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After [A Journey of the Twins Novel]

Page 23

by Janet Durbin

  A few of the women hollered at them. “Hey Ruben, glad to see you back! Randolf, I have something for you. When are you coming to see me? Romero, you owe me money from the last time you were here!"

  Ruben knew some of the merchants liked to see this group come into town because they brought lots of gold with them. Other merchants scowled because of the trouble that usually followed when they returned, as well.

  This was Grandfield's seedier part of town, his favorite section. It was a haven for murderers, thieves, and bandits, just like him. Unsuspecting people who entered for the first time usually left empty-handed after meeting one of the local bands of rowdies.

  On a few occasions, rich people accompanied by mean-looking bodyguards came to hire someone for a job they needed done with stealth and quickness. These people went no farther than the inn, inquiring from the barkeep which person was best for their particular job. Gold was exchanged and information given, and all parties went away happy. Law enforcement was not a part of this post-virus world, but vengeful families could make one's life a living hell until they finally decided which way to kill you.

  Grandfield was Ruben's home away from home. He did not reside here full time, but was here often enough to be known by most of the locals. His name was mentioned more often than any other as someone who could get the job done correctly. A few of the mercenaries with him were from around here. Ruben paid them well for their skills and bloodthirsty love of killing.

  He led the group to the stables. A stableman came out to greet them. The clothes on his back were old and worn. He had short, brown hair peppered with gray that seemed to have a mind of its own, going whatever direction it wanted regardless of what he did to it. His skin was wrinkled and looked as tough as leather due to too much exposure to the hot, glaring sun. He squinted when he looked up, even though the sun was not shining in his eyes. Drayco knew right away that the man was unable to see much.

  "Who's there, and what can I do for you?” he asked while reaching out ahead of him with his hand. He held a long stick in the other.

  "Old man, I have returned from a long journey and want the usual locations for my horses,” a deep, raspy voice replied.

  "Ruben! You crazy hoot, I'd know that voice anywhere, no matter how much you try to disguise it."

  "I should have known better than to try to pull one over on you, Crusty."

  The old man grinned and Drayco could see why he had been given the name. His teeth, what was left of them, were black and crusty, as was his skin with several layers of dirt.

  The party got off their horses; Drayco was left on his. Ruben indicated for Paul to lead the injured man to the stalls reserved for them. “I have an errand to see to. I'll be back in about ten minutes. Take care of him until I return."

  As they passed the old man, Drayco had to hold his breath to keep from gagging. The stench reminded him of meat that had been left to spoil in the trashcans during the hot summer months when he forgot to take it down for pickup a long time ago. He exhaled only after they had entered the dark, hay-smelling building.

  "Pretty rank, isn't he? For as long as I've been riding with Ruben, he's always stunk like that.” Paul put two fingers to his nose and squeezed it shut. He released it with a grin. “But he sure can take care of the horses."

  Drayco agreed on the stench part, but kept his mouth shut. He did not feel like talking at the moment. His wounds ached and he was exhausted from the abuse he had received from these people.

  "You sure are a quiet one, aren't you, mystery man? Don't see what all the fuss is about. Oh well, a job is a job.” He shrugged his shoulders and led the animal into the back of a stall, then exited. He made no attempt to help the injured man down.

  Drayco clenched his teeth and moved to get off the horse. A wave of pain and nausea shot through him. He felt the color drain from his face even more than it already had and sweat broke out on his forehead. With his right arm incapacitated, it was a difficult maneuver, but he finally made it down. He held on to the saddle horn until he knew he was not going to collapse. The pain slowly reduced. Ruben strolled up behind him and slapped him on the back, close to the right shoulder, causing the pain to intensify once more. Drayco shot the big man a look filled with intense hatred.

