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SEAL's Second Chance (A Navy SEAL Brotherhood Romance)

Page 34

by Ivy Jordan

  “That was a great day,” Adam’s voice sounded from behind.

  I turned, blushing and nervous from his closeness. “Yes, it certainly was,” I admitted.

  “That was all thanks to you. In fact, I don’t think I’d have gotten here if it weren’t for you,” he grinned.

  “No. You got yourself here. You deserve it,” I replied.

  “I’m serious, Quinn. From telling me what to wear, what to say, and even how to run my campaign, you’ve been amazing,” he said.

  “Thank you. Those are very kind words,” I blushed.

  “Any chance you’d consider moving to Washington, D.C.?” he asked.

  My heart raced. I loved the idea of continuing to work with Adam. He was a brilliant, charming, and intelligent man, who just happened to make my pussy swell whenever he was near.

  “It’s just the power.” I could still hear my sister’s words echoing through my brain.

  She knew of my crush, but I’d sworn her to secrecy. I’d had a crush on Adam since I was just a girl, barely hitting puberty. He was my first crush, the first boy—well, man—that had made my heart flutter and gave my skin goose pimples when he was near. Rowena argued that also had only to do with power. Adam was twenty-four, home from the Air Force and wearing that beautiful blue uniform that brought out the kindness in his eyes. I was just twelve, no breasts, braces, and no hopes of gaining his attention as he sat at our dinner table, brought home on leave by my brother Garrett who’d become his best friend while serving our country.

  Garrett never came home again after that, but Adam remained close with our family, having none of his own.

  “Is that a no?” he chuckled.

  I pulled out of my memories, my daydreams, and the struggle within my brain that told me all the reasons I should say no. I was a journalist, not a politician, even though the rush of power had flooded through my veins like heroin these last few months. “No. I’d love that. But I’m sure there are more qualified people in line,” I said graciously.

  “I need people around me I can trust. I need people who aren’t afraid to tell me when I’m wrong,” he smiled.

  My cheeks burned as his eyes pierced into me with a wild amusement. Yes, that was me, the one who liked to point it out when Adam Andrews was wrong. I felt foolish now, realizing this was my president, the president of the United States—POTUS, as us journalists liked to say for short.

  “I’m sorry I’ve been so pushy,” I sighed.

  He laughed. It wasn’t a heavy or deep laugh, but a soft, light, and free laugh. It calmed me just to hear it, similar to the ocean gently slapping the shore. “You pushed me all the way to the White House,” he smiled. “Just give it some thought,” he said just as someone pulled him away for an interview.

  It was late, we’d all been drinking wine and champagne, and the giddiness of the lack of sleep, stress, and the excitement of the moment had him saying things he probably didn’t mean. I mean, seriously. Me, in the White House?

  I shoved the picture still gripped tightly in my fingers into my purse, carefully placing it between the notebooks, so as to avoid it being bent.

  “I’ll drive you home,” offered Sal, one of the faithful campaigners, as I walked toward the door.

  I’d planned on calling an Uber, but knew at this hour I’d have a decent wait for it to arrive. I was exhausted, and all I wanted to do was climb into bed. “That’d be great. Thanks, Sal,” I accepted.

  Sal opened the passenger door to an older Camry, quickly pushing in front of me to sweep the pile of papers from the front seat onto the floor. The car was filled with fast food bags, campaign buttons, and loads of papers. It looked like my life felt in that very moment: messy, neglected, and overwhelming.

  “Sorry for the mess,” he apologized, starting up the car and adjusting the heat buttons.

  “It’s okay. We’ve all been busy,” I laughed nervously, realizing that was true. We all had been busy, and tomorrow, there was nothing to do.

  “So, what are your plans now?” he asked.

  I looked over at him as he pulled the car away from the curb. His thick glasses made a glare when the street light shone through the windshield, making his bright green eyes almost disappear. I realized I’d worked side-by-side with this man for months, yet knew nothing about him.

  “I’ll probably get my job back at the paper. What about you?” I asked, curious about this kind soul who’d spent weeks of his life to help Adam, gaining nothing in return, except maybe the satisfaction that he’d helped put his president-elect into office.

  “I’ll probably just start writing again,” he said calmly.

  “You’re a writer?” I asked, hoping the surprise in my voice wasn’t offensive.

  “Yes. Political views mostly. ‘Donkeys have worked their asses off for over five-thousand years, while elephants have played in the circus,’” he said, reciting the passage of a book I’d read.

  “You wrote that?” I asked, even more surprised.

  He grinned proudly. It was a good book, at least what I’d read. It was a very unique view on the history of the Democrats and Republicans. “You’ve written several autobiographies of past presidents,” I pointed out, as if he didn’t know.

  “Unauthorized versions, but yes,” he agreed. “I’m actually surprised you weren’t asked to join President Andrews in Washington, D.C. Damn, that’s the first time I’ve said that aloud: President Andrews,” he said with a chuckle.

  It was strange to hear, but the part he said prior to that was even stranger. “Why would you think that?” I asked.

  “You two were pretty close. He seemed to rely on you for direction,” he stated.

