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Desperate Measures (Men in Uniform #1)

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by Sasha Jayne Moretti

  I skipped coffee in the break room, and instead, made a beeline for the captain’s office. I stepped inside and closed the door behind me. The square room had two walls cluttered with awards he’d won, along with some of his diplomas and certifications. There were also photos from our station baseball team throughout the years. But there was one area I avoided. The framed pictures of officers we’d lost in the line of duty. It was too sad to imagine their families that were forever broken by their sacrifice.

  I stopped counting frames when the number went over twenty.

  The captain was abnormally quiet this morning. He typically started barking the moment someone stepped inside. But he never said a word as he stared at his computer screen. The top of his white hair was all that I saw. As I sat down directly across from him, I realized we were alone. Had the meeting been cancelled? That would’ve been a surprise. He’d never rescheduled once since I joined the force ten years ago. I must’ve missed something.

  I cleared my throat to get his attention. “Are we still having a meeting, Sir?”

  He turned his computer screen around. And there was a picture of my face staring back at me alongside two more pictures of us kissing in front of the movie theatre. He was on some internet gossip website. I skimmed the article. Christ, they knew my name and the station I worked in. They even knew she rented the theatre and that we watched her movie. All the details were there except what we’d done during the show, which was a relief. They must’ve interviewed the manager or the kid.

  Actually, it was pretty thorough detective work. I was almost impressed.

  But when I turned my attention back to the captain, I cringed. “What the hell is this, Weggman?” he asked, in an aggravated tone.

  I rubbed my palm over my beard stubble. “It was just a date, Sir.”

  “I can see that,” he replied, pointing to the title of the article. “Sloane Ardent and her Boyfriend in Blue.”

  “They got tipped off that we were there. I promise you, it wasn’t intentional.”

  “Do you know we’ve had reporters here since seven o’clock this morning?” he yelled. “It’s a goddamn circus.”

  Was that what all the cars were about and the strange glare from the officer at the front desk? Had the paparazzi been waiting for me? Totally dumbfounded, I didn’t know what to say. The article had only been out for a few hours, and I sensed my life was about to change. I should’ve prepared myself. Sloane had warned me this would happen, but I really didn’t think they’d show up at my place of employment. That seemed like a stretch.

  Apparently, I was dead wrong.

  “I’m sorry, Sir.”

  “You have to put an end to this, right now,” he insisted, tapping his computer screen. “I can’t have these idiots hanging around, trying to interview officers as they come and go.”

  My shoulders sunk. “Are you suggesting I break up with her?”

  “I thought that was obvious.”

  “With all due respect, Sir, that’s not happening.” His eyes widened with surprise. “My personal life has nothing to do with my job performance. You can’t ask me to break up with her.”

  “Legally, you’re correct,” he admitted. “But if this relationship interferes with your job performance, I’m within my rights to terminate your employment.”

  Astonished didn’t cover the shock I was experiencing as I sat with my mouth frozen open. I’d done all the right things in my life. I’d built a reputation for being an honest cop that stuck to the rules. And now all my hard work was in jeopardy. My entire career seemed to be hanging in the balance. “Are you saying I could lose my job?”

  “I’m saying I won’t tolerate this interruption.” He sat back in his chair, letting out an exaggerated breath as he massaged his temples. Once he’d calmed down, he continued. “I like you, Matthew. I always have. You’re one of the best I got and I sure as hell don’t want to lose you. Which is why I’m asking you to get this under control.” He pointed out the window at the overflowing parking lot. “This can’t go on every day.”

  This was such an unusual moment for me. In all my years, I could count on one hand how many times I’d been reprimanded. It was so odd, it almost didn’t seem real. “I agree, and I promise I will do everything I can to fix this.”

  “Excellent, now get out.” He waved me away with his hand. “I have work to do.”

  As I headed out of his office, I was still trying to wrap my head around our conversation. I needed to get some air. Then I remembered there were paparazzi waiting out there for me and I stopped dead in my tracks. What was I supposed to do? How was I going to make them leave? A police station wasn’t private property, which meant I couldn’t kick them out. I rubbed my hand over the back of my neck.

  “You don’t look so good, man.” Aaron said, breaking me out of my thoughts.

  I shoved my hands in my pockets. “I’m sure you’ve noticed the circus outside.”

  He glanced around the crowded room. “Let’s go somewhere with a little more privacy.”

  I hadn’t realized I stood right in the center of all the traffic. There were officers working at scattered desks all around us. Some of them were watching us, while others spoke in clusters. I had a feeling I was probably what they were talking about. No one around here knew anything about my life outside of the precinct. Aaron was the only co-worker I opened up to, and that was also pretty limited. I’d always been a private person when it came to my personal life. That’s why my current situation was so ironic.

  Now my social life was entertainment news.

  “Where?” I asked, as my eyes roamed the busy room.

  “Follow me,” he replied.

  We strode down the hallway of interrogation rooms, and he opened the first door on the right. The moment the door clicked behind us, he crossed his arms over his chest. “Tell me what’s going on. I got in the parking lot this morning and I was surrounded by cameras. They were all asking questions about you.”

