to Gavin. If you pester me with trivial or childish complaints you’ll lose the option, but you’ll get a warning before it happens. Now, as my vampire’s temporary property I have the right to use you as I wish. Stand and lean over the bed, I’d like to see how well you take to the belt before I fuck and feed.”

  Chapter Twelve


  He was whipping her when the life force slammed into my body and reanimated me. I heard her screams in my head, and I smiled as I realized he wasn’t sparing her.

  She’d need to change after being beaten this bad, but I liked knowing I was giving my Master someone he could lay into with all of his strength. I went down the steps, and as I entered the lower chamber I smelled blood.

  The door to his suite was unlocked, and as I neared he telepathically let me know I should come in without knocking.

  She was standing in the center of his room, her wrists in suspension cuffs hooked to a chain embedded in the ceiling, with her tiptoes barely touching the floor. She spun and moved as Abbott struck without having to worry about kidneys, breasts, knees, or anything else as he beat her. He seemed to have spent a lot of time on her breasts, as well as the front and back of her thighs, but her entire body, save her face and throat, were thoroughly marked. He’d even struck the bottoms of her feet, and I wondered if he’d h
ad her in a different position when he’d beaten her soles. A quick look in her head told me she’d been bent over the bed, and he’d made her hold her feet up to be beaten.

  My little wolf was exhausted. She’d screamed until she was hoarse, and tears ran down her face. I smelled her pain, knew the spice it would add to her blood, and my cock throbbed in my pants.

  Abbott turned to me with a smile. “Ah, Gavin. She is such a delight. Would you like to beat her a little before we fuck her?’

  I smirked. “No, I think you’ve managed a thorough job of it. Did you find anything in her memories I missed?’

  “No, and I feel reasonably certain she isn’t a Trojan horse.”

  Also, I can add to your programming, to be sure she doesn’t override the control you’ll have over her will, should you take her on as slave. She’ll know to fight yours, but won’t even know mine is there — she’ll just think what I’ve put there are her wishes and won’t realize I’ve installed them, not her.

  I was more relieved than I thought I’d be. I was looking forward to transforming this meek little wolf into a powerhouse. I felt certain of my control over her, but worried over the span of years she’d find a way to break through my hold on her willpower. However, with Abbott’s assistance, I knew we could control her. This meant I could give her free rein into my quarters even when I was dead to the world, knowing she’d protect me to her own death and would never harm me.

  She’d be my guard dog, my slave, my toy. And, should I ever find the man or woman of my dreams, the two of us could share her, as she could easily provide sustenance for two vampires. But that was getting way ahead of myself.

  “Thank you for the offer, Master. We have much to accomplish before the sun sets and then rises. Her cunt and ass are both divine, which do you prefer?”

  “I’ve already had her ass a few times, perhaps I’ll try out her cunt.” He stepped to her front, levitated her up, put his arms under her legs to lift her a little more and sit her down on his cock before removing his arms. Her legs stayed where they were, and I smirked as I realized he’d frozen her in place so she couldn’t move around as we fucked her. I stepped into his bathroom to get some lube, and I slicked my cock and then washed my hands. I was nude when I came out, and I slid right into her asshole, cramming myself in to the hilt without giving her time to adjust. She yelped and moaned, likely already sore from Abbot’s cock, and I looked over her shoulder at Abbott and smiled.

  We’d done this enough, he knew I was waiting for him to set the rhythm before I started pumping.

  Abbott is the only vampire who fucks me, these days, and he doesn’t do it often. If I displease him, he does so to make a point, but occasionally he senses I just need a good fucking and he’s more than happy to oblige.

  Mostly, we’re two Dominants using a bottom, though, like today, and neither of us had to hold back with our little wolf.

  The smell of blood, and the pain and lust coming off my little Queenie, as well as the pleasure I felt at providing this delectable treat to Abbott… my balls were ready to let loose before I was ready for it to end. The situation apparently had a similar effect on Abbott, because he telepathed his hunger to me and we both leaned in to her neck and bit, simultaneously.

  I was in her head enough, I had the sensation of biting and taking in her savory blood as I felt her being bitten by the two of us at once — felt us sucking from two places, felt her lifeblood going into our mouths.

  And I felt her giving us her power, her energy. Her aura.

  She held nothing back, and would’ve gladly let us drink her dry and absorb every last bit of her life force. She wanted to be in us, wanted to nourish us, to be our sustenance.

  She was such a treasure, though, and not one to be wasted on the enjoyment we could get from her in a single afternoon.

  Abbott and I both pulled back at the same time, and he released her cuffs from the chain as he stepped back.

  I lifted her off my cock, turned her around, and brought her back to me. Her arms wrapped around me, and I licked both sides of her neck to be sure all the puncture wounds had clotted.

