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Page 25

by Carmen Jenner

  She leans into my palm. “Drapes and dates are overrated, Biker. I’d much rather stay home and screw you with the windows wide open.”

  I push her back on the bed and climb over the top of her, supporting my weight with my forearms on either side of her head. “I fuckin’ missed you, babe.”

  She smiles up at me. “Missed you too, Biker.”

  I wedge my hips between her legs, grinning like a fuckin’ tool when my cock finally snaps to attention.

  ’Bout time fucker. It’s only been six months. Jesus Christ. I couldda gone and joined a monastery in that time.

  I slide my hand up her shirt, smiling when I feel her bare breasts, her nipples hardening beneath my fingertips. I come up on my knees and lift her shirt over her head. Those tits are just the way I remembered them: pink upturned nipples on pale white flesh that’s never seen a suntan a day in its life. I lick her rosy nipples, tugging on one gently with my teeth.

  She arches into me, and I slide my hands underneath her back, all the way up to the nape of her neck. I trail kisses over her tits, up her neck and finally across her cheek to her mouth. She opens for me, allowing my tongue entrance. She kisses me back tentatively at first, then much faster, much harder. I grind my hips into the hollow created by her legs and pull away, unbuttoning her jeans and sliding the tight denim off of thighs that are much fuller than they were when we first did this. She’s still slim, only now she’s got an arse I can dig my hands into, and thighs that can squeeze my hips when I’m rocking back and forth inside her.

  I remove my jeans and hurry out of them, climbing back on the bed. I position myself between her legs, lifting her hips with my hands beneath them, and then I lower my head to her cunt and lap at her clit. She slams her legs together—or at least, she tries to. Her effort is kinda hindered by my head between her thighs. Her hands wedge themselves between me and her pussy, and I glare up at her.

  “You starve a man for six fuckin’ months, show him the all-you-can-eat buffet and then yank the rug out from under him, and close up shop before he even gets a taste?”

  “Not that.” She shakes her head.

  “Why not that?” I challenge.

  “Because I don’t want you to see … I don’t—”

  “I’ve already seen it, babe. Believe it or not but a man usually looks at a cunt before he sticks his dick inside it, especially one as perfect as yours.”

  She closes her eyes and lets out a shaky breath. Then she sits up. “Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea.”

  “Lie the fuck down,” I order. “This is the best fuckin’ idea you’ve ever had. I don’t care what shit is goin’ on up in that pretty little head of yours, ignore it.”

  “Ignore it?” she says, riling up again. “You want me to ignore what they di—”

  I reach up and clamp my hand over her mouth to get her to shut the fuck up. “That shit has no place being mentioned in my bed.”

  Her eyes grow wide, and then narrow in fury.

  “Woman, I haven’t been inside a pussy in over six months. I’m tellin’ ya to ignore whatever self-conscious bullshit is goin’ on in your head because your pussy is perfect, and right now I want a taste, and then I want inside of it. So stop fuckin’ talking, Spitfire, let the fuck go, lay back and enjoy my mouth on you, ’cause I promise you’re gonna fuckin’ love it.”

  She stares at me for a beat, this incredulous fuckin’ expression on her face. “Lie. The. Fuck. Down,” I command.

  Indie glares at me for another second before flopping back on the bed with an irritated huff. She can be as damn angry as she wants—don’t matter. ’Cause I’m gonna eat out this fucking gorgeous pussy, and I’m gonna push into her, and take all day bringing her to the edge, and holding her back from fallin’ if I want to, and there’s not a damn thing she can do about it. Maybe it won’t be today, or in another five years’ time, but I’m gonna make her forget that anyone but me ever laid a finger on her, and she’s gonna love every second of it.

  Because I might be a fuck-up. And I might be a criminal, and I might be a worthless piece of shit, just like my dad always told me I was, but that never stopped me going after what I want. And like I told her at that café, she’s all I want.

  Just her.

  Go back to where it all began with the Sugartown series

  Book #1 Sugartown Series by Carmen Jenner

  Ana Belle never wanted anything more than to hang up her apron, jump on her Vespa and ride off into the sunset, leaving Sugartown in the dust.

  Elijah Cade never wanted anything more than a hot meal, a side of hot arse and a soft place to lay his head at night where he could forget about his past.

  But you know what they say about wanting: you always want what you can’t have.

  Nineteen year-old virgin Ana is about to discover that’s not quite true because a six foot three, hotter than hell, tattooed, Aussie sex god just rode into town. He’s had a taste of her pie and he wants more– no really, Ana bakes pies for a living, get your mind out of the gutter.

