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The Road to Justice/Sins of the Son combo pack - A John Fowler Novel (John Fowler (Books 1 & 2))

Page 32

by David Carner

  “Hello,” Archibald answered.

  “Quack,” the man on the other end answered. Archibald laughed. It was Duck. Duck had spread terror through the underworld during his rise to power, but he also understood that he had an odd moniker. He used it to his advantage. He had the ability of identifying himself without ever saying his name. Any fool could say quack into a phone, and no one could prove it actually was Robert Duck Mariotti Jr, the alleged head of a Mafia family.

  “They’re perfect,” Duck said. “2 cents each in student loans.” With that the line went dead. Archibald smiled and nodded at his lawyer, who hurried out of the room. Centomila in Italian meant one hundred thousand. Duck was telling Archibald that each agent owed over two hundred thousand dollars in student loans. Archibald handed his phone to his most trusted security man and walked out of the room. The security man began to destroy the phone.

  Archibald turned, went out of the office and headed outside. After a few minutes the lawyer who had taken the pictures walked up to him. The lawyer pulled out the financials for both agents. Approximately 55 thousand dollars of both men’s loans were in the hands of the federal government. The other 145 thousand were in the hands of private companies, most of which Archibald owned. The lawyer showed Archibald that the two men owed over 120 thousand between them to companies owned by Archibald. Archibald handed the sheet back to the lawyer who immediately put it in his briefcase.

  Archibald knew he was being bold, but he knew anything that was even remotely incriminating was in the hands of his lawyers, and Archibald was ready to use attorney/client privilege. He wasn’t 100% sure that would protect him from everything, but Archibald was certain these FBI agents wouldn’t know for sure either. Archibald had gotten away with so much for so long that he was ready for a challenge, and the only way that would happen was for him to give them something. They wouldn’t win. Archibald always won, sometimes he had to cheat to win, but in the end he always won.

  Chapter 78

  Archibald walked up to the two men who had been left in charge of the investigation. He stood between the two and stared straight ahead.

  “It’s a shame, you know,” Archibald said. He lit a cigar and took a few puffs. “He’s put you two to work to get his glory, and when he doesn’t find anything, he’s going to have you two fired.”

  The agents didn’t say anything, but they exchanged a quick glance. Archibald continued to talk.

  “I’m not the bad man everyone thinks I am. My daughter had something horrible happen to her, when she was attacked by that girl years ago. Yes I helped her change her identity. If I made a mistake it was because I was trying to be a good father. I won’t apologize for that. I have made a serious mistake, and I would like to rectify it, but I would like to avoid any undo arrests.”

  The two agents looked at each other. Jeff nodded to Steve. Steve spoke.

  “We’re listening, Mr. Staples.”

  Archibald laughed and held out his hand to Steve.

  “Steve McIntosh, I believe,” Archibald said as he shook Steve’s hand. Archibald turned to Jeff. “Jeff Hart?” Jeff nodded. “Men, Luke called me a few days ago about some outrageous plan to protect my daughter. I thought he had been working too many hours and ignored it. I didn’t want to destroy a man’s career in the Secret Service.” The two agents nodded. Archibald continued.

  “Then my daughter gets taken hostage, and arrested. I never thought once about the Senator. I didn’t.” The two agents nodded, sympathetically. Archibald was loving it. He was drawing them in. “Then my daughter gets home and tells me about the Secret Service agent that has fallen in love with her.” Archibald paused and shook his head. One of the agents put his hand comfortingly on Archibald’s shoulder. Archibald knew he had them. “I have a tape of him that I need to give to you.”

  The agents thought they had struck it rich. Steve looked at Jeff, and Jeff nodded.

