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The Long Ride Home (Cowboys & Cowgirls)

Page 3

by Danielle Lee Zwissler

  Holton swallowed deeply. He knew Elena was infatuated with him, but at that moment, there was something else in that look, in her response, and his heart felt as if it was going to explode.

  Chapter 5

  It had been over a week since she had said yes to him, and he was anxious for her to return. Since then, he brought his mother’s ring to a local jeweler and worked around a setting that he knew she would love. After that, there were a few things around the ranch that needed changed that he had to work on. For one, his closet. Just the thought of being alone with Elena in the bedroom made the blood in his veins run hot.

  Several times over the week, he had wondered if proposing marriage to Elena was the right thing to do. He had to admit the thought excited him more than it ever made him worry, but he had known Elena for so long, so there was a comfortable feeling there. At noon, while he was in the east field overlooking her property, he saw dust fly up her gravel drive and knew that she had finally returned. Not wanting to waste any time, he mounted his horse and made his way toward her house.

  “What are you doing here?” she asked, miffed for some reason. Holton flinched at the tone of her voice.

  “What’s happened? What’s wrong?”

  “Oh, I don’t know. I leave for a week, and my so-called fiancé doesn’t bother calling me once. It’s not only embarrassing, but a sign for what’s to become a rather boring marriage!” she yelled, looking more like she was going to cry.

  Holton closed his eyes and took a deep breath, not wanting to upset her more. “I’m sorry, Elena. Things have been busy here, and I just…well, I didn’t know you wanted me to call. I didn’t think.”

  “Yeah, you didn’t think. That’s just it, Holton; you should want to call me.”

  “Well, did you want to call me?” he asked, hopeful.

  Irritated by this new line of questioning, she huffed and made her way toward the door. She had two suitcases in her hands and one overnight bag slung over her right shoulder. Holton dismounted his horse and came up quickly behind her to unload the burden.

  “Just get out of here, Holton. The engagement’s off.”

  “Hey, now wait a minute!” Holton said, turning her to face him. “Listen, I’m sorry, okay? I didn’t think about calling. I don’t…I haven’t… I’ve never been engaged before.”

  “It’s common sense, Holton. I don’t want to be second or third or fourth to my fiancé.”

  Holton swallowed knowing that he really was deep in it now. “Honey, I’m sorry. Let me make it up to you.”

  Elena’s heart hammered in her chest at the endearment. She had only heard Holton call her that a few times and that was when her dad was in the hospital. It made her feel special. She looked into his eyes. “Okay.”

  “That’s better,” Holton said, as he put his arm around her, dropping her overnight bag to the ground. “Come here,” he said. She went into his arms and he hugged her tightly. Blood pumped through his veins fast and he felt warm and good and lucky to have her there. He closed his eyes and let her surround him. She smelled like lilacs and she felt so soft in his arms. He sighed. Elena was home.

  “I did miss you,” she said quietly.

  Holton could feel his heart racing. “I missed you, too. I’m sorry I didn’t call. I thought about you, though. Does that count?”

  Elena laughed. The sound was beautiful to his ears. “I suppose I can let you off the hook this time.”

  “I have something for you.”

  “Really?” she asked giddily. “Where? What is it?”

  He pulled back and smiled, taking note at the light in her eyes. “It’s at my house. Let’s go on over there and get it.”

  “Okay, I’ll be over soon. Let me put this stuff away,” she said and then left the comfort of his arms and took her things into the house, leaving him on the porch devastated.

  He was starting to have real feelings for Elena Winters…again.


  Thirty minutes later, Elena was knocking on Holton’s front door. It was weird, being engaged to someone and still having to knock. Elena laughed and smiled, feeling somewhat carefree since returning home. Holton had said he missed her and thought of her. She smiled and waited for the front door to open.

  “Hey, come on in,” Holton said as he opened the door. “Sorry, I decided to get a shower while I waited.” Holton had a pair of jeans on, but nothing else.

  “That’s okay,” Elena said smiling.