  I gently took us both to the floor, put her on her side, ran my hand down her body to feel the welts and heat from Abbott’s thorough beating, and sighed with regret that I couldn’t enjoy them a little longer.

  But we had much to do today, so I ordered her to change.

  Chapter Thirteen


  After going months without changing, I’d been doing so multiple times a day for a week. Master kept me well fed and made sure I had plenty of energy, but it still took a lot out of me.

  He seemed to be able to quadruple the energy I gave him when he fed from me, so he could easily give me the same quantity, or even a little more, back. It wasn’t my energy, and I was still getting used to the way it felt, but in some ways it was amazing. In others, it felt a little like having the flu.

  Today, Master Abbott gave the wolf raw steaks until she didn’t want anymore, and then suggested I change back to human. It wasn’t an order, and I had to go through the motions to make it happen. It was comforting, having control over my change, but I decided thanking him might sound impertinent, so I stayed on my knees, silent, and waited for my orders.

  Days ago, I’d agreed our week would end at sunrise tomorrow morning and not late tonight, when I’d first gone home with him. I didn’t know what the rest of the day and night held, but I knew at least a few hours would need to be set aside for our negotiations and final agreement.

  Or, I thought so, anyway.

  As I shaved, fixed my hair, and struggled to get my makeup right, Master explained the evening’s plans.

  “Abbott and I are flying to Nashville to deal with some problem vampires. This little coterie fancies itself a lot more powerful than they are, and I’m going to enjoy letting you walk in and bring them to their knees. If I’m to keep you, I’m going to show you off as my guard dog. I’ll give you enough of my energy, you’ll be able to control them.”

  I wasn’t sure how I felt about the power my Master was requiring I wield. After so many years of being helpless, I wasn’t sure how to be anything else. However, refusing Master’s orders was never an option, so I had no doubt I’d walk in and bring a houseful of vampires to their knees. How I felt about it wasn’t important, according to him.

  I keyed in on another word, though. As of yet, he hadn’t flown me anywhere, and I wasn’t sure how I felt about it.

  “Flying, Master?”

  He tousled my hair. “If we wanted to, we could support you between us as we flew, but we have to take so many precautions to be sure we aren’t caught on camera, it’s easier to take a plane.”

  * * * *

  A limo was waiting for us at the Nashville airport, and it took us twenty minutes outside of town to a huge house in a large, sprawling, fancy neighborhood. The limo parked around back, and Abbott waved his hand at the mansion’s back door as we approached it.

  I cringed at the small explosion, and wished someone had warned me so I could keep walking as if nothing had happened, but I was shaken.

  Master levitated me off my feet and made me glide along between them, and when we came to a stop inside the great room, he slowly settled me back to my feet as he telepathed, You’re up.

  I took a breath and stepped forward. “How dare you not kneel when The Abbott steps into the room!” There were five vampires, and all had jumped up when the back wall of their kitchen had mostly disintegrated. I now poured energy out, pressing down until they were all on their knees.

  If someone had told me a week ago, or a month ago, I’d be dressed like a wealthy socialite, standing between two of the most powerful vampires on the planet, bringing five other vampires to their knees, I’d have laughed at them.

  But this was my new reality.

  When we left, three of the vampires were true dead, and the other two were leaving the territory with the knowledge they’d die if they returned. The house and a
ll but one of their vehicles were signed over to Abbott before anyone was killed.

  No wonder he was so stinking rich.

  Chapter Fourteen


  On the plane ride home, Master Abbott and Master Gavin again outlined what I was agreeing to, should I oath myself as Master Gavin’s wolf. The position came with perks — the ability to use magic outside of the Pack, the things he could teach me, not to mention the money I could earn. Money paid to me would go into a trust fund, so I didn’t have access to it until my slavery term was over, but I’d be a very rich woman when he released me.

  He wanted me to agree to a twenty-year term, with the understanding he’d allow me out of it after ten years if I found someone I wanted to bind myself to romantically — though he was clear he wasn’t likely to release me to a human, but only another powerful supernatural. The dollar amount I’d get after ten years, and then per month afterwards, was substantial.

  “Let me be clear,” he said, his eyes even darker and scarier than normal, his voice deep. “You’ll never be more than a slave to me behind closed doors. We may give other appearances in public, but should I ever settle down with someone, they’ll be closer to my age, my power level, and my intelligence — and you’ll never be any of those three things.” He’d touched my cheek, almost affectionately, and added, “You’ll sometimes be more powerful than my dates, though I won’t always let you use the power — and you’ll likely feed both of us when they’re around. However, should I get serious with someone, then you may end up being the sole sustenance for two vampires, and should I tie myself to them legally then you’ll be slave to both of us, with no changes needed to your oath. No further agreements needed on your part, whether you like them or not.”


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