  “I’ve known Adam—err, President Andrews—for years,” I said, unsure why I was becoming defensive.

  “That explains a lot,” he said.

  “What do you mean?” I asked carefully.

  “Well, just the way you two interacted with one another. There was certainly something there, a connection, an attraction. I actually thought it was romantic, but if you’ve known each other that long, that makes sense,” he explained.

  “He was in the Air Force with my brother. He became a close friend of the family before my brother passed away, and he’s just always been there,” I explained.

  I wasn’t sure why it made me so uneasy that Sal had noticed something between Adam and me, maybe for the fear it was more than just a closeness shared between two friends. I’d yearned for something romantic to blossom between us during the last few months. What if others noticed my feelings, or worse, what if Adam had?

  Sal pulled up in front of my apartment building as I directed him. “I guess this is it,” I said sadly, not so much because I wouldn’t see Sal again, but because I might not see Adam for a long while.

  “Look for my new book. I plan to write about the campaign trail,” he smiled.

  That explained the loads of papers scribbled on and floating throughout his car.

  “Will do, Sal. Thanks for the ride,” I said, sliding from the car and shutting the door.

  What if he wrote about what he thought were romantic vibes between Adam and me?

  Chapter Two

  Adam stood proudly in front of the podium as he unleashed his first speech as POTUS. It was two in the afternoon, but I was still wearing my sleep pants, and the only thing I’d eaten was a pint of cherry ice cream.

  It was strange watching Adam, now the president, from my couch. I was used to being by his side, guiding him on what to say, and how to say it. I wondered who was doing that now as I stared at the light-green dress shirt that washed away his baby blues, and the perfectly pressed handkerchief in his jacket pocket that made him look like he was on his way to church.

  His words were from the heart, and as I listened to them, it was clear he’d insisted on writing them himself. I’d read enough of his raw, unedited speeches and corrected them to realize he hadn’t hired anyone, or allowed anyone to take my place.

  My phone
rang with a strange number from the 202 area code: Washington, D.C. I gripped the phone in my hand so tightly it hurt. My heart raced as I quickly slid my thumb across the answer button before it stopped. “Hello?” I answered, sounding so unprofessional it made me cringe.

  “Quinn Hamilton, please,” the female voice requested with a coldness that made me shudder.

  “This is she,” I said quickly.

  “President Andrews has requested your presence at the White House after his inauguration,” the cold voice ordered.

  I was stunned. Maybe he hadn’t been just being nice or allowing the alcohol and adrenaline to say things he didn’t mean that night.

  “May I ask what this is about?” I questioned.

  “President Andrews will have the details,” she snapped. “A car will be sent for you Monday morning at seven sharp after the inauguration; your airfare is already arranged. Do you have any questions?” the woman asked.

  Yes. I asked what this was about, but she couldn’t answer that. I decided it was useless to ask anything else “No,” I replied.

  “Good. Have a great day,” the woman said, sounding somewhat human right before hanging up the phone.

  My entire body tingled at the thought of visiting the White House, not on a school tour, but upon request of the president of the United States himself.

  The phone rang twice, three times, four, I was about to explode when my sister finally answered. “Oh my God!” I squealed into the phone.

  “What is it?” Rowena asked excitedly.

  “I’m going to the White House,” I blurted out.

  There was a silence over the phone for a moment as I waited for my sister’s reaction of excitement to match my own. “Is that what you really want to do?” she asked.

  I hated that she knew me so well. My dream, of course, had nothing to do with the White House, or politics, but this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

  “I don’t want to go back to being a political correspondent in Minnesota,” I grumbled.

  “Yes, because you said you hated politics,” she reminded me.

  “I don’t hate politics, I just hate politicians,” I argued.

  She chuckled. It was good to hear her laugh after her long battle against a rare cancer, but I never liked it when that laughter was directed at me.

  “You don’t think you’ll be swarmed with politicians in Washington, D.C.?” she sighed, catching her breath from her good laugh.

  “This is a huge opportunity,” I pointed out.

  “This is about Adam, isn’t it?” she asked, her voice quickly filling with concern.

  “No. This is about bettering my career, adding something to my resume that very few can add,” I stated as firmly as possible.

  Another silence. I knew she was analyzing my words, my tone, my motives. I was doing the same thing. I wasn’t really sure if this was about Adam, or about the opportunity. All I knew for sure was I didn’t want to go back to my old job.

  “I just don’t want you to get hurt,” she said softly.

  I couldn’t imagine Adam would ever hurt me in any way. “I’m a big girl, sis,” I assured her.

  Even through her illness, and her treatments, Rowena always tried to take care of others, mainly me. Our mother had passed while I was in college, and Rowena took it upon herself to take her place, and she’d done a great job, for the most part.

  “So, when do you leave?” she asked, changing the topic before it turned into a long lecture that would end with us not speaking for a month.

  “Monday morning,” I said excitedly.

  “That’s less than a week,” she said, causing my stomach to churn with anxiety.

  “I don’t know if I’m ready for this,” I admitted.