  “You’re staring,” Holton said quietly as Elena went past him.

  “Well, don’t answer the door that way,” she said jokingly.

  Holton nodded and then led her into the living room. Everything was tidy.

  “I see you haven’t changed things,” Elena said as she walked into the room. The living room was exactly the same since the last time she had been there—when his parents were alive.

  “Yeah, I’m not much into decorating. Mom had a knack for it, I suppose.”

  “Yeah, she did,” Elena said smiling. “I figured I would see lots of leather and a giant television in here.”

  Holton laughed and shook his head. “No, nothing like that. I don’t have time for television most days. You know me and movies…but I haven’t been to one of those in a while either.”

  “Yeah. So…”

  “So,” Holton said nervously. “Well, I didn’t know what you would want, but I thought you should have something…if it’s not what you like, then we can go pick out something different.”

  “What are you talking about?” Elena queried, almost laughing at the way he was behaving. “You act as though we’ve never met.”

  “I’m just, well…here,” he said, holding out a black velvet box. Elena’s eyes widened and she looked into Holton’s eyes.

  “Is this…”

  Holton nodded, then opened the box. Inside, was a lovely diamond engagement ring, a solitaire in the middle with tiny diamonds encircling the band. It was perfect. It almost looked like a stone that she had wanted when she was a teenager.

  “Oh, Holton!” Elena exclaimed. It’s…It’s…”

  “You still want to marry me?” he asked, looking worried.

  “Are you kidding?” Elena chimed in, “My entire life.”

  Holton took a deep breath and was dumbfounded by her excitement. “Really?”

  “Oh, Holton, it’s so perfect. I love it, and I love you.” Her arms came around him quickly and she pulled him into her embrace. He could feel her heart pulse wildly against his chest and his arms came around her just as fast. Suddenly, she pulled back and then looked up into his eyes and, all of a sudden, the look of excitement changed into something else. She moved her hand up to the side of his face and pulled him down toward her lips.

  He could feel the wetness of her tongue first as she moved to open his mouth to accept hers. And then he felt as if he was on fire.

  “You taste so good, Holton,” Elena said seductively. “I’ve wanted to do that for a very long time.

  Holton moaned and brought her lips back to his own. His hands were busy, moving up and down her back, in her long, red hair, and lifting her sweater slowly up her skin. This kiss was much different than the one and only other time he kissed her.

  “Mmm,” she moaned as she moved them slowly to his couch. He moved with her as if they were only one person. Soon he was on top, and she was lying back on his cushions. She moved her hands down his chest and to the waistband of his jeans.

  “No, no…”Holton said, sitting up. “Sorry, no.” He took a deep breath and ran a hand through his hair and sat on the edge of the couch while she sat up.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing…I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have…”

  Elena laughed. “Holton, it’s okay. I totally attacked you, and why not? We’re getting married.”

  Holton looked over at her. Her hair was rumpled and her clothes were wrinkled. He couldn’t believe he was just making out with Elena. “You’re not ready.”

; Elena looked at him with an amused face. “Are you kidding me? I’m ready, Holton, really ready.”

  “Okay, well… then I’m not ready.”

  Elena laughed. “Are you serious?”

  Holton nodded. Elena looked down and could see that he was more than ready.

  “Really? Because it…”

  “Trust me, it…let’s just…I’m sorry, Elena. We barely…let’s talk.”

  “Okay,” she said, amused at the whole situation. She held out her hand and smiled. “Put that ring on my finger.”

  Holton smiled nervously. “Are you sure you like it?”

  “I think we both know I like it, Holton! Why are you so nervous?”

  “Holton!” a voice called from the front of the house. “Baby, I’m here! Now, let’s get you naked!”

  Elena looked over at Holton and was instantly pissed. “Are you kidding me?” she mouthed and then moved her hand to his. He looked up and his face was almost comical, if it were a different situation. Just then, Beth Ann walked in.