  “They caught us together last night. We tried to stay off the grid but someone at the theater must’ve called them. Those sneaky bastards will pay money to anyone in this town with information on a celebrity.” I sat down in a chair with my elbows on my knees and my head in my palms. “I don’t know what to do, man. Captain wants me to get rid of them and I have no idea how. My job could be on the line.”

  He raised his eyebrows. “Are you serious?”

  I glanced up at him. “Yeah, he’s really pissed.”

  “You gotta break it off, Matt.” He sat down in the chair next to me. “I know you like this girl, but you can’t lose your job over it.”

  My stomach churned, sickened by his words. I’d never been this happy in any other relationship. She made me feel alive. It’s like my whole world turned upside down and I was able to be myself for the first time in my life. It was a freedom I’d never experienced before and I didn’t want to lose it. I didn’t want to lose her. The fact that I was willing to put my career in jeopardy just to keep her told me she was the one. “I’m in love with her,” I finally admitted. “I’m madly, insanely in love.”

  His eyes widened with shock. “You barely know this chick.”

  “It’s not about the amount of time we’ve spent together. It’s the way she makes me feel.” I put my hand on his shoulder as I tried to show him I wasn’t out of my mind. “You know I’m a rational guy. And because you know me better than anyone here, you have to believe it’s real.”

  Sitting back in the chair, he crossed his arms behind his head. “Okay, if that’s how you feel then I’m happy for you.”

  It felt good to have his support. I had a feeling I’d need it now more than ever. “Maybe now you can help me deal with this paparazzi problem.”

  He chuckled. “How?”

  I paused for a long moment, then the answer clicked in my head. “We need to help them find a better story.”

  Chapter Seventeen – Sloane Ardent

  I should’ve asked Matthew to come
with me.

  Hell, I should’ve told him I had an appointment. That was the thought screaming in my head as I stood outside of Julian’s office. But I couldn’t bring him here. After what happened at the photoshoot, I didn’t want to take the chance. Not with the Oscars only days away. Besides, I wasn’t here to socialize; I just needed to pick-up my new dress. For all I knew, he wasn’t even here. He could’ve been out with other clients.

  I turned the knob and stepped inside.

  The place was bustling as designers worked at different work spaces, shouting at one another for drawings, accessories, and fabrics. I wasn’t the only actress getting a gown from Julian. That explained why everyone raced around like they were high on Adderall. Actually, some of them probably were. There was so much conversation no one even noticed I was here. I made my way through the crowd, heading toward his office in the back.

  The moment I reached the door, I frowned. Julian was sitting at his desk working on a design. When he glanced up, he smiled. “Come in,” he said, in a cheerful tone. “I’ve been waiting for you.”

  I tried to hold back my frown. “I didn’t expect you to be here.”

  “Of course I’d be here. I have to make sure the dress fits, after all.”

  The last thing I wanted was his hands all over me. And after the conversation he had with Matthew, he might try to seek revenge by videotaping me getting undressed or something equally embarrassing. “Your work is flawless. I have no doubts the dress will fit like a dream.”

  “Very well, I have the dress right here.” He sauntered over to a metal coat rack. Several gowns were hanging in garment bags. Grabbing the one on the end, he held it high and unzipped the covering.

  I put my hands over my mouth, but inside I was screaming. He’d made the most beautiful dress I’d ever seen. The powder blue chiffon floor-length gown was something out of a Cinderella story. The scoop neck top was tasteful with beaded straps, while the skirt had a layer of transparent sheer that seemed to sparkle in the light. It was exactly what I’d hoped for the first time around.

  “It’s incredible,” I gushed, as I reached out for the gown. “Perfect in every way.”

  “I’m pleased to hear it,” he replied, placing the dress in my hands. “I’m having a bow-tie made of the same fabric. We’ll photograph well together.”

  “I’m sorry,” I said, not sure I heard him correctly. “What did you say?”

  With a confident grin, he replied, “We’ll be going to the Oscars together.”

  Anger bloomed in my chest. “After what you put me through, what makes you think I’d ever want you as my date?”

  “It’s simple, darling. Your detective friend left something behind when you went to my office. Turns out I have the whole thing on tape.” He came toward me, and I backed up until I was up against the wall. “Wouldn’t the press love to see a copy of that?”

  My stomach dropped. My mind flooded with images: the dress I’d torn, the fondling I’d done to an officer, the arrest, the handcuffs. It was front page news on every tabloid, every gossip column, and every blog. Even if I denied it, there was no way I’d be able to talk my way out of any of that. The evidence was all there. And I wasn’t the only one in danger. Matthew didn’t follow procedure that night. It was possible he’d lose his job too.

  “Please, Julian,” I begged. “Don’t do this to me.”

  I’d never seen him appear as happy as he was at this moment. “Oh, I’m not going to do anything. If you give me everything I want, you can have the tape and we’ll forget all about it.”

  A tear ran down my cheek. In barely a whisper, I asked, “What do you want?”

  “Your detective friend has been causing problems for me. He’s been asking a lot of questions, and word is getting around. I’ve had several clients cancel contracts over the last week, and you’re going to help me get them back.”

