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Westward Holiday

Page 12

by Linda Bridey

  Owl laughed so hard at the notion that he got lightheaded and had to hang on to Sammi for a couple of moments. “I can’t wait to see it,” Owl said. “You know that Joe is going to take a bunch of pictures, too.”

  “Oh, wow. I hadn’t even thought about that,” Sammi said. “You’re right. He will.”

  “What does a best woman wear?” Owl asked.

  “I have no idea. I’ll ask Maddie. C’mon and race me home. I can’t wait to tell my husband,” Sammi said and began running.

  Owl let her get a head start before chasing after her.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Rebecca and Jake agreed that they wanted to get married before Christmas and settled on the first Saturday in December. At first Rebecca had worried that if the weather turned bad it would ruin their wedding day. Jake assured her that it would take a lot more than some snow to keep people away. Everyone was amused over Jake’s choice of Sammi as his best woman.

  Maddie conferred with her mother, Maureen O’Connor about what Sammi should wear and they came up with a solution. Joe hadn’t been angry that Jake hadn’t asked him to be best man. He’d been best man at so many weddings, that he didn’t mind someone else having the honor. It was certainly going to be more interesting to have Sammi do it than him.

  Sammi asked Joe for some advice on how to be a best man and Joe was happy to oblige.

  “It’s not hard. You get him a little buzzed the night before, but not too much. You don’t want him to be drunk on his wedding day. It causes all kinds of problems, especially on the wedding night,” Joe said with a wink. “You gotta keep him straight if he’s all nervous. I thought Luke was gonna jump out of his skin until the ceremony started. I don’t know how Jake will react, but just keep reassuring him that everything will be ok. Try to make him laugh, too. That’ll help. Oh, and don’t drop the rings. That’s frowned upon.”

  Rebecca was in a quandary over who would give her away. She really didn’t want to walk down the aisle alone. Gus was standing up with Jake, so he was out. As she sat in her hotel room one night, making a list of things she needed to do, it suddenly came to her who she would ask.

  The next night was a Thursday and Rebecca knew the person she wanted to ask would be at the Watering Hole. As she sat at the bar with Jake, he came in the door and she grabbed him right away and took him to the office.

  “I need to ask you something,” Rebecca said.

  “Shoot,” Joe said.

  “Will you give me away at our wedding?” she asked hopefully.

  Joe hadn’t been expecting her question and didn’t answer right away. Then a smile spread across his face and he said, “I would be honored, Rebecca. Thank you for askin’ me.”

  Rebecca hugged him and kissed his cheek. “Thank you so much. I’m very grateful to you.”

  “You’re welcome. C’mon, this deserves a drink,” Joe said and held out his arm.

  Rebecca took it and let him lead her back out to the bar.

  “There. Now we’ve had some practice,” he said with a wink.

  “So we have,” Rebecca said with a laugh.

  Jake saw them and wondered what they were up to. Joe told him that he walking Rebecca down the aisle and Jake thought Joe was a good choice.

  Jake and Rebecca asked Sammi and Mitch if they thought Mason would be their ring bearer. They’d already asked Marcus and Claire if Aiyana would be their flower girl and Aiyana had been thrilled to be asked. When they asked Mason, he’d shrugged and said it was fine with him as long as they told him what to do.

  One night Marcus showed up at Mitch and Sammi’s house.

  “C’mon in,” Mitch said. “What can we do for you, Doc?”

  “Well, I brought something for the kids,” Marcus said with the kind of smile that meant he was up to something.

  Mitch said, “Ok. What is it?” He looked at Marcus with suspicion in his brown eyes.

  Marcus went back outside and brought a box inside. When he removed the lid, Mitch saw a furry puppy in the box.

  “Roscoe led me to them a few weeks ago. He took up with a female wolf and she had six little ones,” Marcus said as he lifted the puppy from the box.

  Mitch said, “You want to give the kids a wolf cub?”

  “Yeah. Roscoe’s half wolf,” Marcus said.

  “He is? I didn’t know that,” Mitch said.