  “Baby, I…what’s this?” Beth Ann said as she saw Holton and Elena on the couch, hands entwined and Holton missing a shirt. Elena smiled and Beth Ann narrowed her eyes.

  “Uh…well, I…this…you remember Elena.”

  “Elena, yes, I heard about your father. My condolences.”

  “Thank you.”

  “So… what’s going on here, honey? Are we going to the movies tonight or what?”

  Holton looked at Beth Ann and then at Elena. “Elena, could you…”

  “No,” Elena said, smiling. “I’ll wait right here…with you.”

  Beth Ann looked at Elena and sneered. “Holton?”

  “Beth Ann, I’m afraid Holton can’t make it to the movies tonight.”

  “And why is that?” Beth Ann said, visibly irritated. Holton just sat there, unmoving.

  “Because I don’t like to share.”

  Beth Ann’s head moved quickly to the left, glaring at Holton. “What is she talking about?”


  “How about I show you,” Elena said as she held her left hand out. Beth Ann’s eyes widened.

  “Is that?”

  “Yes it is. We just got engaged…well, technically we were engaged last week, but I just got the ring a little bit ago…” she looked at Holton and hinted at the interruption. Beth Ann’s face reddened.

  “This has to be a joke!” Beth Ann seethed. “In fact, I know it’s a joke because Holton told me that he loved me.”

  Elena gasped and stood, feeling foolish all the more she was there. “Well, I think I’ll let you two figure this out.” She was afraid if she tried to say anything else she wouldn’t be able to stop the tears from leaking out. He was only marrying her because of her father. What if she ruined something for someone else—ruined a marriage that was meant to be because she was selfish. “I’m getting tired anyway. It was a long drive back tonight. I didn’t want to be away for a minute longer, I’m sure you can understand,” Elena said, and then she walked out.


  An hour later, Holton stood on the other side of Elena’s door feeling like a total ass. He spent the better half of thirty minutes trying to figure out what to say to her. He didn’t expect the impromptu visit of Beth Ann, nor did he expect to feel the power behind Elena’s kiss—it nearly knocked him for six. He couldn’t help but think if he didn’t stop what Beth Ann would have walked in on.

  Just before he knocked on the door it opened and revealed a tear-streaked Elena.

  “Baby, I’m sorry,” Holton apologized. Elena looked at him and then walked into his open arms.

  “Is it true?” she asked, mumbling into his chest.

  “Is what true?”

  “Do you love her?”

  Holton took a deep breath and shook his head no. “I never told her that, Elena. She was just fighting back—she was embarrassed. I should have talked to her before I proposed to you; instead I just let the relationship go, thinking it was over in the first place. It really wasn’t much with her. She expected us to get married, but I never wanted to marry her.” He left out that he never wanted to get married to anyone.

  He could feel Elena’s breath extinguish and her body tremble. “Good. I know you don’t want to marry me, Holton. But, I think once we get married I can make you very happy.”

  Holton could barely breathe. “What do you mean?”

  “You were just doing your part—like you promised…I know you, Holton. You are still scared. You never wanted to get married to anyone, you told me that once before.”

  “Then why would you marry me?” She knew…

  “I’m selfish. I’ve wanted to marry you since I was eight years old. There has been nobody but you, Holton. Nobody since and nobody before, and there will never be anyone ever again that I want. You are it. I’m selfish, Holton; I could never be like you, doing something for someone else—for a promise. I’m doing this for me, so I can have you.”

  Holton could feel his heart hammer in his chest as he pulled back to look at Elena. Words weren’t needed. He moved his hands down to cup her bottom and bring her legs up and around his hips and then he pushed her back up against the wall and proceeded to show her how much he wanted her. It was like sliding into Oblivion.

  Chapter 6

  “So, you and Elena are getting married?” Joe Thomas asked as he started looking over Holton’s stock in the big red barn on his property.

  “Yeah, next weekend.”

  “Next weekend! That was quick.”