  I wiped the tears away with the back of my hand. “How?”

  He cupped my cheek, making me want to vomit. “You’re going to bring me to the Oscars as your date, then tell every journalist that I’m your exclusive designer. I’ll dress you for every appearance you have moving forward. And you’ll shut down any rumors they might’ve heard about me, all the while gushing about my talent.”

  I was going to work with him for the rest of my career? Letting him touch me like he had before, and wear the clothes he picked out? I couldn’t imagine anything worse. But what choice did I have? “And if I do this, will you give me the tapes?”

  “Yes, of course.” He kissed my forehead. “After all, I am a man of my word. Do we have a deal?”

  I couldn’t say the words. They tasted like bile in my throat. All I could manage was a nod.

  “Wonderful,” he replied, smacking his hands together. “You can have the limo pick me up here two hours before the show starts. LA traffic is so unpredictable.”

  As I turned to head out the door, he replied, “Oh, and one more thing. If your friend pays me another visit, the tape goes viral. Do you understand?”

  I swallowed hard. “Yes.”

  There was no way Matthew would agree to any of this. He’d want to fight back. And he’d probably beat the crap out of him, which he deserved, but he’d ruin us both in the process. Julian had certainly gotten his revenge. This blackmail took away my freedom, and now, the man I loved. And I was in love. There was no point in denying it anymore when I knew in my heart it was true. As the reality of the situation sunk in, my chest burned. I knew what I had to do.

  I had to break up with him.

  Chapter Eighteen – Detective Matthew Weggman

  I hadn’t heard from Sloane.

  She must’ve been even busier than she anticipated. My day had also turned out to not be what I expected. I managed to chase the paparazzi out of the station by having Aaron tell them I called out sick. After an hour or so, they left. Lucky for me, they never thought to look across the street where I’d parked my car. If they had, they would’ve discovered I was in the precinct the entire time. Unfortunately, nothing improved once they were gone. Aaron had received a call back from the last model who’d pressed charges against Julian.

  And just like the others, she refused to help us.

  I’d come back to my place to get my mind off of my new, unwanted fame. When I got here, I hid my car in front of the building next door just to be safe. I hadn’t seen anyone I didn’t recognize hanging around, and I hoped they hadn’t figured out where I live. Personal records on police officers are difficult to track down, especially when we are forbidden from using social media. Once I got inside, all the ingredients for tonight’s dinner were staring at me. I got started without knowing when she’d arrive. I’d cut up a fresh salad first—that was the easiest part of the meal. Next, I seasoned the seafood to perfection, and cooked them in a sautéing pan with butter. At the same time, the noodles boiled in one of the burners. The delicious aroma permeated throughout my house, making me hungry. But when I smelled the bread warming in the oven, I realized I was starving.

  My stomach growled.

  I hadn’t eaten all day. That was something new for me. I’d always exercised at least five times a week, which made me want to eat all the time. It wasn’t uncommon for me to have four large meals a day. Perhaps my new celebrity status made me want to diet. I chuckled at the thought. I didn’t give two shits about Hollywood. I’d learn to tolerate it for Sloane’s sake. My woman. The person I loved. I shook my head. I still couldn’t believe I admitted my real feelings to Aaron. And it came out without any hesitation or regret. Wow, I really was in love. Now that I’d finally accepted the truth, was I supposed to tell her? What was the protocol? I honestly had no idea.

  I’d never been here before.

  Love—and all the emotions that go along with it—might be new to me, but there were a few things I understood. For one, Sloane valued honesty and truth above anything else. She wanted to trust the people around her. And she closed up when she didn’t feel safe. That was why I
had to be upfront with my feelings. She most likely didn’t feel the same, and that was okay. We hadn’t known each other for very long, but I needed her to know that I wasn’t keeping secrets from her.

  I needed to prove that her heart was safe with me.

  A knock on the door jolted me out of my thoughts. I turned down the burners on the oven, and glanced out the peep hole. It was Sloane. I smiled and opened the door. She rushed inside without saying a word. And when she turned around to face me, I noticed her eyes were red and swollen as if she’d been crying. Anger bloomed inside of me. “What happened? Did somebody hurt you?”

  She kept her eyes lowered to the floor. “I came to tell you that I can’t see you anymore.”

  My chest tightened. “What? Why?”

  I tried to reach out to her, and she took two steps backwards. “I told you before. We’re from different worlds. There’s no way this will work out in the long run, so it’s best that we break it off now before anyone gets hurt.”

  “Why are you saying this? What happened today?”

  “Nothing, okay?” Her eyes welled with fresh tears, and I felt as if someone had stabbed me in the heart. “Please don’t make this any harder than it already is.”

  “You’re freaking me out, Sloane.” I said, louder than anticipated. “This morning we were fine. Great, even. And now you’re here telling me it’s over with no explanation.”

  “I’m sorry,” she whimpered, heading toward the door. “I’m sorry for all of this.”

  I grabbed her arm, but she refused to look at me. “I can’t let you go. Not like this.”

  “It’s in everyone’s best interest,” she cried. “Just leave it alone.”


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