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Page 10

by Vasser, LaShawn

  John Rutherford took a long drink of his lemonade while Miriam watched and waited for him to finish his thought.

  “This is some really good lemonade.”

  Miriam hit him on his arm, “John! And?”

  “And…I wouldn’t leave my son without a safety net.”

  “John did you bribe the judge? I mean, I thought about it but I heard she was as straight as they came.”

  “No, I didn’t bribe the judge. We’re going to win this honestly in the courts. If it even gets that far. Let me tell you something else you can take to the bank. If you’ve got your money on Ryan Carter to be the next Governor of Minnesota then you’ve wasted it.”

  Miriam smirked, “Well, actually…I already contributed the maximum dollar amount to his opponent.”

  John laughed at his wife, “Well, I can one up you. I’ve talked to my lawyers today. I’m planning on starting a Super Pac and raising a million dollars for him. I’ll just need you to weave your magic and plan the dinner party.”

  This was one of reason’s she loved John. His commitment and love for his family. He was not to be messed with when he was focused. Miriam knew it was game on.

  That look she gave him still worked after all these years. It still made him feel like superman. John couldn’t help himself so he kissed the love of his life hard on the lips.

  Chapter 24

  The hotel ballroom was filled to maximum capacity. The political fundraiser had been a rousing success. As they walked through the crowd, Ryan’s assistant made sure that they shook hands with all of the important people in the room. At ten thousand dollars a plate, it was a wonder they didn’t want them to stand on their hands while doing a little dance. This was the life of a Senator and soon to be First family.

  They were on their best behavior. Ryan made sure to be the perfect husband and Alicia made sure to appear to be the doting wife. They’d done it for so long she was on auto pilot. Alicia smiled, shook hands, and made sure to look very interested in whatever was being said to her. However, her thoughts were very far from everything that was going on in the room.

  What she wouldn’t give to be able to see Joshua Jones. That was impossible right now. Ever since Ryan caught them in bed together all those months ago, they’d had to put the affair on pause. It didn’t help that he lived in Atlanta and she lived in Minnesota.

  Their desperation to be together is what caused her to make the foolish mistake of letting him into her home and into her bed.

  Ironically, it was CkR International that brought them together. Alicia remembered like it was yesterday. They’d met almost a year ago. He was attending a business conference and she was hosting a charity event in the same hotel. Alicia was outside of her suite trying to get that nitwit of an event planner to fix one of the many issues she’d screwed up that day. Joshua was on a break. He saw and heard everything. Even then he had a way of making her feel like he could take care of anything.

  Alicia couldn’t remember what the problem was but she did remember he managed to calmly solve it. And, after having a couple of drinks together that night, he took care of her sex problem too.

  Alicia missed the sound of his voice and the touch of his hands. With the campaign in full swing there was no way she could take the chance of seeing him until it was over.

  Ryan was up in the polls but only by a few percentage points. His opponent had been closing in until the press conference. That stopped the bleeding cold.

  Alicia shivered just thinking about the whole mess. She couldn’t hate Ryan more if he’d poured gasoline all over her and lit a match. She felt like she was on fire anyway. All of their friends had suspicions for years regarding the state of their marriage and Ryan knocking up that black witch only confirmed what they suspected.

  Not only had he embarrassed the hell out of her and her family, but her father was livid! Not because of the affair because in his words ‘men will be men’ but because Ryan had been so careless. He was also old school. He didn’t believe in mixing the races. There was no way he would ever allow that little girl to be in his presence.

  He would probably even disown her if he ever found out one of the best lovers she’d ever had was a black man. Just thinking about Joshua brought a smile to her face.

  Ryan cut into her thoughts. He pulled her close to him; through a pasted on smile and clenched teeth he spoke, “Whoever it is you’re thinking about just stop. We only have a few more months left so keep it together.”

  Alicia stiffened at his touch and immediately relaxed just in case someone was watching. She offered him a warm smile and piercing cold stare.

  “Don’t you worry about me Ryan Carter; I know how to control myself.”

  “Like the time I caught you in my bed with another man huh?” He laughed, “I guess we both like a little chocolate on the side but you could have at least gone to a hotel.”

  Alicia’s voice was like honey but her words sliced like a knife. No one looking at them would have ever guessed the conversation that was going on between them.

  “I guess I should remind you that the bed you sleep on and all the connections that got you to where you are today are all because of me and my family. You’d be nothing without me. Let’s also not forget the little mess we’re in right now is because you couldn’t control yourself.”

  “Tsk Tsk Alicia. Don’t be angry because Vicky gave me the one thing you could never do.”

  The color drained from Alicia’s face. Ryan had crossed the line. She surprised him by stepping away from him.

  “Excuse me for a second. I need to use the ladies room.”

  He nodded to her as she made her escape.

  Ryan’s assistant appeared out of nowhere.

  “What was that all about Ryan?”

  “Nothing my wife and I can’t handle.”

  She gave him a skeptical glance, “Well, make sure you do. Remember, someone is always watching. I don’t know what you said to her but I know her face drained of all color. Fix it.”