  "How are you doing now that you're on solid ground? Oh, did that hurt? My goodness, I forgot about that nasty cut, didn't I?” He gripped Drayco's right shoulder and squeezed. “I just wanted to remind you not to try anything while we're at the Inn. I'm expecting company and I don't want you to spoil the night.” He gave Drayco a smile and relaxed his grip. The smile contained nothing akin to warmth in it. The big man squeezed the shoulder several more times, causing Drayco to take it a sharp breath. “Let's get ready, shall we?” He steered the prisoner toward the exit.

  The rest of the group was already waiting outside after making sure their horses were taken care of. They were discussing what they planned to do next.

  "I'm going to get me a drink of cold ale and a soft bed to sleep in,” Paul said.

  Andrew had his arm over Sheena's shoulder. “I plan on doing the same thing, but I don't know how much sleep I'll get.” He winked at her. She elbowed him in the ribs.

  "Shut up, you maniac!"

  "You'll just have to make me, sweetie.” He grabbed her and held her against him, kissing her neck in several places.

  "Will you two cut it out?” Ruben said as he exited the stables with Drayco beside him. His face was serious. It broke into a huge grin after the others quieted down, their smiles gone. “Like I said before ... take it to a room, we're sick of seeing it.” The mercenaries burst out laughing, causing the tension in the air to dissolve.

  "Let's divvy up the pay for this fine job.” He pulled a large bag out from under his shirt and untied the drawstrings. The sound of many coins clinking together rang out as he walked to a small barrel located next to the building, his arm over Drayco's shoulder to keep him close. The contents were poured out and the glint of sunlight reflected off many shiny objects.

  "There's enough gold for each one of you to get 20 pieces. I want you to take your share and go enjoy yourselves. When another job comes up, I'll be in contact."

  Eight people strode up to Ruben. He handed each of them 20 pieces of gold. As the last person walked up, Ruben said, “Randolf, I want to thank you for bringing me this prize. Here is an extra 5 pieces for your quick thinking.” The rest had already left, so they missed the extra transaction.

  Randolf looked at the big man. He said, “I only hope he gets the same fate as Viola.” He crossed his arms in front of his chest and glared at Drayco. “I wish I could be there to see it happen."

  "Maybe you can. I need someone to bring the cat to the Inn. I will add more gold to your pockets if you help me."

  "It would be my greatest pleasure to see him suffer and scream like a little girl.” A sneer crept onto Randolf's face as he asked, “Can I help him scream?"

  "Of course. Like I said, I need help and I appreciate it far greater when it comes from a skilled professional like yourself,” Ruben purred. Drayco wondered what the big man was up to. His type never needed help from anyone, much less from this wannabe tough guy. He was still wondering when he was painfully steered back to the front of the stables. A bundle waited there; Drizzle was inside.

  "I need you to carry the cat. I have to keep an eye on this one in case he tries something. When we get to the room, you can have first crack at him."

  Randolf grinned wickedly and picked up the cumbersome package. The three men started down the road toward the Inn located in the center of town. Ruben had his arm casually draped over Drayco's shoulder to make it look like they were the best of chums. People murmured their hellos as they passed.

  "So, what do you think of my little town? Friendly, isn't it?"

  Drayco said nothing. He was too busy looking around, trying to memorize the direction they had come, just in case. He would need the knowledge if he were able to get Drizzle and himself fre

  The wounded shoulder suddenly sent messages of pain to his brain as Ruben grasped it. “I asked you a question. It is only polite to answer."

  Drayco glared with deadly intent at the man beside him. He replied, “Yeah ... friendly."

  "I knew you'd see it my way."

  Randolf snickered at Ruben's comments. He added, “Yeah, real friendly."

  The Inn was located on the right side of the road. It was neat and well kept, one of the few on the street that was. Plants in pots were on either side of the entrance. The paint was fresh and new, the windows clean and shiny. A bench sat on the front porch, and the door was propped open, inviting all to enter.

  Ruben led the way up the single step and entered the open door. He pulled Drayco inside. Randolf shifted his burden and followed. They stopped in the front foyer until their eyes adjusted to the darker interior.