  Marcus laughed. “You must be the only one who didn’t then. This little girl will make a very loyal guard dog and be great with the kids. Wolves are pack animals and do much better with a large group. You’ve got a large group now and when you and Sammi have a baby, this wolf will be the best protector you’ve ever seen. Trust me. Roscoe is with our kids.”

  He handed the cub to Mitch and she licked his nose. Mitch laughed and held her in the crook of his arm. “She’s cute, that’s for sure. You’re sneaky, Marcus. You know that as soon as the kids see her they’re gonna want to keep her.”

  “That’s what I’m counting on. I’ve got four others to give away yet,” Marcus said and left before Mitch could say no.

  Sammi came downstairs and saw the cub. “What’s that?”

  “A present from our good doctor. She’s a wolf puppy. Roscoe found a girlfriend and they had six of these little guys. Isn’t she cute? The kids are gonna love her,” Mitch said.

  Sammi took her from Mitch and cuddled her. “Yeah, they are. How do think Beulah is going to react?”

  “I guess we’ll find out,” Mitch said. He went over to the staircase and hollered, “Hey, kids! Come downstairs!”

  Soon the three of them trooped down the staircase and waited expectantly.

  “Close your eyes,” Mitch said.

  Once they were closed, Sammi sat the puppy on the floor and said, “Ok. You can open them.”

  As soon as they spotted her, they dropped to their knees and began playing with her.

  Rachel looked up at Mitch and Sammi and asked, “We can really keep her?”

  Mitch smiled and said, “Yep. You guys are gonna have to train her to go outside and make she’s fed and all, though. Do we have a deal?”

  All three of them nodded and said, “Yes, sir.”

  Beulah came downstairs and sniffed the puppy all over. The puppy rolled over in a submissive posture and Beulah laid down and let the puppy crawl all over her. They named her Lulu and started teaching her about going outside right away.

  Hannah, Sammi, and Maddie helped Rebecca with all of her wedding plans and threw a bridal shower for her. Although Jake had dishes and such, he had no fine china and so she was given a complete set along with new fine bed linens. They also gave her a few cookbooks and a stack of recipes from Jack.

  Sammi organized Jake’s bachelor party and set up a big poker game for the night before their wedding. They had a rowdy night at the bar, which Jake had closed for just that purpose. Joe congratulated Sammi on throwing an excellent party. She’d had Jack help her cook steaks and a bunch of different dishes and they ate, drank, smoked, and played cards until after midnight.

  The ladies kept Rebecca busy that night as well. She stayed at Maddie and Seth’s place that night and the women sat out in the cookhouse where Jamie and Tessa taught Rebecca, Hannah, and Claire how to play poker and other games. The children were with their grandparents, Geoff and Maureen and the women were free to drink some wine and get tipsy. They laughed all evening long.

  It was frigid on the day of the wedding, but there hadn’t been any snow to worry about. The sky was blue with a few thin clouds skidding across the sky from time to time. Both Rebecca and Jake were relieved about it.

  While Hannah and company helped Rebecca get ready the next day, she kept them in stitches with her mood swings. She went back and forth from nervous attacks to excitement where she became carried away and went off on dramatic tangents. When Joe came to collect her, she drew him inside the room and proceeded to extoll all of Jake’s virtues which made him laugh.

  Finally he said, “Well, how about ya’ll get out there
and marry him instead of just talkin’ about him?”

  “Oh. Yes. Is it time?” she said.

  Her friends laughed and Hannah said, “That’s why he’s here, Rebecca.”

  Rebecca laughed at her silliness and then put her arm through Joe’s and said, “Well, Mr. Mayor, I guess we better not keep him waiting.”

  Sammi was glad that Joe had given her advice on being a best woman. Jake was an absolute wreck. He couldn’t figure out why since he was so excited to be marrying Rebecca. As he waited at the altar, Jake couldn’t stand still. Sammi kept telling him things would be fine. Luke kept agitating Joe, however, because he was happy to see someone as nervous as he had been on his wedding day.

  Maureen and Maddie had worked their magic and Sammi looked beautiful in a black and white flowing dress that blended well with the men’s suits and yet made her stand out. As he watched, Mitch was amused to see Sammi take Luke to task about teasing Jake. Luke behaved after that.