  “Mr. Staples,” Jeff began. “If there is something that you have that will help us close this case, we can help make sure you are protected. We’re not interested in hurting an innocent man. Let’s face it, your family has taken a beating in the media the past few days. I’m sure your lawyer has advised you to hand over the tape and we can work out any silly misunderstandings.” All three men looked over at Archibald’s lawyer. The lawyer nodded once. Archibald looked back at the agents and sighed. He put his hands in his pockets and looked down at the floor. The entire time all Archibald could think of was how he duped the FBI, yet again. After a minute or so of this, Archibald finally nodded at his lawyer. The lawyer reached into his briefcase and produced a tape and a tape recorder. Archibald put the tape in and hit play.

  “Sir, this is Luke McDonald. I work as a Secret Service Agent for Lisa. Yes sir. She told me to call you if I needed any help.”

  Archibald looked at the two agents. “Can you use that and protect me?” Archibald asked. The two agents assured him that he was safe. Archibald smiled.

  “Gentlemen, this is great cooperation. If I may; you know I own many financial institutions, and I think I need to forgive the loans of those who serve the public every day. May I make you two my first, of many, whose loans are forgiven because they serve and protect this country?”

  The two men looked at each other.

  “Ah,” Archibald said. “I think you’re worried how things could look?” The two agents nodded. “How about we just don’t tell anyone.” Archibald snapped his fingers and his lawyer came over. “I need you to look into these two gentlemen’s private student loans and forgive them,” Archibald said. The lawyer nodded and took down some information from the two agents. Archibald took a drag off of his cigar. I may have lost Chet, he thought, but I have two more who are more loyal than he ever was.

  John and Jessica

  The Moores

  Chapter 79

  As John and Jessica were helping Rosa out of the car, Chet and Trip pulled up to the Moores. Arthur came outside. He had a concerned look on his face.

  “John,” Arthur began, “What is going on?”

  “This young lady may have the motherload of evidence on Archibald,” John answered. Arthur’s face nearly split with a smile with that information.

  “Well, come inside then, dear,” Arthur beamed. “Consider yourself a guest as long as you need to be.” John touched Arthur at the elbow. Arthur turned around and saw John motion to stay back. As Trip passed by John also stopped him. When they were alone, John spoke.

  “Look, I know what I’m about to suggest is highly irregular.” John turned to Arthur. “Arthur, can we hide Rosa here? I think she might be what we need to bust Archibald, and I believe there is a leak in the FBI that leads straight to Archibald.” John looked at Trip after that statement. Trip winced as John said it, but didn’t disagree.

  “How much does she know, John?” Trip asked. John smiled broadly.

  “Archibald thought she couldn’t speak English and said anything and everything in front of her.” Trip stared at John for a second, and then began to chuckle.

  That conceited fool said everything in front of her, didn’t he?” Trip asked. John looked down to the ground and then back at Trip.

  “Trip, she heard something between Archibald and Veronica. Archibald told Veronica that Bruce killed Thelma.” Trip’s face went blank. John continued. “Trip, you know it’s all inadmissible, it’s hearsay. Bruce didn’t admit it in front of anyone, it was Archibald saying it.” Trip nodded. His face was unreadable. “Trip, for all we know, Archibald knew she could understand English and they said the things they did to set up Bruce.” Trip looked at John and slowly nodded. John hated this. He knew from the earlier conversations he had with Trip that Trip believed Bruce was capable of the murder. John just didn’t see it, but that was the problem. With Bruce, John couldn’t see anything.

  Arthur had been listening intently to the conversation.

  “Trip,” Arthur began. “I will be glad to house this young lady as long as it takes. You know and I
know if she did hear something and Archibald thought she couldn’t understand English and that soulless ghoul gets ahold of her, we’ll never see her alive again.”

  Trip and John both looked at Arthur.

  “Soulless ghoul?” John asked. Arthur laughed.

  “Sorry, John, but that man is the epitome of evil,” Arthur responded.

  Rosa and Madeline came out of the house together. They looked like long lost friends the way they were talking and laughing.

  “Uh, Arthur,” said John. “She may be staying for a very long time.” John pointed behind Arthur to the two ladies. Arthur turned and looked. After a few seconds he turned back to John.