  The inside was as neat and orderly as the outside, a stark contrast to the rest of the town. A man standing behind a counter looked up when he heard them enter. He had the appearance of a bank manager from the old west era with his prim and proper clothing. His short blond hair was slicked back, not a hair out of place, and he had a slender face. Any woman who walked in would have been instantly smitten by his charm and good looks.

  "Ruben! It's good to see you again. I heard you were back and had company, so I took the liberty of preparing the appointed room. Your things have already been delivered."

  "Louis, like always, so punctual. I'll be going to the bar first with my friend here.” He threw an arm on Drayco's shoulder, causing the dark man to flinch. “Would you be so kind as to show Randolf here where to put his burdensome load?"

  "Of course. Will you require anything else?"

  "If I know you, Louis, everything is in order."

  A slight nod of the head and a look that passed between the two men did not go unnoticed. Drayco caught it. He wondered, for the second time, what Ruben was up to. The man carrying Drizzle was looking down the hall toward the rooms and missed the exchange entirely.

  "Follow me, sir.” Louis departed from behind the counter and indicated for Randolf to follow him down a hall to the right.

  Randolf stopped and turned back to Ruben before going out of sight. “I'll meet you at the bar."

  "See you there."

  Ruben faced a doorway to the left. A dimly lit room was visible beyond the opening. “Drayco, my man, we have hit the jackpot.” He indicated for him to lead the way in.

  Drayco entered the room and stopped. He was surprised by what he saw. It had a shiny bar against the far wall made out of mahogany. A glowing stone fireplace in the center of the left wall provided some of the lighting, and a chandelier made out of spun glass hung from the ceiling by a shiny, copper chain. Candles burning in many holders provided the rest of the light. No windows were visible throughout the room.

  Tables were located in the main area, their tops covered with white cloths. Booths wrapped around two walls, some of them covered in a silky material with heavier drapes underneath in case the occupants wanted privacy during their stay. Paintings from before the virus hung on the walls. Drayco was curious where they had come from, and how they had survived the ravages of time.

  "Takes your breath away, doesn't it?"

  Ruben indicated for Drayco to take one of the booths near the fireplace. He pushed him onto the bench and moved in beside him, pinning him against the wall. The drapes were left open, allowing them to get service. A woman in a tastefully cut outfit that fit her slim, voluptuous body well came up to them.

  "Ruben, how are you, sweetie?” She bent over and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

  Ruben reached up and grabbed the slim waist, pulling her onto his lap. “I'm fine, Rachael, but I'll be even better if we can get together real soon."

  "I'm working right now,” she pouted. “We can meet up afterwards."

  "I'll be busy tonight. How about tomorrow?"

  "I'm off. We can play all day.” She lowered Ruben's face to her chest. He nuzzled what was in front of him with delight.

  Drayco looked away, disgusted, trying to avoid having to watch the spectacle going on beside him.

  Ruben sat up and pushed Rachael off his lap. He held onto her hand, turning her toward him as she stood. “Take this to buy yourself something nice for our party.” He reached up and shoved several pieces of gold between her breasts. A pat followed for each one.

  Rachael smiled at his actions, and asked, “What do you want to drink?” She left the gold where it was.

  "I will have a tall mug of refreshing ale, and my friend here will have the same."

  Drayco turned his head away from the wall and glared at the woman who stood at the end of the table. Her smile faded as she looked at the scar, then his eyes. Ruben frowned at her reaction. He glanced over his shoulder at the man next to him. An elbow firmly planted in Drayco's ribs caused the dark man to wince with pain and avert his eyes.

  "Be nice to the lady or you won't be able to play later.” Ruben's back was turned toward Rachael so she could not see his face. It became cold and threatening, giving Drayco a firm understanding as to what would follow if he did not listen. Drayco continued to glare in defiance. Ruben turned back toward the woman and smiled. “Please excuse him, Rachael. It's been a long, hard ride for him."

  Her smile returned. She put her hand under Ruben's chin and slid it away as she started toward the bar to get their drinks. “I'll be right back with your order, lover."