  Ryan understood he’d taken it too far. Alicia was tough and she could handle a great many things but being unable to conceive was the one thing she couldn’t. Before all of the affairs and when he’d wanted to save the marriage, he tried to get her to understand she could still be a mother. They could adopt.

  Alicia was excited about the idea until her father made it clear that under no uncertain terms, he would ever accept a child that wasn’t of his own blood.

  The devil had a name and it was Alfred Foxworthy.

  Chapter 25

  Vicky slowly opened her eyes to the sound of someone knocking on her door. Just as she’d suspected Jason was already gone. She debated ignoring the knocks but thought better of it.

  “Just a second.”

  She reached for her robe and put it on.

  “Come in.”

  The door opened and it was Aunt Shirley with a big tray of food.

  “Good morning sunshine. I thought I’d bring you up some breakfast.”

  “You didn’t have to do that Aunt Shirley.”

  “I know. But, I just wanted to do something special for you. I don’t have money like the Rutherford’s so I can’t buy you fancy stuff or hire lawyers but I can cook. And, I’m a good cook. So, eat up.”

  Vicky sat back down on the bed with the tray and Aunt Shirley. She smiled warmly at the woman who shared her mother’s smile. Vicky’s appetite hadn’t fully come back yet but she didn’t want to disappoint her Aunt so she tried to eat a little something.

  “This is really good Aunt Shirley.”

  “Good. I’m glad you like it. I actually had another reason for wanting to bring you breakfast in bed. I was hoping you and I could have a little chat.”

  Vicky finished a bit of her eggs before putting her fork down on her plate. She was hesitant because she could tell by the look in her Aunt’s eyes that this was going to be a serious conversation.

  “Alright. What did you want to talk about?”

ou. How are you really doing?”

  “I’m doing…I’m better.”

  Aunt Shirley reached up to tuck a strand of hair behind her ear.

  “And, you and Jason?”

  Vicky couldn’t look her in the eyes, “We’re fine.”

  “Are you sure? Because from what I can see you two have barely been in the same room with each other for any length of time.”

  “Auntie…we’re both doing…the best that we can.”

  “Don’t let the distance grow too much further.”

  Vicky whispered, “I don’t know how to stop it. He won’t…he won’t talk to me.”

  “Make him talk to you.”

  “I’ve tried. I just hope with a little more time he’ll be able to forgive me for everything.”

  “Forgive you? Forgive you for what child?”

  Vicky couldn’t hold back the avalanche of tears “For so many things but mostly for losing his baby. He blames me, I know he does.”

  “That’s silly talk.”

  “No it isn’t! He won’t touch me and can’t even look at me. On top of everything he has to deal with all of my drama with Ryan. One minute I was the happiest I’d ever been in my life. The next, I’m living in a nightmare. Having my name dragged through the mud every day in the papers is horrible and it can’t be easy for him either. It would be too much to bear for anyone.”

  “Yes. You and Jason are going through a lot. And, it’s a shame Ryan is using Angel as a pawn in his political game but in a marriage you can’t let anything or anyone come between you.”

  Vicky reached for her phone, “I’m afraid maybe someone already has.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  She opened the photo that was sent to her the night before and showed it to her aunt. Shirley looked at the photo.

  Vicky felt that sick to her stomach feeling again, “That was Bridget the woman I told you about. They dated for a long time before I came along.”


  Vicky checked the phone to make sure her aunt was looking at the same photo she’d seen. “’Hmm’. That’s it? Are you looking at the same picture that I did? They were looking lovingly into each other’s eyes!”

  “Yes. ‘Hmm’. Is that what you really see when you look at that photo? Because I don’t see Jason looking at her lovingly. He looks tired, exhausted even and sad. You and Jason have had to deal with an unspeakable tragedy. But, if it’s one thing I know is that man loves you. He’s hurting. Find a way to reach him. He doesn’t need space. He needs you. Love him through this pain.”

  Shirley reached out to hug her niece. Vicky held onto her tightly. Shirley just hoped that something she said got through.

  Chapter 26

  Sandy left the house for an early morning run. She wanted to get her workout over with before Vicky woke up. She also needed the time to clear her mind. Never in a million years would she have thought she’d love Atlanta as much as she did. Even though it was so different from Minnesota, Sandy felt less burdened here considering her life was a mess.

  Her job was no longer fulfilling and her love life was a disaster. Although she didn’t regret it, making love with Franklin had been a mistake. She hadn’t really seen or talked to him since then. He’d called her several times but she’d let the calls go to voice-mail. If he really wanted to see or talk to her, she was only three floors down from his. It had been hard to put him out of her mind but she was making progress. But, she knew seeing him at the hearing on Friday was still going to be difficult.

  In the past when she was struggling with a problem she could bury herself in work but even that didn’t hold the same appeal. As a matter of fact, she’d been thinking about it for a while, what it would be like to just leave everything behind and start over somewhere fresh. Maybe even Atlanta.

  Problems follow you everywhere if you don’t deal with them. She needed to figure out why she kept choosing the same type of guys; men who weren’t emotionally available. First, there was Joshua and then Franklin.