  “Did you say she used to be a housekeeper?” Arthur asked. John nodded. “I think I just found a new one. What do you want to bet she’s about to get a healthy raise?” Arthur was chuckling. John shook his head, and clasped Arthur on the back. Trip decided to head back to DC along with Chet. Chet started to leave, when he stopped and said something to Trip. Trip nodded. Chet walked back to Arthur.

  “Thank you, sir,” Chet said holding out his hand. Arthur smiled as he shook it. “I promise you there won’t be a need for a second time.” Arthur smiled broadly. Jessica hugged Arthur.

  “Thank you, Arthur,” she said still holding his neck.

  “You know it was my idea,” John said. Jessica let go of Arthur and punched John on the shoulder.

  “You didn’t dodge,” Jessica said.

  “You hit like a girl,” John responded. Jessica drew back to swing and John instantly moved.

  “Chicken,” she said as she walked toward the house with Arthur.

  “John,” Trip said coming up behind John. “Are you sure you’re sane, dating her?” John grinned broadly. He turned to Trip.

  “I’ve never claimed to be sane, Trip,” John responded. Trip clapped John on the shoulder and headed toward the car. Chet joined him and they took off to DC. In the morning the group would go question the Senator and try and figure out what their next move was. John looked around the estate and then toward the house. He realized his current. . . . girlfriend, for a lack of a better word, was getting very chummy with his dead wife’s parents. John shook his head. It sounded like something on a daytime talk show. John headed inside.

  Chapter 80

  John and Rosa headed into Arthur’s study. John and Jessica had agreed, for the time being, that she didn’t need to question Rosa. Jessica knew she could get a little carried away, and Rosa hadn’t done anything wrong, that they knew of. Jessica was standing in the kitchen with Madeline. They were having a glass of tea and pleasantly chatting.

  “I think it’s time you and I had a serious talk,” Madeline said. Jessica was a little worried. Madeline smiled. “Jessica, if Arthur and I are in any way standing in front of you and John having a relationship . . . please tell us. That young man has been through enough, and you have been like the second daughter we never had. Jessica, Sam thought the world of you. I know she would approve of you two. Now I may have said too much, but I don’t think so. I think you needed to hear that, but if I was wrong and overstepped my bounds, then I am sorry.” Jessica took a last drink of her tea, and sat down the glass. She was looking down at the glass, trying to gather her thoughts. She looked up at Madeline, smiling.

  “Well, since we are going to attack the subject head on, and not dance around it, thank you.” Jessica looked Madeline straight in the eye. “I know you or Arthur never meant this, but part of me feels like I’m the outsider, and I know the three of us have had a much better relationship the past three years than you, Arthur and John have. I care for John. I want to see where this thing between us goes, but I don’t want to make things worse here for John.”

  Madeline came over and hugged Jessica. Madeline released her and had one arm around Jessica’s shoulders. “As far as I’m concerned you’re a part of this family,” Madeline said. “Now, what can I tell you about that boy? Trust me, he was a handful before the drinking.”

  “Well,” Jessica began. Madeline smiled. “I was thinking about cooking something for him one of these nights. He’s always complaining he can’t get a good home cooked meal.” Madeline put her hand to her mouth to cover the smile. She started to move toward the other side of the kitchen, Jessica continued. “And he goes on, and on, and on, and on about this food that I’ve never cooked. I can cook all sorts of things, but . . .” She paused looking at Madeline for the word.

  “It doesn’t taste like mamma’s?” Madeline offered. Jessica nodded. Madeline reached for a book and flipped through the pages for a minute. She pulled out a sheet and handed it to Jessica. Jessica scanned it and her mouth dropped open.

  “Fried salmon patties, fried potatoes and onions, white beans, cabbage, and corn bread!?!” Jessica exclaimed. “Madeline, this is his dream meal! Can I copy this?”

  You can have it,” Madeline replied. “That was Sam’s copy. We had to get it from his mother.” She shook her head. “He would always eat anything anyone cooked, but you knew it wasn’t what he wanted. In fact, according to Sam, he cooked three quarters of their meals. He’s a good boy, he just has a little bit of a strange streak in him.” Madeline thought about that for a moment. “Well they all do, don’t they.” She paused and got a huge smile on her face. “Want me to help you make that?”