  Mason and Aiyana made an adorable pair as they came down the aisle. She chattered at Mason the whole way while he was very somber about his role in the wedding and did his best to ignore her. The congregation laughed as Aiyana threw the rose petals in a very precise manner. Mason gave Sammi the rings and she kissed him and told him how proud she was of him. He gave her a big grin and a hug and then ran over to Mitch.

  Aiyana threw her last handful of pedals and let out a war whoop. Marcus hurried to retrieve his excitable daughter. He sat her down with him amid loud laughter. She had inherited his habit of clowning around at any occasion.

  Hannah entered the sanctuary and Owl’s heart beat faster as he watched his wife walk down the aisle. The rose hued bridesmaids’ dresses were very pretty and Hannah looked beautiful as she made her way to the altar. Owl caught Sammi’s eye and winked at her. She winked back at him and smiled.

  Maddie came next and Seth watched every step she took. He was as in love with his wife as ever and still thought she was the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen. She met his eyes as he turned around to watch her and smiled.

  Joe appeared with Rebecca and Jake was suddenly overwhelmed with emotion as he watched his gorgeous bride come down the aisle. Her dress was a long flowing affair with a long train and veil. Her rich, black hair was worn loose and cascaded over her shoulders and down her back. As she got closer to him, Jake could see her jade green eyes under the veil and smiled at her. She returned the smile and Jake’s heart beat faster as his love for her filled him.

  Joe lifted her veil before placing her hand in Jake’s. Joe leaned closer to Jake and whispered, “Ya’ll better take good care of her or I’ll punch ya’ll in the kisser.” Then he kissed Rebecca’s cheek and went to sit with Lacey.

  As Pastor John began the ceremony, Jake squeezed Rebecca’s hands a little tighter and she responded in kind. Jake’s voice cracked slightly as he began his vows and he had to clear his throat a little before continuing. Rebecca was able to keep her amusement in check and recite her vows. As she did, she poured all of her love for Jake into them and meant every word she spoke.

  By the time the ceremony concluded, both she and Jake had tears in their eyes. Their kiss was sweet and conveyed their strong emotions. When they parted, they laughed at each other’s tears and wiped them from each other’s face. Sammi congratulated them first and they were swamped by everyone else until Joe broke things up so that pictures could be taken.

  Joe had offered the use of his cooking staff as a present for Jake and Rebecca and the food was excellent. Jake had even paid for caviar to be shipped in for the special day as a surprise for Rebecca and she reveled in the rich delicacy. Tessa, Maddie, and Claire also enjoyed it. It had been a long time since the former socialites from Pittsburgh had eaten the treat.

  Seth tasted it and almost spit it out. He washed it down with some wine and pronounced the food the worst thing he’d ever tasted in his life, which made everyone at his table laugh.

  After the meal, the party commenced and Jake was eager to take his new wife in his arms and dance. As they did, she regaled him by telling him everything she was feeling and he was mesmerized by the love he saw in her vivid eyes and the honeyed accent that he adored. He smiled, nodded, and kept her talking until the first dance had ended.

  Then Joe came and whisked her away while Sammi danced with Jake.

  “Thanks for being my best woman,” he told her. “It really made our day special and you look beautiful.”

  “You’re welcome. I’m glad you asked me,” Sammi said with a smile. “I was really honored that you did.”

  Jake smiled and said, “It certainly made a lot of people talk.”

  “It sure did.”

  “Rachel seems to be having a good time,” Jake said with a gesture towards the girl.

  She sat at a table with Jack and laughed at something the young deputy said.

  Sammi sighed. “Yeah. She has a crush on him. I don’t know what to do about it. I don’t want her to get hurt.”

  “Well, for today just let her have fun,” Jake said.

  “Oh, Lord. He’s gonna ask her to dance,” Sammi said.

  Jack had risen from his chair and held out his hand to Rachel. She shook her head but Jack coaxed her and she accepted his offer while she blushed furiously.

  “Look at Mitch,” Sammi said to Jake.

  The sheriff had been talking with Gus, but as soon as he saw Rachel on the dance floor with Jack had moved a little closer and was watching them like a hawk.