  Even though Jason and Vicky were going through a rough patch she wanted what they had. They genuinely loved each other. Sandy thought that person might have been Franklin but obviously her instincts were more than just a little off.

  She didn’t understand what even happened between them? At one point, he really seemed to care about her. It was always in the back of her mind that she was just a rebound but Franklin always made her feel like she was so much more.

  She took a deep breath and thought to herself, “Did he? Or, did I want the relationship so bad that I convinced myself that I wasn’t?”

  As much as it hurt, she was going to have to close that chapter in her life and move on. Sandy turned the corner at a full on sprint back to Jason and Vicky’s street she ran into what felt like a brick wall. She went crashing to the ground.

  She yelped, “Ow!”

  Unfazed, the Mack truck that ran into her bent down to help her up “Are you okay?”

  Stars were swirling around her head.

  “I’m fine, I just need a minute.”

  “I didn’t see you coming around the corner. I’m pretty familiar with everyone in this neighborhood and nobody is usually out this early.”

  Sandy rubbed her forehead to clear her addled brain, “So, you’re saying this is my fault?”

  “Not at all…I didn’t see you. That was all I was saying.”

  Sandy let him help her up but she was a little unsteady, “I can’t tell if that was an apology or not.”

  “It wasn’t but I definitely owe you one. I’m very sorry. Your legs are a little wobbly. Let me walk you home. Where is home?”

  “No thank you. I’m fine. I’m just around the corner.”

  It took an extra moment for Sandy to catch her balance but once she did she walked the rest of the way to Jason’s house.

  Little did she know that the man who literally knocked the wind out of her waited and watched until he saw her turn onto Jason’s property before finishing his morning run.

  Chapter 27

  It was only late afternoon and Franklin was exhausted. He’d left work early telling his personal assistant to only forward pressing issues to his attention. Trying to fill in the gaps for Jason and dealing with everything life had thrown his way over the last year proved harder to deal with than he’d let on.

  As he sat in front of his big screen television watching the news, he absentmindedly picked up his cell to call Sandy. The call went straight to her voice-mail. What was he doing? Why was he calling her anyway? Franklin knew she wasn’t going to answer. She hadn’t answered any of his other messages and texts.

  What if she did answer? What was he going to say to her? Was he going to tell her that he missed her like crazy? That wasn’t a lie. He did miss her. But, he couldn’t give her what she deserved.

  Franklin thought he had loved April for a long time. He was even prepared to spend the rest of his life with her.

  After she’d mysteriously broken off their engagement and moved out of his home, he’d done everything to win her back. Yet, she wouldn’t even talk to him. He’d spent months suffering in silence. He didn’t understand why all the women in his life at some point seemed to leave him.

  Franklin wasn’t a man who wore his feelings on his sleeve. He still carried the scars of his childhood even though they were no longer visible. Having to hide all the bruises, beatings, and abuse his father handed out to both him and his mother taught him well how to mask his pain. He was so good at hiding it that Jason hadn’t even known.

  The abuse only got worse after his mother left. Wondering what ever happened to her used to be a heavy burden. Not so much anymore. However, every so often Franklin still felt the loss of not having his mother in his life.

  Maybe that was why it hurt so much when April left. He’d been abandoned…again. Then, out of nowhere, she called saying she was back in town asking to meet for dinner. Of course, he jumped at the chance to see her again. Hoping she would expl
ain what he did wrong? Why she left him?

  They’d met at what was once their favorite restaurant. She was just as beautiful as he remembered. Yet, when he saw her, the feelings that had always accompanied being around her was missing. Franklin told himself that it was because she’d hurt him and it would just take some time to get over it. He’d been playing that meeting over and over again in his head.

  As she approached the table Franklin stood up. April walked up to him and kissed him on the cheek as if it was the most natural thing in the world. As if she hadn’t walked out of his life and broken him all those months ago.

  She flashed a brilliant smile “It’s good to see you Franklin.”

  Franklin cleared his throat, “It’s good to see you too.”

  She sat down at the table while Franklin just stood there watching her with his feet rooted to the floor as if this was all happening from outside of his body.

  Her smile faltered slightly.

  “Was this a bad idea?”

  Franklin realized he was gaping and quickly tried to recover from the awkward greeting. He coolly sat down and tried to regain his composure.

  “No. Of course not. It’s just really good to see you. It’s been awhile.”

  “I didn’t think you’d want to see me.”

  The waiter interrupted them when he filled their glasses up with wine. After he’d left Franklin spoke.

  “That…could never happen.”

  April smile’s spread across her face.

  They spent the rest of the evening making small talk. Franklin had a million questions he needed answered but he didn’t want to scare her off. So, he forced himself to be patient. Throughout the meal Franklin found his mind drifting off; Flashes of someone else’s smile…Sandy’s smile.

  After a couple of hours of small talk, April hadn’t even tried to explain herself. It was as if she wanted to just gloss over the fact she’d left him months before their wedding. Franklin’s mind must have drifted off again because he’d missed whatever it was that she was laughing at.


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