  “Now?” Jessica asked. Madeline nodded and Jessica grinned broadly. “He would love it. Has he ever tried to make it?”

  Madeline laughed out loud. Jessica looked at her in surprise.

  “Have you ever seen the man cook?” Madeline asked. Jessica shook her head no. “It’s amazing. He can make all sorts of things, but when it comes to his favorite meal, he absolutely ruins it. It’s like he’s too excited.” Jessica was silent thinking about that statement and applying it to a bigger picture. Madeline saw the look on Jessica’s face. She walked over to Jessica and squeezed her shoulders. “He’s a good man Jessica. He’s a good man,” she said quietly.

  Chapter 81

  John had talked to Rosa for what felt like hours. It was relaxed and informal, but it was still tiresome. Arthur had been there the entire time. John was surprised with some of the things Arthur knew, but maybe he shouldn’t have been. John was thinking about wrapping things up, when he caught a scent. He sniffed the air.

  “Do you smell that?” He asked, interrupting Rosa. Rosa looked at Arthur who shrugged.

  John knew that smell. John knew that smell like he knew the back of his hand. He always felt comfortable when he smelled it. It was home. John had a hard time as a kid with his ability. His parents accepted him and loved him unconditionally. When he was having particularly bad days, his mother would always make him his favorite meal; fried salmon patties, fried potatoes and onions, boiled cabbage, white beans, and cornbread. The smell stirred up feelings inside of him of comfort, safety, and love. He opened the door half expecting to see his mother there, instead he saw Jessica, with the biggest grin in the world on her face. He looked at the table and there it was. John didn’t know what to say. He just pointed to the table.

  “Now listen,” Jessica began. “I don’t want you thinking I’m you’re little maid or cook, or that I’m going to tidy up after you, but I thought you might like a little comfort food.”

  John grinned at Jessica and sat down. He took a bite and was instantly happy. He looked at Jessica.

  “Jessica, I think I umph.” Jessica had sprinted the distance between them and put her hand over his mouth before he could finish the sentence. The look on her face was of complete seriousness. John didn’t know what he had done, but it was wrong, and he knew it.

  “John,” she began, with tears in her eyes. “You don’t get to say that. Do you understand? You don’t get to say I think before whatever the rest of that sentence was going to be. You either do or you don’t. Until you do, you don’t say it. You can’t take it back once you do. You have to know, and until you know, then you don’t know. That made no sense.” John was breathing carefully throug
h his nose, his mouth full of food. “Don’t say it until you mean it.” She backed up and took her hand off his face. “I hope you enjoy it. I’m tired and going to bed, good night.”

  Jessica took off. John finished chewing and looked around the room. Madeline looked at John with sorrow in her eyes. John stood up and walked up to Arthur.

  “Arthur,” he began. “I need a favor.” Arthur nodded. “I think I need to go find a meeting. Will you drive me?”

  “Of course John, of course,” Arthur said. They headed out of the house. Madeline began to put things in containers to go into the refrigerator.

  “I don’t understand,” Rosa said. Madeline stopped looked at Rosa and smiled.

  “Rosa,” Madeline replied. “I don’t know if those two understand yet.”

  Chapter 82

  Arthur drove for a little while. He thought he knew where a couple of AA meetings were being held, but since he wasn’t a member, he really had no idea. John kept staring out the window.

  “You have no idea where we’re going do you, Arthur?” John asked.

  “No, John. No I don’t,” he replied. John pointed towards a little coffee shop and Arthur pulled in. “You think we can find out in there?”

  “I have no idea,” John replied. “But I thought maybe I could sit and you could let me talk for a bit since we can’t find one.” Arthur nodded. They went inside, found a booth away from everyone. Arthur ordered coffee and John had a glass of water. John started at his water for a minute and then spoke, never looking up from the water.


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