  She’d be willing to hand over everything tied up in a big red bow, there’s just one problem; Elijah has secrets dirtier than last week’s underwear. Secrets that won’t just break Ana’s heart, but put her life at risk, too. When those secrets come to light, their relationship is pushed to breaking point.

  Add to that a psychotic nympho best friend, an overbearing father, a cuter than humanly possible kid brother, a wanton womanizing cousin, the ex from hell and more pies than you could poke a ... err ... stick ... at.

  And you thought small towns were boring.

  Welcome to Sugartown.

  Content Warning. Intended for a mature 18+ audience. Contains explicit sex, violence, oodles of profanity and a crap-tonne of AWKWARD.

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  Carmen Jenner

  Taint #1 by Carmen Jenner

  Cooper Ryan is living the dream. Between the parties with rock royalty, booze, groupies and performing to crowds of thousands with his band Taint, life seems pretty sweet. There’s just one thing missing: the feisty little red-head that took his baby and ran off with his heart. Throwing himself into music is the only thing keeping him sane.

  Until a run-in with a nonplussed, package-wielding PA throws everything off balance.

  Ali Jones is having a craptastic life. Her grandmother died, leaving her homeless, penniless, and alone, and her boyfriend left her for a tramp who takes her clothes off for money. That’s why when she lands her dream job at a record company it seems like it’s too good to be true.

  Because it is.

  Slapped with an ultimatum, Ali must decide if facing the horror of the unemployment line is a fate worse than going on the road with four rowdy rockers hell-bent on making her life misery.

  He’s adored by millions.

  She’s not even loved by her cat.

  Can they ignore their hatred long enough to survive the tour from hell? Or will their chemistry force everything to come crashing down around them?

  Read other books by Carmen Jenner

  This stuff never gets any easier, so I’m just going to dive in and hope we all make it out without losing a year or two off our lives! ;)

  Firstly to my darling non-husband Ben, you, Mister are my life! Here’s to many more years of beautiful, imperfect, aggressive barn dancing!

  Ava and Ari, I love you more than … CHICKENS! Thanks for being the best kids walking the planet! I love you guys so much! Don’t ever grow up! It’s unnecessary, and I’m pretty sure it’s a trap!

  To all the women in my family: Mum, Chrissy, Nan Higgins, Nan Jenner, Ma, Leila Teys Bates, Barb Habner, Lauren Jenner, Sue Jenner, Trudy Duncombe, Zoe Duncombe, Simone Ellis, and all of my beautiful Aunts, thank you for teaching me that a strong woman comes in all different forms. From warriors to healers, and everything in between. All of you are superheros!

  To Sydvegas, you girls save me from myself—and let’s be honest, you save me from making even more of a tool out of myself on the intern
et—every day! I’m blessed to have each one of you in my life! Thank you for cheering me on in everything from books, to life, to just generally getting out of bed in the morning. I don’t know how I’d cope without you and the few short weekends we get to spend together throughout the year are never, ever enough! #FLYFF #I’mBatman

  Special thanks to my beta readers, Kristine from Glass Paper Ink Bookblog, Alexis from Reality Bites! Let’s Get Lost!, Ali from Black Heart Reviews, Simone Nicole and Jennifer Ryder.

  Kristine and Simone, Gah! You girls know what I went through while writing KICK! He tore my heart out, stomped on it, and shoved the mashed up pieces back inside my chest cavity, and then he smacked my arse and sent me on my way. You both travelled that road with me, and held my hands, and I think you saw Kick as clearly as I did, and you felt all the things I felt about this book! Thank you for being the first to lay eyes on him in all his messy, fucked-up glory, and for telling me I had something worth fighting for here!

  Kristine, woman, I fucking love you! From Deen Peen to M.A.C, I never get tired of our rambling conversations. I love how much you see into my words, sometimes even more than I’ve picked up on. You don’t read books, you feel them. I hope every author you beta/review for realises how damn lucky they are! I see very big things for you and Glass Paper Ink, sweet! And I’m so freaking excited!

  Simone, thank you for loving my boy as much as you do! For taking time away from your own writing schedule to ease my fragile, insecure mind! Your encouragement and cheerleading on Kick’s story means more than you will ever know!

  Alexis, damn girl, I value your feedback so much! Your advice is always thorough, always concise, and always leaves me feeling like I’m on the right track. And your quote, “Dark, Sexual Chaos”, has to be one of the best things that’s ever been written about any of my books.

  Ali, my little Alicat. I miss your damn face, lady! I’m so grateful to you for being the first person outside of my family to tell me I could do this. You won’t ever know what your words mean to me, and how much I depend on your friendship, and your feedback! Now, move your arse to Aus and everything will be awesome.