  Rowena sighed, and then reassured me with praise and encouragement. She’d worked closely with White House representatives over the years, mainly checking sources, but that was closer than I’d ever been to the White House, or anyone in it. Her tone became more excited once I asked for her advice, which she gladly gave.

  “Can I stay with you?” I asked, knowing her answer would be yes.

  “At least I’ll get to see you,” she said lovingly.

  It had been nearly a year since I’d traveled to Foggy Bottom in Washington, D.C. where she lived alone in an upscale neighborhood. Her twins were away at college, and both determined to live on the west coast, somewhere warm and filled with women who wanted cosmetic surgery after they determined their specialty. Her ex-husband, Donald, still lived in the area, but they’d divorced right after she was diagnosed with cancer. I hated him, feeling as though he’d abandoned her in her time of need. She assured me it was her decision, not his, but I wasn’t sure if she was truthful, or just saving face.

  My week was filled with beauty salon appointments, shopping for dress suits that were professional enough for the White House, but flattering enough for Adam, and popping Tums like they were candy.

  “Hey, stranger,” Adam’s voice was so casual and soothing on the other end of my phone.

  “Hey, uh, Mr. President,” I stumbled as I struggled with the proper way to greet my old friend.

  His laughter roared through the phone. “It’s still just Adam.”

  “I’m sorry. This is all so new to me,” I admitted.

  “Me too,” he sighed.

  My bags were packed and on my bed—more than I would need, I was certain. I had no idea how long I’d be there, or if I’d even come back to my tiny apartment. “I’m glad you decided to come,” he said.

  “I wasn’t really given a choice,” I laughed.

  “What do you mean?” he asked with concern.

  “The woman on the phone wouldn’t give me any details, other than you requested my appearance,” I explained.

  “I’m sorry. I knew I should’ve called you myself,” he said.

  “Can I ask you, what this is about?” I asked.

  “I need you here. I thought from your plans to arrive in the morning, you’d accepted my proposition already,” he sighed.

  “I have yet to hear the proposition,” I replied.

  Voices in the background were pulling his attention away from our phone conversation and leaving me in the dark still about my upcoming trip. “Quinn, I’ll have to talk to you when you get here. You are still coming, right?” he asked.

  “Yes. Of course,” I assured him.

  “Great. I can’t wait.”

  The phone went silent as our conversation ended. He needed me? He couldn’t wait?

  I threw myself onto the bed next to my suitcases and let out a squeal. The president needed me; he couldn’t wait to see me!

  The driver arrived to collect me promptly at seven a.m. I’d been whisked away on business in fancy cars before, but this felt different, better. As we pulled into a private airport, my heart pounded hard against my chest. “Is this the right airport?” I asked cautiously.

  The driver nodded, offering a warm smile through the rear-view mirror. He stopped the car just a few yards from a large private jet. My door opened and the driver stood by, assisting me as I slid to my feet.

  It wasn’t Air Force One, but it was a private jet, chartered just for me. Adrenaline rolled through my veins as I watched two men scurry across the parking lot to grab my bags. Another man, tall, muscular, and wearing a blue Air Force uniform like the one I’d remembered on Adam, extended his hand to me. “Sergeant Glenn Peters, ma’am,” he said, gently taking my hand in his.

  “Good to meet you,” I said, still in awe of the situation.

  “I’ll be escorting you to Washington, D.C. Rest assured, you’re in good hands,” he said quickly, and then motioned for me to walk with him toward the plane.

  Inside, the seats were large, covered in leather, and each had a small table in front of them. This was first class on an entirely new level. I could get used to this.

  A blonde woman, tall and lean, offered me a glass of orange juice and a danish. My stomach was too upset to eat, b
ut I accepted not to be rude. By the time the two-hour flight was over, I’d managed to eat about half of it and was feeling a little better.

  I felt like a special agent, being whisked from my private jet to another black vehicle, complete with a driver wearing an earpiece. I wondered if he had communication directly to the White House. Surely he did.

  He pulled up to the black iron gates that guarded the White House where a guard checked his credentials, scanned the backseat where I was sitting, and then opened the gate for us to enter. My skin crawled with goosebumps from the excitement, and the sheer sense of pride I felt.

  Two men, both wearing black suits, stood at the front steps as the car pulled forward. One leaned in, opening my car door, while the other spoke to someone through his ear piece. “Welcome,” the man who opened my door spoke kindly.

  “Right this way, Ms. Hamilton,” he said, taking my hand in his.

  “I have bags. I’ll be staying at my sister’s,” I explained.

  “Of course. The driver will drop them at the location you desire, and then retrieve you once your meeting has concluded,” he stated firmly.

  I rambled off Rowena’s address to the driver, who signaled with confidence that he’d heard and understood the directions. The two men in black escorted me inside the White House where my heels clanked against a perfect marble floor with a shine so bright it was almost blinding me with the late morning sun coming in through the tall windows. A woman greeted me, her voice familiar from the phone call I’d received. “Glad to see you made it safely. The president is waiting,” she said without so much as a smile.

  Her face was tight and unfriendly, her build slim with broad shoulders. She didn’t look as she sounded on the phone. I’d pictured someone manlier, heftier, but she was a petite little thing.


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