  Jack and Sammi laughed quietly as Mitch’s face settled into a grim expression. “You’d think he’d be happy that she was dancing with Jack instead of some other guy. Jack’s about the most standup young guy I know,” Sammi said. “I’d better go distract him before he cuts in on them or something.”

  Jake looked for his wife and saw her dancing with his father. He smiled as he watched them together. Calvin said something to his daughter-in-law and she threw her head back and laughed. He could only imagine what his father had told her. Lacey suddenly took him by the hand and he was happy to dance with his friend.

  “Marriage looks good on you, Jake,” she told him.

  “Thanks. You, too. So when is the next little Dwyer gonna come along?” Jake asked.

  “Soon, I hope. Joe’s ready, too. I want a little boy who looks just like him but acts like me,” Lacey said.

  Jake laughed. “I can understand why. I hope none of your kids are hell-raisers like Joe used to be. Of course, if you find the right person, you’ll settle down. You did that for Joe and he couldn’t be happier.”

  Lacey blushed as she said, “He’s been good for me, too. I’m certainly not as shy as I used to be.”

  “You’re a special woman, Lacey. Don’t forget it,” Jake said as the dance ended.

  Jake found his wife and spun her around as the band started playing a fast number. Rebecca laughed and Jake kissed her.

  “Did you have a good time with Pa?” Jake asked.

  Rebecca laughed. “The best. He was telling me about the time when you split your pants one night tending bar. He said you were about fourteen at the time.”

  Jake laid his forehead against hers and groaned. “I was humiliated. There was this woman there that I was sweet on. I’d just stooped over to pick up a keg when I heard them rip. I stood up with it as quick as I could to get it in place, but one of Pa’s old cronies saw the rip and started laughing. Pretty soon the whole place had heard about it. For a long time they called me ‘Split’ until I was old enough to punch the last guy that called me that in the mouth.”

  Rebecca smiled. “I think it’s adorable.”

  “You didn’t have to live down the embarrassment,” Jake said with a chuckle.

  Chapter Fifteen

  They could have gone to Wolfe Point for their honeymoon, but Rebecca had said if the weather turned they might get trapped there, so they decided to stay home and keep the bar closed for a week.

  Jake unlocked the apartment door and carried Rebecc
a across the threshold and stopped in amazement. He slowly sat Rebecca down and they stared around them. Flowers festooned almost every surface and streamers were draped across doorways. In the master bedroom, the linens had been changed to fine silk sheets and a beautiful comforter. Rose petals were strewn around the floor of the room.

  They found a note on the dining room table that read, “Check the storeroom.”

  Jake ran down and found a bottle of champagne nestled in an ice bucket. Another note attached to the bottle read, “A little bubbly to start things off right.” Jake grinned and ran back upstairs. He was betting that Joe and Sammi were responsible for the decorating and champagne.

  He noticed that Rebecca had lit some candles and that the bedroom door was closed. So he went to the kitchen and opened the champagne. As he poured the expensive drink into champagne flutes, he heard the bedroom door open and turned around with the glasses in hand. When he saw what Rebecca was wearing, Jake almost dropped the glasses.

  The shimmering satin shift with a gathered bodice and daring neckline fit her to perfection and Jake’s blood ran hotter at the sight. In the candlelight, Rebecca’s eyes were a deep, ocean green and filled with such love that it made Jake’s chest constrict with happiness.

  He stepped towards her and said, “I’ve never seen anything as beautiful as you are.”

  Rebecca took the glass he handed her and said, “Thank you. I think you’re overdressed, Jake.”

  Jake took a drink from his glass, savored the flavor and then sat the glass down. Rebecca delighted in the intense desire that lit his eyes as he said, “Well, we can’t have that, can we?”

  He shrugged out of his suit coat and draped it over a parlor chair. Rebecca was impatient as he slowly took off his tie, vest, and shirt. When his toned torso was revealed, she couldn’t resist the impulse to touch him and went to him. Jake bent and pressed his lips against hers. It was a tender kiss, filled with love, and Rebecca melted inside.


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