  After she was gone, Ruben slowly turned his head toward Drayco. “That was foolish and unnecessary. You better learn to behave.” He spoke softly, but his words carried meaning. “I can make things very, very unpleasant for you if you don't.” He emphasized his point by grabbing Drayco's side near the long wound and pulling the skin taut.

  The dark twin tried to pull away, but the wall ended his progress. A groaned escaped. Ruben heard footsteps approach their booth. He let go of both the shirt and the skin beneath it. His body prevented anyone coming their way from seeing what he did. He straightened and flashed one of his most charming smiles as Rachael returned with their drinks. He took one of the mugs and drank a good part of its content before thumping it down with a smack of the lips.

  "Rachael, you are a Godsend."

  "I bet you say that to all the women."

  "All the time ... but only to you."

  "Yeah, right. I'll see you tomorrow, wise guy.” She smirked and turned away to help other patrons.

  Ruben stood and went to the side of the booth that was unoccupied. He pulled the heavy drapes shut, then returned to his own seat, leaving his side open.

  "Why did you do that?"

  "You'll see soon enough. I said I have business tonight and I'm expecting him to show up any time now. He'll want privacy."

  "Who is coming?"

  "My employer."

  Ruben lifted the mug to his lips again. He downed the remaining contents in one swallow and looked at the mug sitting in front of Drayco.

  "You going to drink that? No? Then I guess I'll have to do it for you.” He reached over and grabbed the handle, bringing the mug to his lips. This time he only sipped at the contents.

  Fifteen minutes later the booth was still unoccupied on one side. Drayco leaned against the wall. “I thought your employer was going to show up."

  "He will, when he is good and ready. Rachael! Bring me one more.” He held up the almost empty mug for her to see. She acknowledged his request and went toward the bar. She returned immediately with the ale. Ruben stuffed more gold between her breasts and gave each a pat, followed by an appreciative kiss on the cheek from the woman. Drayco could tell Rachael was used to this game and knew how to keep the gold coming.

  Ruben watched her hips sway as she left. “Nice. Can't wait to get a piece of that."

  Drayco wished he had his sword so he could slash the lewd look off Ruben's face. He was sick of this man and the way he treated people, as if they were toys. When he got the chance,
he was going to show him what it meant to be toyed with.

  The room was almost empty now. Most of the other patrons had finished and had gone about their business, or had gone home. Ruben leaned back, calmly sipping on his ale.

  More than an hour had passed since the drapes were lowered. Drayco was surprised that the big man stayed so composed, especially after having to wait so long. He was almost asleep, his head leaned against the wall, when the curtain rustled and a black robed figure slid quietly into the booth.

  "Nice to see you again,” Ruben stated before taking another sip.

  Drayco noticed the hint of fear in the big man's tone. This caused him to sit up and look more closely at the figure who sat quietly across the table. Nothing could be seen of the person under the robes. Even the hands were hidden. Drayco felt the hairs on the back of his neck rise.

  This must be the Boss I heard so much about, the one that wants Shyanne so badly.

  "Always a pleasure to see you too, Ruben,” the figure whispered.

  Drayco had to strain to hear the voice; it was so soft. Ruben reached up, pulled the rope holding the drapes on his side of the booth, and overlapped the two, enclosing their seating area completely. When the drapes were shut, the bar's staff knew not to interrupt the occupants inside unless called for.

  "I see you have brought a friend with you."

  "Drayco, meet the Boss. This is the employer who hired me to find that girl you ride with."

  Drayco looked at the person sitting across from him. The thick, black cloak hid the body, but he could tell the Boss was not a large person. There seemed to be nothing extraordinary about him.

  How could this little bit of a person cause a big powerful man like Ruben to show fear? I'll have to be careful with this one. He continued to watch the cloaked one and said nothing.

  "I've brought both the cat and him here. With these two as hostages, it will bring the girl for sure, ensuring she will be captured as agreed upon.” Ruben kept his voice low to make sure no one overheard what was discussed.


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