  “Yeah,” Holton said, nodding. It was what was needed. He needed to get a move on with selling off some of her Herefords and she needed the money for her last year of college. The whole thing was very stressful, but it had to be done.

  “Man, you are so lucky. Elena is a beauty.”

  Holton looked over at Joe and noticed his expression. “Stay away from her; she is way too young for you.”

  “You’re kidding, right?”

  “No, I’m not.”

  “Of course I’m going to stay away from her; she’s going to be your wife!”


  “Dude, you do know you are going to be married to her, right?”

  “Yeah, yeah, of course I do. It’s just, well. Never mind.”

  “Hey, Joe! How are you?” Elena said as she came into the barn. She had a big grin on her face and carried a large pitcher of lemonade in one hand with a few cups underneath the crook of her arm, and in the other hand she had a tray full of sandwiches. “Hey, baby,” she then said to Holton as she leaned in to kiss him. His face turned red and she smiled. “I brought you some sandwiches. Joe, there is plenty here for you, too. I saw your truck out front. How’s your parents?”

  “They are—great. This is a surprise. I’m pretty hungry. Isn’t this great, Holt?” Joe asked as he took one sandwich and put it in his mouth. “Mmm…”

  Elena smiled and then poured each of the men a glass of lemonade. “I’m glad you like it, Joe. Holt, I just wanted to remind you that we have to talk to Pastor Mike tomorrow afternoon. He just called.”

  Holton smiled and then took one of the sandwiches into his hands. “That’s right. I’ll be there.”

  “Okay, well…I’ll just leave you two at it. Nice seeing you again, Joe. Holt, I’ll have dinner ready at five if you want to come over.”

  “Congratulations on the engagement, Elena. I’ve been waiting for this for a long time,” Joe said, grinning.

  “Me, too,” she replied. “It seems like my entire life has been centered on Holton.”

  “That’s too bad,” Joe joked.

  Elena laughed as Holton smacked Joe in the arm. “Hey!”

  “What? She is much better looking than you, Holt.”

  “Why thank you, Joe.”

  “What did I just get done telling you, Joe?” Holton seethed.

  Elena looked at Joe and he winked. “Maybe I should just get going,” Elena said as she started out of the barn. “Don’t
forget about Pastor Mike, Holt. See ya.”

  Holton nodded and then turned to Joe, not answering Elena.

  “Dude, she is fantastic. These sandwiches are amazing.”

  “Yeah, she’s okay.”

  Joe shook his head. “What’s wrong with you? She comes out here and makes you lunch, brings me food, is cooking you dinners and she’s okay?”

  “What do you want to hear? I don’t want to get married. You know what happens when you get married, right?” Holton asked. He didn’t know it, but Elena was standing just outside the barn.

  “What’s that?”

  “One of us will die. Then what? I learn to live with her, love her and then something will happen and she will die. Then what? I have to learn how to do all of this shit all by myself. Look at what happened to her dad! Look at your dad when your mom died. They had to learn how to do it all on their own—I’m just not really into that.”

  “Then why did you ask her?”

  “I promised her dad. I don’t know what I was thinking—honestly. There has always been something…I don’t know.”

  Elena slumped down against the back wall of the barn, listening to their conversation.

  “Everyone knows there something—we’ve had bets on you two for years.”

  “I’ve been trying to fight it. I shouldn’t have asked her, but she needs me. I don’t want to lose her either. She is important to me, Joe, it’s just I don’t think I can be that guy for her. I don’t want to lose her as a friend, though, and if I end this, it’ll take care of the friendship and I don’t want that. We have so much history. There is so much of my life that has been just Elena. Everything has been Elena.”

  “Dude, Elena is wonderful; she’s not like other girls. You’ll see that she is perfect for you.”

  “What did I tell you earlier? Stay away from her, Joe. You are way too old for her.”

  “She is only 7 years younger; besides, all is fair in love and war. If you don’t marry her, someone else is going to snatch her up.”

  Holton sighed, “I know. Just remember that I’ll break you if you even try.”


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