  JJ, thanks for waving the pom poms, lady, and for taking time away from your own work to read and revel in the madness of my boy!

  Super humongous squishy cuddles of thanks to my incredible editor Lauren McKeller (#McStellar), it becomes more and more difficult to tell you with each book just how much I value your work, because what can I say but: YOU MAKE MY BOOKS BETTER! I’d be lost without you! I don’t know how you do it, but thank you for putting up with me—and for not showing me how many of those red crosses on your calendar belong to me pushing back deadlines, and asking to be fit in elsewhere. I can’t imagine ever working with another editor! Somehow you’re always simultaneously making me feel like Hemingway and pushing me to write better—not better than Hemmo, cause that’s kinda impossible, but better than my last book—and I can’t thank you enough for that. I’m gonna win my Hoover back, baby! :P

  Arijana Karčić from Cover It! Designs, otherwise known as; the Greatest and Best Cover Designer in the World, thank you for creating such beautiful masterpieces! Working with you is a dream, lady!

  Heartfelt thanks to Emily from E. M. Tippetts Book Designs. You and your team always make time to not only fit me in whenever I need you, but you also manage to produce such gorgeous interiors. I never have to question whether the pages of my book are going to come up to par with the amazing covers Ari creates, because I know without a doubt you have that down, lady!

  To my Sugar Junkies—and I guess now also my Kick Cave Crusaders—I don’t have enough words to express my gratitude to you ladies! From those of you who have been with me from the beginning to those of you who have just joined, you’ll never know what your love support and supreme pimping skills do for me! I’d love to thank you all individually, but I’d hate myself if I forgot any of you, so please forgive my blanket thanks, and accept my offering of more delicious tattooed man candy!

  To the A is for F*cking Awesome girls, each of you gorgeous ladies inspire me every day! I’m so glad to have a safe place to go play on the internet where there is no judgement, just a handful of smart, hard working women who want to help one another and see each other succeed. “Girls compete with each other, women uplift one another.” I don’t know who said that phrase, but I look at our little corner of the internet and I can’t help but feel so much this!

  Thanks to TRSoR for an incredible Cover Reveal and Blog Tour with KICK! I’m thrilled to have had you girls on this book!

  Kylie from Give Me Books you are a freaking superstar! Thank you for taking on my Cover Reveals, Release Day Parties and Blitz’s! You go above and beyond, lady, and I’m so thrilled to be working with you and your GMB and One-Click Addict girls!

  And finally a huge, heartfelt THANK YOU full of cupcakes, lipstick and sexy bikers—three of my favourite things—to the readers and bloggers who follow, support, pimp, review, talk me up, and become as excited as I am about each of my releases. Without you I wouldn’t get to do what I love, live and breathe!

  Carmen Jenner is a thirty-something, USA TODAY Best Selling Author, doctor, pilot and CIA agent.

  She’s also a compulsive, flagrant prevaricator who gets to make things up for a living.

  While Sugartown may not technically exist, Carmen grew up in a small Australian town just like it, and just like her characters, she always longed for something more. They didn’t have an Elijah Cade, though.

  If they did, you can be sure she would have never left.

  Stay up to date with Carmen at


  Copyright © 2015 Carmen Jenner

  Published by Carmen Jenner

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews.

  This is a work of fiction.

  Names, characters, businesses, organisations, places, events, and incidents are either of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

  This book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This book may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each person you share it with. If you are reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then you should return it to the seller and purchase your own copy.

  Thank you for respecting the author’s work and for not making me set some very pissed off Savage Saints MC bikers on you.

  Published: Carmen Jenner January 19th 2015

  Editing: Lauren McKellar

  Cover Design: © Arijana Karčić, Cover It! Designs

  Formatted by:

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Books by Carmen Jenner



  Reader Letter


  1 - KICK

  2 - KICK

  3 - KICK

  4 - KICK

  5 - KICK

  6 - KICK

  7 - KICK

  8 - KICK

  9 - KICK

  10 - KICK

  11 - KICK

  12 - INDIE

  13 - KICK

  14 - KICK

  15 - INDIE

  16 - KICK

  17 - KICK

  18 - INDIE

  19 - KICK

  20 - KICK

  21 - KICK

  22 - INDIE

  23 - KICK

  24 - KICK

  25 - INDIE

  26 - KICK
/>   27 - KICK

  28 - INDIE

  29 - INDIE

  30 - INDIE


  Welcome to Sugartown



  About the Author

  Copyright Notice




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