Bear-ly Valentine's
Page 11
“Valentine’s Day,” Jack scowled. “Damn…” he grumbled.
“It’s a stupid day,” Lorelai whispered back, “and besides, Mr Valentine … I’ve got you every day of the year.”
“I like the sound of that.” Jack growled back…
“Get a room,” Kiel groaned.
“Drink your coffee and let them be,” Judy berated him as she put the mug in front of him and filled it.
“If you make this an Irish coffee you can name your price,” Kiel whispered towards her, and she grinned, her eyes sparkling with mischief…
“Suck it up,” Judy chuckled.
“Coffee then home,” Jack whispered against her ear and sent a shiver through her body as his hot breath tickled her skin.
“I wonder what my Valentine has in mind for tonight?” She giggled like a schoolgirl at the thought.
“Tonight, tomorrow morning, lunchtime, tomorrow night…” Jack whispered.
“Forever,” she said and he gave her the sexiest damn grin yet.
“Forever.” Jack assured her.
The End.